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Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.

Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + C Copy selected text.

Ctrl + V Paste selected text.

Ctrl + X Cut selected text.

Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed.

Ctrl + Z Undo last action.

Delete - Delete function.

Shift + F10 key - Displays the Short cut Menu for the selected item

Shift + Delete - Delete the selected item permanently without placing it in the Recycle Bin

F1- key To Display Help

F2 key - Rename the selected item.

F3 key - Search a Folder or a File.

F4 key - Display the Address Bar list in My computer or Windows Explorer

F5key - Update the Active Windows

F6 key - Cycle through the screen elements in a Windows or on the Desktop

F10 key - To activate the Menu Bar in the active program .

Ctrl + A - Select All items.

Ctrl + F4 key - Close the active document.

Ctrl + Esc Key - Displays the Start Menu

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Key - Opens Task Manager

Ctrl + Shift + Esc Key - Opens Task Manager

Ctrl (while dragging Copy the selected item) - copy the selected item

Ctrl + Tab key - Move Forward through the tabs

Ctrl + Shift +Tab key - Move backward through the tabs | 1
Ctrl + Shift (while Create a shortcut (to the selected item)

Ctrl + Right Arrow - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word

Ctrl + Left Arrow - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word

Ctrl + Down Arrow - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph

Ctrl + Right Arrow - Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph

Alt + Enter key - View the properties for the selected items

Alt + Space bar key - Open the Short-cut menu for the active menu

Alt + Tab key - Switch between the open programs

Alt + Esc Key - Cycle through programs in the order they have been opened

Alt+F4 Close or Quit the Active program

Tab - Move Forward through the options

Shift + Tab Key - Move backward through the options

Enter Key - Perform the Command for the active button or option

Backspace key - Open a Folder one level up, if a folder is selected in the Save As or Open Dialogue Box

End - Displays the bottom of the active window

Home - Displays the Top of the active window

Num Lock + Asterisk (*) sign - Displays all the sub-folders that are under the selected Folder

Num Lock + Plus (+) sign - Displays the content of the selected folder

Num Lock + Minus (-) sign - Collapse the selected folder

Left arrow - Collapse the current selection if it is expanded or selects the present folder

Right Arrow - Displays the current selection if it is collapsed or selects the first sub- folder

Ctrl + E Open the Search bar

Ctrl + F Start the Find option

Ctrl + H Open the History bar

Ctrl + I Open the Favorite bar | 2
Ctrl + L Open the Open Dialogue box

Ctrl + P Open the Print Dialogue box

Ctrl + W Close the current Window

Ctrl + O Adds or removes 6pts of spacing before a paragraph

Ctrl + A Select all contents of the page.

Ctrl + B Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + C Copy selected text.

Ctrl + D Open the font preferences window

Ctrl + E Aligns the line or selected text to the center of the screen

Ctrl + I Open find box.

Ctrl + J Italic highlighted selection.

Ctrl + K Insert link

Ctrl + L Aligns the line or elected text to the left of the screen

Ctrl + M Indent the paragraph

Ctrl + P Open the print window.

Ctrl + R Aligns the line or elected text to the right of the screen

Ctrl + T Create a hanging indent

Ctrl + U Underline highlighted selection.

Ctrl + V Paste

Ctrl + X Cut selected text

Ctrl + Y Redo the last action performed.

Ctrl + Z Undo last action.

Ctrl + Shift + L Quickly create a bullet point.

Ctrl + Shift + F Change the font.

Ctrl + Shift + > - Increase selected font +1pts up to 12pt and then increasesfont+2pts | 3
Ctrl + ] - Increase selected font + 1pts.

Ctrl + Shift + < - decrease selected font - 1pts if 12pt or lower, if above 12 decreases font by +2pt.

Ctrl + [ - Decrease selected font -1pits

Ctrl+/+C - Insert a cent sign

Ctrl + Shift + * - View or hide non printing characters.

Ctrl + <left arrow> - Moves one word to the left.

Ctrl + <right arrow> - Moves one word to the right <

Ctrl + <up arrow> - Moves to the beginning of the line or paragraph.

Ctrl + <down arrow> - Moves to the end of the paragraph

Ctrl + Del - Deletes word to right of cursor

Ctrl + Backspace - Deletes word to left of cursor.

Ctrl + End - Moves the cursor to the end of the document.

Ctrl + Home - Moves the cursor to the beginning of the document.

Ctrl + Spacebar - Reset highlighted text to the default font

Ctrl +1 - Single-space lines.

Ctrl + 2 - Double-space lines.

Ctrl + 5 - 1.5-line spacing

Ctrl + Alt + 1 - Changes text to heading 1

Ctrl + Alt + 2 - Changes text to heading 2

Alt+Ctrl+F2 - Open new document

Ctrl+F1 - Open the Task Pane.

Ctrl+F2 - Display the print preview.

Ctrl + Shift + > - Increases the highlighted text size by one.

Ctrl + Shift + < -Decreases the highlighted text size by one.

Ctrl + Shift + F6 - Opens to another open Microsoft Word document | 4
Ctrl + Shift + F12 - Prints the document.

F1 - Open Help

F4 - Repeat the last action performed (Word 2000+)

F5 - Open the find, replace, and go to window in Microsoft word.

F7 - Spell-check and grammar check selected text or document.

F12 - Save as

Shift +F3 - Change the text in Microsoft Word from uppercase to lowercase or a capital letter at the
beginning of every word

Shift + F7 - Runs a Thesaurus check on the word highlighted.

Shift + F12 - Save

Shift + Enter - Create a soft break instead of a new paragraph.

Shift + Insert - Paste.

Shift + Alt + D - Insert the current date

Shift + Alt + T - Insert the current time

In addition to the above shortcut keys users can also use their mouse as a method of quickly do
something commonly performed. Below some are examples of mouse shortcuts.

Click, hold, and drag - Selects text from where you click and hold to the point you drag and let go

Double-click - If double-click a word, selects the complete word.

Double click - Double clicking on the left, center, or right of a blank line will make the alignment of the
text left, center, or right aligned

Double Click - Double-clicking anywhere after text on a line will set a tab stop

Triple Click - Selects the line or paragraph of the text the mouse triple-clicked

F2 - Edit the selected cell.

F5 - Go to a specific cell. For example, C6

F7 - Spell check selected text or document.

F11 - Create chart.

Ctrl + Shift+; - Enter the current time. | 5
Ctrl+; - Enter the current date.

Alt + Shift + F1- Insert New Worksheet.

Shift + F3 - Open the Excel formula window

Shift + F5 - Bring up search box

Ctrl + A - Select all contents of the worksheet

Ctrl + B - Bold highlighted selection.

Ctrl + I - Italic highlighted selection

Ctrl + K - Insert link

Ctrl + U - Underline highlighted selection.

Ctrl + 5 - Strikethrough highlighted selection.

Ctrl + P - Bring up the print dialog box to begin printing

Ctrl + Z - Undo last action

Ctrl + F9 - Minimize current window

Ctrl + F10 - Maximize currently selected window

Ctrl + F6 - Switch between open workbooks or windows

Ctrl + Page up - Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

Ctrl + Page down - Move between Excel work sheets in the same Excel document.

Ctrl + Tab - Move between Two or more open Excel files

Alt + = - Create a formula to sum all of the above cells

ctrl + ' - Insert the value of the above cell into cell currently selected.

Ctrl + Shift +! - Format number in comma format.

Ctrl + Shift + $ - Format number in currency format.

Ctrl + Shift + # - Format number in date format

Ctrl + Shift + % - Format number in percentage format

Ctrl + Shift + ^ - Format number in scientific format. | 6
Ctrl + Shift + @ - Format number in time format

Ctrl + Arrow key - Move to next section of text.

Ctrl + Space - Select entire column

Shift + Space - Select entire row

Ctrl-B - Bold

Ctrl-F2 Builder

Ctrl-W - Close

Ctrl-F4 - Close

Ctrl-C - Copy

Ctrl-X - Cut

Ctrl-Y - Cut current line and copy to Clipboard

F6/Shift-F6 - Cycle through sections

Ctrl-Tab - Cycle through tab of each object's type (forward)

Ctrl-Shift-Tab - Cycle through tab of each object's type (backward)

F11 - Database window

Ctrl - - Delete current record

F2 - Edit/Navigation mode (toggle)

Ctrl-Tab/Shift-Tab - Exit sub form and move to next/previous field in next record

Shift-Dn/Up - Extend selection to next/previous record

Ctrl-F - Find

Shift-F4 - Find Next

Shift-F3 - Find Previous

Ctrl-G Go To

Ctrl ; - Insert current date

Ctrl : - Insert current time | 7
Ctrl-Alt-spacebar - Insert default value

Ctrl + Enter - Insert new line

Ctrl - Insert value from same field in previous record Italics

Ctrl-I - Italics

F10 - Menu bar

Ctrl-Home/End - Move to beginning/end of multiple-line field

Ctrl-Up/Dn - Move to current field in first/last record (Navigation mode)

Ctrl-Home - Move to first field in first record (Navigation mode)

Home/End - Move to first/last field in current record (Navigation mode)

Ctrl-End - Move to last field in last record (Navigation mode)

Home or Ctrl-Left - Move to left edge of page

F5 - Move to page number/record number box

End or Ctrl-Right - Move to right edge of page

Ctrl-N - New (object)

Ctrl + - New record (add)

Ctrl-F6 -Next window

Ctrl-O - Open

F4 - Open combo box

Ctrl-Enter - Open in Design view

Ctrl + V - Paste

Ctrl + P - Print

Alt-Enter - Property sheet

F9 - Refresh combo fox

Ctrl-H - Replace

Shift+F9 - Requery underlying tables in sub form | 8
Ctrl + S - Save

F12 - Save As

Shift-Enter - Save current record

Ctrl + Pgup/PgDn - screen left/right

Ctrl-spacebar - Selected /unselect column (Navigation mode)

F7 - Spelling / Grammar check

F6 - Switch between upper/lower panes

F5 - switch to form view

Ctrl+F8 - Turn on Move mode

Ctrl + U - Underline

Ctrl + Z - Undo

Shift F8 - Undo previous extension

Shift F2 - Zoom box

Ctrl-B Bold

Ctrl-W - Close

Ctrl-F4 - Close

Ctrl-C - Copy

Ctrl-F - Find

Ctrl-l - Italics

F10 - Menu bar

Ctrl-N - New Slide

Ctrl-F6 - Next Window

Ctrl-O - Open

Ctrl-V - Paste

Ctrl-P - Print | 9
Shift-F4 - Repeat Find

Ctrl-Y - Repeat/Redo

Ctrl-H - Replace

Ctrl-S - Save

F5 - Slide Show: Begin

B - Slide Show: Black screen show/hide

Esc - Slide Show: End

E - Slide Show: Erase annotations

H - Slide Show: Go to next hidden slide

Ctrl-L - Slide Show: Hide pointer and button always

Ctrl-H - Slide Show: Hide pointer and button temporarily

Ctrl-A - Slide Show: Mouse pointer to arrow

Ctrl-P - Slide Show: Mouse pointer to pen

N - Slide Show: Next slide

P - Slide Show: Previous slide

T - Slide Show: Set new timings while rehearsing

S - Slide Show: Stop/restart automatic slide snow

M - Slide Show: Use mouse-click to advance (rehearsing)

O - Slide Show: use original timing

W - Slide Show: White screen' show/hide

F7 - Spelling and Grammar check

Ctrl-F6 - Switch to the next presentation window

Ctrl-Tab / Ctrl-Page Down - Switch to the next tab in a dialog box

Ctrl-Shift-F6 - Switch to the previous presentation window

Ctrl-Shift-Tab / Ctrl-Page Up - Switch to the previous tab in a dialog Dox | 10
Num / - Turn character formatting on or of

Ctrl-U - Underline

Ctrl-Z - Undo



ACE - Access Control Entry

ACL - Access Control List

ADO - Active Data Objects

AGP - Accelerated Graphics Port

AI - Artificial Intelligence

ALU - Algorithmic Language

API - Arithmetic Logic Unit

APIPA - Automatic Private Internet Protocol Addressing

ARP - Address Resolution Protocol

ASCII - American Standard Code for Information Interchange

ASF - Advanced Streaming Format

ASM - Association for Systems Management

ASP - Active Server Pages

ATAPI - Advanced Technology Attachment Packet Interface

ATM - Asynchronous Transfer Mode

AUI - Attachment Unit Interface

AVI - Audio Video Interleave

B2B - Business to Business

B2C - Business to Commerce

BASIC - Beginner's All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code | 11
BCD - Binary Coded Decimal

BCR - Bar Code Reader ,

BHTML - Broadcast Hyper Text Markup Language

BOOTP - Bootstrap Protocol

BPEL - Business Process Execution Language

BINAC - Binary Automatic Computer

BIOS - Basic Input Output System

Bit - Binary Digit

BMP - Bitmap

CAD - Computer Aided Design

CAI - Computer Aided Instruction

CAM - Computer Aided Manufacturing

CASE - Computer Aided Software Engineering

CCNA - Cisco Certified Network Associate

CD - Compact Disc

CDROM - Compact Disk Read Only Memory

CD RW - Compact Disc Re-Writable

CDMA - Code Division Multiple Access

CD WORM - Compact Disc - Write Once Read Many

C Dot - Center for Development of Telemetric

C-DAC - Centre for Development of Advanced Computing

CDONTS - Collaboration on Data Objects for Windows NT Server

CGI - Common Gateway Interface

CIDR - Classless Inter-Domain Routing

CLR - Common Language Runtime | 12
CMOS - Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor

CMS - Content Management System

CMYK - Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Key (black)

COBOL - Common Business Oriented Language

COM - Component Object Model

CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture

CPU - Central Processing Unit

CRC - Cyclic Redundancy Check

CRM - Customer Relationship Management

CROM - Control Read Only Memory

CRT - Cathode Ray Tube

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets

CTCP - Client-to-Client Protocol

CUI - Character User Interface

DAC - Digital to Analog Converter

DAO - Data Access Objects

DAT - Digital Audio Tape

DBA - Data Base Administrator

DBMS - Data Base Management System

DCOM - Distributed Component Object Model

DDL - Data Definition Language

DFS - Distributed File System

DHCP - Domain Host Configuration Protocol

DHTML - Dynamics Hyper Text Markup Language

DLC - Data Link Control | 13
DLL - Dynamic Link Library

DMA - Direct Memory Access

DML - Data Manipulation Language

DNS - Domain Name System

DOM - Document Object Model

DOS - Disk Operating System, Denial Of Service

DDOS - Distributed Denial Of Service

dpi - dots per inch

DSL - Digital Subscriber Line

DSN - Digital Subscriber Network

DTD - Document Type Definition

DVD - Digital Versatile Disc

EBCDIC - Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code

E-commerce - Electronic Commerce

EDP - Electronic Data Processing

EFS - Encrypted File System

EPROM - Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EEPROM - Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory

EJ B - Enterprise Java Beans

ERP - Enterprise Resource Planning

EULA - End User License Agreement

EXE - Executable (file)

FAT - File Allocation Table

FDD - Floppy Disk Drive

FDDI - Fiber Distributed Data Interface | 14
FIFO - First In First Out

FLOPS - Floating Point Operations Per Second

FO - Fiber Optics

FORTRAN Formula Translation

FTP - File Transfer Protocol

Fps - frames per second

FRAM - Ferro-electric Random Access Memory

GB - Giga Bytes

GIF - Graphic Interchange Format

GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out

GNU's - Not Unix

GPL - General Public License

GUI - Graphical User Interface

HDD - Hard Disk Drive

HFS - Hierarchical File System

HP - Hewlett Packard

HPC - High Performance Computing

HPFS - High Performance File System

HSR - Horizontal Scan Rate

HTML - Hyper Text Markup Language

HTTP - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Hardware

hw - Hardware

IBM - International Business Machines

ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol

ICP - Internet Cache Protocol | 15
IDE - Integrated Development Environment

IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol

IIS - Internet Information Server

IL - Intermediate Language

I/O - Input Output

IP - Internet Protocol

IP TV - Internet Protocol Television

IPX - Internetworked Packet Exchange

IrDA - Infrared Data Association

IRQ - Interrupt Request

ISAPI - Internet Server Application Program Interface

ISDN - Integrated Services Digital Network

ISP - Internet Service Provider

IT - Information Technology

ITPL - Information Technology Park Limited (India)

JCL - Job Control Language

JDBC - Java Data Base Connectivity

JHTML - Java within Hyper Text Markup Language

JNDI - Java Naming & Directory Interface

JPEG - Joint Photographic Experts Group

JS - Java Script

JSP - Java Server Pages

Kb - kilobytes

KbPs - Kilo bytes per second

Khz - Kilohertz | 16
L2TP - Layer Two Tunneling Protocol

LAN - Local Area Network

LCD - Liquid Crystal Display

LIFO - Last In First Out

LI PS - Logical Interfaces Per Second

LOC - Lines Of Code

LSP - Layered Service Provide

MB - Mega Bytes

MBPS - Mega Bytes Per Second

MBR - Master Boot Record

MAC - Media Access Control

MAN - Metropolitan Area Network

MAU - Multi-station Access Unit

MCP - Microsoft Certified Professional

MCS - Multicast Server

MCSA - Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator

MCSD - Microsoft Certified Solution Developer

MCSE - Microsoft Certified System Engineer

MDI - Multiple Document Interface

MFC - Microsoft Foundation Classes

MFT - Master File Table

MICR - Magnetic Ink Character Recognition

MIDI - Musical Instrument Digital Interface

MIMD - Multiple Instruction Multiple Data

MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions | 17
MISD - Multiple Instruction Single Data

MIPS - Millions of Instructions Per Second

MODEM - MOdulator and DEModulator

MP3 - Motion Pictures Experts Group Layer 3

MPEG - Motion Pictures Experts Group

MS - Microsoft

MSDN - Microsoft Developer Network

MSIL - Microsoft Intermediate Language

MSIIS - Microsoft Internet Information Server

MSN - Microsoft Network

MSRAP - Microsoft Remote Administration Protocol

MSRPC - Microsoft Remote Procedure Call

MTS - Microsoft Transaction Server

MTU - Maximum Transmission Unit

NASSCOM - National Association of Software & Service Companies

NDIS - Network Driver Interface Specification

N FS - Network File System

NetBEUI - NetBIOS Enhanced User Interface

NIC - Network Interface Card ; National Informatics Centred

NIIT - National Institute of Information Technology

NNTP - Network News Transfer Protocol

NOS - Network Operating System

NOW - Network Of Workstations

NT (Windows) - New Technology

NTP - Network Time Protocol | 18
NTFS - New Technology File System

OCP - Oracle Certified Professional

OCL - Optical Character Reader

ODBC - Open Data Base Connectivity

OLE - Object Linking and Embedding

OMR - Optical Mark Reader

ONE - Open Network Architecture

OOAD - Object Oriented Analysis and Design

OOPS - Object Oriented Programming System

Open GL - Open Graphics Library

OS - Operating System

PC - Personal Computer

PCI - Peripheral Component Interconnect

PCMCIA - Personal Computer Memory Card International Association

PDA - Personal Digital Assistant

PDF - Portable Document Format

PDL - Page Description Language

PHP - Hypertext Processor

PLC - Programmable Logic Controller

PNG - Portable Network Graphics

Pnp - Plug and Play

POP - Post Office Protocol

POST - Power On Self Test

PPP - Peer to Peer Protocol

PPTP - Point to Point Tunneling Protocol | 19
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory

PS - Post Script

PSTN - Public Switched Telephone Network

PSN - Processor Serial Number

QDR - Quad data Rate

QoS - Quality of Service

RAID - Redundant Array of Independent Disks

RADIUS - Remote Authentication Dial In Use Service

RAM - Random Access Memory

RAMDAC - Random Access Memory Digital to Analog Converter

RDBMS - Relational Data Base Management System

RDO - Remote Data Objects

RDP - Remote Desktop Protocol

RD RAM - Ramous Dynamic Random Access Memory

R-DAT - Rotating Digital Audio Tape

REFAL - Recursive Function Algorithmic Language

RFC - Request For Comments

RGB - Red Green Blue

RIP - Raster Image Processor

RISC - Reduced Instruction Set Computer

ROM - Read Only Memory

RPC - Remote Procedure Call

RTC - Real Time Clock

RTF - Rich Text Format

RTOS Real Time Operating System | 20
SACK - Selective Acknowledgements

SAM - Security Access Manager

SAP - Service Access Point, Systems Applications Products

SCSI - Small Computers Systems Interface

SRAM - Static Random Access Memory

SD RAM - Synchronous Dynamic Random Access Memory

S DAT - Stationary Digital Audio Tape

SDK - Software Development Kit

SGML - Standard Generalized Markup Language

SG RAM - Synchronous Graphics Random Access Memory

SIM - Subscriber Identification Module

SIMD - Single Instruction Multiple Data

SISD - Single Instruction Single Data

SMS - Short Message Service

SMTP - Simple Mail Transfer Protocol

SNA - System Network Architecture

SNAP - Sub Network Access Protocol

SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol

SOAP - Simple Object Access Protocol

SPX - Sequenced Packet Exchange

SQL - Structured Query Language

sw - software

TB - Tera Bytes

TAPI - Telephony Application Program Interface

TCP - Transmission Control Protocol | 21
TCP/IP - Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol

TDI - Transport Data Interface

TPM - Transactions Processing Monitor

TSR - Terminate and Stay Residents

UDP - User Datagram Protocol

UNC - Universal Naming Convention

UNIX - Unpiloted Information and Computer Systems

UML - Unified Modeling Language

UPS - Uninterrupted Power Supply

URL - Universal Resource Locator

USB - Universal Serial Bus

UTP - Unshielded Twisted Pair

VAN - Virtual Area Network

VB - Visual Basic

VC++ - Visual C++

VCD - Video Compact Disc

VGA - Video Graphics Array

VHS - Video Home System

VLIW - Very Long Instruction Words | 22

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