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1- Da`wah is the Way of Prophet and His Sunnah

The First Command

Since the very beginning of Islam, the Prophet (peace be upon him) received
the first command from Allah (Exalted be He) to arise and give Da`wah to
O you enveloped in garments. Arise and warn. And magnify your
Lord. And purify your garments. And keep away from the idols. And
do not slacken in seeking more good. And be patient for the sake of
your Lord. (Al-Muddaththir74-1:7)

Unfortunately, da`wah (inviting people to Islam) is not as easy as one

imagines. Ibn Al-Qayyim stated that da`wah has the highest status, because
that was the role of all prophets (peace and blessings be upon them). We
constantly read in the Quran how the prophets were patient with their
people, with Noah, for example, praying against them only after 950 years of
calling them to worship the One God. Nowadays, however, we are quick to
condemn people eternally to disbelief, when even in the Quran, Almighty
Allah tells us that a person has, until just before his death, to believe. We do
this mistake either by looking down on others instead of loving for our
brothers what we love for ourselves which includes loving Islam for the
disbeliever as we love it for ourselves or by giving up on them after failing
to see the fruits of our call.

This is why it is crucial to return to the Prophets example. When he was in

Mecca, we know that he was attacked brutally for his message. But there
were certain ringleaders: Abu Jahal, Abu Lahab, Al-Walid ibn Mugheera, and
Abu Sufyan. After almost 20 years of the Prophets da`wah, after fighting
numerous wars against the Muslims, and after the conquest of Mecca, Abu
Sufyan accepted Islam. He then fought for Islam and even lost his eye in one
of the battles. Who would have thought that a man like Abu Sufyan would
finally accept Islam? He could have apostated as many tribes did after the
Prophets death, but he did not.

No matter how horrible a person seems to us, we should not assume that this
person will never accept Islam. Look at the example of `Umar ibn Al-Khattab,
who would beat female slaves when he found out they converted. But indeed
Allah guides whom He pleases. `Umar became one of the Prophets closest
Companions, one of ten Companions given glad tidings they would enter
Paradise, and the second of the rightly-guided Caliphs.

Da`wah is not to allure people or put pressure on them to convert to Islam.

The dai`ah must be aware that his/her job is not to compel people to enter
Islam exploiting their needs, weakness, circumstances, or poverty, as it is
commonly practised by the Christian missionaries. Allah (Exalted be He) said:
There is no compulsion in religion. (Al-Baqarah 2:255)
Moreover, one has to put in the back of his mind that they are not a guardian
over people, as Quran says:
So remind them you are only one who reminds. You are not a
dictator over them. (Al-Ghashiyah 88:21, 22)

Oleh itu berikanlah sahaja peringatan (wahai Muhammad, kepada manusia,

dan janganlah berdukacita kiranya ada yang menolaknya), kerana
sesungguhnya engkau hanyalah seorang Rasul pemberi ingatan;

Bukanlah engkau seorang yang berkuasa memaksa mereka (menerima ajaran

Islam yang engkau sampaikan itu).

Be Consistent in Your Da`wah

The successful dai`ah should stick to his da`wah under all circumstances and
never abandon it. If people turn away from the dai`ah, he/she should
exercise more patience and keep carrying on his/her duties with confidence
that that the seed he sow, will one day prosper.
It is natural, in the course of the da`wah, to face hardships and obstacles;
but this should not make the dai`ah think of him/herself as disqualified
for dawah or magnify his/her mistakes or adopt more forceful methods
for da`wah.
It was natural for him to feel sad because of his people insistence on
disbelief. In a number of verses in Quran , Allah consoles His Messenger for
his sorrow over them:
So destroy not yourself in sorrow for them. (Fatir 35:8)
And grieve not over them. (An-Nahl 16:127)
It may be that you are going to kill yourself with grief, that they do
not become believers. (Ash-Shu`araa 26:3)
Perhaps, you would kill yourself in grief, over their footsteps,
because they believe not in this narration. (Al-Kahf 18:3)
These verses comforted the Prophet; they do not instruct him to repress his
natural feelings of sadness, but rather advise him not to let their rejection
trouble him by intensifying his sorrow for them.

Sunnah terbahagi kepada 3:

1- surah(penampilan)cth: janggut, serban, celak, minyak wangi dll.
2- Sirrah (perjanan@cara hidup)cth: solat jemaah, kahwin, masuk
tandas, makan, tidur dll.
3- Sarirrah (pemikiran) cth: nabi menangis kenangkan
umat...rungsing, risau, bimbang umat...
apa fikir nabi?
Nabi fikir macammana semua org dapat masuk syurga dan selamat
dr azab api neraka, kita kena belajar benda2 nih, kita kena fikir
macamana semua org lelaki dpt solat jemaah 5 waktu, semua
wanita tutup aurat sempurna, semua kanak2 taat perintah ibu
bapa, semua isteri taat perintah suami, semua lelaki taat
peminmpin, semua perempaun solat awal waktu,
wujud suasana ugama yg mana lelaki jumpa lelaki cakap kebesaran
Allah, wanita jumpa wanita cakap kebesaran Allah, kanak2 jumpa
kanak2 cakap kebesaran Allah
Fikir macamana bayi yg paling akhir zamanpun dapat ucap kalimah
boleh insyaAllah?

The Muslim Business: An Overlooked Dawah Opportunity

Da`wah for Muslim Co-Workers

If you work for others, then da`wah for you would consist of the
following: exemplifying Islamic manners (akhlaq), being an efficient worker,
leaving an Islamically oriented conversation piece on your desk or work
station to invite questions from the curious, being cordial and friendly to
others, assisting them above and beyond the call of duty, and being prepared
to discuss your beliefs and traditions at any time.

One perceptive early Muslim, Hasan Al Basri, said:

And I shouldnt find you approaching a group of people who are busy with
something else and then preaching to them. Instead, remain silent and when
they ask you to speak, start unraveling your message, for then they will be
ready for it.
The Blessed Prophet was noted for a very respectful, humble style of
conversation. He reasoned with people, not at them. He showed concern for
their families, business and well-being, and he was always reserved, never
unduly harsh or uncouth.
For further example, we read that Allah instructed His servant, the Blessed
Musa, to go to Pharaoh and,
speak a gentle word to him that he might heed or fear. (Ta-
Ha 20:44)

What is da`wah to Muslims? The blessed Prophet (peace be upon him) said,
Seek out your brothers for these three things: If they are sick, visit them; If
they are busy, help them, and if they have forgotten, remind them.

Another thing to stay away from is the so called "miracles" about the Quran and Islam that are
not mentioned in the Quran or in the Sunnah of the Prophet (Peace and blessings be upon
him). One example of the idea of some trees in Germany that are twisted around to spell, "La
ilaha illa Allah, Muhammad Rasulullah." This is not true. The picture is a fake and anyone can
easily prove this is not real. So where would you be if you had insisted that this was a "proof"
that Islam is the right religion?

Other fake "miracles" include; a fish with "Allah" written on it; a tree bent toward Makkah in
prayer; a pumpkin with "Bismillah Rahman Raheem" on it.

Another area to avoid is the misconception about the "miracle of numbers" in the Quran. The
stories are many and all of them are false. There is no miracle of "19" in the Quran; this not
the occurrence of the word "day" and "night" 365 times (the Muslim calendar is 354 days
anyway); the words "angel" and "devil" do not occur the same number of times; and all of the
mathematical equations mentioned about the earth and the water are worthless to someone
who is trying to understand about Allah and Islam. So please stop this propaganda and DO
NOT FORWARD these messages to everyone on your list.

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