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Comment Schema


Version No Sprint 5 release C0413.0

Date released 6/1/2015

NLIS identifier Changed this to larger text field to allow future use YES
of email addresses as the unique identifier for each
sender/receiver of data.a

QA Scheme and status YES

identifier Changed this to handle any type and number of QA
schemes (currently only LPA supported under trial
system)and their respective statuses (accredited,
provisional etc)
NVD Type Inclusion of: NVD serial number, version, species YES

Fields required for Inclusion of columns to capture fields required for YES
submitting auction (Part C) information, description
updates and retrieving NVDs

Sheep mob ID/PIC Split PIC(s) for sheep into a separate field so that N/A
they can be used for validation within NLIS. Updted
to include these PICs into a separate loop with one
PIC per loop.

Explanations Added further comments to assist developers and YES

defined all field sizes
ID Renumbered the ID for each field to allow for YES
additional fields. Note that these IDs are used as a
unique identifier for each field when mapping data
and may change between version.

Attachments Added loop to handle multiple PDF type YES

attachments for an NVD
By-products Added loop for listing by-products, together with a YES
blob for an analyst report.
Part C Changed sequence of Part C to differentiate YES
between agent data and buyer data (can be input at
different times)

Loops relabelled Numbering of L10+ has been assigned to all looping YES
structures as these will appear as labels in the
actual XML or JSON data being sent or received.

Version no Draft release 1.0

Date released 4/15/2015
Schema Schema Schema Schema
EU Cattle Bobby Calves Goat Sheep

E0413.0 BC0412.0 G0413.0 S0413.0

6/1/2015 6/1/2015 6/1/2015 6/1/2015












1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0

4/15/2015 4/15/2015 4/15/2015 4/15/2015
Sections ID Questions

NVD Type n/a NVD Serial Number

n/a NVD Reference Number

n/a Vendor Tracking Code

n/a Is NVD Locked

n/a Locked Date Time

n/a NLIS Identifier who locked NVDs

n/a Schema Version

n/a Schema Reference ID

n/a Comment
From Property n/a Consignor Full trading Name
n/a Consignor Address
n/a Consignor Town/Suburb
n/a Consignor State

n/a Consignor PIC

n/a Consignor NLIS Identifier

260 QA Program

270 QA Status

To Property n/a Consignee Full Name

n/a Consignee Address
n/a Consignee Town/Suburb
n/a Consignee State

n/a Consignee PIC

n/a Consignee NLIS Identifier

n/a Destination Full Name

n/a Destination Address
n/a Destination Town/Suburb
n/a Destination State

n/a Destination PIC

n/a Destination NLIS Identifier

Description n/a Number of Head

n/a Description
n/a Comment
n/a Brands or Earmarks
Animal ID n/a Animal ID
n/a Date Scanned
n/a Time Scanned
n/a Description Link

Totals n/a Total All Descriptions

630 Number of ear tags

640 Number of rumen devices
Details 700 1. Have any of the cattle in this
consignment ever in their lives been
710 2. Have with
treated the cattle in this growth
a hormonal
consignment ever in their lives been
promotant (HGP)?
fed feed containing animal fats?

720 3. Has the owner stated above

owned these cattle since their

730 If No, how long ago were the cattle

obtained or purchased?

740 4. In the past 60 days, have any of

these cattle been fed by-product

750 By-product name

760 By-product last fed date

770 By-product statement

780 5. In the past 6 months have any of

these animals been on a property
listed on the ERP database or placed
under any restrictions because of
chemical residues?

790 If yes, give details

800 6. Are any of the cattle in this
consignment still within a
Withholding Period (WHP) or Export
Slaughter Interval (ESI) as set by
APVMA or SAFEMEAT, following
treatment with any veterinary drug
or chemical?

810 Chemical product

820 Treatment date

830 Withholding period

840 Export Slaughter Interval (if set)
850 7. In the past 60 days, have any of
the cattle in this consignment
consumed any material that was still
within a withholding period when
harvested, collected or first grazed?

860 Chemical product

870 Date applied

880 Grazing withholding period

890 Date first fed/grazed

900 Date feeding/grazing ceased

910 8. In the past 42 days, were any of

these cattle:
920 Date sprayed

930 9. Additional Information

940 Any NVD related Attachments

Declaration n/a Declaration Full Name

n/a Declarer Address
n/a Declarer Town/Suburb
n/a Declarer State

n/a Declaration Signature

n/a Declaration Date

n/a Declaration Acknowledgement

n/a Declaration Tel no

n/a Declaration Fax no
Transporter n/a Transporter Full Name
n/a Transporter NLIS Identifier

n/a Vehicle registration number(s)

n/a Movement Commenced Date
n/a Movement Commenced Time
n/a Transporter Declaration
n/a Transporter Signature Date

n/a Transporter Tel No

Sale (Agent) n/a Saleyard Arrival Time
n/a Saleyard Internal Vendor Code
n/a Saleyard Internal Agent Code
n/a Stock Agent Company Name
n/a Agent NLIS Identifier

n/a Agent Declaration

n/a Agent Date Signed
Sale (Buyer) n/a Buyer PIC

n/a Buyer NLIS Identifier

n/a Buyer Total Head

Sale (Description) n/a Buyer Number of Head
n/a Head Sold Description
n/a Head Sold Comment
Sale (Animal ID) n/a Buyer Animal ID
n/a Buyer Date Scanned
n/a Buyer Time Scanned
n/a Buyer Description Link
JSON Field labels Show sub Data Type Length Printed on
questions? waybill

SerialNumber No Text 20 Y

ReferenceNumber No Text 20 N
VendorTrackingCode No Text 20 N

IsLocked No Boolean N

LockedDateTime No Date N

LockedBy No Text N

VersionNumber No Text 10 N

SchemaReferenceID No Numeric 4 N
Comment No Text
ConsignorFullTradingName No Text 300 Y
ConsignorAddress No Text 300 Y
ConsignorSuburb No Text 100 Y
ConsignorState No Text 3 Y

OriginPIC No Text 20 Y
OwnerAccountId No Text 300 Y

260 No Text 10 N

270 No Text 10 N

ConsigneeFullName No Text 300 Y

ConsigneeAddress No Text 300 Y
ConsigneeSuburb No Text 100 Y
ConsigneeState No Text 3 Y

ConsigneePIC No Text 20 Y
ConsigneeAccountId No Text 300 N

DestinationFullName No Text 300 Y

DestinationAddress No Text 300 Y
DestinationSuburb No Text 100 Y
DestinationState No Text 3 Y

DestinationPIC No Text 20 Y
DestinationAccountId No Text 300 N

NumberOfHead No Numeric 4 Y
Description No Text 100 Y
Comment No Text 3000 N
Brand No Numeric: NVDFileId Y
AnimalCode No Text 20 N
DateScanned No Date N
TimeScanned No Time N
QuantityDescription No Text 100 N

ConsignmentTotal No Numeric 4 Y

630 No Numeric 4 N
640 No Numeric 4 N
700 No Text 3 N
710 No Text 3 N

720 Yes Text 3 N

730 No Text 50 N

740 Yes Text 3 N

750 No Text 100 N

760 No Date N
770 No Numeric: NVDFileId N

780 Yes Text 3 N

790 No Text 500 N

800 Yes Text 3 N

810 No Text 200 N

820 No Date N

830 No Numeric 100 N

840 No Numeric 100 N
850 Yes Text 3 N

860 No Text 200 N

870 No Date N

880 No Numeric 100 N

890 No Date N

900 No Date N

910 Yes Text 3 N

920 No Date N

930 No Text 300 N

940 No Numeric: NVDFileId

DeclarerFullName No Text 100 Y

DeclarerAddress No Text 300 Y
DeclarerSuburb No Text 100 Y
DeclarerState No Text 3 Y

DeclarerSignature No Numeric: NVDFileId Y

DeclarationDate No Date Y

DeclarerAcknowledgement No Boolean

DeclarerTelephone No Text 30
DeclarerFax No Text 30
TransporterName No Text 100 Y
TransporterAccountId No Text 300 Y

VehicleRegistrationNumber No Text 20 Y
MovementCommencedDate No Date Y
MovementCommencedTime No Time
DeclarerAcknowledgement No Boolean

TransporterSignatureDate No Date Y

TransporterTelephoneNumber No Text 30 Y
SaleyardArrivalTime No Time
SaleyardInternalVendorCode No Text 20
SaleyardInternalAgentCode No Text 20
StockAgentCompanyName No Text 200 Y
AgentAccountId No Text 300 Y

AgentDeclarationAcknowledgement No Boolean

AgentDateSigned No Date
BuyerPIC No Text 20 Y

BuyerAccountId No Text 300 Y

BuyerTotalHead No Numeric 4 Y
NumberOfHead No Numeric 4
Description No Text 100
Comment No Text 300
AnimalCode No Text 20
DateScanned No Date
TimeScanned No Time
QuantityDescription No Text 100
Required Required Required Required
(NVDCreate) (paper NVD) (NVDSaleUpdate) (NVDQtyUpdate)

No Required No Required Mandatory Mandatory

Optional Optional
Optional Optional

No Required No Required

No Required No Required

No Required No Required

Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional Optional
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional

Optional Optional

Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Optional Optional Optional

Optional Optional Optional
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Optional Optional
Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Mandatory Optional
Mandatory Optional
Mandatory Optional
Mandatory Optional

Conditional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Conditional

Mandatory Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Comments/Business rule (NVDRecreate) Loop Fields returned in

Serial Number generated by NLIS System Y

Off-line reference number Y

Off-line reference number Y

NVD has been locked for editting Y

Date NVDs are locked Y

NLIS User who locks NVDs Y

Allowed value: Based on current paper Y

version + minor version e.g.C0413.0

Allowed value: 1
Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
Restricted to numeric NLIS account code L10 Y
during trial. Will be email in a production
system (TBC)

The logged in NLIS user account ID will be

used for NVDCreate if value is not

Allowed values: LPA |Other values to be

added at a later date.
Allowed values: A |A1 |N Other values to y
be added at a later date.
Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Buyer if sold direct, otherwise agent y
Not used until the unique identification y
system has been developed.

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Will be email in a production system (TBC) L20 Y

Total animals per description Y

Max file size 5mb L30 Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between descriptions and animal ID

Total animals for all descriptions Y

Allowed values: Yes | No y
Allowed values: Yes | No y

Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory when 'No' selected above. y

Allowed values:
Less2months: Less than 2 months
2to6months: 2-6 months
6to12months: 6-12 months
More12months: More than 12 months

Allowed values: Yes | No L40 y

Mandatory when "Yes" selected above y

Mandatory when "Yes" selected above

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Analyst Report. Optional when "Yes" y
selected above
Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y

Allowed values: Yes | No L50 y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y
Optional when "Yes" selected above y
Allowed values: Yes | No L60 y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional when "Yes" selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
L70 y
Used to attached scanned PDFs etc. Y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
Mandatory if waybill or LPA accredited. Y
May not be required - TBC

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y

Allowed values: true | false. Should be Y

true if LPA accredited
Prefill from consignor landline Y
Prefill from consignor fax no y
Will be email in a production system (TBC) y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) y
Allowed values: true | false y

May not be required - TBC. Where y

signature required, print waybill and
manually sign. Conditional on state.
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
Assumes one vendor per NVD Y
Assumes one agent per NVD Y
Assumes one agent per NVD Y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). Y
Becomes mandatory where Sale
information is provided.

Allowed values: true | false Y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) L80 Y

Mandatory if not a direct consignment to Y
a buyer i.e. via a saleyard

Will be email in a production system (TBC) Y

All descriptions L90 Y

Per description Y
L100 Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
If blank, assumes no relation specified
between descriptions and animal ID
Sections ID Questions JSON Field labels

NVD Type n/a NVD Serial Number SerialNumber

n/a NVD Reference Number ReferenceNumber

n/a Vendor Tracking Code VendorTrackingCode

n/a Is NVD Locked IsLocked

n/a Locked Date Time LockedDateTime

n/a NLIS Identifier who locked NVDs LockedBy

n/a Schema Version VersionNumber

n/a Schema Reference ID SchemaReferenceID

n/a Comment Comment
From Property n/a Consignor Full trading Name ConsignorFullTradingName
n/a Consignor Address ConsignorAddress
n/a Consignor Town/Suburb ConsignorSuburb
n/a Consignor State ConsignorState

n/a Consignor PIC OriginPIC

n/a Consignor NLIS Identifier OwnerAccountId

260 QA Program 260

270 QA Status 270

To Property n/a Consignee Full Name ConsigneeFullName

n/a Consignee Address ConsigneeAddress
n/a Consignee Town/Suburb ConsigneeSuburb
n/a Consignee State ConsigneeState

n/a Consignee PIC ConsigneePIC

n/a Consignee NLIS Identifier ConsigneeAccountId

n/a Destination Full Name DestinationFullName

n/a Destination Address DestinationAddress
n/a Destination Town/Suburb DestinationSuburb
n/a Destination State DestinationState
n/a Destination PIC DestinationPIC
n/a Destination NLIS Identifier DestinationAccountId

Description n/a Number of head NumberOfHead

n/a Description Description
n/a Comment Comment
n/a Brands or Earmarks Brand
Animal ID n/a Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Date scanned DateScanned
n/a Time scanned TimeScanned
n/a Description Link QuantityDescription

Totals n/a Total All Descriptions ConsignmentTotal

630 Number of ear tags 630

640 Number of rumen devices 640

Details 700 1. Have the cattle in this 700
consignment ever in their lives
been fed feed containing animal

710 2. Were all of the cattle born and 710

raised on the vendor's property?

720 If No, how long ago were the 720

cattle obtained or purchased?

730 3. In the past 60 days, have any of 730

these cattle been fed by-product

740 By-product name 740

750 By-product last fed date 750

760 By-product statement 760

770 4. In the past 6 months, have any 770

of these cattle been on a property
listed on the ERP database or
placed under grazing restrictions
because of chemical residue?

780 If yes, give details 780

790 5. Are any of the cattle in this 790
consignment still within a
Withholding Period (WHP) or
Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) as
following treatment with any
veterinary drug or chemical?

800 Chemical product 800

810 Treatment date 810

820 Withholding Period 820

830 Export Slaughter Interval (if set) 830

840 6. In the past 60 days, have any of 840
the cattle in this consignment
consumed any material that was
still within a withholding period
when harvested, collected or first

850 Chemical product 850

860 Date applied 860

870 Grazing withholding period 870

880 Date first fed/grazed 880

890 Date feeding/grazing ceased 890

900 7. In the past 42 days, were any of 900

these cattle:
910 Date sprayed 910

920 8. Additional information 920

940 Any NVD related Attachments 940
Declaration n/a Declaration Full Name DeclarerFullName
n/a Declarer Address DeclarerAddress
n/a Declarer Town/Suburb DeclarerSuburb
n/a Declarer State DeclarerState

n/a Declaration Signature DeclarerSignature

n/a Declaration Date DeclarationDate
n/a Declaration Acknowledgement DeclarerAcknowledgement

n/a Declaration Tel no DeclarerTelephone

n/a Declaration Fax no DeclarerFax
Transporter n/a Transporter Full Name TransporterName
n/a Transporter NLIS Identifier TransporterAccountId

n/a Vehicle registration number(s) VehicleRegistrationNumber

n/a Movement Commenced Date MovementCommencedDate
n/a Movement Commenced Time MovementCommencedTime
n/a Transporter Declaration DeclarerAcknowledgement
n/a Transporter Signature Date TransporterSignatureDate

n/a Transporter Tel No TransporterTelephoneNumber

Sale (Agent) n/a Saleyard Arrival Time SaleyardArrivalTime
n/a Saleyard Internal Vendor Code SaleyardInternalVendorCode
n/a Saleyard Internal Agent Code SaleyardInternalAgentCode
n/a Stock Agent Company Name StockAgentCompanyName
n/a Agent NLIS Identifier AgentAccountId

n/a Agent Declaration AgentDeclarationAcknowledgement

n/a Agent Date Signed AgentDateSigned
Sale (Buyer) n/a Buyer PIC BuyerPIC

n/a Buyer NLIS Identifier BuyerAccountId

n/a Buyer Total Head BuyerTotalHead

Sale (Description) n/a Buyer Number of Head NumberOfHead

n/a Head Sold Description Description
n/a Head Sold Comment Comment
Sale (Animal ID) n/a Buyer Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Buyer Date Scanned DateScanned
n/a Buyer Time Scanned TimeScanned
n/a Buyer Description Link QuantityDescription
Show sub Data Type Length Printed on Required Required
questions? waybill (NVDCreate) (paper NVD)

No Text 20 Y No Required No Required

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Boolean N No Required No Required

No Date N No Required No Required

No Text N No Required No Required

No Text 10 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric 4 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 3 Y Optional Optional
No Text 20 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 N Mandatory Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3000 N Optional Optional
No Numeric: NVDFileID Y Optional Optional
No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Date N Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Text 100 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric 4 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 N Optional Optional

No Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 50 N Mandatory Mandatory

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 100 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Conditional Conditional

Yes Text 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 500 N Mandatory Mandatory

Yes Text 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 200 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 100 N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 100 N Conditional Conditional

Yes Text 3 N Optional Optional

No Text 200 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 100 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

Yes Text 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Optional
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Optional
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Optional
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID Y Conditional Optional

No Date Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Boolean N Mandatory Conditional

No Text 30 N Mandatory Optional

No Text 30 N Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Text 20 Y Optional Optional

No Date Y Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Boolean N Conditional Conditional

No Date Y Conditional Conditional

No Text 30 Y Optional Optional

No Time N Optional
No Text 20 N Optional
No Text 20 N Optional
No Text 200 Y Optional
No Text 300 Y Conditional

No Boolean N Optional

No Date N Optional
No Text 20 Y Conditional

No Text 300 Y Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Conditional

No Numeric 4 N Conditional
No Text 100 N Conditional
No Text 300 N Optional
No Text 20 N Optional
No Date N Optional
No Time N Optional
No Text 100 N Optional
Required Required Comments/Business rule (NVDRecreate) Loop
(NVDSaleUpdate) (NVDQtyUpdate)

Mandatory Mandatory Serial Number generated by NLIS System

Off-line reference number

Off-line reference number

NVD has been locked for editting

Date NVDs are locked

NLIS User who locks NVDs

Allowed value: Based on current paper

version + minor version e.g.E0413.0
Allowed value: 5

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |


Restricted to numeric NLIS account code

during trial. Will be email in a production
system (TBC)

The logged in NLIS user account ID will be

used for NVDCreate if value is not

Allowed values: LPA |Other values to be L10

added at a later date.
Allowed values: A |A1 |N Other values to
be added at a later date.

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |

Buyer if sold direct, otherwise agent
Will be email in a production system (TBC)

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |

Will be email in a production system (TBC)

Mandatory Total animals per description L20

Optional Max file size 5mb
Optional L30
Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified
between descriptions and animal ID

Mandatory Total animals for all descriptions


Allowed values: Yes | No

Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'No' selected above.

Allowed values:
Less2months: Less than 2 months
2to6months: 2-6 months
6to12months: 6-12 months
More12months: More than 12 months
Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when "Yes" selected above L40

Mandatory when "Yes" selected above

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Analyst Report. Optional when "Yes"

selected above
Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above

Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above L50

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above

Optional when "Yes" selected above

Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above L60

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above
Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional when "Yes" selected above
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'Yes' selected above

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Used to attached scanned PDFs etc. L70

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |

Mandatory if waybill or LPA accredited.
May not be required - TBC
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: true | false. Should be
true if LPA accredited
Prefill from consignor landline
Prefill from consignor fax no

Will be email in a production system (TBC)

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Allowed values: true | false

May not be required - TBC. Where

signature required, print waybill and
manually sign. Conditional on state.
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)

Optional Assumes one vendor per NVD
Optional Assumes one agent per NVD
Optional Assumes one agent per NVD
Conditional Will be email in a production system (TBC).
Becomes mandatory where Sale
information is provided.

Optional Allowed values: true | false

Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Conditional Mandatory if not a direct consignment to L80
a buyer i.e. via a saleyard

Optional Will be email in a production system (TBC)

Conditional All descriptions

Conditional Per description L90

Optional L100
Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified
between descriptions and animal ID
Fields returned in



















Sections ID Questions

NVD Type n/a NVD Serial Number

n/a NVD Reference Number

n/a Vendor Tracking Code

n/a Is NVD Locked

n/a Locked Date Time

n/a NLIS Identifier who locked NVDs

n/a Schema Version

n/a Schema Reference ID

n/a Comment
From Consignor n/a Consignor Full Trading Name
n/a Consignor Address
n/a Consignor Town/Suburb
n/a Consignor State

n/a Consignor PIC

n/a Consignor NLIS Identifier

260 QA Program

270 QA Status

To Consignee n/a Consignee Full Name

n/a Consignee Address
n/a Consignee Town/Suburb
n/a Consignee State

n/a Consignee PIC

n/a Consignee NLIS Identifier

n/a Destination Full Name

n/a Destination Address
n/a Destination Town/Suburb
n/a Destination State
n/a Destination PIC
n/a Destination NLIS Identifier

Description n/a Number of Head

n/a Description
n/a Comment
Animal ID n/a Animal ID

n/a Date Scanned

n/a Time Scanned
n/a Description Link

Totals n/a Total All Descriptions

IQPartA 700 1. Have these calves been raised
on a licensed dairy farm or
consistent with the rules of an
710 independently
Name of programaudited QA
720 program
Accreditation or property
on the the PIC
license number
of which is shown above?

730 2. Has the owner stated above

owned these calves since their

740 If No, how long were the calves


750 3. In the past 60 days, have any of

the calves in this consignment
consumed any material that was
still within a withholding period
when harvested, collected or first

760 Chemical product

770 Date applied

780 Grazing withholding period

790 Date first fed/grazed

800 Date feeding/grazing ceased

810 4. Have any of the calves in this

consignment been treated orally,
externally or by injection with a
veterinary drug or chemical,
including medicated feeds?

820 Veterinary drug/chemical

830 Calf treatment date

840 Meat WHP (days)

850 ESI (if set)
860 5. Have any of the calves in this
consignment had access to milk
from cows that had been treated
orally, externally or by
intramammary, intramuscular or
subcutaneous injection with a
veterinary drug or chemical,
before the milk withholding
period has expired?

870 Veterinary drug/chemical

880 Calf treatment date

890 Meat WHP (days)

900 ESI (if set)

910 6. In the past 6 months have any

of these animals been on a
property listed on the ERP
database or placed under any
restrictions because of chemical

920 If Yes, give details

930 7. Additional Information
940 Any NVD related Attachments

Declaration n/a Declaration Full Name

n/a Declarer Address
n/a Declarer Town/Suburb
n/a Declarer State

n/a Declaration Signature

n/a Declaration Date

n/a Declaration Acknowledgement
n/a Declaration Tel no
n/a Declaration Fax no
Transporter n/a Transporter Full Name
n/a Transporter NLIS Identifier

n/a Vehicle Registration Number(s)

n/a Movement Commenced Date
n/a Movement Commenced Time
n/a Transporter Declaration
n/a Transporter Signature Date
n/a Transporter Tel no
Sale (Agent) n/a Saleyard Arrival Time
n/a Saleyard Internal Vendor Code
n/a Saleyard Internal Agent Code
n/a Stock Agent Company Name
n/a Agent NLIS Identifier

n/a Agent Declaration

n/a Agent Date Signed
Sale (Buyer) n/a Buyer PIC

n/a Buyer NLIS Identifier

n/a Buyer Total Head

Sale (Description) n/a Buyer Number of Head

n/a Head Sold Description
n/a Head Sold Comment
Sale (Animal ID) n/a Buyer Animal ID
n/a Buyer Date Scanned
n/a Buyer Time Scanned
n/a Buyer Description Link
JSON Field labels Show sub Data Type Length Printed on
questions? waybill

SerialNumber No Text 20 Y

ReferenceNumber No Text 20 N
VendorTrackingCode No Text 20 N

IsLocked No Boolean N

LockedDateTime No Date N

LockedBy No Text N

VersionNumber No Text 10 N

SchemaReferenceID No Numeric 4 N
Comment No Text
ConsignorFullTradingName No Text 300 Y
ConsignorAddress No Text 300 Y
ConsignorSuburb No Text 100 Y
ConsignorState No Text 3 Y

OriginPIC No Text 20 Y
OwnerAccountId No Text 300 N

260 No Text 10 N

270 No Text 10 N

ConsigneeFullName No Text 300 Y

ConsigneeAddress No Text 300 Y
ConsigneeSuburb No Text 100 Y
ConsigneeState No Text 3 Y

ConsigneePIC No Text 20 Y
ConsigneeAccountId No Text 300 N

DestinationFullName No Text 300 Y

DestinationAddress No Text 300 Y
DestinationSuburb No Text 100 Y
DestinationState No Text 3 Y
DestinationPIC No Text 20 Y
DestinationAccountId No Text 300 N

NumberOfHead No Numeric 4 Y
Description No Text 100 Y
Comment No Text 3000 N
AnimalCode No Numeric 16 N

DateScanned No Date N
TimeScanned No Time N
QuantityDescription No Text 100 N

ConsignmentTotal No Numeric 4 Y
700 Yes Text 3 N

710 No Text 300 N

720 No Text 100 N

730 Yes Text 3 N

740 No Text 50 N

750 Yes Text 3 N

760 No Text 100 N

770 No Date N

780 No Numeric 3 N
790 No Date N

800 No Date N

810 Yes Text 3 N

820 No Text 100 N

830 No Date N

840 No Numeric 3 N
850 No Numeric 3 N
860 Yes Text 3 N

870 No Text 100 N

880 No Date N

890 No Numeric 3 N
900 No Numeric 3 N

910 Yes Text 3 N

920 No Text 300 N

930 No Text 300 N
940 No Numeric: NVDFileID N

DeclarerFullName No Text 100 Y

DeclarerAddress No Text 300 Y
DeclarerSuburb No Text 100 Y
DeclarerState No Text 3 Y

DeclarerSignature No Numeric: NVDFileID Y

DeclarationDate No Date Y
DeclarerAcknowledgement No Boolean N
DeclarerTelephone No Text 30 N
DeclarerFax No Text 30 N
TransporterName No Text 100 Y
TransporterAccountId No Text 300 Y

VehicleRegistrationNumber No Text 20 Y
MovementCommencedDate No Date Y
MovementCommencedTime No Time N
DeclarerAcknowledgement No Boolean N

TransporterSignatureDate No Date Y
TransporterTelephoneNumber No Text 30 Y
SaleyardArrivalTime No Time N
SaleyardInternalVendorCode No Text 20 N
SaleyardInternalAgentCode No Text 20 N
StockAgentCompanyName No Text 200 Y
AgentAccountId No Text 300 Y

AgentDeclarationAcknowledgement No Boolean N

AgentDateSigned No Date N
BuyerPIC No Text 20 Y

BuyerAccountId No Text 300 Y

BuyerTotalHead No Numeric 4 Y

NumberOfHead No Numeric 4 N
Description No Text 100 N
Comment No Text 300 N
AnimalCode No Text 20 N
DateScanned No Date N
TimeScanned No Time N
QuantityDescription No Text 100 N
Required Required Required Required
(NVDCreate) (paper NVD) (NVDSaleUpdate) (NVDQtyUpdate)

No Required No Required Mandatory Mandatory

Optional Optional
Optional Optional

No Required No Required

No Required No Required

No Required No Required

Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional Optional
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional

Optional Optional

Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Mandatory Optional

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional

Optional Optional Optional

Optional Optional Optional
Optional Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory Mandatory

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional
Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional

Mandatory Mandatory

Conditional Conditional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Mandatory

Optional Optional

Mandatory Mandatory
Mandatory Optional
Mandatory Mandatory
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional

Optional Optional
Conditional Conditional

Optional Optional

Conditional Conditional

Conditional Conditional
Conditional Conditional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Optional Optional
Comments/Business rule (NVDRecreate) Loop Fields returned in

Serial Number generated by NLIS System Y

Off-line reference number Y

Off-line reference number Y

NVD has been locked for editting Y

Date NVDs are locked Y

NLIS User who locks NVDs Y

Allowed value: Based on current paper Y

version + minor version e.g.BC0413.0
Allowed value: 3 Y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
Validated to NLIS prior to sending Y
Restricted to numeric NLIS account code Y
during trial. Will be email in a production
system (TBC)

The logged in NLIS user account ID will be

used for NVDCreate if value is not

Allowed values: LPA |Other values to be L10 Y

added at a later date.
Allowed values: A |A1 |N Other values to
be added at a later date.
Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Buyer if sold direct, otherwise agent y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). y

Total animals per description L20 Y

Only RFID or mgt tag is supported, not L30 Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between descriptions and animal ID

Total animals for all descriptions Y

Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y

Optional if 'Yes' selected above y

Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'No' selected above y

Allowed values:
Less1week: Less than 1 week
More1week: More than 1 week

Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above L40 y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional if 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above L50 y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
Optional if 'Yes' selected above y
Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above L60 y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y

Optional if 'Yes' selected above y

Allowed values: Yes | No y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected above y

Used to attached scanned PDFs etc. L70 y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
May not be required - TBC Y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y

Allowed values: true | false. Should be Y
true for all NVDs if NVDCreate used.
Prefill from consignor landline Y
Prefill from consignor fax no Y

Will be email in a production system y

(TBC) .
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) y
Allowed values: true | false y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) y

HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
Assumes one vendor per NVD Y
Assumes one agent per NVD Y
Assumes one agent per NVD Y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). Y
Becomes mandatory where Sale
information is provided.

Allowed values: true | false Y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y

Mandatory if not a direct consignment to L80 Y
a buyer i.e. via a saleyard

Will be email in a production system (TBC) Y

All descriptions Y

Per description L90 Y

L100 Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between descriptions and animal ID
Sections ID Questions JSON Field labels

NVD Type n/a NVD Serial Number SerialNumber

n/a NVD Reference Number ReferenceNumber

n/a Vendor Tracking Code VendorTrackingCode

n/a Is NVD Locked IsLocked

n/a Locked Date Time LockedDateTime

n/a NLIS Identifier who locked NVDs LockedBy

n/a Schema Version VersionNumber

n/a Schema Reference ID SchemaReferenceID

n/a Comment Comment
From Property n/a Consignor Full trading Name ConsignorFullTradingName
n/a Consignor Address ConsignorAddress
n/a Consignor Town/Suburb ConsignorSuburb
n/a Consignor State ConsignorState

n/a Consignor PIC OriginPIC

n/a Consignor NLIS Identifier OwnerAccountId

260 QA Program 260

270 QA Status 270

To Property n/a Consignee Full Name ConsigneeFullName

n/a Consignee Address ConsigneeAddress
n/a Consignee Town/Suburb ConsigneeSuburb
n/a Consignee State ConsigneeState

n/a Consignee PIC ConsigneePIC

n/a Consignee NLIS Identifier ConsigneeAccountId

n/a Destination Full Name DestinationFullName

n/a Destination Address DestinationAddress
n/a Destination Town/Suburb DestinationSuburb
n/a Destination State DestinationState

n/a Destination PIC DestinationPIC

n/a Destination NLIS Identifier DestinationAccountId

Description n/a Number of head NumberOfHead

n/a Year born YearBorn
n/a Description Description
n/a Comment Comment
n/a Month of shearing MonthShearing
n/a PICs on Ear Tags PIC
n/a Earmarks/Brands Brand
Animal ID n/a Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Date scanned DateScanned
n/a Time scanned TimeScanned
n/a Description Link QuantityDescription

n/a PIC Link QuantityPIC

Totals n/a Total All Descriptions ConsignmentTotal

630 Have PICs on all NLIS tags in this 630

consignment been listed in the
Description table above (other
640 Have all goats
than the in this on
PIC printed consignment
this NVD)? 640
been tagged with an additional
pink post breeder tag with the PIC
printed on this NVD? (or WA brand
as listed in the Description table

Details 700 1. Were all of these goats bred by 700

the owner or vendor?
710 If No, how long ago were the goats 710
obtained or purchased?

720 2. Have all the goats in this 720

consignment been grown under
rangeland conditons?
730 3. Are any of the goats in this 730
consignment still within a
Withholding Period (WHP) or
Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) as
following treatment with any
registered veterinary drug or

740 Chemical product 740

750 Treatment date 750

760 Withholding Period 760

770 ESI (if set) 770
780 4. In the past 60 days, have any of 780
the goats in this consignment
consumed any material that was
still within a withholding period
when harvested, collected or first

790 Chemical product 790

800 Date applied 800

810 Grazing withholding period 810

820 Date first fed/grazed 820

830 Date feeding/grazing ceased 830

840 5. Have the goats in this 840

consignment ever in their lives
been fed feed containing animal

850 6. Please include any additional 850

information below
940 Any NVD related Attachments 940
Declaration n/a Declaration Full Name DeclarerFullName
n/a Declarer Address DeclarerAddress
n/a Declarer Town/Suburb DeclarerSuburb
n/a Declarer State DeclarerState

n/a Declaration Signature DeclarerSignature

n/a Declaration Date DeclarationDate
n/a Declaration Acknowledgement DeclarerAcknowledgement
n/a Declaration Tel no DeclarerTelephone
n/a Declaration Fax no DeclarerFax
Transporter n/a Transporter Full Name TransporterName
n/a Transporter NLIS Identifier TransporterAccountId

n/a Vehicle registration number(s) VehicleRegistrationNumber

n/a Movement Commenced Date MovementCommencedDate
n/a Movement Commenced Time MovementCommencedTime
n/a Transporter Declaration DeclarerAcknowledgement
n/a Transporter Signature Date TransporterSignatureDate

n/a Transporter Tel No TransporterTelephoneNumber

Sale (Agent) n/a Saleyard Arrival Time SaleyardArrivalTime
n/a Saleyard Internal Vendor Code SaleyardInternalVendorCode
n/a Saleyard Internal Agent Code SaleyardInternalAgentCode
n/a Stock Agent Company Name StockAgentCompanyName
n/a Agent NLIS Identifier AgentAccountId

n/a Agent Declaration AgentDeclarationAcknowledgement

n/a Agent Date Signed AgentDateSigned
Sale (Buyer) n/a Buyer PIC BuyerPIC

n/a Buyer NLIS Identifier BuyerAccountId

n/a Buyer Total Head BuyerTotalHead

Sale (Description) n/a Buyer Number of Head NumberOfHead

n/a Head Sold Description Description

n/a Head Sold Comment Comment
n/a PICs on Ear Tags PIC

n/a Earmarks/Brands Brand

Sale (Animal ID) n/a Buyer Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Buyer Date Scanned DateScanned
n/a Buyer Time Scanned TimeScanned
n/a Buyer Description Link QuantityDescription
n/a Buyer PIC Link QuantityPIC
Show Sub Data Type Length Printed on Required Required Required
questions? waybill (NVDCreate) (paper NVD) (NVDSaleUpdate)

No Text 20 Y No Required No Required Mandatory

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Boolean N No Required No Required

No Date N No Required No Required

No Text N No Required No Required

No Text 10 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric 4 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 3 Y Optional Optional

No Text 20 Y Optional Optional

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric 4 Y Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3000 N Optional Optional
No Numeric 2 N Optional Optional
No Text 20 Y Optional Optional
No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional Optional
No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Date N Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Text 100 N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 3 N Optional Optional

No Text 3 N Optional Optional

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 50 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

Yes Text N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 3 N Conditional Conditional
Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 200 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional Optional

No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric: NVDFileID Y Optional Optional

No Date Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Boolean N Mandatory Optional
No Text 30 N Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 30 N Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Text 20 Y Optional Optional

No Date Y Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Boolean N Conditional Optional

No Date Y Conditional Conditional

No Text 30 Y Optional Optional

No Time N Optional Optional
No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Text 200 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Conditional Optional

No Boolean N Optional Optional

No Date N Optional Optional

No Text 20 Y Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 4 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 100 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 300 N Optional Optional
No Text 3000 N Optional Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Date N Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Text 100 N Optional Optional
No Text 20 Optional Optional
Required Comments/Business rule (NVDRecreate) Loop Fields returned in
(NVDQtyUpdate) NVDRetrieve

Mandatory Serial Number generated by NLIS System Y

Off-line reference number Y

Off-line reference number Y

NVD has been locked for editting Y

Date NVDs are locked Y

NLIS User who locks NVDs Y

Allowed value: Based on current paper Y

version + minor version e.g.BC0413.0
Allowed value: 3 Y
Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
Restricted to numeric NLIS account code Y
during trial. Will be email in a production
system (TBC)

The logged in NLIS user account ID will be

used for NVDCreate if value is not

Allowed values: LPA |Other values to be L10 Y

added at a later date.
Allowed values: A |A1 |N Other values to
be added at a later date.
Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Buyer if sold direct, otherwise agent y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). y

Mandatory Total animals per description L20 Y

Optional YYYY e.g. 2015 Y
Mandatory Y
Optional Y
Optional MM e.g. 12 (for December) Y
Optional L25 Y
Optional Y
Optional L30 Y
Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between descriptions and animal ID

Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified

between PICs and animal ID
Mandatory Total animals for all descriptions Y

Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Mandatory when 'No' selected above. Y

Allowed values:
Less2months: Less than 2 months
2to6months: 2-6 months
6to12months: 6-12 months
More12months: More than 12 months

Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected L40 Y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected Y
Optional if 'Yes' selected Y
Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected L50 Y

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected Y
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional if 'Yes' selected Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No Y

Used to attached scanned PDFs etc. L60 Y

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD | Y
May not be required - TBC Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
Allowed values: true | false. Should be Y
true for all NVDs if NVDCreate used.
Prefill from consignor landline Y
Prefill from consignor fax no Y
Not used during trial. Will be email in a y
production system (TBC).
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) y
Allowed values: true | false y

May not be required - TBC. Where y

signature required, print waybill and
manually sign. Conditional on state.
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
Will be email in a production system (TBC). Y
Becomes mandatory where Sale
information is provided.

Allowed values: true | false Y

dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y

Mandatory if not a direct consignment to L70 Y
a buyer i.e. via a saleyard

Will be email in a production system (TBC) Y

All descriptions Y

Per description L80 Y

To be confirmed - depending on NLIS L85 Y
validation required.

L90 Y
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015) Y
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30) Y
If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between descriptions and animal ID
If blank, assumes no relation specified Y
between PICs and animal ID
Sections ID QUESTIONS JSON Field labels

NVD Type n/a NVD Serial Number SerialNumber

n/a NVD Reference Number ReferenceNumber

n/a Vendor Tracking Code VendorTrackingCode

n/a Is NVD Locked IsLocked

n/a Locked Date Time LockedDateTime

n/a NLIS Identifier who locked NVDs LockedBy

n/a Schema Version VersionNumber

n/a Schema Reference ID SchemaReferenceID

n/a Comment Comment
From Property n/a Consignor Full trading Name ConsignorFullTradingName
n/a Consignor Address ConsignorAddress
n/a Consignor Town/Suburb ConsignorSuburb
n/a Consignor State ConsignorState

n/a Consignor PIC OriginPIC

n/a Consignor NLIS Identifier OwnerAccountId

260 QA Program 260

270 QA Status 270

To Property n/a Consignee Full Name ConsigneeFullName

n/a Consignee Address ConsigneeAddress
n/a Consignee Town/Suburb ConsigneeSuburb
n/a Consignee State ConsigneeState

n/a Consignee PIC ConsigneePIC

n/a Consignee NLIS Identifier ConsigneeAccountId
n/a Destination Full Name DestinationFullName
n/a Destination Address DestinationAddress
n/a Destination Town/Suburb DestinationSuburb
n/a Destination State DestinationState

n/a Destination PIC DestinationPIC

n/a Destination NLIS Identifier DestinationAccountId
Description n/a Number of head NumberOfHead
n/a Year born YearBorn
n/a Description Description
n/a Comment Comment
n/a Month of shearing MonthShearing
n/a PICs on Ear Tags PIC
n/a Earmarks/Brands Brand
Animal ID n/a Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Date scanned DateScanned
n/a Time scanned TimeScanned
n/a Description Link QuantityDescription

n/a PIC Link QuantityPIC

Totals n/a Total All Descriptions ConsignmentTotal

630 Have PICs on all NLIS tags in this 630

consignment been listed in the
Description table above (other
640 Have all sheep
than the in this consignment
PIC selected on this 640
NVD)?tagged with an additional
pink post breeder tag with the PIC
printed on this NVD (or WA brand
as listed in the description table

650 Hours off feed and water before 650

Details 700 1. Have these sheep or lambs 700
been raised consistent with the
rules of an independently audited
QA program on the property the
PIC of which is shown above?

710 Name of program 710

720 Accreditation or license no. 720
730 2. Have all the sheep or lambs in 730
this consignment been treated
with a Scabby Mouth Vaccination
either at marking or at least 14
days prior to their presentation for

740 3. Were all of these lambs or 740

sheep bred by the owner or

750 If No, how long ago were the 750

sheep or lambs obtained or
760 4. Are any of the sheep or lambs in 760
this consignment still within a
Withholding Period (WHP) or
Export Slaughter Interval (ESI) as
following treatment with any
registered veterinary drug or

770 Chemical product 770

780 Treatment date 780
790 WHP 790
800 ESI (if set) 800
810 5. In the past 60 days, have any of 810
the sheep or lambs in this
consignment consumed any
material that was still within a
withholding period when
harvested, collected or first

820 Chemical product 820

830 Date applied 830

840 Grazing withholding period 840

850 Date first fed/grazed 850

860 Date feeding/grazing ceased 860

870 6. Have the sheep or lambs in this 870

consignment ever in their lives
been fed feed containing animal

880 7. Additional Information 880

940 Any NVD related Attachments 940
Declaration n/a Declaration Full Name DeclarerFullName
n/a Declarer Address DeclarerAddress
n/a Declarer Town/Suburb DeclarerSuburb
n/a Declarer State DeclarerState

n/a Declaration Signature DeclarerSignature

n/a Declaration Date DeclarationDate
n/a Declaration Acknowledgement DeclarerAcknowledgement

n/a Declaration Tel no DeclarerTelephone

n/a Declaration Fax no DeclarerFax
Transporter n/a Transporter Full Name TransporterName
n/a Transporter NLIS Identifier TransporterAccountId
n/a Vehicle registration number(s) VehicleRegistrationNumber
n/a Movement Commenced Date MovementCommencedDate
n/a Movement Commenced Time MovementCommencedTime
n/a Transporter Declaration DeclarerAcknowledgement
n/a Transporter Signature Date TransporterSignatureDate

n/a Transporter Tel No TransporterTelephoneNumber

Sale (Agent) n/a Saleyard Arrival Time SaleyardArrivalTime
n/a Saleyard Internal Vendor Code SaleyardInternalVendorCode
n/a Saleyard Internal Agent Code SaleyardInternalAgentCode
n/a Stock Agent Company Name StockAgentCompanyName
n/a Agent NLIS Identifier AgentAccountId

n/a Agent Declaration AgentDeclarationAcknowledgement

n/a Agent Date Signed AgentDateSigned
Sale (Buyer) n/a Buyer PIC BuyerPIC

n/a Buyer NLIS Identifier BuyerAccountId

n/a Buyer Total Head BuyerTotalHead

Sale (Description) n/a Buyer Number of Head NumberOfHead

n/a Head Sold Description Description
n/a Head Sold Comment Comment
n/a PICs on Ear Tags PIC

n/a Earmarks/Brands Brand

Sale (Animal ID) n/a Buyer Animal ID AnimalCode
n/a Buyer Date Scanned DateScanned
n/a Buyer Time Scanned TimeScanned
n/a Buyer Description Link QuantityDescription

n/a Buyer PIC Link QuantityPIC

Show Sub Data Type Length Printed on Required Required
questions? waybill (NVDCreate) (NVDRecreate)

No Text 20 Y No Required No Required

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Boolean N No Required No Required

No Date N No Required No Required

No Text N No Required No Required

No Text 10 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric 4 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text N Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 10 N Optional Optional

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 20 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 3 Y Optional Optional

No Text 20 Y Optional Optional

No Text 300 N Optional Optional
No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Numeric 4 Y Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3000 N Optional Optional
No Numeric 2 N Optional Optional
No Text 20 Y Optional Optional
No Numeric: NVDFileID Y Optional Optional
No Text 20 N Optional Optional
No Date N Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Text 100 N Optional Optional

No Text 20 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 3 N Optional Optional

No Text 3 N Optional Optional

No Numeric 2 N Optional Optional

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 100 N Conditional Conditional

No Text 50 N Conditional Conditional
No Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 50 N Conditional Conditional

Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 200 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional
No Numeric N Conditional Conditional
No Numeric 3 N Conditional Conditional
Yes Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 200 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Numeric 3 N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Date N Conditional Conditional

No Text 3 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 300 N Optional Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 300 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 100 Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Text 3 Y Mandatory Mandatory

No Numeric: NVDFileID Y Optional Optional

No Date Y Mandatory Mandatory
No Boolean N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 30 N Mandatory Mandatory

No Text 30 N Optional Optional
No Text 100 Y Optional Optional
No Text 300 Y Conditional Conditional
No Text 20 Y Optional Optional
No Date Y Optional Optional
No Time N Optional Optional
No Boolean N Conditional Conditional

No Date Y Conditional Conditional

No Text 30 Y Optional Optional

No Time N Optional
No Text 20 N Optional
No Text 20 N Optional
No Text 200 Y Optional
No Text 300 Y Conditional

No Boolean N Optional

No Date N Optional
No Text 20 Y Optional

No Text 300 Y Optional

No Numeric 4 Y Conditional

No Numeric 4 N Conditional
No Text 100 N Conditional
No Text 300 N Optional
No Text 3000 N Optional

No Numeric: NVDFileID N Optional

No Text 20 N Optional
No Date N Optional
No Time N Optional
No Text 100 N Optional

Optional No Text 20 Optional

Required Required Comments/Business rule (NVDRecreate) Loop
(NVDSaleUpdate) (NVDQtyUpdate)

Mandatory Mandatory Serial Number generated by NLIS System

Off-line reference number

Off-line reference number

NVD has been locked for editting

Date NVDs are locked

NLIS User who locks NVDs

Allowed value: Based on current paper

version + minor version e.g.C0413.0
Allowed value: Sheep
Allowed value: true|false

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |


Restricted to numeric NLIS account code

during trial. Will be email in a production
system (TBC)

Allowed values: LPA |Other values to be L10

added at a later date.
Allowed values: A |A1 |N Other values to
be added at a later date.

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |

Buyer if sold direct, otherwise agent
Will be email in a production system.

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |


Will be email in a production system.

Mandatory Total animals per description L20
Optional YYYY e.g. 2015
Optional MM e.g. 12 (for December)
Optional L25
Optional L30
Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified
between descriptions and animal ID

Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified

between PICs and animal ID
Mandatory Total animals for all descriptions

Allowed values: Yes | No

Allowed values: Yes | No

Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
Allowed values: Yes | No

Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory when 'No' selected above.

Allowed values Less than 2 months | 2-6
months | 6-12 months | More than 12
Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected L40

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
Allowed values: Yes | No

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected L50

Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Mandatory if 'Yes' selected
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No

Used to attached scanned PDFs etc. L60

Allowed values: NSW | NT | WA | QLD |

May not be required - TBC
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Allowed values: Yes | No. Should be YES
for all NVDs if NVDCreate used.
Prefill from consignor landline
Prefill from consignor fax no

Will be email in a production system (TBC)

and mandatory for NVDCreate, optional
for NVDRecreate
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Allowed values: Yes | No

May not be required - TBC. Where

signature required, print waybill and
manually sign. Conditional on state.
dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)

Optional Assumes one vendor per NVD
Optional Assumes one agent per NVD
Optional Assumes one agent per NVD
Conditional Will be email in a production system (TBC).
Becomes mandatory where Sale
information is provided.

Optional Allowed values: Yes | No |

Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)

Optional Mandatory if not a direct consignment to L70
a buyer i.e. via a saleyard

Optional Will be email in a production system (TBC)

Conditional All descriptions

Conditional Per description L80

Optional To be confirmed - depending on NLIS L85
validation required.
Optional L90
Optional dd/mm/yyyy (e.g. 31/01/2015)
Optional HH/mm (e.g. 23:30)
Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified
between descriptions and animal ID

Optional If blank, assumes no relation specified

between PICs and animal ID
Fields returned in



















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