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Present Perfect Or Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise

Fill in the blanks with an appropriate verb form.

1. How long ........................ Julie?

have you known

have you been knowing
Either could be used here

Some verbs are not normally used in the continuous form. Know is one of them.

2. I ............................. all morning. I am tired.

have worked
have been working
Either could be used here

We use the perfect continuous when the focus is on the continuity rather than the

3. I ........................ ten letters since morning.

have written
have been writing

Here the emphasis is on the idea of completion and hence we use the perfect tense.

4. I have already ......................... the report.

been receiving
Either could be used here

Here we are talking about a finished action and hence we use the perfect tense.

Present Perfect Or Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise

5. Sorry about the mess. We ...................... the walls.

have painted
have been painting
Either could be used here

Here we are talking about an ongoing situation and therefore we use the present perfect
continuous tense.

6. This is the fifth time you .......................... that question.

have asked
have been asking

We use the present perfect in structures with 'this is the first/second/third time...'

7. You ...................... a dozen cookies today.

have eaten
have been eating
Either could be used here

Here again the emphasis is on the idea of completion.

8. We ............................. in this city for ten years.

have lived
have been living
Either could be used here

The present perfect and the present perfect continuous can both be used to talk about
actions and situations that started in the past and have continued up to the present.

9. John ........................... his leg so he can't walk.

has broken

Present Perfect Or Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise

has been breaking

Either could be used here

10. You look hot. What ............................ ?

have you done

have you been doing
did you do

11. Help! I ......................... my purse.

have lost
have been losing
Either could be used here

We are talking about a finished action here and hence we use the present perfect.

12. 'You look tired.' 'Yes, I .............................'

have run
have been running
Either could be used here

The present perfect continuous can be used to talk about situations that have just stopped
and have present results.



1. How long have you known Julie?

2. I have been working all morning. I am tired.
3. I have written ten letters since morning.
4. I have already received the report.
5. Sorry about the mess. We have been painting the walls.

Present Perfect Or Present Perfect Continuous Tense Exercise

6. This is the fifth time you have asked that question.

7. You have eaten a dozen cookies today.
8. We have lived / have been living in this city for ten years.
9. John has broken his leg so he cant walk.
10. You look hot. What have you been doing?
11. Help! I have lost my purse.
12. You look tired. Yes, I have been running.


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