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Maggie Locke

Antonio Bogaert


November 23, 2016

Reflections: Blue Mind Photography Project

For my Blue Mind project I was very intrigued by the duality of water. On one hand it is

dangerous and destructive. On the other hand it is calming, serene, and peaceful. I wanted to

present the aesthetic qualities of both in my project, which is why it includes scenes of large

expanses of water where we see how peaceful water looks from afar. However, I also included

elements from waterfalls and moving water where we see the motion and power of water up

close. Both of these elements make water such a fascinating subject to photographit is never

twice the same, and every tiny ripple or droplet is unique in its own way.

When I was making photographs I was drawn to the way that the sunlight would glisten

off of the water. From far away, on a windless day, that meant we could see entire reflections of

the world around in the water. On windier days I enjoyed the texture and the ripples of the light

reflecting off of the waves. The reflections of light interact with the wind to create unique colors

in the water as welleither dark and broody in the shade or a magnificent amber-gold with blue

tones in the sun. Water is such an essential part of our environment, and it is a fundamental

element that reflects how we think and feel, which is why water reflections is the focus of my

blue mind project.

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