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Anubis God of: The afterlife and mummification. Priests often wore masks of Anubis whilst mummifying.

Appearance: Anubis has the head of a jackal or wild dog. Quiz!:

1. What is Anubis
known for?
Hi, Im Anubis 2. What is Anubis in
and Im the Greek?
god of the 3. What is Anubis the
god of?
afterlife! afterlife.
This is the symbol of Anubis.
2: man with jackal head 3: God of
Answers: 1: head of a jackal or dog

Interesting facts about Anubis:

Anubis was the greek name for man

with a jackal head. Did you know: His role
He invented embalmers. (People who was the guardian of
mummify dead people.) necropolis.
Anubiss jackal head was often shown to
be black. The reason for this was to
show his link to death. Aidan H

God of what? Maat was the daughter of the sun god

Ra, and her mother is unknown, as well
Maat is the as siblings.
goddess of truth,
justice and
harmony. She
was associated
with the balance QUIZ TIME
of things on Q1. who is Ma'at's
earth. father?
Find answer in fact

Maat is a women with a feather
By Amy Bird
on her head.
And Isabel Flack
Father of Maat: Ra.
God Of:
Thoth was in fact a moon God who invented writing and was
referred to as a scribe by fellow gods. He was also the God of
knowledge making him the overall god of wisdom.

Family:Thoth was married to 1.Did he have any parents?
Maat a fellow god the Goddess of 2.Was Thoth a day God?
truth. Thoth did not have any 3.Was Thoth a Baboon or a monkey?
parents nor any children as he
created himself. 3.A Baboon.
Appearance: 2.No he was a moon God
He was a man with the 1.No he made himself
head of an ibis. Thoth
was actually a baboon Fun facts:
and he holds writing It was believed that Thoth created the heavens and the Earth.
palette. He also was believed to create hieroglyphic writing.
His main temple was in the city of Khmun.
Bella and
Ra the sun god
The right eye of ra represents
the shining sun and his left the
beautiful moon.


Ra is a man with a white hawk head and has a

bright sun over his head.

God of: Family:

Ras father spat him out.
Ra is the Ra gave birth to Shu, the god of wind
hawk-headed god of and Tefnet, the goddess of
the giant ball of fire rain,Basstet the goddess of cats(Who
known as the sun. were worshipped) and home.

Fraser and Ella C

Fun Fact:

Amun is the creator of

Appearance: the egyptian world.
Amun has the head as a
regular god but he has a
peacock feathered hat
which he wears all the


Because Amun was the

first egyptian god born,
God of: he had no parents but he
Amun is the king did spit out his child Ra.
of the
gods/creator of
earth. Fraser and Ella C

Horus was the Ancient Egyptian god of the sky. He was a very popular god in Pe, Bendet and Khem (which
was where he was worshiped). He was the son of another god -named Isis.
I am
The ancient Egyptians worshiped
Horus partly because he had the Eye
of Horus. When he lost his eye, it was
said that it grew back to become the
Eye of Horus. Can you imagine losing
an eye and then it growing back?
Whoa, that must have been weird.

Did you know?

Horus is sometimes
seen sporting a falcon
head and a crocodile

By Harvey & William 6B


Thoth was popular since he was creator of Egyptian writing. He was the god of magic, wisdom, the
alphabet and the moon. He was the wisest of all Ancient Egyptian gods

I am
Thoth was originally a moon god. ... In art, Thoth was usually depicted with the Thoth!
head of an ibis, possibly because the Egyptians saw curve of the ibis' beak as a
symbol of the crescent moon. Sometimes, he was depicted as a baboon
holding up a crescent moon, as the baboon was seen as a nocturnal and
intelligent creature.

The wisest of the Egyptian gods was Thoth (Djhuty, Djehuty, Tehuty), the baboon and
ibis god of the moon. Thoth was the god who overcame the curse of Ra, allowing Nut to
give birth to her five children, with his skill at games.

By William and Harvey 6B

Sobek god of the nile

Sobek was the god of the Nile and he was connected with
the Nile.

Sobek had the head of a bloodthirsty crocodile and wore a

robe around his waist. He also wore a necklace and other
types of majestic jewelry. Additionally, he wore a golden
crown type hat.

To honor Sobek, Egyptians put live crocodiles in small rivers

in temples also his worshiping continued until the very end.
And he was not just the god of the Nile he was also the
of crocodiles!
John D
Name: Anum Amun in hieroglyphs:
God of: King of gods / air, sun and sky.


A man with a ram head

Man wearing an ostrich plumed
Other things

Amun was important

throughout the history of
ancient Egypt. However, when
Amun was combined with the
sun god Ra he was even more
powerful. He was then called
A large and important temple
was built at Thebes to honour

Lennie and Willow

Horus - The one far above Horus in hieroglyphs:
God of: god of the sky.

Eye of horus

Cool facts of horus:

He was originally portrayed as a hawk
or falcon
worshiped as a sun god and creator of
the sky
His right eye represented the sun, and
his left eye represented the moon
Later images show him as a man with
the head of a bird

Lennie and Willow

He is the son of Osiris, ANUBIS
Nephthys and wife Appearance:
Anput and child Jackal headed and half
kebechet. Jackal and half man.

Anubis is the god of the
and dead.

Anubis (Greek) was a
caretaker of the

Lois and

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Oliver R and Isla
God of
Thoth is connected to the moon some people believe he gave the gift of writing and
hieroglyphics. He is the god of wisdom and knowledge.

Other facts
His brother called Sobeck is the god of
crocodiles and his sister is called Serket she
is the goddess of scorpions!

Thoth has the head of a ibis bird, he often
wears some sort of silk clothing. He also
wears a belt with a big gold symbol on it (realy
fancy!)He carries a long pole/staff with him.
Queenie H
God of: Anubis is the god of embalming and created it, he is also the
god of the dead and watches over their journey to the underworld. He
watches over mummification. Because jackal are often seen cemeteries,
the ancient egyptians believe that he was the god of the dead.

Family: His wife is

Anput and his Quiz
daughter Kebechet,
Seth and Nephthys 1. What head does Anubis
were his parents. have?
2. Who is his daughter?
3. What is he god of?

Appearance: He helped
Anubis has the embalm
head of a jackal Osiris after
but a body of a he was
man. killed. embalming.
He wears a Jackal head, Kebechet, dead and
golden necklace
a lot like other
gods. Rebecca and Oliver S
God of: He is the god of writing and Knowledge.The Ancient
Egyptians believed that Thoth gave them the gift of hieroglyphic

Family: Weirdly enough Thoth created himself! He had no

parents, wonder how he did that. Thoths wife was Maat, they had
no children.

Appearance: He has a big long, spiky, beak. He also has a head of

an ibis. He holds a writing palette and he is a Baboon.

Taryn and Arthur

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