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Marwa Mansour Al Zarouni H00327898

Date: 15-10-2017

Course: EPC 2903

Grade Level: KG1

Subject: English

Strand: Letter A

Learning Outcome: Students will be able to recognize the letter A

Resources Preparation

For the opening: Circle area

Opening Area: - Maybe the smart board will not work.
-Surprise box (Asking the children
what objects start with the letter A)
-Using Flashcards - Maybe some student will order in increasing
-S order.

Key vocabulary

- Stick
Guided activity: Art area
Paper with different tracing (teddy bears,
bowls and the bed) with different sizes.

- Scissors -Big
- Glue
- Colors -Small
- A4 papers
Activity 1: (Order the objects) in pairs

(20 minutes Drama area)

Bears (toy).

Activity 2:
-A4 papers - colour markers to draw the
bears in order.

Opening (Circle area)

1-Tell & Listen to the story.

2- Act.

Time: 15 min

3- Ask oral questions about the different sizes of the characters.

Guided Experience (writing area)

(Create you teddy bear but in order)

15 min

The Child The Teacher

1- Work individual.
2- The student will recognize the 1-The teacher will distribute
different sizes. the papers on the table, there
will be an arrow Start, so the
3- Cut the tracing, put it on the
right place. children can know.
2-The children will cut the
tracing paper and stick it in
4- Ask for help.
order from
- (big, medium, small).

3-Explain the procedures of the

activity, before starting the activity.

4-Distribute the papers on the table.

5-Following the students, to facilitate

them if they didnt understand.

Independent Experience (Drama area)


The Child The Teacher

- Work in individual. - - Explain the procedures of the

activity, before starting the activity.
- The low level: order the different
- Following the students, to facilitate
- The middle level: order the bears & them if they didnt understand.
orally the first one, second and third.
- Focus on the students different
- The high level: found any three abilities.
object that has different sizes to
order. - Challenge the high level students.

Independent Experience (Art area)

(Draw your teddy bears in order from small to big))

The Child The Teacher

- The children will draw the bears in - Will observe and guide the children.
order from small to big. .
- Work individual

Time: 15 min

Close the circle by a tidy up song and sing with them the alphabet song.


- Observe the children during when they are doing the activities.
- Take some pictures, videos of children work, during and after they finished.

Today was my third observation The lesson was on English subject and it was about the letter A. I had

weaknesses and strength.

My Strength were that made me happy and impressed is that:

What I liked on my lesson is that my voice was clear with the children
The activities that I have done was good and engaged the students on the letter A to learn, pronounce

and write. The children were so happy and excited while doing the activities because it was a new

experience and unique kind of activities they didn't do it before. What I liked that I reinforced thee

children by a sad face or good face.

The weaknesses that I really didn't like is that:

What I didn't like that I was nervous and scared while teaching at first. While I am scared and I was

teaching I was pronouncing words wrong and also calling children name wrong and then I was used to it

that i am not scared .. I forget the flash cards that I have wrote in the lesson plans.

I didn't control and manage the classroom very well.

The instruction wasn't given clearly.

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