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Shot Directions

LONG SHOT of Charlie and Zara running past Charlie and Zara run past the entrance of the
the station. station (as if theyre being chased)
WHIP PAN of Charlie and Zara running past the
station with a different angle.
LONG SHOT/WHIP PAN of them running down
the steps.
CLOSE-UP /WHIP PAN of their feet going down
the steps.
HIGH ANGLE SHOT of them running to the
HANDHELD/MID SHOT of them running into the
HANDHELD /WHIP PAN running with them with
the lights in the background.
HANDHELD/WHIP PAN of Louis feet Louis runs past (as if hes chasing them)
SHOT from Charlies P.O.V with Zara running in Zara runs in shot, blocking the view of the
front, blocking the tunnel. tunnel
HANDHELD SHOT of Louis head running with Louis chasing after them
the lights in the background.
MID SHOT/WHIP PAN of Charlie and Zara Zara & Charlie run to the edge of the tunnel
running out of the underpass. and stop as if somethings blocking the way
LOW ANGLE/HANDHELD behind Charlie and Zara & Charlie stand at the edge of the tunnel
Zara only showing their legs and seeing Louis with Louis standing in front of them
with his hands in the air.
LONG SHOT of Charlie and Zara in the office Zara - Why were we called back again?
talking. Charlie- Dunno, I suppose it has something to
do with that guy drawing graffiti everywhere.
HANDHELD/P.O.V SHOT of Charlie reaching for Charlie reaches for wallet, gun and knife
the gun on the table.
MID SHOT of Charlie and Zara looking at the Charlie Okay, cool.
CLOSE-UP/P.O.V SHOT of the laptop with Criminal profile shown on the laptop
HANDHELD/MID SHOT of Charlie and Zara Charlie You ready?
Zara - Yeah.
Charlie Lets do this.
Zara gets up, they shake hands and walk out of
MID SHOT/PAN of Louis spray-painting the wall Louis gets the can out of this bag and gets
ready to paint the wall
CLOSE-UP/MID SHOT of Louis face spray- Close-ups of Louis about to spray-paint the lens
CLOSE-UP SHOT of the can of paint in front of
the lens
Follow up to spraying paint on the lens
LONG SHOT/ZOOM of Louis picking up his bag Louis looks at his work, picks up his bag and
and walking off walks off
LONG SHOT/WHIP PAN of Louis running past Louis runs past the entrance of the station
the station
LONG SHOT/WHIP PAN of Charlie and Zara Charlie and Zara run past the entrance of the
running after him past the station station, chasing after Louis
LOW ANGLE/LONG SHOT of Charlie and Zara
chasing Louis down the steps
CLOSE-UP SHOT of Louiss feet running down Louis running down the steps frantically
the steps
CLOSE-UP SHOT of Charlie and Zaras feet Different shot of Charlie and Zara chasing him
running down the steps down the steps
LONG SHOT/HIGH ANGLE SHOT of Louis, Zara They run from the steps to the tunnel
and Charlie running into the tunnel
HANDHELD SHOT/WHIP PAN of Louis running Louis runs (as fast as he can) down the tunnel
through the tunnel
and the lights in shot
eyes of the tunnel ahead of him
LONG SHOT of Charlie and Zara chasing Louis, Louis runs with C&Z on his tail, occasionally
but C&Z are in the background turning back to see where they are
LOW ANGLE/CLOSE-UP SHOT of the same as
above but of their feet
MID SHOT/HANDHELD SHOT of Louis Louis looks over his shoulder and stumbles over
tripping/falling over (STOP MOVING THE CAMERA his feet and falls to the ground
MID SHOT/PAN of Louis on the floor
LONG SHOT (HIGH ANGLE?) of C&Z running out Charlie and Zara run out of the tunnel as Louiss
the tunnel and Louis on the floor getting up
CLOSE-UP of Louis head with C&Z in the
LONG SHOT/PAN of Louis surrendering Louis stands up with his hands above his head
and Charlie grabs him and drags him of screen

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