Microscope Assign

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1. What are the functions of the base and the arm of the microscope?

The base provides support to the microscope. The arm on the other hand
supports the body tube and it is where the microscope is held.

2. What have you observed about the objectives?

They are of different lengths, they are marked with numbers followed by x,
some are three or four objectives attached to the revolving nosepiece.

3. What is accomplished by turning the coarse adjustment upwards? Downwards?

Turning the coarse adjustment upwards and downwards raises and lowers
the body tube with the objectives respectively. It also focuses or brings out the
object to be observed.

4. What is the other function of the revolving nosepiece?

It reflects light up to the diaphragm, object to be observed and lenses.

5. Which part connects the eyepiece to the revolving nosepiece with the objectives?
Body tube.

6. What are the two functions of the eyepiece?

It is where you look through in the microscope. It also magnifies the image
of the object that has been magnified by the objective.

7. Describe the function of the mirror.

It reflects light up to the diaphragm, object to be observed and lenses.

8. What do you notice as you change the diaphragm openings?

The size of the openings differ. The amount of light reflected also changes
in that the bigger the opening, the greater is the amount of light reflected.

9. What can you infer as to the function of the diaphragm?

The diaphragm regulates the amount of light reflected to the object to be

10. What parts of the microscope are being connected by the inclination joint?
The arm and the base of the microscope.

11. What does this movement do?

It allows one to tilt the microscope so viewing is possible while seated.

12. What makes letter e suitable for observation under the microscope?
It is small and thin. Specimens must be thin and small enough to allow
light to pass through for them to be viewed under the microscope.

13. Describe the position of the letter as seen under the microscope.
The letter is inverted.
14. Compare the image of the letter as seen under the microscope.
The image is larger or is enlarged as compared to the one using the eyes
only. With the microscope, the letter also appears grainy and not in straight lines.

15. To which direction does the image move? It

moves toward the opposite direction.

16. Why do you have to watch from the side when changing objectives?
Objectives are of different lengths. This is done to prevent accidental
crashing of the objectives into the slide and breakage of objective lens, slide or
cover slip
17. Why should the fine adjustment be used only with the HPO?
The HPO is longer and can easily crash into the cover slip and slide
18. In which objective/s can you see the whole letter e?
It can be seen whole under the scanner.

19. What are the advantages of using the HPO? the disadvantages?
The advantages of using the HPO are: the image is greatly magnified,
details of the letter or cell structure can be observed. Disadvantages include:
reduced field of view and the whole letter or structure cannot be observed.

20. In which objective is the light darker? brighter?

It is darker in the HPO than in the LPO and scanner.

21. How much is the letter e you are now viewing under the scanner magnified?
Under the LPO? Under the HPO? Answer depends on what eyepiece and
objective are currently used. If the eyepiece is 10x and scanner is 5x, then it is
magnified 50x or 50 times. If the eyepiece is 10x and the LPO used is 10x, then it
is magnified 100x. If the eyepiece is 10x and the HPO is 40x, then it is magnified

22. If a cell being observed has been magnified 200x under a 40x HPO, what is the
magnifying power of the eyepiece used?
The eyepiece used is 5x.

23. In what ways would the microscope contribute to the study of different objects
and organisms?
The microscope gives an enlarged view of objects and organisms.
Detailed studies of their complex structure and consequently their functions is
possible using this equipment. It also enables one to see and observe organisms
that are not visible using the unaided eye.

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