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TEL 431: Learning in Workplaces

L5 Activity

Experiential Learning
Construct: Situated Learning & Community of Practice

Name: Amanda Pile

Date: 11/13/17
Your Assigned Facilitator: Workman

NOTE: Please bold all your responses so nothing is missed when your work is assessed.

You have learned about the theory of situated learning, and have discussed some common
models for situated learning in your small group discussions.

This activity pertains to your future target job, by applying situated learning principles.


Based on your small group discussion board activity, define your understanding of situated
learning (first paragraph) and the various models that make use of the theory (second paragraph).
You should include 4 or more in-text citations from readings provided as well as the resources
shared in your small group discussions. Add these sources to the reference list below. (300-400
(12 pts):
From my understanding, Situated learning is a matter of creating meaning from the
real activities of daily living where learning occurs in a prosocial but informal setting. This
notion suggests that learning takes place through social relationships, within a cultural
milieu, and by connecting prior knowledge to new contexts (HLWIKI, n.d). Service
learning is basically a theory on how individuals develop skills. In addition it, "takes as its
focus the relationship between learning and the social situation in which it occurs" (Wiki,
n.d). Service learning can be performed in many different ways and in many different
places. This particular learning strategy can be contrasted with alternative views, Rather
than defining [learning] as the acquisition of propositional knowledge, Lave and Wenger
situated learning in certain forms of social co-participation. Rather than asking what kinds
of cognitive processes and conceptual structures are involved, they ask what kinds of social
engagements provide the proper context for learning to take place (Wiki, n.d).
Studies have shown that, Situated learning was first proposed by Jean Lave and
Etienne Wenger as a model of learning in a community of practice (Wiki, n.d). Service
learning is a type of learning that takes place in exact context in which it has been applied.
Lave and Wenger, argue that learning should not be viewed as simply the transmission of
abstract and decontextualized knowledge from one individual to another, but a social
process whereby knowledge is co-constructed; they suggest that such learning is situated in
a specific context and embedded within a particular social and physical environment
(Wiki, n.d). Situated learning was originally projected by Lave and Wenger as a model of
learning in a community with practice opportunities. Overall, service learning was put into
place to allow students the liberty to get out in their community and learn various things
from a number for people. Service learning, through personal experience is a great

My word count: 320

How could situated learning models help you meet the 21st century competencies, be more
prepared for your future target job, and be a more qualified and cutting-edge professional as you
search for a job?
(Review the 21st century competencies at )

(100-125 words)
(5 pts):
There are many ways the service learning models can help me meet the 21st century
competencies. It has been noted that, Every 21st century skills implementation requires
the development of core academic subject knowledge and understanding among all
students (P21, 1).While preparing to be a teacher I have been and will continue to study
and learn the core of each needed subject. Studies have shown that, 21st century
competencies are associated with growth in the cognitive, interpersonal, and intrapersonal
domains. Traditionally, cognitive competencies in critical thinking, analysis, and problem
solving have been regarded as key indicators for success (Edugain, n.d). As a teacher in
the 21st century it is crucial to be updated and educated on all the recent educational
changes. As a student at Arizona State University, I am putting myself in all the classes I
need to stay educated and up to date. Arizona State is the main reason I will be able to keep
up with all the 21st century competencies and strive as a teacher.

My word count: 171


Here is an example goal from my life: As an expert in teaching with technology, I would like to
be more supportive and resourceful to other facultyas a leader and a role model. I am
interested in addressing this leadership goal because I have had instructors from bioscience at
ASU ask me to help them improve their teaching, and that situation made me feel that I have not
been visible enough in some of the ways I use technology in my teaching. I think this goal will
help me expand my ability to support the use of technology in teaching and learning from my
current PreK-12 focus to a broader range, PreK-20.

What area of your future target job do you feel most inadequate? Explain the situation. (75-100
(3 pts):
I feel that for my future job I feel most inadequate in the area of patience. I am not a
very patient person and before I am a teacher I need to learn how to be. Patience is a major
thing for a teacher. The main worry I have is my patients with discipline. If I have a
student who is not patient I will need excellent patience. In the real world, my personal
life, if someone is not behaving and getting out of line, I don't hesitate to end the behavior.
As a teacher I will need to be more patient and willing to let the student learn from their

My word count: 112

Situated learning will probably not address this goal in its entirety, but can support your
development in some ways. In what way(s) can your involvement in situated learning support
other activities you might participate in to more deeply support your development in this area?
(150-200 words)
(7 pts):
I think one way I can support my goal to be more patient is to surround myself with
more situations regarding behavior. One way in which I can do that is volunteer in more
classrooms, day cares, and even baby sitting. Situated learning is defined as, Situated
learning is a matter of creating meaning from the real activities of daily living where
learning occurs in a prosocial but informal setting. This notion suggests that learning takes
place through social relationships, within a cultural milieu, and by connecting prior
knowledge to new contexts (HLWIKI, n.d). I feel as though situated learning can help in
any way you wish it to. Situated learning, as explained above, creating meaning from real
activities. My theory would be to surround oneself with situations and activities in which
they want to better themselves. Depending on where you put yourself and what you do,
different things will improve development better than others.

My word count: 156

Explain why you think it is appropriate for you to address this goal using a situated learning
approach. What models of situated learning will be useful and why? Specifically, how do you
envision these models being used? Include in-text citations to reference at least 2 sources. Add
these references to the Reference list below. (175-200 words)
(8 pts):
I think situated learning is very beneficial. As you are trying to grasp a career, situated
learning is the best way to go. As an aspiring teacher i find service learning to be the best
individual learning theory for me. Situated learning is a wide variety of ways a person can
learn. This is good because everyone learns very differently. The seminal paper Situated
Cognition and the Culture of Learning by John Seely Brown, Allan Collins, and Paul
Duguid brought situated cognition to the forefront as an emerging instruction model
(Wiki, n.d). Situated Cognition and the Culture of Learning is defined, When learning is
problem-based, people explore real life situations to find answers, or to solve the problems.
Hungs study focuses on how important being social is to learning (Wiki, n.d). It has been
noted that, Many teaching practices implicitly assume that conceptual knowledge can be
abstracted from the situations in which it is learned and used (Institue of Inquiry, n.d).
Overall, situated cognition and culture of learning is and can be very helpful for future

My word count: 181


Create a process that will lead to you attaining your goal. Your plan must utilize one or more
situated learning models brought up in the discussion board activity. Include at least 3 activities
that will lead to your success.
(15 pts, 5 points for each well-written activity)

Goal Summary:

Activities you will Situated Learning People or Tools and resources

participate in that will model utilized communities I will that might be helpful
lead to the attainment (Andragogy, collaborate with for (e.g., social networks,
of this goal. (Describe Apprenticeships, this activity* books, technology
in detail.) Service learning, tools, etc).
Communities of

Internship: as an Apprenticeship. A local elementary Connections.

intern, you are an school. Connections with
apprentice. An teachers and facility
apprentice is defined is crucial when
as, a person who is trying to land a
learning a trade position.
from a skilled
employer, having
agreed to work for a
fixed period at low

Soccer coach: Coaching Local soccer Knowing other

teaching children association. coaches and parents
how to play soccer, involved in local
in particular is a soccer association.
great form of
coaching. Coaching
will highly benefit
you as an aspiring

Volunteering: I have Service Any where Knowing the correct

recently volunteered Learning advertised and in place to look and
at a horse rescue need of volunteers. find help wanted
center and as I did places.
that I learned
valuable lessons I
can use in the

Observing: In a Communities of Any local school. Having connections

classroom it is Practice with teachers at local
important to Shadowing school.
observe. As an
aspiring teacher
observing in a
classroom would be
extremely beneficial
to my learning.

Internship: having Internship Any local school Knowing people who

an internship would can land you an
allow so many things interview for the
regarding experience internship and will
and understanding put in a good word
for a future career. for you.

*Think broadly about collaboration. Remember that through social networking, collaboration can
take place at a distance.


An entrepreneurial network, according to Higgins and Kram, is a high developmental network
diversity, high developmental relationship strength (2001, p.270). What strategies will help you
operationalize this plan while effectively enhancing your Entrepreneurial Network? Include at
least 2 in-text citations from the Higgins and Kram article from L4. Add these sources to the
Reference list below. (250-300 words)
(10 pts):
The main strategy I can think of is just getting to know as many people as you can.
Entrepreneurial work is all based off networking, the more people you know, the better.
When having an internship and or observing in a classroom it is a great strategy to ensure
you are putting yourself out there. One way you can put yourself out there is to introduce
yourself to everyone you see. As you get to know more people, you will understand just
how many connections you really have developed. It has been noted that, Today, studies
have shown that up to 80% of jobs are never advertised they are filled by word of mouth.
So its who you know and who knows you that matters (AAMD, n.d). Becoming a teacher
is not the easiest task, you must go through a decent amount of school and have a number
of internships. Connections in the education world are extremely helpful. Another
strategy for networking can work, by attending lots of different networking events. You
will meet many interesting people and contacts, some of which will become great clients,
colleagues or friends (Cattelan, n.d). The more events I attend, the more people I will meet
that will be able to help me in the long run. Though it seems hard at first, networking is
essential to success now in the 21st century. Overall, there are many strategies to
networking, I would just personally attend more events and introduce myself to more
My word count: 252

References (10 pts)

Note: no credit will be given unless your references are formatted per APA. See Owl at Purdue
as a guide.

2017. P21 Framework Definitions. Retrieved from

Digby, H. (2010, June 15). Jean Lave: The Situated Learning Theory. Available at

Situated Learning. (n.d.). In Wikipedia. Available at

Professional presentation (professional language, grammar, spelling, word count) (10 pts).
Please proofread your work to be sure it meets university level writing standards. Note that if
your written work does not meet this standard, you will be asked to revise and resubmit within 3
days, and these points will be lost. The Writing Center can provide support. See for details.

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