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Course title and code: Operations Management (MBA 622)

Credit Hours: 3

Semester I, 2017/2018

Instructor Berhanu Endeshaw


This course presents a general management perspective on the operations function in

organizations. It is concerned with how operations activities can best be designed and
managed to support the strategic objectives of both profit and non-profit organizations. It
covers the basic areas of managerial decision-making in operations, including operations
strategy (operations as a competitive weapon), quality management, productivity, product
and service design, process selection and improvement, design of work systems; supply
chain management, project management and operations planning and control. The
course is designed to place the management of operations in a strategic business
context, and to support the increasingly competitive business environment faced by
operations managers today.


Each class session has four major features.

Text based lecture/discussion intended to re-enforce and elaborate upon the

concepts developed in the reading, case, or experience.
Review an article-of the recent development in the subject.
Quiz/ test
Presentation and discussion of practical experience (plant tour) designed to
provide an opportunity to apply the concepts developed in the theory.

Stevenson, W.J (2015). Operations Management. 12th Edition. USA:
McGraw-Hill Education
Heizer, J and Render, B. (2009). Operations Management, 9th edition, India:
Pearson Education.
There are many more OM books at DBU Library.

REFERENCE JOURNALS Include: Journal of Operations Management, Manufacturing

and Service Operations Management, Production and Operations Management,
Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, Journal of
Purchasing & Supply Chain Management and Quality Management Journal.

ADDITIONAL READING MATERIALS-Additional resources and reading materials that

may be used will be distributed in the class or sent via email.


A. Review Recent Article on the Subject

Students will be given (2-3) articles which needs to be reviewed. The outcome of the
report will not have more than three pages, with one and half spaced and no smaller type
than an 11font size. The report should begin with a short executive summary (1/2 page).
The executive summary should be a short synopsis of the entire paper. It should contain
a brief introduction, problem statement and recommendation. In all instances, the report
should identify major issues, analyze those issues, and make clear recommendations.

B. Text Topic Presentations

Students are required to grasp the topic given and link the theory with practical experience
and share what they have in class.

C. Plant Tour (Contextualize how Operations Management concepts and skills
First, a group is required to grasp the concepts of Operations management theory.
Second, on the basis of the information in mind visit a manufacturing firm and produce a
report that will be reported to a formal presentation up on it.
The presentation is to be 15 minutes in length and a 2 to 3 page (minimum). There
will be 10 minutes slot for discussion.
Note that the tours must be manufacturing firm.
Your report is expected to cover at least the following:
Company name and location. What is the physical size of the facility? How is this
divided between office and plant? How many people do they employ? State the
name and title of the person who conducted your tour. If you are able, please
obtain the tour guide's business card or mobile number.
Main product: supplied by this company? Who are their clients/customers?
What type of manufacturing process is used? (job- shop, batch flow, worker-
paced line flow, machine-paced, continuous flow, hybrid, or other)
Do a plant-layout for the facility indicating the location of various Departments
and major equipment.
Inventory Control Systems: describe the inventory control system(s) in use and
why the company selected the system(s) they use. Are they satisfied with the
system in use or are they planning to make changes? Is their system manual or
Quality Control: What procedures are used? Is S.P.C. (Statistical Process
Control) used? Explain in some detail using appropriate exhibits.
Plant Maintenance Policy: Do they use a special procedure or simply "fix it when
it breaks"? Describe in some detail and their reasoning for their policy.
Ergonomics: What has been done to make the manufacturing plant or service
delivery equipment "people-friendly for the employees of the firm you are
touring? Ensure that you understand exactly what Ergonomics is.
Unexpected: What did you learn from the tour that you did NOT expect?

Based on all the information you have compiled, what problems does this company
appear to have regarding the Operations Management side of their company?
What are your recommendations for improvement?
For Better Presentation
Take a still/digital camera or a video camera with you.
Note that you MUST obtain the firms' permission to photograph or video their
facility. Not all firms will permit you to do so.
Many firms have promotional videos or product samples or displays: They may be
willing to loan to you for your presentation. Kindly ensure that you return such
materials to the firm PROMPTLY!
Send an "outline" of what you require for your "in-class" presentation to the firm
you plan to visit in advance. In this way, they may be agreeable to constructing the
"tour" around your requirements. Note that some firms are unwilling to provide all
of the information that you would like to have for your presentation. If they refuse,
please DO NOT push the issue--whatever they are doing to help you is pure
generosity on the part of the individual and/or firm. Please be thankful for whatever
help they provide---they are not obligated to help you at all! If you cant get what
you need - contact another firm!
Collect a letter that certifies you are a student of MBA and aim of the plant visit.
Appropriate dress and manner of presentation during any presentation will be a
D. Evaluation
Max. Points out of
Evaluation Summary 100%
Individual Evaluation
Quiz/Test 15%
Final Examination 40%
Group Evaluation
Article review report and presentations 15%
Text Topic Presentations with practical example. 15%
Plant Tour (Contextualize how Operations Management 15%
concepts and skill works)
Course Total 100% 100%

Missing the above activities will score INCOMPLETE unless the student provides
satisfactory documentation.
Students are required to adhere to all University policies.
Standard for Written Work
Students are expected to use an acceptable standard of a report for all assignments.
Technical errors (spelling, punctuation, proofing, grammar, format, and citations) and/or
inappropriate levels of language or composition may result in marks being deducted.

Topic Description
1. Operations Management Concepts
1.1 An overview of Operations management
1.2 production Systems and its Components
1.3 Scope of Operations Management
1.4 Productivity Measurement
1.5 Operations Decision Making
2. Design of Operations System
2.1 Product Design and Development
2.2 Process Design
2.3 Capacity Planning
2.4 Facility Location
2.5 Facility Layout
2.6 Job Design and Work Measurement
3. Supply Chain DesignPresented by Group 1(..)
3.1 Understanding Supply Chains, inbound and outbound logistics and its
3.2 Understanding and Measuring Supply Chain Performance
3.3 Key Requirements in Designing the Supply Chain and the impact of technology
on supply chains.
3.4 Requirements of a successful supply chain.
4. Operations Planning and ControlPresented by Group 2 ( ..)
4.1 Aggregate Production Planning
4.2 Materials Requirement Planning and Enterprise Requirement planning
4.3 Production Activity Control (Scheduling)
4.4 Inventory ManagementPresented by Group 3 (..)
5. Just-In-Time and Lean Manufacturing
5.1 Principles of Lean Operating Systems

5.2 Lean Tools and Approaches
5.3 Just-In-Time Systems
6. Quality Management.Presented by Group 4 (..)
6.1 Total Quality Management
6.2 Statistical Quality Control
6.3 Maintenance and Cost.
6.4 Kaizen (Continuous quality improvement)
Final Exam

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