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Week 1

Day Sunday
Date 3/1/2016
Time 9.15 10. 15 am / 11. 45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu / 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the situation of a fishing village in 3-5 sentences
with sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher shows pictures that related to a fisherman like sea,
beaches, fisherman, boat, fish, net and jetty.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
4. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher pastes the sentence strips on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the pictures.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Sunday
Date 3/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. speak confidently about the types of books.
Activities 1. Teacher talks about a book cover.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
5. Teacher asks questions about the type of books.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher writes the questions on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the books.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 1
Day Sunday
Date 3/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. speak confidently about the types of books.
Activities 1. Teacher talks about a book cover.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
5. Teacher asks questions about the type of books.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher writes the questions on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the books.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 1
Day Monday
Date 4/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the situation of a fishing village in 3-5 sentences
with sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher shows pictures that related to a fisherman like sea,
fishing village, fisherman, boat, fish and salted fish.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
4. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher writes the questions on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the pictures.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Monday
Date 4/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the situation of a fishing village in 3-5 sentences
with sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher shows pictures that related to a fisherman like sea,
fishing village, fisherman, boat, fish and salted fish.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
4. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher writes the questions on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the pictures.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Monday
Date 4/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.1
Learning Standard 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the situation of a fishing village in 3-5 sentences
with sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher shows pictures that related to a fisherman like sea,
fishing village, fisherman, boat, fish and salted fish.
2. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
3. Refer to the textbook page 1, teacher elicits answers from
pupils on what they see in the pictures.
4. Teacher reads a sample dialogue.
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue.
6. Teacher drills pronunciation and spelling of the words.
7. Teacher writes the questions on the whiteboard. Pupils
practice questions/answer related to the pictures.
8. Pupils write the questions/answers in their exercise book.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Monday
Date 4/1/2016
Time 12.45 -1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a) / 2.2.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. locate meaning of base words from the dictionary.
Activities 1. Teacher shows picture of salted fish. Pupils name the
2. Teacher explains the processed of making salted fish.
3. Teacher writes the words from the passage like refrigerator,
freeze, preserve, sprinkle, salt, arrange, made, caught and
4. Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.
5. Refer to textbook page 3, pupils read the text silently.
6. Do reading activity guided reading.
7. Teacher discusses the contents of the text. Teacher asks
questions on the text read.
8. Pupils look up for based words in the dictionary.
9. Teacher distributes task sheets. Pupils transfer information
from the text read into the task sheets. (steps of making
salted fish)
10. Discuss the answers.
11. Teacher asks questions how to make salted fish to elicit
pupils understanding.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Wednesday
Date 6/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a) / 2.2.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. locate meaning of base words from the dictionary.
Activities 1. Teacher shows picture of salted fish. Pupils name the
2. Teacher explains the processed of making salted fish.
3. Teacher writes the words from the passage like refrigerator,
freeze, preserve, sprinkle, salt, arrange, made, caught and
4. Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.
5. Refer to textbook page 3, pupils read the text silently.
6. Do reading activity guided reading.
7. Teacher discusses the contents of the text. Teacher asks
questions on the text read.
8. Pupils look up for based words in the dictionary.
9. Teacher distributes task sheets. Pupils transfer information
from the text read into the task sheets. (steps of making
salted fish)
10. Discuss the answers.
11. Teacher asks questions how to make salted fish to elicit
pupils understanding.
Teaching Aids Pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Wednesday
Date 6/1/2016
Time 12.15 1.15 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2 / 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.3 / 3.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use punctuation correctly.
2. write the paragraphs in cursive writing.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 6. Read the sentences. Discuss
the content.
2. Teacher explains about full stop, comma, question mark,
quotation mark, capital letter and exclamation mark.
3. Teacher models sentences based on the punctuation items.
4. Pupils complete the task by writing with correct spelling in
5. The answers are discussed together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring
CCE Language
Week 1
Day Wednesday
Date 6/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading
Content Standard 3.1
Learning Standard 3.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling :
(a) words
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 5, write the words using cursive
2. Teacher models sentences based on the key words.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to write the cursive writing.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 1
Day Thursday
Date 7/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use compound noun correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 8. Read the notes. Discuss the
2. Teacher explains about compound nouns.
3. Teacher models sentences based on compound nouns.
4. Pupils name the pictures, complete the compound nouns
and write sentences using compound nouns.
5. The answers are discussed together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 2
Day Sunday
Date 10/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Language Art
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 4.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.1.1 / 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. recite the poem with enjoyment.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 10. Recite the poem. Discuss the
2. Teacher models how to make a foot puppet.
3. Pupils make a foot puppet.
4. Teacher guides the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, white paper, craft stick, sticky tape and
coloured pencils
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 1
Day Thursday
Date 7/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading
Content Standard 3.1
Learning Standard 3.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write in neat cursive writing with correct spelling :
(a) words
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 5, write the words using cursive
2. Teacher models sentences based on the key words.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to write the cursive writing.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 1
Day Thursday
Date 7/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 5.1
Learning Standard 5.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use common nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 8, teacher explains about common
nouns to the pupils.
2. Teacher models sentences based on the common nouns.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 2
Day Sunday
Date 10/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 5.1
Learning Standard 5.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use common nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 8, teacher explains about common
nouns to the pupils.
2. Teacher models sentences based on the common nouns.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 2
Day Sunday
Date 10/1/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 4.2
Learning Standard 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand about the characters.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 10, teacher reads the story to the
2. Teacher asks the pupils to role play the story with guidance.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to answer comprehension
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 2
Day Monday
Date 11/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 5.1
Learning Standard 5.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use common nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 8, teacher explains about common
nouns to the pupils.
2. Teacher models sentences based on the common nouns.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 2
Day Monday
Date 11/1/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard 1.3
Learning Standard 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. ask / answer questions about stalls and things sell at a market.
2. Talk about what can see and buy at the stationery shop, night
market and coffee shop.
Activities 1. Teacher asks how many had ever been to a market and what did
they see at a market. Elicit response from pupils.
2. Refer to textbook page 2. Elicit answers from pupils on what they
see in the pictures. Read a sample dialogue.
3. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue. Pupils practice
questions / answer related to the picture.
4. Pupils write the questions / answers in their exercise book.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to draw the bubble map.
6. Pupils list out what can be seen and bought at the stationery
shop, night market and coffee shop.
7. Pupils present their answers in 3 5 sentences.
Teaching Aids Pictures, textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 2
Day Monday
Date 11/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Language Art
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 4.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.1.1 / 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. recite the poem with enjoyment.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 10. Recite the poem. Discuss the
2. Teacher models how to make a foot puppet.
3. Pupils make a foot puppet.
4. Teacher guides the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, white paper, craft stick, sticky tape and
coloured pencils
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 2
Day Monday
Date 11/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.2 / 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.2.4 / 1.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. take part in a conversation with peers.
2. able to response to the pictures by giving appropriate
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 2. Teacher asks the pupils to
read the dialogue with guidance.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to work in pairs practicing the
3. Pupils present in front of the class.
4. Teacher asks the questions what is their favourite book and
states the reasons why they choose the book.
5. Pupils presents their discussions in 3-5 sentences.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 2
Day Tuesday
Date 12/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am / 9.15 10. 15 am
Class 4 Gading / 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard 2.2
Learning Standard 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer comprehension questions.
2. locate meanings of base words from the dictionary.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the occupation of pupils parents. Elicit response
from pupils.
2. Teacher writes words from the passage on the board. Elicit the
meaning from pupils.
3. Refer to textbook page 4. Read the text silently. Does reading
4. Ask questions on the text read.
5. Ask the pupils to complete true or false statement from the text
6. Ask pupils to answer the comprehension questions.
7. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids Pictures, textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation

Week 2
Day Thursday
Date 14/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am / 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu / 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard 2.2
Learning Standard 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer comprehension questions.
2. locate meanings of base words from the dictionary.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the occupation of pupils parents. Elicit response
from pupils.
2. Teacher writes words from the passage on the board. Elicit the
meaning from pupils.
3. Refer to textbook page 4. Read the text silently. Does reading
4. Ask questions on the text read.
5. Ask the pupils to complete true or false statement from the text
6. Ask pupils to answer the comprehension questions.
7. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids Pictures, textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation

Week 2
Day Thursday
Date 14/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Week 3
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.3.1 (b) (d)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. give opinions about the chosen books and draw conclusions
about the books.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 3. Teacher asks the pupils to
read the blurbs with guidance.
2. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
3. Ask the pupils to state true or false about the story and
answer comprehension questions.
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Monday
Date 18/1/2016
Time 37.45 8.45 am / 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a book report.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 7. Teacher asks the pupils to
read the book reports.
2. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
3. Teacher explains about the words like title, author, genre,
characters, synopsis and moral values. Teacher asks the
pupils to collect the information about the chosen book from
the internet.
4.Teacher guides the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Politeness
Day Monday
Date 18/1/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am / 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu / 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1 / 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.2 (a) / 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the invitation to fundraising fair in cursive writing.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 6. Read the text. Discussed the contents.
2. Teacher highlights the information in the text about the fair like
date, time, place and items on sale.
3. Teacher models sentences based on the key words.
4. Pupils write an invitation card with the above information with
legible cursive writing and decorate the card.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation

Week 3
Day Monday
Date 18/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am / 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Stories
Topic Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) 1.
Integrated Skill(s) 1.
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
2. write a book report.
Activities 2. Refer to the textbook page 7. Teacher asks the pupils to
Week 3 read the book reports.
Day 2. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
Date 3. Teacher explains about the words like title, author, genre,
characters, synopsis and moral values. Teacher asks the
Time 9.15 10.15
pupils am the information about the chosen book from
to collect
Class 6 Gading
the internet.
Subject 4.Teacher
English guides the pupils.
Teaching Aids
Theme EnglishofTextbook
World Stories
Moral Value(s)
Topic Politeness
Unit 1 Reading : A Window to the World
Skill(s) ICT
Reflection Skill(s)
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. write a book report.
Activities 3. Refer to the textbook page 7. Teacher asks the pupils to
Week 3
read the book reports.
Day Thursday
2. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
Time 3.
8.15Teacher explains
9.15 am / 12.45 1.45 pmabout the words like title, author, genre,
Class characters,
4 Gading / 4 Perindu synopsis and moral values. Teacher asks the
Subject pupils
English Languageto collect the information about the chosen book from
Theme the internet.
World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 1 Our Community
4.Teacher guides the pupils.
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s)Aids English
Reading andTextbook
Content Value(s) Politeness
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1(b), 5.1.1(c)
Learning Objective(s)
By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
Reflection 1.
change the singular nouns to plural nouns.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the plural forms of the selected words. ( + s : + es: + ies )
2. Each group identifies the given words and place them in correct category.
3. Teacher highlights the singular-plural rules for each category.
4. Pupils are given a text.
Week 35. Pupils are asked to identify and underline the singular and plural nouns found in the text.
6. They are required to change form of the nouns singular to plural; plural to singular]
Day Thursday
7. Teacher shows the correct answer and pupils check the answers.
Date 21/1/2016
8. Pupils are divided into two groups.
9. Pupils are asked to sing the following song to the tune of Oh My Clementine.
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Group 1:
Class 6 Gading If you are clever [ 3 X ]
Answer me
Subject English Language Whats the plural [ 3 X ]
form of family
Theme World Group
of Self,
2: Family and Friends
I am clever [ 3 X ]
Topic Unit 2 Appreciating Dear friends
Skill(s) Writing Easy answer [ 3 X ]
Teaching Aids Skill(s) Reading
English textbook, text
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
Content Standard(s) 3.3 , 3.1
CCE Creative and Innovation

Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b) , 3.1.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. create a personalised card for family members to express
love and gratitude.
2. write in cursive writing.
Activities 1. Refer to the textbook page 16. Teacher asks the pupils to
read the card on Fathers Day.
2. Teacher elicits response from the pupils.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to make a card of one family
members to express love and gratitude.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Week 4
Day Monday
Date 25/1/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 2 Appreciating Others
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and use abstract nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher explains about abstract nouns.
2. Ask the pupils to copy the notes. Refer to textbook page 18.
3. Pupils complete the table with abstract and concrete nouns.
Guide the pupils.
4. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Week 4
Day Monday
Date 25/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am / 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu / 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. Recite tongue twisters with correct pronunciation.
2. Participate in guided conversations with peers.
Activities 1. Refer to textbook page 11. Recites the tongue twisters.
2. Does the activity in guided choral and individually recitation.
3. Teacher elicits pupils : guessing the occupation of characters in the twisters.
e.g. Sharon school girl, Tom plumber, Prema party planner, Gary an
4. Teacher reads a sample dialogue in textbook page 12.
e.g. A teacher is asking the pupils what are their ambition and what
they should do to achieve it?
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue
e.g. What is the conversation about?
6. Teacher provides 4 sets of different ambition and sample of dialogues. Teacher drills
the sentence pattern.
7. Pupils get into pairs. Pairwork activity choose an ambition and
practice the dialogue.
e.g : I want to be a pilot. I have to study in a flying school. After I pass all my
examination, I will be allowed to fly an aeroplane.
In groups, pupils talk about the advantages of one of the modern
means of communication.
8. Recite the tongue twisters in different speed.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Reflection 4P :

Week 4
Day Monday
Date 25/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am / 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu / 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. Recite tongue twisters with correct pronunciation.
4. Participate in guided conversations with peers.
Activities 5. Refer to textbook page 11. Recites the tongue twisters.
6. Does the activity in guided choral and individually recitation.
7. Teacher elicits pupils : guessing the occupation of characters in the twisters.
e.g. Sharon school girl, Tom plumber, Prema party planner, Gary an
8. Teacher reads a sample dialogue in textbook page 12.
e.g. A teacher is asking the pupils what are their ambition and what
they should do to achieve it?
5. Teacher asks questions about the dialogue
e.g. What is the conversation about?
6. Teacher provides 4 sets of different ambition and sample of dialogues. Teacher drills
the sentence pattern.
7. Pupils get into pairs. Pairwork activity choose an ambition and
practice the dialogue.
e.g : I want to be a pilot. I have to study in a flying school. After I pass all my
examination, I will be allowed to fly an aeroplane.
In groups, pupils talk about the advantages of one of the modern
means of communication.
9. Recite the tongue twisters in different speed.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Reflection 4P :

Week 4
Day Tuesday
Date 26/1/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. participate in guided conversations with peers.
Activities 1. Teacher provides 4 sets of different ambition and sample of dialogues. Teacher drills
the sentence pattern.
2. Pupils get into pairs. Pairwork activity choose an ambition and
practice the dialogue.
e.g : I want to be a pilot. I have to study in a flying school. After I pass all my
examination, I will be allowed to fly an aeroplane.
3. Pupils name the occupations with guidance and choose the correct response.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 4
Day Tuesday
Date 26/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.4 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. locate meanings of base words from the dictionary.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher asks anybody is going to celebrate their birthday in
January? Sing Happy Birthday. Ask what present that they wish
for this birthday. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
2. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage).
e.g : saving, discount, budget, cost, department store, earn
Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.
3. Refer to textbook page 14. Read the text silently. Does reading
4. Teacher asks questions on the text read.
5. Pupils complete the comprehension tasks with guidance.
6. Check the answers with pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook, word cards
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 4
Day Wednesday
Date 27/1/2016
Time 410.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.4 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. locate meanings of base words from the dictionary.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher asks anybody is going to celebrate their birthday in
January? Sing Happy Birthday. Ask what present that they wish
for this birthday. Teacher elicits response from pupils.
2. Teacher shows word cards (words from the passage).
e.g : saving, discount, budget, cost, department store, earn
Teacher elicits the meaning from pupils.
3. Refer to textbook page 14. Read the text silently. Does reading
4. Teacher asks questions on the text read.
5. Pupils complete the comprehension tasks with guidance.
6. Check the answers with pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook, word cards
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Wednesday
Date 27/1/2016
Time 47.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking, Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write with guidance (a) labels.
Activities 1. Talk about the benefits of spending wisely.
2. Refer to textbook page 16. Read the text. Discuss the content.
3. Pupils label the pie chart. Discuss the answers.
4. Explain the different between things need and want.
5. Ask questions what usually pupils want and needed. Elicit answer
from pupils.
6. Pupils get into pairs and practice the dialogue. Choose a thing
want and a thing need. Discuss the reason.
7. Pupils work in pairs to write 2-3 sentences based on the selected
things needed and wanted.
8. Each representative reads out the sentences.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures and relia
Moral Value(s) Love the environment
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Thursday
Date 28/1/2016
Time 412.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking, Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write with guidance (a) labels.
Activities 1. Talk about the benefits of spending wisely.
2. Refer to textbook page 16. Read the text. Discuss the content.
3. Pupils label the pie chart. Discuss the answers.
4. Explain the different between things need and want.
5. Ask questions what usually pupils want and needed. Elicit answer
from pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Honest, responsible
CCE Entrepreneurship
Day Thursday
Date 28/1/2016
Time 58.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1 (d) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. locate and list out countable and uncountable nouns correctly.
Activities 1. Pupils are shown picture of various food for a birthday party.
2. Pupils identify the food and their quantities.
e.g : birthday cake, noodles, satay, drinks, sweets
Elicit answer from pupils.
3. Teacher introduces countable / uncountable nouns and the words
to with e.g : a, an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of, a lot of,
a little and much.
4. Pupils identify the countable / uncountable nouns in the table in
textbook page 18.
5. Drill pupils with the spelling rules.
6. Textbook page 18. Pupils complete the exercise given.
7. Discuss the answers.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Honest, responsible
CCE Entrepreneurship
Day Sunday
Date 31/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1 (d) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. locate and list out countable and uncountable nouns correctly.
Activities 1. Pupils are shown picture of various food for a birthday party.
2. Pupils identify the food and their quantities.
e.g : birthday cake, noodles, satay, drinks, sweets
3. Elicit answer from pupils.
4. Teacher introduces countable / uncountable nouns and the words
to with e.g : a, an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of, a lot of,
a little and much.
5. Pupils identify the countable / uncountable nouns in the table in
textbook page 18.
6. Drill pupils with the spelling rules.
7. Textbook page 18. Pupils complete the exercise given.
8. Discuss the answers.
Teaching Aids English textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Honest, responsible
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 5
Day Sunday
Date 31/1/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1 (d) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. locate and list out countable and uncountable nouns correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces countable / uncountable nouns and the
words to with e.g : a, an, a few, several, many, some, plenty of,
a lot of, a little and much.
2. Drill pupils with the spelling rules.
3. Pupils are divided into two groups.
4. Pupils are asked to choose the correct answers in the exercise
in textbook page 19.
5. Group presents the answer in 10 seconds will win the
Teaching Aids English textbook, word cards
Moral Value(s) Honest, responsible
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 5
Day Sunday
Date 31/1/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic 5Discussion on Test Paper
Skill(s) Monday
Integrated Skill(s) 1/2/2016
Content Standard(s) 8.15 9.15 am
Learning Standard(s) 6 Gading
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. identify the mistakes and make corrections.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the test papers to pupils.
2. Discuss the answers.
3. Pupils do corrections.
Teaching Aids Test papers
Moral Value(s) Honest, responsible
CCE Language
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic 5Unit 2 Appreciating Others
Skill(s) Monday
Integrated Skill(s) 1/2/2016
Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 9.15
5.1 10.15 am
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and use abstract nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher explains about abstract nouns.
2. Ask the pupils to copy the notes. Refer to textbook page 19.
3. Pupils complete the table with abstract and concrete nouns.
Guide the pupils.
4. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme 5World of Knowledge
Topic Tuesday
Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Date 2/2/2016
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking/Writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the text and answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to refer to textbook page 15. Teacher
reads the text. Pupils repeat after her.
2. Teacher introduces the words needs and wants. Teacher
explains the meaning of needs and wants by showing some
examples to the pupils.
3. Teacher lists down a few difficult words and asks the pupils to
use dictionary to find the meaning and jots down inside their
exercise books.
4. Pupils complete the exercises by answering the comprehension
questions based on the text learnt.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
6. Teacher checks the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook, relia
Moral Value(s) Honest and responsible
CCE Entrepreneurship
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject 5English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking/Reading/Writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer comprehension questions.
LBI: fill in the blanks with little guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to refer to the textbook page 20. Teacher
reads and pupils repeat after her.
2. Teacher summarizes the story to the pupils.
3. Teacher asks a few questions regarding to the story.
1. List the characters in the story.
2. Where was Alice?
3. What did Alice see?
4. Teacher asks the pupils to answer comprehension questions with
5. Teacher checks the answers together.

LBI: 1. Teacher guides the pupils to answer the comprehension

questions by fill in the blanks and guides the pupils to
answer the questions.
2. Teacher checks the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Friendly and polite
CCE Language
Day Tuesday
Date 2/2/2016
Time 510.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking/Reading/Writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to refer to the textbook page 20. Teacher
reads and pupils repeat after her.
2. Teacher summarizes the story to the pupils.
3. Teacher asks a few questions regarding to the story.
List the characters in the story.
Where was Alice?
What did Alice see?
4. Teacher asks the pupils to answer comprehension questions with
5. Teacher checks the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Friendly and polite
CCE Language
Day Tuesday
Date 2/2/2016
Time 59.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 2 Appreciating Others
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and use abstract nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher explains about abstract nouns.Pupils complete the
tasks with abstract and concrete nouns.
Guide the pupils.
2. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Day Wednesday
Date 3/2/2016
Time 57.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and Speaking/Reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1/3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (b) (c) / 3.2.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write phrases with correct spelling.
2. transfer information with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the worksheets to the pupils.
2. Teacher goes through the text. Ask a few questions regarding to the
text to assess pupils understanding.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to transfer the information to the correct
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the reasons about their choices
with little guidance.
5. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Friendly and polite
CCE Language
Day Thursday
Date 4/2/2016
Time 68.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 2 Spending Wisely
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1 (d) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use countable and uncountable nouns correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher explains to the pupils about countable and uncountable
2. Teacher gives some examples.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the exercises about countable
and uncountable nouns. Refer to textbook page 19.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Polite
CCE Language
Day Sunday
Date 14/2/2016
Time 612.45 1.45 pm

Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
2. describe the past and present inventions.
Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils about past and present inventions.
2. Introduce the topic to the pupils.
3. Teacher shows and explains some past and present inventions to the
4. Teacher asks the pupils to refer to the textbook page 22. Teacher
asks the pupils to describe past and present inventions. Teacher
also explains some difficult words to the pupils during the
5. Teacher distributes the worksheets to the pupils.
6. Teacher explains the worksheets to the pupils.
7. Teacher monitors and guides pupils while they are completing the
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
9. Teacher revises on what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook, worksheets
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Sunday
Date 14/2/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 54 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
2. describe the past and present inventions.

LBI : Able to talk about the pictures (past and present inventions)
with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils about past and present inventions.
2. Introduce the topic to the pupils.
3. Teacher shows and explains some past and present inventions to the pupils.
4. Teacher asks the pupils to refer to the textbook page 22. Teacher asks the pupils to
describe past and present inventions. Teacher also explains some difficult words to the
pupils during the explanation.
5. Teacher distributes the worksheets to the pupils.
6. Teacher explains the worksheets to the pupils.
7. Teacher monitors and guides pupils while they are completing the worksheets.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
9. Teacher revises on what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher displays the pictures on the board.

2. Teacher leads the pupils to talk about the pictures.
3. Pupils name the past and present inventions based on the pictures.
4. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the crossword puzzle based on the pictures.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task. Guide the pupils to spell the words
6. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook, worksheets
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation

Day Tuesday
Date 2/2/2016
Time 69.15 10.15 am
Class Sunday
6 Gading
Subject 14/2/2016
English Language
Theme 8.15
World of
9.15 amFamily and Friends
Topic 6Unit
2 Appreciating Others
Skill(s) English
Grammar Language
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. learn and use abstract nouns correctly and appropriately.
Activities 2. Teacher explains about abstract nouns.Pupils complete the
tasks with abstract and concrete nouns.
Guide the pupils.
4. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen and respond to the picture by using appropriate words,
phrases and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and
2. study the pictures and say at least three correct sentences
about the pictures with teachers guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils about their family. Teacher introduces
the topic.
2. Pupils look at the picture on the board.
3. Pupils brainstorm about the picture. Teacher tells the pupils
how to make a short sentence.
4. Pupils try to make the sentences based on the picture.
5. Other pupils listen to their friend.
6. Pupils make sentences and say aloud to the class.
7. Teacher reinforces the lesson.
8. Teacher sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Caring
CCE Language

Week 6
Day Monday
Date 15/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) 6Writing
Content Standard(s) Monday
Date 15/2/2016
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
Class 41.Gadingunderstand the text and answer comprehension questions.
Subject English Language
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text with guidance.
2. Pupils brainstorm about the text.
3. Teacher encourages pupils to use dictionary to find the
meaning of the difficult words.
4. Pupils answer the questions with guidance.
5. Teacher sums up the lesson for today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and loving
CCE Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) 6Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Monday
Date 15/2/2016
Content Standard(s) 2.2 / 2.3
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a) , 2.3.1 (b)
4 Perindu
Subject Objective(s) By the Language
English end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the phrases about the text.
2. fill in the blanks based on the text.
Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils about past and present inventions.
2. Introduce the topic to pupils.
3. Teacher shows and explains some past and present inventions to
the pupils.
4. Textbook page 24. Read the text silently. Does reading activities.
5. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils
understand more)
6. Pupils get into groups.
7. Pupils fill in the blanks from the text read.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
9. Teacher revises on what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2 / 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a) , 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the phrases about the text.
2. fill in the blanks based on the text.
LBI : fill in the blanks based on the text with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils about past and present inventions.
2. Introduce the topic to pupils.
3. Teacher shows and explains some past and present inventions to the pupils.
4. Textbook page 24. Read the text silently. Does reading activities.
5. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils understand more)
6. Pupils get into groups.
7. Pupils fill in the blanks from the text read.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
9. Teacher revises on what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher simplifies the text.

2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text.
3. Explain the meaning of some difficult words. Guide them to use dictionary.
4. Pupils fill in the blanks with guidance.
5. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation


Week 6
Day Tuesday
Date 16/2/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) 6Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Tuesday
Reading, listening and speaking
Date 16/2/2016
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
4 Perindu
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. complete the message through a linear text using appropriate
language form and style.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to read the email with guidance. Refer to
textbook page 26.
2. Teacher asks a few questions to access pupils understanding.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the message in the email.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible
CCE Creative and Innovation
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Week 6
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Sunday
Content Standard(s) 2.2 / 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a) , 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the phrases about the text.
2. fill in the blanks based on the text.
LBI : fill in the blanks based on the text with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils about past and present inventions.
2. Introduce the topic to pupils.
3. Teacher shows and explains some past and present inventions to the pupils.
4. Textbook page 24. Read the text silently. Does reading activities.
5. Teacher asks questions on the text read. (to help the pupils understand more)
6. Pupils get into groups.
7. Pupils fill in the blanks from the text read.
8. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
9. Teacher revises on what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher simplifies the text.

2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text.
3. Explain the meaning of some difficult words. Guide them to use dictionary.
4. Pupils fill in the blanks with guidance.
5. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation

Date 14/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and Writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. listen and respond to the picture by using appropriate words,
phrases and expressions with the correct stress, rhythm and
4. study the pictures and say at least three correct sentences
about the pictures with teachers guidance.
Activities 9. Teacher asks the pupils about their family. Teacher introduces
the topic.
10. Pupils look at the picture on the board.
11. Pupils brainstorm about the picture. Teacher tells the pupils
how to make a short sentence.
12. Pupils try to make the sentences based on the picture.
13. Other pupils listen to their friend.
14. Pupils make sentences and say aloud to the class.
15. Teacher reinforces the lesson.
16. Teacher sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, pictures
Moral Value(s) Caring
CCE Language

Week 6
Day Tuesday
Date 16/2/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject 6English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading, listening and spaeaking
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the descriptions of non - linear text with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to study the family tree with guidance.
2. Pupils brainstorm about the family tree.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to write a short description based on
the information given.
4. Pupils write descriptions with guidance.
5. Teacher sums up the lesson for today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and loving
CCE Language
Day Wednesday
Date 17/2/2016
Time 67.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and learn about possessive pronouns.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain about possessive pronouns.
3. Give exercises on possessive pronouns.
4. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Wednesday
Date 17/2/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Week 6
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading, listening and speaking
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. complete the message through a linear text using appropriate language form and

LBI : complete the message with guidance.

Activities 1. Teacher asks the pupils to read the email with guidance. Refer to textbook page
2. Teacher asks a few questions to access pupils understanding.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the message in the email.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher guides the pupils to read the email.

2. Teacher asks questions based on the text.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the text.
(Fill in the blanks.)
4. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text again.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible
CCE Creative and Innovation

Day Wednesday
Date 17/2/2016
Time 69.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and learn about reflexive pronouns.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains about reflexive pronouns to pupils. Give
3. Pupils complete the exercises. (Refer to textbook Pg. 28 and
pg. 29)
4. Teacher guides the pupils to answer the questions.
5. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and loving
CCE Language
Day Thursday
Date 18/2/2016
Time 68.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. recite and act out the poem.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the lesson to the pupils.
2. Teacher recites the poem with actions.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the poem to assess pupils
4. Teacher divides the pupils in groups and act out the poem.
5. Teacher guides the pupils.
6. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the comprehension questions.
(Refer to textbook Pg. 30)
7. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Thursday
Date 18/2/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and learn about possessive pronouns.

LBI : understand and learn about possessive pronouns.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain about possessive pronouns.
3. Give exercises on possessive pronouns.
4. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher explains about possessive pronouns.

2. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the crossword puzzles on
possessive pronouns.
3. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook and worksheets
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation

Week 6
Day Thursday
Date 18/2/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Language Art
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. recite poem with correct stress and intonation
2. write a poem with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to recite the poem.
3. Pupils recite the poem in groups. They present the poem in
front of the class.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to write a poem about their family
members and their favourite food.
5. Selected pupils recite the poem in front of the class.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible
CCE Language
Week 7
Day Sunday
Date 21/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand phrases and sentences of non-linear text.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher encourages the pupils to talk about bliss of having an
extended family.
3. Pupils read about Idiths family members.
4. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
5. Pupils answer comprehension questions with guidance.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Teacher sums up todays lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible
CCE Language
Week 7
Day Sunday
Date 21/2/2016
Time 712.45 1.45 pm
Class Sunday
4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. apply dictionary skills by locating words and find meaning of base
word using dictionary.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the whole paragraph.
3. Underline the words that the pupils do not understand. Encourage
the pupils to guess their meaning.
4. Pupils complete the exercises. Guide the pupils. (Refer to textbook-
Pg. 25)
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Date 21/2/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Week 7
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.1
Learning Standard(s) 4.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. recite and write the poem.

LBI : recite and write the poem.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the lesson to the pupils.
2. Teacher recites the poem with actions.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the poem to assess pupils understanding.
4. Teacher divides the pupils in groups and act out the poem.
5. Teacher guides the pupils.
6. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the comprehension questions.
(Refer to textbook Pg. 30)
7. Check the answers together.


1. Teacher guides the pupils to recite the poem.

2. Pupils complete the exercises by filling in the blanks.
3. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation

Day Monday
Date 22/2/2016
Time 79.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a short paragraph about how ones use a computer.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to answer the questions.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to write a short paragraph based on the
questions that they answered.
4. Pupils complete the exercises. Guide the pupils.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation
Day Monday
Date 22/2/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. apply dictionary skills by locating words and find meaning of base word
using dictionary.

LBI : matching the words with meaning.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the whole paragraph.
3. Underline the words that the pupils do not understand. Encourage the
pupils to guess their meaning.
4. Pupils complete the exercises. Guide the pupils. (Refer to textbook-Pg.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher guides the pupils to match the words with meaning.

Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
CCE Creative and Innovation


Week 7
Day Monday
Date 22/2/2016
Time 68.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 3 Family Ties
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. read and understand phrases and sentences of non-linear text.
4. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 8. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
9. Teacher encourages the pupils to talk about bliss of having an
extended family.
10. Pupils read about Idiths family members.
11. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
12. Pupils answer comprehension questions with guidance.
13. Check the answers together.
14. Teacher sums up todays lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible
CCE Language
Week 7
Day Monday
Date 22/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (b) (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the issues.
2. listen to the conversation.
3. complete the form.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher talks about social issues and asks the pupils to name
the issues. Teacher asks the pupils about the solutions of the
issues. Teacher guides them to discuss in groups.
3. Selected group will present their discussion.
4. Pupils read the conversation. Asks a few questions regarding to
the conversation to assess pupils understanding.
5. Teacher reads the conversation. Pupils listen and fill in the
6. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible and love
CCE Patriotism
Week 7
Day Wednesday
Date 24/2/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.3 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand phrases and sentences from a blog.
2. understand about the contents in the blog.
3. transfer the information correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher talks about social issues and asks the pupils to name
the issues. Teacher asks the pupils about the solutions of the
issues. Teacher guides them to discuss in groups.
3. Selected group will present their discussion.
4. Pupils read the blog. Asks a few questions to assess pupils
5. Pupils complete the table with the given information from the
6. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness and loving
CCE Patriotism
Week 7
Day Wednesday
Date 24/2/2016
Time 7.45
10.45 8.45 am am
Class 44 Gading
Subject English Language
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Topic Unit 3 Yesterday and Today
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s) Listening
1.1, 1.3 and speaking, reading
Learning Standard(s)
Standard(s) 3.3
1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) (c)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) 3.3.1
By the(b)
end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
Learning Objective(s) 1. thetalk
By endabout experienced
of the or heard
lesson, pupils of anybeburglary
should able tostories
: with guidance.
1. write a short paragraph about how ones use a computer. and
understand the conversation by asking and answering questions
predict the missing things and the burglar.
Activities 1. : Teacher
LBI write aintroduces the topic to
short paragraph pupils.
about how ones use a computer with
2. Teacher
guidance. asks the pupils to look at the picture. (Refer to textbook-pg.31)
3. Teacher leads the pupils to talk about the picture.
Activities 1.
4. Teacher introduces
Teacher selected thepupils
a few topictotoread
out the conversation.
Activities LBI 2.
5. Teacher guides
Teacher asks thequestions
a few pupils toregarding
answer the questions.
to the conversation to assess
3. Teacher asks the
pupils understanding.pupils to write a short paragraph based on the
6. questions
Pupils namethatthethey answered.
missing things and predict the burglar who involved in the
4. Pupils complete the exercises. Guide the pupils.
7. Teacher
5. revisesthe
Pupils complete what the pupils
exercises. (Truehad learntexercises)
or False today.
Teaching Aids 8. Guide the
English textbook pupils.
9. Discuss the answers together.
Moral Value(s) Caring and hardworking
10. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids Creative and
English textbookInnovation
Moral Value(s)
Justice and speaking the truth
CCE Patriotism
Week 7
Day Thursday
Date 25/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Week 74 Gading
Day English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the phrases and sentences from non-linear text.
2. read and predicting.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text with guidance. (Refer to textbook-
3. Teacher asks a few questions based on the text to assess pupils
4. Pupils answer the questions with guidance.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice and speaking the truth
CCE Patriotism
Date 25/2/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Week 7
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a) (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about experienced or heard of any burglary stories with guidance.
2. understand the conversation by asking and answering questions and predict the
missing things and the burglar.
3. state true or false.

LBI : state true or false.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to look at the picture. (Refer to textbook-pg.31)
LBI activities 3. Teacher leads the pupils to talk about the picture.
4. Teacher selected a few pupils to read out the conversation.
5. Teacher asks a few questions regarding to the conversation to assess pupils
6. Pupils name the missing things and predict the burglar who involved in the
7. Pupils complete the exercises. (True or False exercises)
8. Guide the pupils.
9. Discuss the answers together.
10. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice and speaking the truth
CCE Patriotism

Day Thursday
Date 25/2/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a), 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer information with guidance to complete linear text.
2. create and write the announcement with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the online invitation with
3. Pupils read the blog. Asks a few questions to assess pupils
4. Pupils write the announcement with the given information from
the online invitation
5. Teacher guides the pupils to write the announcement.
6. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness and loving
CCE Patriotism
Week 8
Day Sunday
Date 28/2/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand the relative pronoun appropriately and
2. fill in the blanks.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about relative pronoun. Show some
3. Pupils complete the exercises.
4. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness and loving
CCE Patriotism
Week 8
Day Sunday
Date 28/2/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the ending to the story.
2. able to read the story with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the story with guidance. (Refer to textbook-
3. Teacher asks a few questions based on the text to assess pupils
understanding and asks the pupils to predict the end of the story.
4. Pupils write the ending of the story with guidance.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher asks the pupils to act out the story.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice and loving
CCE Patriotism
Week 8
Day Sunday
Date 28/2/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand the phrases and sentences from non-linear text.
2. read and predicting.

LBI : read and underline the correct answers.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text with guidance. (Refer to textbook-pg.34)
3. Teacher asks a few questions based on the text to assess pupils understanding.
4. Pupils answer the questions with guidance.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.


1. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text.

2. Teacher guides the pupils to underline the correct answers based on the text.
3. Check the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice and speaking the truth
CCE Patriotism

Week 8
Day Monday
Date 29/2/2016
Time 9.15-10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about interrogative pronouns appropriately and
2. form questions using the words given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to the pupils about interrogative pronouns.
3. Teacher shows a few examples regarding to the topic.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and diligence
CCE Patriotism
Week 8
Day Tuesday
Date 1/3/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Week English
8 Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Day Tuesday
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. state about the value from the story.
2. complete the sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the story.
3. Teacher explains to the pupils about the story.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Speaking the truth and honest
CCE Patriotism
Date 1/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Week 8
Class 6 Gading
Day Tuesday
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Language Art
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. state the value of the poem.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the poem.
3. Pupils recite the poem in groups.
4. Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
5. Pupils complete the exercises.
6. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Generous and forgiving
CCE Patriotism
Date 1/3/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Week 48 Perindu
Day English
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about interrogative pronouns appropriately and correctly.
2. form questions using the words given.

LBI : to fill in the blanks using interrogative pronouns.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to the pupils about interrogative pronouns.
3. Teacher shows a few examples regarding to the topic.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

1. Teacher explains about interrogative pronouns.
2. Show examples.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks with guidance.
4. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Date 3/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Week 8
Subject English Language
Day Wednesday
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about interrogative pronouns appropriately and correctly.
2. form questions using the words given.

LBI : to fill in the blanks using interrogative pronouns.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to the pupils about interrogative pronouns.
3. Teacher shows a few examples regarding to the topic.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

1. Teacher explains about interrogative pronouns.
2. Show examples.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks with guidance.
4. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Date 2/3/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Week 48 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about interrogative pronouns appropriately and
2. form questions using the words given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to the pupils about interrogative pronouns.
3. Teacher shows a few examples regarding to the topic.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and diligence
CCE Patriotism
Day Wednesday
Date 2/3/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 4 Step Up !
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking, writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.4, 2.2.3 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. find the meaning of the words in the dictionary.
2. complete the multi-flow map.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the information stated in the
3. Pupils study and read the blog. Ask a few questions to assess
pupils understanding.
4. Pupils find the meaning of the following words in the dictionary.
Guide them.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the multi-flow map based
on the poster.
6. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness and justice
CCE Patriotism
Day Thursday
Date 3/3/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 5 360`
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the world with guidance.
2. talk about the famous landmarks in the world.
3. state true or false.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding
about the countries and famous landmarks in the world.
3. Pupils study the information about the famous landmarks in the
world. Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 9
Day Sunday
Date 6/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking and reading
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s) Writing Section B and C
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. do revision on writing for section B and C.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains how to answer question B and C. Pupils
complete the exercises.
3. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness and loving
CCE Patriotism
Week 8
Day Thursday
Date 3/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 4 Be Safe
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking , reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about interrogative pronouns appropriately and
2. form questions using the words given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to the pupils about interrogative pronouns.
3. Teacher shows a few examples regarding to the topic.
4. Pupils complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and diligence
CCE Patriotism
Week 9
Day Sunday
Date 6/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about cover , title and characters.
2. Identify and describe the characters.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher encourages the pupils to talk about the cover of the books by
asking a few questions.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to identify the characters in the story.
4. Describe about the characters. Teacher guides them.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 9
Day Sunday
Date 6/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. talk about cover , title and characters.
4. Identify and describe the characters.
Activities 7. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
8. Teacher encourages the pupils to talk about the cover of the books by
asking a few questions.
9. Teacher asks the pupils to identify the characters in the story.
10. Describe about the characters. Teacher guides them.
11. Discuss the answers together.
12. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism

Week 9
Day Sunday
Date 6/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Week 10
Day Monday
Date 21/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Topic Discussion on English Language test paper
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. discuss the questions.
2. do corrections.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the test paper to pupils.
2. Discuss the questions according to sections.
3. Do corrections.
Teaching Aids
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 10
Day Monday
Date 21/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Topic Discussion on English Language test paper
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. discuss the questions.
4. do corrections.
Activities 4. Teacher distributes the test paper to pupils.
5. Discuss the questions according to sections.
6. Do corrections.
Teaching Aids
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 12
Day Sunday
Date 27/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. sequence the sentences in the correct order.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher reads the text and pupils repeat after her.
3. Ask a few questions about the text to assess pupils understanding.
4. Underline the difficult words and encourage the pupils to find the meaning
inside the dictionary.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
6. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
7. Discuss the answers together.
8. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 12
Day Sunday
Date 27/3/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about cover , title and characters.
2. identify and describe the characters.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. identify and describe at least 5 characters to the correct pictures.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher encourages the pupils to talk about the cover of the books by asking a few
3. Teacher asks the pupils to identify the characters in the story.
4. Describe about the characters. Teacher guides them.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

1. Teacher states the name of the characters according to the pictures.
2. Chain drill the pupils the name of the characters.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to name the characters with the correct pictures.
4. Teacher guides the pupils.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism

Day Sunday
Date 27/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 5 360`
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the brochure.
2. complete the table with information given.
3. identify the main and supporting details of the paragraphs from
the brochure.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the brochure.
3. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding
about the contents in the brochure.
4. Pupils complete the table with information given. Discuss the
5. Teacher guides the pupils to identify main and supporting
details of the paragraphs in the brochure.
6. Complete the exercises.
7. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 9
Day Monday
Date 28/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 5 360`
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the descriptions with guidance.
2. write the main idea and supporting details in paragraph.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains the meaning of the main ideas and supporting ideas. Give
3. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the exercises.
4. Pupils complete the exercises. Discuss the answers.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Week 12
Day / Date Tuesday / 29th March 2016

Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes

Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use the words to complete the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher reads the text and pupils repeat after her.
3. Ask a few questions about the text to assess pupils understanding.
4. Complete the exercises.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the task.
6. Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Week 12
Day Monday
Date 28/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. sequence the sentences in the correct order.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. sequence the sentences in the correct order according to pictures.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher reads the story and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
3. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

1. Teacher reads and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
2. Teacher explains the story to the pupils.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
4. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids Worksheet and English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment

Week 12
Day Monday
Date 28/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. read and understand the story.
4. sequence the sentences in the correct order.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. read and understand the story.
4. sequence the sentences in the correct order according to pictures.
Activities 7. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
8. Teacher reads the story and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
9. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
10. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
11. Discuss the answers together.
12. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

6. Teacher reads and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
7. Teacher explains the story to the pupils.
8. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
9. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
10. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids Worksheet and English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment

Week 12
Day Tuesday
Date 2893/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use verbs correctly and appropriately :
a) irregular verbs
b) verbs that do not change
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains about irregular verbs and verbs that do not change.
3. Teacher gives examples.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment
Week 12
Week 13

Day Wednesday
Date 30/3/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use verbs correctly and appropriately :
a) irregular verbs
b) verbs that do not change
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains about irregular verbs and verbs that do not change.
3. Teacher gives examples.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment
Reflection Lesson will be carried out the next day due to Sports Day rehearsal.
Day Sunday
Date 4/4/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use verbs correctly and appropriately :
a) irregular verbs
b) verbs that do not change
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains about irregular verbs and verbs that do not change.
3. Teacher gives examples.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the exercises.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment
Week 13
Day Sunday
Date 27/3/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 5 360`
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
4. read and understand the brochure.
5. complete the table with information given.
6. identify the main and supporting details of the paragraphs from
the brochure.
Activities 8. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
9. Teacher asks the pupils to read the brochure.
10. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding
about the contents in the brochure.
11. Pupils complete the table with information given. Discuss the
12. Teacher guides the pupils to identify main and supporting
details of the paragraphs in the brochure.
13. Complete the exercises.
14. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kindheartedness
CCE Patriotism
Day Tuesday
Date 5/4/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 5 360`
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. identify the main idea and supporting details.
2. write in cursive writing in a form of paragraph.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain about the meaning of main idea and supporting detail.
Show examples.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to read a short text about Sarawak
Cultural Village.
4. Ask the pupils to discuss in group of three, list the main idea
and the supporting details based on the text.
5. Discuss the answers together.
6. Complete the exercises in their exercise books.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Patriotism
Week 12
Day Monday
Date 28/3/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
5. read and understand the story.
6. sequence the sentences in the correct order.

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
5. read and understand the story.
6. sequence the sentences in the correct order according to pictures.
Activities 13. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
14. Teacher reads the story and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
15. Teacher asks a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
16. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
17. Discuss the answers together.
18. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

11. Teacher reads and asks the pupils to repeat after her.
12. Teacher explains the story to the pupils.
13. Teacher guides the pupils to sequence the sentences in the correct order.
14. Teacher discusses the answers with the pupils.
15. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids Worksheet and English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment

Week 13
Day Tuesday
Date 5/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the phrases with the correct spelling.

LBI : write at least 3 phrases with the correct spelling.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher shows the words to the pupils. Chain drill the words. Encourage the pupils
to find the meaning of the words using dictionary. Guide them.
3. Teacher explains about the contents of the text.
4. Ask the pupils to fill in the blanks using the words to complete the phrases.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the exercises.
6. Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment

Week 13
Day Tuesday
Date 5/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the phrases with the correct spelling.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher shows the words to the pupils. Chain drill the words. Encourage the pupils
to find the meaning of the words using dictionary. Guide them.
3. Teacher explains about the contents of the text.
4. Ask the pupils to fill in the blanks using the words to complete the phrases.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to complete the exercises.
6. Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, patience
CCE Environment
Week 13
Day Wednesday
Date 6/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Language Arts/Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a Beak Book and write the story inside the book.
Activities 1 .Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher shows the sample of the Beak Book.
3. Teacher explains the steps to make the book. Teacher asks the pupils to make the
book. Guide them.
4. Pupils write the story inside the book.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance, patience
CCE Environment
Week 13
Day Wednesday
Date 6/4/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6 Go Green
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.2.5, 1.3 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen to the explanation on recycling bins.
2. categorise the items.
3. ask and answer questions.
4. state True or False.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Read the explanation on recycling bins. Find the difficult
words.Use the dictionary to find the meaning.
3. Ask the pupils to categorise the items mentioned in the
respective bins.
4. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to work in pair. Pupils ask and answer
questions based on the information given. Guide them.
6. Complete the exercises True or False in their exercise books.
7. Discuss the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Patience
CCE Environment
Week 14
Day Monday
Date 11/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6 Go Green
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2(a), 2.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. use the dictionary to find the meaning of the words in bold in the text.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher reads the text and pupils repeat after her.
3. Teacher asks a few questions regarding to the topic to assess pupils
4. Ask the pupils to find the meaning of the words in bold in the text using
dictionary. Guide them. Discuss with them.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to answer the comprehension questions. Guide
them. Discuss the answers with them.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 13
Day Thursday
Date 7/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Language Arts/Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a Beak Book and write the story inside the book.
Activities 1 Teacher introduces the topic to pupils. Teacher shows the sample of the Beak
2 Teacher explains the steps to make the book. Teacher asks the pupils to make the
book. Guide them.
3 Pupils write the story inside the book.
4 Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance, patience
CCE Creative and Inovation
Week 14
Day Sunday
Date 10/4/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.1 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the topic with guidance.
2. participate in daily conversations :
(a) extend an invitation.
(b) accept an invitation.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to look at the picture inside their textbook (pg.53). Guide
them to talk about it.
3. Teacher asks the pupils to list out what they can do to prevent pollution of the sea.
4. Guide them.
5. Teacher guides the pupils to practice giving and accepting invitations. Work in pairs.
6. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the exercises.
7. Discuss the answers together.
8. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 14
Day Sunday
Date 10/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 5 Rosemary and the Four Gutsy Gnomes
Skill(s) Language Arts/Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a Beak Book and write the story inside the book.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI Activities 2. Teacher shows the sample of the Beak Book.
3. Teacher explains the steps to make the book. Teacher asks the pupils to make the
book. Guide them.
4. Pupils write the story inside the book.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance, patience
CCE Creative and Innovation

Week 14
Day Monday
Date 11/4/2016
Time 9.45 10.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.4 (b), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. find the meaning of the meaning of the base words using dictionary.
2. read and find information about the text.
3. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text inside their textbook (pg.56). Guide them
to read the text.
3. Teacher asks the pupils a few questions regarding the text to assess their
4. Teacher list out the base words from the text. Drill them. Ask them to use the
dictionary to find the meaning of the words. Write them in their exercise book.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the comprehension questions. Guide them.
6. Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 14
Day Wednesday
Date 13/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1, 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (b), 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. label the items.
2. make a poster entitled Save Our Sea Life based on the point given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the short text. Guide the pupils to read the text.
3. Ask the pupils to label at least 3 out of 5 items that they found on the beach.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Teacher distributes blank A4 paper.
6. Pupils are asked to create a poster using their creativity.
7. Guide them.
8. Revise what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Environment
Week 14
Day Thursday
Date 14/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a poster entitled Save Our Sea Life based on the point given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher distributes blank A4 paper.
3. Pupils are asked to create a poster using their creativity.
4. Guide them.
5. Revise what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 14
Day Wednesday
Date 13/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.4 (b), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. find the meaning of the meaning of the base words using dictionary.
2. read and find information about the text with guidance.
3. answer comprehension questions with guidance.

LBI : 1. read the text with guidance.

2. answer 3 out of 5 comprehension questions. (Fill in the blanks.)
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text inside their textbook (pg.56). Guide them to read the text.
3. Teacher asks the pupils a few questions regarding the text to assess their understanding
4. Teacher list out the base words from the text. Drill them. Ask them to use the dictionary to find the
meaning of the words. Write them in their exercise book.
5. Teacher asks the pupils to complete the comprehension questions. Guide them.
6. Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.

1. Teacher simplifies the text. Guide the pupils to read.
2. Explain to the pupils about the text.
3. Complete the comprehension questions by filling in the blanks based on the text.
4. Guide them.
5. Revise what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Environment

Week 14
Day Wednesday
Date 13/4/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6 Go Green
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. identify and rearrange the main idea, supporting details, and concluding
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils the meaning of the main idea, supporting details, and
concluding sentence.
3. Show examples.
4. Ask the pupils to identify and rearrange the main idea, supporting details,
and concluding sentence. Guide them.
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 15
Day Sunday
Date 17/4/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher plays the Present Continuous Tense song.
3. Pupils sing the song together.
4. Teacher teaches the pupils about present continuous tense. Give examples.
5. Teacher calls some pupils to act out the verb taught.
6. Play Charades Games. One pupil from the group will come in front and pick the verb
card. The pupil needs to act the verb given and the group members have to guess
what is he/she doing and say the present continuous tense. If the answer is correct,
5 marks will be given.
7. If the answer is incorrect, other group can guess and if they answer is correct, 3
marks will be given.
8. Teacher distributes the worksheet and pupils complete the worksheet.
9. Discuss the answers.
10. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, worksheets, songs
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Language
Week 14
Day Thursday
Date 14/4/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and label the items.

LBI : read and label 4 items to the correct pictures.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the short text. Guide the pupils to read the text.
3. Ask the pupils to label at least 5 out of 5 items that they found on the beach.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Revise what they had learnt today.

1. Teacher reads the text and pupils repeat after her.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to label at least 3 out of 5 items that they found on the
3. Check the answers together.
4. Revise what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Environment

Week 14
Day Thursday
Date 14/4/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6 Go Green
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. identify the main idea, supporting details, and concluding sentence.
2. write a paragraph using the information given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils the meaning of the main idea, supporting details, and
concluding sentence.
3. Show examples.
4. Ask the pupils to identify and rearrange the main idea, supporting details,
and concluding sentence. Guide them.
5. Ask them to write a paragraph using the information given.
6. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 15
Day Sunday
Date 17/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 6 Go Green
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use the present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils about present continuous tense.
3. Show examples.
4. Ask the pupils to complete the exercises inside their exercise books. Guide
5. Teacher revises what the pupils had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 15
Day Monday
Date 18/4/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher plays the Present Continuous Tense song.
3. Pupils sing the song together.
4. Teacher teaches the pupils about present continuous tense. Give examples.
5. Teacher calls some pupils to act out the verb taught.
6. Play Charades Games. One pupil from the group will come in front and pick the verb
card. The pupil needs to act the verb given and the group members have to guess
what is he/she doing and say the present continuous tense. If the answer is correct,
5 marks will be given.
7. If the answer is incorrect, other group can guess and if they answer is correct, 3
marks will be given.
8. Teacher distributes the worksheet and pupils complete the worksheet.
9. Discuss the answers.
10. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, worksheets, songs
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Language
Week 15
Day Monday
Date 18/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 7 Healthy and Wise
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. say the tongue twisters.
2. talk about the facts on fast food using the information given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher says the tongue twisters. Pupils repeat after her.
3. Teacher asks a few questions about fast food to assess their understanding.
4. Teacher guides the pupils to talk about the facts on fast food using the
information given.
5. Teacher asks a few questions about junk food that they should avoid,
suggest some food that can make us healthy and ways to keep themselves
6. Teacher concludes the lesson that they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 15
Day Tuesday
Date 19/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.

LBI : use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI Activities 2. Teacher plays the Present Continuous Tense song.
3. Pupils sing the song together.
4. Teacher teaches the pupils about present continuous tense. Give examples.
5. Teacher calls some pupils to act out the verb taught.
6. Play Charades Games. One pupil from the group will come in front and pick the verb
card. The pupil needs to act the verb given and the group members have to guess
what is he/she doing and say the present continuous tense. If the answer is correct,
5 marks will be given.
7. If the answer is incorrect, other group can guess and if they answer is correct, 3
marks will be given.
8. Teacher distributes the worksheet and pupils complete the worksheet.
9. Discuss the answers.
10. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, worksheets, songs
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Language

Week 15
Day Tuesday
Date 19/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the blog.
2. describe the steps to clean the garden with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 63. Explain about the contents.
3. Ask a few questions about the blog to pupils.
4. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 64. Pupils repeat after her.
5. List out the meaning of the difficult words. Find the meaning inside the dictionary.
6. Ask the pupils to complete the exercises by using the scrambled pictures to
describe the steps in sequence.
7. Check the answers together.
8. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language
Week 15
Day Thursday
Date 21/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the blog.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 65. Explain about the contents.
3. Ask a few questions about the blog to pupils.
4. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 65. Pupils repeat after her.
5. List out the meaning of the difficult words. Find the meaning inside the dictionary.
6. Ask the pupils to answer comprehension questions with guidance.
Discuss the answers together.
7. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Environment
Week 16
Day Sunday
Date 24/4/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the notice.
2. arrange the sentences into a notice.
3. write the notice using the information given.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the notice on pg. 68. Explain about the contents.
3. Ask a few questions about the blog to pupils.
4. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 68. Pupils repeat after her.
5. Ask the pupils to complete the exercises. Discuss the answers together.
6. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, honest
CCE Language
Week 15
Day Thursday
Date 21/4/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 6 Care for the Sea
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.

LBI : use present continuous tense correctly and appropriately.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI Activities 11. 2. Teacher plays the Present Continuous Tense song. Pupils sing the song together.
3. Teacher teaches the pupils about present continuous tense. Give examples.
Teacher calls some pupils to act out the verb taught.
4. Play Charades Games. One pupil from the group will come in front and pick the verb
card. The pupil needs to act the verb given and the group members have to guess
what is he/she doing and say the present continuous tense. If the answer is correct,
5 marks will be given.
5. If the answer is incorrect, other group can guess and if they answer is correct, 3
marks will be given.
6. Teacher distributes the worksheet and pupils complete the worksheet.
7. Discuss the answers.
8. Teacher close up the lesson by summarizing what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook, worksheets, songs
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment, save our sea life
CCE Language

Week 16
Week 15
Day T
Date 24/4/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 7 Healthy and Wise
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the instructions to make grilled salad wrap based on the two recipes
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Pupils read the recipes . Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the difficult words using dictionary.
4. Teacher explains to the pupils on how to write the recipes.
5. Pupils write the recipes. Guide them.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Teacher concludes the lesson that they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible, honest
CCE Creative and Innovation
Date 19/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 7 Healthy and Wise
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.3 (a) (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
2. describe the main ideas, supporting details and drawing conclusions.
3. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 8. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
9. Pupils read the text . Guide them.
10. Find the meaning of the difficult words using dictionary.
11. Teacher asks the pupils to give the main ideas, supporting details and
drawing conclusions based on the text.
12. Answer comprehension questions. Guide them.
13. Check the answers together.
14. Teacher concludes the lesson that they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the environment, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 16
Day Sunday
Date 19/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the blog.
LBI 2. describe the steps to clean the garden with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 63. Explain about the contents.
LBI 3. Ask a few questions about the blog to pupils.
4. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 64. Pupils repeat after her.
5. List out the meaning of the difficult words. Find the meaning inside the dictionary.
6. Ask the pupils to complete the exercises by using the scrambled pictures to
describe the steps in sequence.
7. Check the answers together.
8. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language

Date 24/4/2016
Day / Time Monday / 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 7 Healthy and Wise
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.1 (a) (c), 2.2.3 (a), 2.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. apply word attack skills by identifying proverbs and similes.
2. read and understand the poem.
3. use dictionary to find the meaning of the words in the poem.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Pupils read the poem. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the difficult words using dictionary.
4. Teacher explains to the pupils on how to write the similes using the words
given. Guide them.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Teacher concludes the lesson that they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Responsible, honest
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 16
Day Wednesday
Date 27/4/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3 (d)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about Past Continuous Tense correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher explains about Past Continuous Tense to pupils.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, responsible
CCE Environment
Week 16
Day Wednesday
Date 27/4/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the blog.
2. answer comprehension questions.

LBI : 1. read and understand the blog.

2. state True or False based on the blog.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 65. Explain about the contents.
3. Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Pupils read the blog with guidance.
5. List out the difficult words and use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
6. Pupils answer comprehension questions with guidance. Discuss the answers.
7. Teacher close up the lesson by summarize what have been taught.


1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.

2. Teacher reads the blog on pg. 65. Explain about the contents.
3. Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Pupils read the blog with guidance.
5. List out the difficult words and use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
6. Pupils answer True or False with guidance. Discuss the answers.
7. Teacher close up the lesson by summarize what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language

Week 17
Day Monday
Date 2/5/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. explain about notice.
2. choose a topic and write a notice.
(LBI : same objectives)
Activities / LBI 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Explain about the notice.
3. Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Complete the task with guidance.
5. Discuss the answers.
6. Teacher close up the lesson by summarize what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language

Week 16
Day Thursday
Date 28/4/2016
Time 8.15 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Blogging
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write the correct homophones..
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher explains about homophones to pupils. Give examples.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty
CCE Environment
Week 17
Day Tuesday
Date 3/5/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1,1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. talk about the pictures.
2. llsten and draw a face based on the description.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Talk about the pictures.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty
CCE Patriotism

Week 17
Day Tuesday
Date 3/5/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.3 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Find difficult words inside the dictionary.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty
CCE Patriotism

Week 16
Day Wednesday
Date 27/4/2016
Week 9.15
16 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 7 Healthy and Wise
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand Subject-Verb-Agreement correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Explain about the topic. Show examples.
3. Ask a few questions about the blog to pupils.
4. Complete the task.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Teacher close up the lesson by summarise what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language
Day Thursday
Date 28/4/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 How the Tiger Got Its Stripes
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (d), 1.2.1 (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. brainstorm about the animal.
2. solve the riddles.
3. transfer the information correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Talk about the tiger. Assess the pupils understanding. Brainstrom to get ideas.
3. Ask the pupils to read article about tiger.
4. Complete the task.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Teacher close up the lesson by summarize what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, love the environment
CCE Language
Week 18
Day Tuesday
Date 10/5/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 How the Tiger Got Its Stripes
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3, 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (a), 2.2.3 (a) (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. sequence the story in the correct order.
3. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Pupils read the story with guidance.. Assess the pupils understanding.
3. Find the meaning of difficult words using dictionary.
4. Complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Teacher close up the lesson by summarize what have been taught.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Care for the animals
CCE Environment
Week 18
Day Sunday
Date 8/5/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.2.3 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. arranging the words to form correct entences.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Find difficult words inside the dictionary.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 18

Week 18
Day Monday
Date 10/5/2016
Time 7.45 8.45am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. arranging the words to form correct sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Explain to the pupils the meaning of setting, characters and plot.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 18
Day Tuesday
Date 10/5/2016

Day Tuesday
Date 10/5/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. match the descriptions with the correct characters.

1. read and understand the story with guidance.
2. match at least 3 correct answers with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Match the characters with the correct phrases with guidance. Discuss the
answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism

Week 18
Day Wednesday
Date 11/5/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand about how to write a message.
2. explain about the contents in the message.
3. choose a topic and complete the message with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the message and explain to the pupils about contents in the message.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 18
Day Wednesday
Date 11/5/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. complete the setting, main characters, supporting characters and plot based on
the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Explain to the pupils the meaning of setting, characters and plot.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 18
Day Wednesday
Date 11/5/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 How the Tiger Got Its Stripes
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer information to complete non-linear text.
2. compare and contrast between a lion and a cow using double bubble map.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher explains about similarities and differences and the words that always
use to indicate similarities and differences.
3. Teacher pastes the double bubble map on the board. Teacher discusses with
the pupils about the similarities and differences between a rabbit and a tiger.
4. Pupils are divided into four groups. Each group members need to compare and
contrast between a lion and a cow using the double bubble map. Teacher
guides the pupils.
5. The selected groups need to present their answers in front the class.
6. Teacher brainstorm s and close up the lesson by summarize what have been
Teaching Aids English Textbook, majong papers, marker pens
Moral Value(s) Care for the animals, love the animals
CCE Environment
Week 18
Day Thursday
Date 12/5/2016
Time 11.45 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 How the Tiger Got Its Stripes
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. compare and contrast between a lion and a cow using double bubble map.
2. write the sentences using linking verbs.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher explains about similarities and differences and the words that always
use to indicate similarities and differences.
3. Teacher pastes the double bubble map on the board. Teacher discusses with
the pupils about the similarities and differences between a cow and a lion.
4. Pupils are divided into four groups. Each group need to write the sentences
using the linking verbs.
5. The selected groups need to present their answers in front the class.
6. Teacher brainstorm s and close up the lesson by summarize what have been
Teaching Aids English Textbook, majong papers, marker pens
Moral Value(s) Care for the animals, love the animals
CCE Environment
Week 18
Day Sunday
Date 15/5/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 How the Tiger Got Its Stripes
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a), 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a story using the four types of sentences with guidance.
2. transfer information to linear text with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Teacher explains about four basic sentence patterns to pupils. (TB-Pg.79)
3. Pupils are divided into four groups. Each group need to write the sentences
using the four basic sentence patterns based on the story. Guide them.
4. The selected groups need to present their answers in front the class.
5. Teacher brainstorm s and close up the lesson by summarize what have been
Teaching Aids English Textbook, majong papers, marker pens
Moral Value(s) Care for the animals, love the animals
CCE Environment
Week 18
Day Thursday
Date 12/5/2016
Time 11.45 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the story.
2. complete the setting, main characters, supporting characters and plot based on
the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Explain to the pupils the meaning of setting, characters and plot.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 19
Day Tuesday
Date 17/05/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read and understand the story.
2. complete the setting, main characters, supporting characters and plot based on
the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Read the story with guidance.
3. Explain to the pupils the meaning of setting, characters and plot.
4. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism

Week 18
Day Thursday
Date 12/5/2016
Time 8.15 - 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.3 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand about how to write a message.
2. explain about the contents in the message.
3. choose a topic and complete the message with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the message and explain to the pupils about contents in the message.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 19
Day Tuesday
Date 17/5/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.4 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. choose a topic and complete the message with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Read the message and explain to the pupils about contents in the message.
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 19
Day Tuesday
Date 17/5/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 A Heart of Gold
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.2, 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.2.1 (e), 1.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the fund-raising event.
2. talk about the conversation.
3. complete the table with information based on the conversation.
Activities 1. Talk about the fund-raising event.
2. Talk about the conversation. Role play.
3. Ask a few questions regarding the topic.
4. Complete the table with information based on the conversation..
5. Guide them.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Politeness
CCE Language
Week 19
Day Wednesday
Date 18/5/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 A Heart of Gold
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read the recipe.
2. complete the table using information from the recipe.
Activities 1. Read the recipe together with the pupils.
2. Find the meaning of the difficult words using the dictionary.
3. Complete the table using the information from the recipe.
4. Guide them to complete the task.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, hardworking
CCE Language
Week 20
Day Sunday
Date 22/5/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 A Heart of Gold
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand correlative conjunction appropriately and correctly.
2. complete the exercises on correlative conjunction.
Activities 1. Explain to the pupils about correlative conjunction.
2. Give examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 90)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the exercises.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Forgiving, honest
CCE Language
Week 19
Day Wednesday
Date 18/5/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use conjunctions so and because correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give examples.
(Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism
Week 19
Day Thursday
Date 19/5/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.3
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a message with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Read the short text based on Alice in Wonderland story.
3. Guide them to read and find the difficult words.
4. Write the message with guidance.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Generous, friendly
CCE Creative and Innovation
Week 20
Day Sunday
Date 22/5/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic The Jungle Book
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. to learn about the cover of the book and characters.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Talk about the cover of the book.
3. Ask pupils to guess the name of the boy in the cover.
4. Ask pupils to complete the diagram based on the cover of the book. Guide
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Helping one another, unity
CCE Environment
Week 19
Day Thursday
Date 19/5/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.5 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read and understand about how to write a message.
2. explain about the contents in the message.
3. choose a topic and complete the message with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Read the message and explain to the pupils about contents in the message.
(Refer to Textbook-Pg.79)
3. Complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

LBI : 1. Introduce the topic to the pupils.

2. Guide the pupils to read the message. (Refer to Textbook-Pg.79)
3. Explain to pupils about the contents in the message.
4. Complete the task. (Fill in the blanks)
5. Guide the pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty, hardworking
CCE Patriotism

Week 20
Day Sunday
Date 22/5/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. use conjunctions so and because correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give examples.
(Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

LBI : 1. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give

examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
2. Guide the pupils to complete the task. (Fill in the blanks.)
3. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 23
Day Sunday
Date 12/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. use conjunctions so and because correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give examples.
(Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

LBI : 1. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give

examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
2. Guide the pupils to complete the task. (Fill in the blanks.)
3. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 23
Day Sunday
Date 12/6/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 9 : Our Solar System
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen and read the passage about the solar system.
2. state True or False with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Talk about the solar system.
3. Pupils read the passage with guidance.
4. Ask pupils to assess their understanding about the passage.
5. Complete the task. (Sate True or False)
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Unity
CCE Environment
Week 23
Day Sunday
Date 12/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care!
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.1.2, 1.2.1 (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen and respond about safety measures.
2. able to express opinions about safety measures.
3. listen to the statements and answer Yes or No.
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Based on the stimulus in the textbook, ask a few questions based on the
3. Guide the pupils to give out their opinions.
4. Read the dialogue. Then, ask questions based on the statements. State True
or False.
5. Guide the pupils.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Forgiving, honest
CCE Language
Week 23
Day Thursday
Date 16/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 9 : Our Solar System
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read the passage with guidance.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Pupils read the passage with guidance.
3. Ask pupils to assess their understanding about the passage.
4. Find the meaning of the difficult words.
5. Answer the questions based on the passage with guidance.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Environment
Week 23
Day Monday
Date 13/6/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 9 : Our Solar System
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. match the phrases to make sentences.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Explain the task to pupils.
3. Pupils complete the task with guidance. (Textbook-Pg.88)
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Environment
Week 22
Day Thursday
Date 23/6/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 9 : Our Solar System
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.2 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. change the numbers to word form.

Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.

LBI 2. Pupils read the passage with guidance.
3. Complete the task. Pupils change the numbers to word form.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 23
Day Thursday
Date 16/6/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Week 24
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 8 The Prince and the Thieves
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.4 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. use conjunctions so and because correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give examples.
(Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

LBI : 1. Explain to the pupils about conjunctions so and because. Give

examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 80)
2. Guide the pupils to complete the task. (Fill in the blanks.)
3. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Day Sunday
Date 16/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Week 23
Class 4 Perindu
Day Monday
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 Our Solar System
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. listen and read the passage about the solar system.
2. state True or False with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Talk about the solar system.
3. Pupils read the passage with guidance.
4. Ask pupils to assess their understanding about the passage.
5. Complete the task. (Sate True or False)
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Date 13/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Week 23
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care!
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.2.3(a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. state True or False based on the passage given.
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Read and study the safety rules and regulations in the Living Skills Workshop.
3. Find the meaning of the difficult words.
4. Pupils complete the task by stating True or False.
5. Guide the pupils.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Forgiving, honest
CCE Language
Day Thursday
Date 16/6/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Week 22
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care!
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a speech about safety.
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils about how to write a speech based on the sample given.
3. Pupils write a paragraph about Stay Safe From Strangers with guidance.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Tuesday
Day Sunday
Date 19/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care!
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. explain about good composition and good organization of paragraphs.
2. write sentences based on the phrases given and write in a form of composition.
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils about good composition and good organization of
paragraphs. Give examples.
3. Pupils write sentences based on the phrases given and write in a form of
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Generousity, hardworking
CCE Language
Date 21/6/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Week 22
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 Our Solar System
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read the passage about the Venus.
2. Answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the passage.
3. Pupils read the passage with guidance.
4. Ask pupils to assess their understanding about the passage.
5. Complete the task.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : 1. Fill in the blanks based on the passage.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Unity
CCE Patriotism

Day Tuesday
Date 21/6/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a reply email.
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Teach the pupils about the email format.
3. Read and understand the question.
4. Guide the pupils to write a reply email.
5. Check the answer with the pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheet
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Monday
Date 20/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d), 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. explain about good composition and good organization of paragraphs.
2. write sentences based on the phrases given and write in a form of
Activities 1. Introduce the topic to pupils.
2. Explain to the pupils about good composition and good organization of
paragraphs. Give examples.
3. Read and understand the questions.
4. Pupils write sentences based on the phrases given and write in a form of
composition. Pupils need to choose a thing and give at least three reasons.
5. Guide the pupils to answer the questions.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 23
Day Monday
Date 27/6/2016
Time 11.45 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Literature
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the front and back cover of the book.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Introduce the book by exploring the front and back cover.
3. Ask a few questions about the author, illustrator, publisher, blurb and barcode.
4. Pupils talk about the title of the book.
5. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids The Jungle Book
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Tuesday
Date 21/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Literature
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the characters.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read about Mowgli.
3. Ask a few questions about Mowglis to assess their understanding.
4. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids The Jungle Book
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Thurssday
Date 23/6/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Literature
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the characters.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read about Mowgli.
3. Ask a few questions about Mowglis to assess their understanding.
4. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids The Jungle Book
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 23
Day Monday
Date 27/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Literature
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the characters.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
3. Teacher guides the pupils to read about Mowgli.
4. Ask a few questions about Mowglis to assess their understanding.
5. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids The Jungle Book
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Wednesday
Date 22/6/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about preposition of place and time appropriately
and correctly.
2. fill in the blanks using correct prepositions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains about preposition of time and place to pupils. Give examples.
3. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 22
Day Thursday
Date 23/6/2016
Time 11.45 am - 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Be Aware, Take Care
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. learn and understand about preposition of place and time appropriately
and correctly.
4. fill in the blanks using correct prepositions.
Activities 6. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
7. Teacher explains about preposition of time and place to pupils. Give examples.
8. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
9. Check the answers together.
10. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation, appreciation
CCE Language
Week 23
Day Monday
Date 27/6/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about special attire for special occasions.
2. talk and listen to the descriptions and using circle map, transfer the information
of each attire.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks and guides pupils to talk about the attire suitable to wear to
special occasions.
3. Read the descriptions about the attire. Listen to the descriptions.
4. Pupils complete the task by transferring the information of each attire using a
circle map.
5. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Language
Week 23
Day Tuesday
Date 28/6/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 Our Solar System
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (a) (b) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. use prepositions above, below and between correctly and appropriately.
2. fill in the blanks using correct prepositions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about prepositions above, below and between .Give
examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 90)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.


1. Explain to the pupils about prepositions above, below and between.

2. Give examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 90)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. (Fill in the blanks.)
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 23
Day Tuesday
Date 28/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. create simple text with guidance (linear text).
2. write a short paragraph about festival celebrated in Malaysia.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read and answer comprehension questions about
a festival celebrated in Malaysia.
3. Pupils use the questions as guidance.
4. Brainstorm the pupils to write the answers.
5. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils. Pupils write a short paragraph about
the festival.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the country
CCE Patriotism
Week 23
Day Tuesday
Date 28/6/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3, 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b) , 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. able to read short text about accessories worn at Gawai Dayak festival with
2. able to read for enjoyment.
3. complete the table about the accessories and answer comprehension
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read about accessories worn at Gawai Dayak
3. Find the meaning of the difficult words.
4. Pupils complete the table about the accessories and answer comprehension
questions. Guide the pupils.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 23
Day Wednesday
Date 29/6/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write an appropriate introduction and conclusion for the body paragraphs.
2. rewrite the composition.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about introduction and conclusion.
3. Pupils write an appropriate introduction and conclusion for the body
paragraphs. Guide the pupils.
4. Pupils rewrite the composition.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 23
Day Wednesday
Date 29/6/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 9 Our Solar System
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (a) (b) (e)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. use prepositions above, below and between correctly and appropriately.
2. fill in the blanks using correct prepositions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about prepositions above, below and between .Give
examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 90)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. Discuss the answers together.
4. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.


1. Explain to the pupils about prepositions above, below and between.

2. Give examples. (Refer to Textbook-Pg. 90)
3. Guide the pupils to complete the task. (Fill in the blanks.)
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 24
Day Monday
Date 11/72016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a notice.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains the format of the notice to pupils.
3. Brainstorm the pupils to write the answers.
4. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils. Pupils write a notice.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the country
CCE Patriotism
Week 24
Day Monday
Date 11/7/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adjectives appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about adjectives.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 24
Day Monday
Date 11/7/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.2
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.2.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. talk about unity in Malaysia based on the poem with guidance.
2. talk about festivals in Malaysia.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Guide the pupils to recite the poem with guidance.
3. Talk about unity and festivals in Malaysia.
4. Complete the task with guidance.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 24
Day Tuesday
Date 12/72016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (c) (d) (f)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand : next to, beside, near (prepositions) appropriately and
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains prepositions of next to, beside and near to pupils. Give
3. Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the country
CCE Patriotism
Week 24
Day Tuesday
Date 12/7/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read and understand the passage with guidance.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text. Find the meaning of the difficult
words. Write inside their exercise book.
3. Guide the pupils to answer the comprehension questions.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

1. Guide the pupils to read the text.
2. Find at least 10 difficult words and write inside their exercise book.
3. Guide the pupils to fill in the correct answers.
4. Conclude the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 24
Day Tuesday
Date 12/7/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adjectives appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about adjectives.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 24
Day Wednesday
Date 13/7/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 Tailor Made
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1 learn and understand about adjectives appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils about adjectives.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Entrepreneurship
Week 24
Day Thursday
Date 14/7/2016
Time 11.45 am - 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Land of Glory
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3, 1.1.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk about the National Monument.
2. complete the table about the National Monument.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher encourages pupils to talk about the National Monument. Ask questions to
assess their understanding.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Patriotism
Week 24
Day Wednesday
Date 13/72016
Time 7.45 8.45am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (c) (d) (f)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.learn and understand : next to, beside, near (prepositions) appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1.Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2.Teacher explains prepositions of next to, beside and near to pupils. Give examples.
3.Pupils complete the task. Guide the pupils.
4.Check the answers together.
5.Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Love the country
CCE Patriotism
Week 24
Day Thursday
Date 14/72016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : about the insects size, colour, habitat and food
2.ask questions and guess the name of the insects.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the insects that they know. Talk about the size,
colour, habitat and food. Guide them.
3. Pupils complete the task by naming the insects and their particulars.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 25
Day Sunday
Date 17/72016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of difficult words. Use dictionary.
4. Answer comprehension questions.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 24
Day Thursday
Date 14/7/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read and understand the passage with guidance.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text. Find the meaning of the difficult
words. Write inside their exercise book.
3. Guide the pupils to answer the comprehension questions.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.

1. Guide the pupils to read the text.
2. Find at least 10 difficult words and write inside their exercise book.
3. Guide the pupils to fill in the correct answers.
4. Conclude the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 25
Day Sunday
Date 17/7/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. explain about the format of the notice.
2. write a notice.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher explains about the notice.
3. Guide the pupils to write the notice.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 25
Day Monday
Date 18/72016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of difficult words. Use dictionary.
4. Answer comprehension questions.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 25
Day Tuesday
Date 19/72016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. unscramble the letters to form words.
2. label the parts correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the parts of the body of the insects. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the words. Use dictionary.
4. Complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 25
Day Tuesday
Date 19/7/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Land of Glory
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.7
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about articles appropriately and correctly.
2. complete the task.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains the rules of the articles to pupils.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Patriotism
Week 25
Day Tuesday
Date 19/7/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. explain about the format of the notice.
2. write a notice.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher explains about the notice.
3. Guide the pupils to write the notice.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 25
Day Wednesday
Date 20/7/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. explain about the format of the notice.
2. write a notice.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher explains about the notice.
3. Guide the pupils to write the notice.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 25
Day Wednesday
Date 20/7/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Land of Glory
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.7
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about articles appropriately and correctly.
2. complete the task.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains the rules of the articles to pupils.
3. Pupils complete the tasks. Guide the pupils.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Patriotism
Week 25
Day Wednesday
Date 20/72016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. unscramble the letters to form words.
2. label the parts correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the parts of the body of the insects. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the words. Use dictionary.
4. Complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 25
Day Thursday
Date 21/72016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand the comparison of adjectives (a) comparative (b) superlative
appropriately and correctly.
2. fill in the blanks with correct comparison of adjectives.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils rules of comparison of adjectives. Show examples.
3. Complete the tasks. Guide them.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 26
Day Sunday
Date 24/72016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.learn and understand the comparison of adjectives (a) comparative (b) superlative
appropriately and correctly.
2.fill in the blanks with correct comparison of adjectives.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils rules of comparison of adjectives. Show examples.
3. Complete the tasks. Guide them.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 26
Day Sunday
Date 24/7/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (c) (d) (f)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1 .learn and understand prepositions appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher explains about prepositions to pupils.
3. Guide the pupils to complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers with the pupils.
5. Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 26
Day Monday
Date 25/72016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.learn and understand the comparison of adjectives (a) comparative (b) superlative
appropriately and correctly.
2.fill in the blanks with correct comparison of adjectives.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils rules of comparison of adjectives. Show examples.
3. Complete the tasks. Guide them.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 26
Day Tuesday
Date 26/72016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.write the life cycle of a dragonfly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils how to write the essay. Guide them using SVO technique.
3. Complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 26
Day Wednesday
Date 27/72016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.write the life cycle of a dragonfly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher explains to pupils how to write the essay. Guide them using SVO technique.
3. Complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 28
Day Sunday
Date 31/72016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : the story.
2.underline the correct words.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher reads the story and pupils repeat after her. Guide them to find the difficult
words. Encourage them to use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
3. Complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment
Week 26
Day Monday
Date 25/7/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Self, Family and Friends
Topic Unit 10 Unity in Diversity
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5 (c) (d) (f)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1 .learn and understand prepositions appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1.Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2.Teacher explains about prepositions to pupils.
3.Guide the pupils to complete the tasks.
4.Check the answers with the pupils.
5.Teacher concludes the lesson by asking what they had learnt today.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Justice, unity
CCE Patriotism

Week 27
Day Tuesday
Date 26/72016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4, 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to : about the insects size, colour, habitat and food
2.ask questions and guess the name of the insects.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the insects that they know. Talk about the size,
colour, habitat and food. Guide them.
3.Pupils complete the task by naming the insects and their particulars.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment

Week 27
Day Wednesday
Date 27/72016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions.

LBI : 1. Read the text with guidance.

2.Fill in the blanks correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher asks the pupils to read the text. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of difficult words. Use dictionary.
4. Answer comprehension questions.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1.Teacher guide them to read.
2.Fill in the blanks with guidance.
3.Guide them.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment
Week 28
Day Sunday
Date 31/72016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. unscramble the letters to form words.
2. label the parts correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the parts of the body of the insects. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the words. Use dictionary.
4. Complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment

Week 28
Day Sunday
Date 31/7/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme Choose an item.
Topic UPSR Trial
Skill(s) Paper 1
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.check the answers. corrections.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the papers to pupils.
2. Check the answers with the pupils.
3. Pupils do corrections.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Patriotism
Week 28
Day Monday
Date 1/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme Choose an item.
Topic UPSR Trial
Skill(s) Paper 1
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.check the answers. corrections.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the papers to pupils.
2. Check the answers with the pupils.
3. Pupils do corrections.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Tolerance and polite
CCE Patriotism
Week 28
Day Monday
Date 1/8/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. unscramble the letters to form words.
2. label the parts correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher asks the pupils to name the parts of the body of the insects. Guide them.
3. Find the meaning of the words. Use dictionary.
4. Complete the tasks.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment

Week 28
Day Monday
Date 1/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI the story.
2.complete the paragraph using the given words.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher reads the story and pupils repeat after her. Guide them to find the difficult
words. Encourage them to use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
3. Complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Environment

Week 28
Day Thursday
Date 4/8/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.6 (a) (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI 1. learn and understand about comparison of adjectives appropriately and correctly.
2. fill in the blanks.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher explains about comparison of adjectives. Show examples.
4. Complete the tasks. (Fill in the blanks)
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Kind-hearted
CCE Environment

Week 29
Day Sunday
Date 7/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 11 The Insect Investigators
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
LBI the story.
2.underline the correct adjectives.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Teacher reads the story and pupils repeat after her. Guide them to find the difficult
words. Encourage them to use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
3. Complete the tasks.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : 1. Drill the words. Encourage the pupils to use dictionary to find the meaning of the
2.Pupils underline the correct answers with guidance.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation and tolerance
CCE Patriotism

Week 28
Day Thursday
Date 4/8/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme Choose an item.
Topic UPSR Trial
Skill(s) Paper 2
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) Section C
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.check the answers. corrections.
Activities 1. Teacher distributes the papers to pupils.
2. Check the answers with the pupils.
3. Pupils do corrections.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation and hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 29
Day Sunday
Date 7/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Overcoming the Odds
Skill(s) Listening and Speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.2, 1.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.respond using appropriate words, phrases and expression with the correct stress
and intonation.
2.fill in the blanks by giving the main ideas and details.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Read and listen to the information.
3. Pupils fill in the blanks by giving main ideas and details.
4.Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation and hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 28
Day Tuesday
Date 2/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. respond to questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Show the posters inside the textbook.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the pictures.
4. Show word cards consisting good values. Say the words and paste on the board.
5. Show some pictures related to the values. Guide the pupils to talk about the picture and
name the values.
6.Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 28
Day Wednesday
Date 3/8/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. to read the story with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the story and pupils repeat after the teacher.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the story.
4. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the words.
5.Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 28
Day Thursday
Date 4/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (a), 2.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. to read the story with guidance.
2. answer comprehension questions with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the story and pupils repeat after the teacher.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the story.
4. Answer comprehension questions with guidance.
5. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : 1. Fill in the blanks using the clues given.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Determination and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 29
Day Monday
Date 8/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.3
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1.sequence the events correctly with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the story and pupils repeat after the teacher.
3. Pupils sequence the sentences to form the story with guidance.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Determination and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 29
Day Monday
Date 8/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Overcoming the Odds
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.3, 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b), 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand phrases and sentences.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Read and understand the text. Guide pupils to find the meaning of the difficult words.
3. Answer comprehension questions.
4.Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cooperation and hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 29
Day Monday
Date 8/8/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. respond to questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Show the posters inside the textbook.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the pictures.
4. Show word cards consisting good values. Say the words and paste on the board.
5. Show some pictures related to the values. Guide the pupils to talk about the picture and
name the values.
6.Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Honesty and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 29
Day Tuesday
Date 9/8/2016
Time 9.15 10.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Overcoming the Odds
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (d)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. rearrange the sentences to form a good paragraph.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Read and understand the sentences. Guide pupils to find the meaning of the difficult
3. Arrange the sentences with guidance.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence and determination
CCE Patriotism
Week 30
Day Sunday
Date 14/8/2016
Time 8.15 9..15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English Language
Topic Revision
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. do revision.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Do revision.
3. Guide the pupils to complete the exercises.
4. Check the answers together.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking
CCE Patriotism
Week 30
Day Monday
Date 15/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.3
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a booklet.
2. sequence the story and write in the booklet.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Show how to make a booklet. Guide the pupils to make a booklet.
3. Pupils sequence the story.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Hardworking and cooperation
CCE Patriotism

Week 30
Day Monday
Date 15/8/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2, 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (b), 2.2..3 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. sequence the sentences to form a story.
2. read the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the sentences. Pupils repeat after the teacher.
3. Ask a few questions.
4. Find the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the words.
5. Guide the pupils to sequence the story. Read the story.
6.Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Determination and diligence
CCE Patriotism

Week 30
Day Tuesday
Date 16/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Listening, speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk and list out the items needed to make a model of a school.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the text about gotong- royong.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the text.
4. Ask the pupils to list out the items needed to make a model of a school.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance

CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Wednesday
Date 17/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.3
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. make a booklet.
2. write a story in the booklet.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Show how to make a booklet. Guide the pupils to make a booklet.
3. Pupils write the story.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Determination and generous
CCE Patriotism

Week 30
Day Wednesday
Date 17/8/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the text. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the text.
4. Answer comprehension questions. Guide the pupils to answer the questions.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance
CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Thursday
Date 18/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. read and understand the text.
4. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the text. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the text.
4. Answer comprehension questions. Guide the pupils to answer the questions.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance
CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Wednesday
Date 17/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 12 Good Values
Skill(s) Contemporary Literature
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 4.3
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. make a booklet.
4. write a story in the booklet.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Show how to make a booklet. Guide the pupils to make a booklet.
3. Pupils write the story.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Determination and generous
CCE Patriotism

Week 30
Day Thursday
Date 17/8/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Listening, speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. talk and list out the items needed to make a model of a school.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the text about gotong- royong.
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the text.
4. Ask the pupils to list out the items needed to make a model of a school.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance
CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Sunday
Date 21/8/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the text. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the text.
4. Answer comprehension questions. Guide the pupils to answer the questions.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance
CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Wednesday
Date 24/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use pictures and the words given to write an essay.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the words. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the pictures.
4. Guide the pupils to write the essay.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Diligence, tolerance
CCE Environment

Week 30
Day Wednesday
Date 24/8/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use the pictures and the words given to write an essay.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the words. List out the difficult words. Use dictionary to find the meaning of the
3. Ask a few questions regarding to the pictures.
4. Prompt the pupils to write the essay.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Cleanliness, cooperative
CCE Environment

Week 31
Date 28/8/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject English
Theme Revision for UPSR
Topic English Paper 2
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer the questions in each section.
2. discuss, check and do corrections.
Activities 1. Get pupils ready for the revision by asking them to do questions in Paper 1 for
each section.
2. At the end of the time, teacher gets the pupils to read out their answers. Help the
pupils to identify the wrong error. Discuss the answers together.
3. Do corrections.
Teaching Aids
Moral Value(s) Cooperation
CCE Language
Week 31
Day Sunday
Date 28/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and learn adverb appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about adverbs.
3. Show examples.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Thankfulness
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Sunday
Date 28/8/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.2, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen to the dialogue.
2. state True or False about the dialogue.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 32
Day Sunday
Date 4/9/2016
Class 6 Gading
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :


Teaching Aids
Moral Value(s)
8.15 10.15 PAGI
Week 31
Day Monday
Date 29/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer the questions on Siamang.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the information about Siamang.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises. Pupils answer the comprehension questions.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1. State True of False about Siamang.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Tuesday
Date 30/8/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. complete the paragraph about Siamang.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Read the information about the Siamang.
3. Ask a few questions to assess their understanding about Siamang.
4. Fill in the blanks with the correct answers.
5. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Thursday
Date 1/9/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write simple sentences based on the picture.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Look at the picture inside the textbook. Ask questions about the picture.
3. Guide the pupils to write simple sentences based on the picture.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 32
Day Sunday
Date 4/9/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.1
Learning Standard(s) 3.1.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. sequence the sentences to form the story.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to the pupils.
LBI 2. Read the sentences.
3. Guide the pupils to sequence the sentences based on the picture to form a story.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Monday
Date 29/8/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 13 Work Hard, Work Smart
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. understand and learn adverb appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain to the pupils about adverbs.
3. Show examples.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

LBI : Fill in the blanks using the correct words.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Thankfulness
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Tuesday
Date 30/8/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.2, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. listen to the dialogue.
2. state True or False about the dialogue.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 32
Day Sunday
Date 4/9/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 2.2
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. answer the questions on Siamang.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the information about Siamang.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises. Pupils answer the comprehension questions.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1. State True of False about Siamang.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 31
Day Tuesday
Date 30/8/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Writing and reading
Content Standard(s) 1.1
Learning Standard(s) 1.1.2, 1.1.4
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. listen to the dialogue.
4. state True or False about the dialogue.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Read the dialogue. Pupils listen.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation
CCE Environment

Week 33
Day Monday
Date 5/9/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adverbs of time appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain about adverbs of time. Give examples.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises on page 139 (Textbook).
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1. Teacher explains to the pupil about adverbs of time.
2. Show examples.
3. Do exercises. (Fill in the blanks with the best answers.)
4. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 33
Day Tuesday
Date 6/9/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adverbs of time appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain about adverbs of time. Give examples.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises on page 139 (Textbook).
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1. Teacher explains to the pupil about adverbs of time.
2. Show examples.
3. Do exercises. (Fill in the blanks with the best answers.)
4. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 33
Day Wednesday
Date 7/9/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adverbs of time appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain about adverbs of time. Give examples.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises on page 142 (Textbook).
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

2. Teacher explains to the pupil about adverbs of time.
3. Show examples.
4. Do exercises.
5. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 35
Day Thursday
Date 29/9/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 15 Going Places
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.8 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. learn and understand about adverbs of place appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain about adverbs of place. Give examples.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises on page 153 (Textbook).
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment
Theme Sunday
Topic 18/9/2016
Skill(s) 12.45 1.45 pm
Integrated Skill(s) 4 Gading
Content Standard(s) English Language
Learning Standard(s) World of Knowledge
Learning Objective(s) Unit 14 Harmony in the Jungle
Skill(s) Grammar
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Aids 5.1.8 (b)
Moral Value(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
CCE 1. learn and understand about adverbs of time appropriately and correctly.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Explain about adverbs of time. Give examples.
3 Ask a few questions to assess pupils understanding.
4. Do exercises on page 142 (Textbook).
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.

1. Teacher explains to the pupil about adverbs of time.
2. Show examples.
3. Do exercises.
4. Check the answers together.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Week 35
Day Thursday
Date 22/9/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 15 Going Places
Skill(s) Listening and speaking
Integrated Skill(s) Reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 1.2, 1.3
Learning Standard(s) 1.2.4 , 1.3.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. state and list the activities during the holidays.
2. complete the dialogue with guidance.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
LBI 2. Ask a few questions about the activities that they can do during the holidays.
4. Do exercises on page 147 inside the textbook.
5. Guide them.
6. Check the answers with pupils.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment

Day Wednesday
Date 28/9/2016
Time 34
10.45 11.45 am
Class Monday
4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 15 Going Places
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. read and understand the text.
2. answer comprehension questions about the text.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text.
3. Ask a few questions about the text.
4. Find the difficult words using dictionary.
5. Do exercises on page 149 inside the exercise book.
6. Guide them.
7. Check the answers with pupils.
8. Sum up the lesson.


1. Fill in the correct words based on the text.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the environment
CCE Environment
Date 19/9/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 6 Gading
Subject Choose an item.
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 15 Going Places
Skill(s) Reading
Integrated Skill(s) Listening and speaking and writing
Content Standard(s) 2.2, 2.3
Learning Standard(s) 2.2.2 (b), 2.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. read and understand the text.
4. answer comprehension questions about the text.
Activities 9. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
10. Teacher guides the pupils to read the text.
11. Ask a few questions about the text.
12. Find the difficult words using dictionary.
13. Do exercises on page 149 inside the exercise book.
14. Guide them.
15. Check the answers with pupils.
16. Sum up the lesson.


2. Fill in the correct words based on the text.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the environment
CCE Environment

Week 35
Day Monday

Date 26/9/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic NILAM Programme

Skill(s) Process information by extracting main ideas and details.

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
read and understand what they have read.

Activities 1. Pupils choose their own reading materials and read.

2. Pupils fill their NILAM book.
3. Pupils are asked to write the synopsis of the book.

Moral Value(s) Understanding

CCE Multiple Intelligence


Week 35
Day Monday

Date 26/9/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic NILAM Programme

Skill(s) Process information by extracting main ideas and details.

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
read and understand what they have read.

Activities 1. Pupils choose their own reading materials and read.

2. Pupils fill their NILAM book.
3. Pupils are asked to write the synopsis of the book.

Moral Value(s) Understanding

CCE Multiple Intelligence


Week 35

Day Wednesday
Date 28/9/2016

Time 9.15 10.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic NILAM Programme

Skill(s) Process information by extracting main ideas and details.

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
read and understand what they have read.

Activities 1. Pupils choose their own reading materials and read.

2. Pupils fill their NILAM book.
3. Pupils are asked to write the synopsis of the book.

Moral Value(s) Understanding

CCE Multiple Intelligence


Week 35

Day Thursday
Date 29/9/2016

Time 9.15 10.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic NILAM Programme

Skill(s) Process information by extracting main ideas and details.

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
read and understand what they have read.

Activities 1. Pupils choose their own reading materials and read.

2. Pupils fill their NILAM book.
3. Pupils are asked to write the synopsis of the book.

Moral Value(s) Understanding

CCE Multiple Intelligence

Week 37

Day Sunday

Date 7/10/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Crafts Project

Skill(s) Develop cooperation and creativity among the pupils

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
create pencils using plastic bottles.

Activities 1. Pupils work in groups.

2. Do the craft project.
3. Assist by teacher-in-charge.

Moral Value(s) Cooperation

CCE Multiple Intelligence

Week 36
Day Monday
Date 3/10/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Unit 15 Going Places
Skill(s) Writing
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking and reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1 (b)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write an essay to Pulau Langkawi.
Activities 1. Teacher introduces the topic to pupils.
2. Teacher guides the pupils to read and understand the information based on the
questions given.
3. Ask a few questions about the table.
4. Guide them to write an essay.
5. Check the answers with pupils.
6. Sum up the lesson.


1. Fill in the correct words based on the text.

Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the environment
CCE Environment
Week 36
Day Thursday

Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Contemporary Literature
Skill(s) The Jungle Book
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. respond to the characters of the story.
Activities 1. Talk about Mowgli.
2. Discuss about Mowgli appearance.
3. Complete the task.
4. Guide them.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment
Week 36
Day Thursday
Date 6/10/2016
Time 8.15 9.15 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Contemporary Literature
Skill(s) The Jungle Book
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.2
Learning Standard(s) 4.2.1 (a)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. respond to the characters of the story.
Activities 1. Talk about Mowgli.
2. Discuss about Mowgli appearance.
3. Complete the task.
4. Guide them.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Environment
Week 37
Day Sunday
Date 9/10/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Contemporary Literature
Skill(s) The Jungle Book
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading and writing
Content Standard(s) 4.3
Learning Standard(s) 4.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. produce a mask based on the characters.
Activities 1. Ask the pupils to draw a mask based on the characters.
2. Complete the task.
3. Guide them.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids English Textbook
Moral Value(s) Appreciation, care for the animals
CCE Creative and Inovation
Week 37
Day Monday
Date 10/10/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section A
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer the information with guidance.
Activities 1. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
2. Go through the text. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
3. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
4. Pupils read and understand the text. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
5. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation
CCE Language
Week 37
Day Monday
Date 10/10/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section A
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer the information with guidance.
Activities 1. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
2. Go through the text. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
3. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
4. Pupils read and understand the text. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
5. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
6. Check the answers together.
7. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation
CCE Language
Week 37

Day Monday

Date 10/10/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Crafts Project

Skill(s) Develop cooperation and creativity among the pupils

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
create pencils using plastic bottles.

Activities 1. Pupils work in groups.

2. Do the craft project.
3. Assist by teacher-in-charge.

Moral Value(s) Cooperation

CCE Multiple Intelligence

Week 37
Day Wednesday
Date 12/10/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer the information correctly.
2. write note with guidance.
Activities 1. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
2. Go through the notice. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
3. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
4. Pupils read and understand the notice. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
5. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
6. Guide the pupils to write a note based on the text.
7. Check the answers together.
8. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation
CCE Language
Week 37

Day Wednesday

Date 12/10/2016

Time 9.15 10.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Gotong Royong Project

Skill(s) Develop cooperation and instill the cleanliness value among the pupils

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
clean and decorate the SAL Room.

Activities 1. Pupils work in groups.

2. Pupils clean and decorate the SAL Room.
3. Assist by teacher-in-charge.

Moral Value(s) Cooperation, tolerance

CCE Multiple Intelligence

Week 38

Day Sunday

Date 16/10/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Cleanliness Project (Pre-School)

Skill(s) Develop the cooperation and instill cleanliness value among the pupils

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
clean the pre-school areas.

Activities 1. Pupils work in groups.

2. Pupils clean up the pre school area.
3. Assist by teacher-in-charge.

Moral Value(s) Cooperation, tolerance

CCE Multiple Intelligence

Week 38
Day Monday
Date 17/10/2016
Time 11.45 am 12.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer the information correctly.
2. write note with guidance.
Activities 1. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
2. Go through the notice. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
3. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
4. Pupils read and understand the notice. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
5. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
6. Guide the pupils to write a note based on the text.
7. Check the answers together.
8. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, diligence
CCE Language
Week 39

Day Sunday

Date 23/10/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Scrabble Game

Skill(s) To enhance vocabulary.

Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
play Scrabble.

Activities 1. Pupils work in groups.

2. Pupils play Scrabble.
3. Assist by teacher-in-charge.

Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation

CCE Creativity

Week 38
Day Tuesday
Date 18/10/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
3. transfer the information correctly.
4. write note with guidance.
Activities 9. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
10. Go through the notice. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
11. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
12. Pupils read and understand the notice. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
13. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
14. Guide the pupils to write a note based on the text.
15. Check the answers together.
16. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation
CCE Language
Week 38
Day Wednesday
Date 19/10/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write messages with guidance.
Activities 1. Write the dialogue on the board.
2. Read the dialogue. Find the meaning of the difficult words using dictionary.
3. Guide the pupils to write the messages.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Workbook
Moral Value(s) Polite, generous
CCE Language
Week 38
Day Monday
Date 17/10/2016
Time 10.45 11.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.1, 3.2.2
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. transfer the information correctly.
2. write note with guidance.
Activities 1. Distribute the worksheets to pupils.
2. Go through the notice. Explain to pupils what they have to do.
3. Ask the pupils to read and understand the rubric.
4. Pupils read and understand the notice. Find the meaning of the difficult words
inside the dictionary.
5. Pupils transfer the information correctly with guidance.
6. Guide the pupils to write a note based on the text.
7. Check the answers together.
8. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Worksheets
Moral Value(s) Hardworking, cooperation
CCE Language
Week 38
Day Wednesday
Date 19/10/2016
Time 7.45 8.45 am
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section B
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.2
Learning Standard(s) 3.2.2 (c)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write messages with guidance.
Activities 1. Write the dialogue on the board.
2. Read and understand the dialogue.
3. Guide the pupils to write the messages.
4. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Workbook
Moral Value(s) Generous, self-confidence
CCE Language
Week 39
Day Sunday
Date 23/10/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Revision
Skill(s) Writing Section C
Integrated Skill(s) Listening, speaking, reading
Content Standard(s) 3.3
Learning Standard(s) 3.3.1
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. write a story based on the picture stimulus and words given.
Activities 1. Talk about the picture and find the meaning of the words given using dictionary.
2. Ask the pupils to identify the verbs.
3. Guide the pupils to use the SVO table.
4. Guide the pupils to form sentences.
5. Write the story in a form of paragraphs.
6. Sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Workbook
Moral Value(s) Generous, self-confidence
CCE Language
Week 41
Day Thursday
Date 3/11/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Perindu
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Correction
Skill(s) English Paper 1 Objective Questions
Integrated Skill(s)
Content Standard(s)
Learning Standard(s)
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. revise their answers.
2. tell and write the correct answers.
Activities 1. Teacher returns the test papers to the pupils.
2. Teacher carries out the class discussion.
3. Teacher writes the correct answers on the board.
4. Pupils do corrections.
5. Teacher sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Test papers
Moral Value(s) Consideration
CCE Language
Week 42

Day Sunday

Date 13/11/2016

Time 8.15 9.15 am

Class 6 Gading

Theme Program Selepas UPSR

Topic Poster and News Paper in Education


Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
drawing poster and activity in NIE.

Activities 1. Pupils drawing a poster in NIE.

2. Teacher assists the pupils.

Moral Value(s) Responsible and caring

CCE Language

Week 42
Day Sunday
Date 13/11/2016
Time 12.45 1.45 pm
Class 4 Gading
Subject English Language
Theme World of Knowledge
Topic Grammar
Skill(s) Prepositions
Integrated Skill(s) Writing
Content Standard(s) 5.1
Learning Standard(s) 5.1.5
Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to :
1. use prepositions correctly and appropriately.
Activities 1. Teacher explains the rules of articles to pupils.
2. Teacher carries out the class discussion.
3. Teacher writes the exercises on the board.
4. Pupils do the exercises.
5. Check the answers together.
6. Teacher sum up the lesson.
Teaching Aids Workbook
Moral Value(s) Respect, forgiving
CCE Language

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