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A ship is built at a shipyard. It is a difficult job which takes a long time. When plans
have been made and everything is ready, the keel is laid. Then, the frames must be
fitted and after that the plates and the hull of the ship is ready.
By watertight bulkheads, the ship Is divided Into compartments, so that, when there
Is a collision, the ship cannot sink. The ship must also be seaworthy. The man who
knows about all these things Is the naval architect.
He takes care that ship Is safe, fast and comfortable. The engines are made and
Installed by an engineering works. When everything has been finished, the ship is

shipyard = galangan kapal
difficult = sukar
plan = rencana
ready = siap
frames = kerangka
to divide Into = membagi
collision = tubrukan
safQ = aman
to sink = tenggelam
inaval architect = ahli bangunan kapal
comfortable = nyaman
to Install = memasang, menyambung
to finish = menyelesaikan
to iaunch = meluncurkan
compartment = ruangan, bagian
bulkhead = sekat, dinding
after/peak = ceruk belakang

fore peak = ceruk haluan
engine room = kamar mesin
chart room = kamar peta
galley = dapur
pantry = gudang
flagstaff = tiang bendera
davit = dewi-dewi
lifeboat = sekoci penolong
life raft = rakit penolong
buoy = buih
keel = lunas
bow = buritan
stewm = haluan


Answer the following questions based on the text!

1. Where is the ship built ?

2. Does is take a short time to built a ship ?
3. When is the keel laid ?
4. What Is the Indonesian for "watertight" compartment ?
5. Who Is the Naval architect ?
6. Must a ship be seaworthy ?

Simple Past Tense.
Simple Past Tense digunakan untuk pekerjaan yang telah selesai di masa lampau.
Contoh : She graduated from high school last year.
The game ended at two o'clock.
Cara pembentukan kata kerja Simple past tense ialah dengan menambahkan
akhiran 'ed' pada kata kerja, baik untuk kata ganti orang pertama, kedua, ketiga,
tunggal maupun jamak.

Ketentuan penambahan akhiran -.ed.
Apabila kata kerja tersebut berakhlran dengan huruf, hanya tingga! ditambah
akhiran d.
Like - liked
Arrive - arrived
Apabila kata kerja tersebut berakhiran dengan huruf y yang didahului oleh huruf
mati, y berubah menjadi i dan ditambah - ed.
Study - studied
Try - tried, tetapi play - played
Ada beberapa kata kerja yang sama sekali berubah bentuk, yang disebutirregular
verbs atau kata kerja tak beraturan.
Go - went
Pay - paid
Write - wrote
Buy - bought
Take - took
Fly - flew
Get - got
Spend - spent
Untuk membentuk katimat negatif dan pertanyaan dan katimat simple past tense
dipakai kata keda bantu 'did' untuk semua bentuk kata ganti orang, balk tunggal
maupun jamak.
Contoh : 1. (+) He arrived on time.
> (-) He did not arrive on time.
(?) Did he arrive on time ?
2. (+) I went to school.
(-) I did not go to school.
(?) Did I goto school ?

a. Change the verbs in brackets into past tense.
1. He (go) to the office with his friend this morning.
2. The company (want) to buy a new ship last year.
3. Someone (paint) the bulkhead.
4. Captain (give) his order to cadets.
5. The vessel (carry) many passengers from Hongkong to Japan.
6. The officer (write) the report on his desk.
7. He (finish) working at 10 last night.
8. They (take) a walk to get some exercise.

b. Translation
1. He has choosen the same profession as his father.
2. Three members of crew are drawned.
3. They will try to repair the old boiler.
4. They usually start half past eight.
5. The captain gives the orders and the crew must obey
6. We have to turn full speed astern to prevent the collision.
7. The ship covered the distance from Netherland to Jakarta in about three
8. The ship must also be seaworthy.

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