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exeeurive Chane veto #173, Novenber 29, 2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: Tam reusing herewith, thou my spa the flowing ‘Assembly Bill Number 64 eed AN ACT to aneod the ate race layin ition t compensations neti expenses of ein ie se emp TOTHE SENATE am seuing herewith without my aprovathefllng is: ‘Sena Bil Number 2516 cts "AN ACT to amend he general mii nation opin dati overge frum pobton offers” ‘Seat Bil Number 40774 net AN ACT sosmen! terete nd socal scien eno eats tenets srs members aed providing or eee of Sch ovo upon expe cet ‘Senne Bl Number 560, "AN ACT tosmend te cil sens ie tion indepen tng offs for eeain lpia aig Notas’ ROVED ‘Thesis would xg employment sigh nl eof fr Sse andl employees ily spo te value cottons tt Sate nal woes provide New ‘ovkers, inling tos vrkrs thar perm expert pubic sy espomiblie, Honeves. its welesablsad tat hse pes of Boe aly Seated psn ke Taylor Law Arc 14 of he Ciel Service Law), nd we natal impose aves eplion ‘onsstet wth ast pci thee proved by thes il soul tcfoe be eatin though he ost represses of We employe and emplyece Ths wl ew lee type of ents een spr he rer aclags Ofte an empensaon [Bove to Sat nd aa pny, ater than spose ch hoes erin ett over hr. Second it simi hat hese ils, when combined wuld nove early $38 lin tacos acco for inthe Stes, This mod mpss snare ‘alae krden on the Sates payers Forte muons, consis! wea ee wae Thos tilt a dsaproved Executive Cuan vero # (74 seven 29, 2017 ‘To THR ASSEMBLY: am ering hee, witout ay agro te flonng il Asso il Number 255, end "AN ACT to aneo! he Indon lnwnsstion othe sti esopidon ed ekoowicdgement of te Monts nds" NOT APPROVED ‘Thi woud amend be New York Sutin Lawto regi the Sto esis ‘he Monts nin ie Ian Nuon, tbe chcunverig wets Ste view proces pl ino ple and reuing th Stata eet = witht any finding ati tee proses cet erfanna aly bye Feel Goreme {previously vetoed sa verso ofthis bil wich wou ave cre chine Jor the Mom ian to peo fr te engntin a am aca Nation (Veto No 210 oF 2013). Ualke he Fed! Buren of dan Afi, th Se dow at tye we dense oes to eognize nn es and mann a it op the eral govermeetsroes ‘ould have reed e sigan lsalon of Sate oases. ated Laced oe Deparment of Sito mov fared ith ow spt dee Sae cesition vas ‘sama Provting Sate ecogston as ada eke warns hrogh crf consideration cl ntrestadparceHoveve hsil ool que the Se ype sch ‘alsin copie the Monee nn tb dan Maton tot sy process (Gives ht the Se oly ee ected, al connate Socios a ay ‘jut is een, K would eprom on hs bl ere the Se an comple ‘stevie Tas le am encanta hs lar dtng he Reprrat nau prstnely couse it i Maniac aan ibe we ay rested priest obtain levan informaiton sso fr he Depart! to lee ve it £tinely moe. The bls deyprove veto #/7 5 Novenber 29, 2017 TOTHE ASSEMALY am retsing herewith, without my aprova teeing a Assen Bit Number 2859-8, ened “AN ACT tw amend he wore cmpenaon la nono pyc ‘hey ce proved ough the thes compen ten” NOT APPROVED his bil would aed te Works” Compenston La llow xi physi toy sists to prove dtl eer he supervise o seem va tet Insc hatred pst or pai Last yea, Ivete he sume bl beens wolf ae plied workers at rer tis (Veto No 26662016) Ths bil sll fom be same ne, Firs te il fers ever rotons wee cretion Chinen ein td by physical hep assists, inaing cession fe sgurement al he eperiane ysl thepis be ost al ess as espns or te phys hep sas Serves, Seon, pil therapt ssa, neo ced by he Ss wou able tert inde the asses of nen phn prover Ye ler creas ceed se ais may onl rosie esment anne ocr ton thee of and speon Ly, alicesed phism. According ths bl woul prove a ale gree oe tna eal ofssonony not afore a ieene pou of pfesoals wih ne tng ek xprtise,Finy, aber tan duces ext to the Wore” Compton spon te ot old ive ona cos ines a employ ty reins soa see pide sees phys rap sists Far heen, sn agin conse nee Thebil iediegpove Executive Cuannen veror [76 November 25,2017 TOTHE ASSEMBLY: un etunng herewith, witout my aprova, te folowing ls: sey Bante 5194 ied ‘SSEESANACT "power membeipin he NewYork sat ad Jccal employes reireneat syste Sut Gnoow™ Assembly Bll Nuber 927, cts “AN ACT" ring toactve monte inthe New York stud ee ployee eteneat system Ad Mace ‘Assembly Bl Number 7193-0 ee “AN ACT toanend he ret en soci eu to elaton 0 [ovis forth ont eavoinet ar employees whan it {etnemberdphas teen mae pin by he ead ofthe oe ‘erent em vod Assen Bt Nuc 75, ene TANACT" foam he eticme and soil secu lw chapter 31 of ‘slave of 968 amen he etic sd oa seat a ‘sling oe eon neta age for cea mney a ‘ion a ade reticent ape or conaln Terug ge ‘Sd hel suey cmp” ‘TOTHE SENATE am etning ecw, ido aprovl eft ils ‘Scat Bil Nur 3670, ce “ANACT toamcod he seenent an soll seit Ina elaon 0 tight rerement best for cern menor of he ‘ald cour soe Seon Bi Number 3571 ede ‘ANACTtoumend te een! and sci aw ination wo ‘echelon fo uneed cout ier and Fate offices expoyed inte wid cous eet Serte Bl Number 425, ct "ANACT to gmend the general muscles a providing ote ‘theah insurance oat reed offers employes ak Senate Bill Noe 5130 SANACTtoaiead We rezemen an soil tay ly in lation to lst tetreren tenet forse dept he dered so somectg eas in Nasu aun” ‘Sete BL Number 5704, tides 'ANACT loaned th rremet a soi seul, elation 0 roving pesrnane of dy cst rite beet for “miulins media loin spats sntunse ede tehnsitn coristers and abtelance medal haces ia Sent Bi Number 705, std “ANACT foamed ererement a soi scuttle 2 roving sce dy een! benefits oct re ‘ns, hie earls vison superna re ‘nana, spervsing fe mats fie lo ie arta ‘Seam Bl Naber 648 tis: “ANACT gating evouctve memtersip wi eI sats inthe New York ssa cal employee reece! ystem wo lesa Sie ‘Senate Bl Number 64, ex "ANACT gringretoactve Tier membihip inthe New Yok set an Incl enloyesretemen syste ian Seca" NOTAPPROVED ‘These bils would povie Ste and cal public mpayecs with vay feared ‘ree heeft witout oeing any ning ours covet nei caret eal esorin fe yer. "have veto! sini or dentin ih fh past seer ers eae the oat imped wore ot acc fone S's iranian, rode sponse tbe St cid ith ic is Se a eis ele ips sob. enimated tt of 53 millon neesenn sxe Ashe Lepore set 0 poi my fans py fr tie bene Lean spon cage ils at old ‘secesariy impos a sobSanal nd ulated bueno New Wak Sac tnpen, Morcove.ts cos wil a plae a ne Saal peste on aca goveraen 0 ovie vel sevice tthe mee Fned cus nmesined ote ah [tert sty of oa goveaseasca fenton wih care ropry en oak epsively impute Ste soa competivtene “As such ont ast be aes in te conten of hal gs pegutons, a ‘hee contained nes tel ‘Thesis dared Executive Cuawac veroe November 29,2017 rors assem: |] |e ting hoi tm pl ein i Ase ane 94 "ANACT "ring reactive er LV nmbeship inthe New Yok at and Teel elayes reizeman syste to So Gadtllon™ Assembly Bl Nae 597, nie "ANACT~ Baning restive menbersipin th New Yok sted oes! loys ements 9 Adan Mail” Asembly Bi Naber 195-C eile SANACT™ foamed inert an soil soi lm nation to oviig forthe stomaticrinent fr employees mtr gh ‘© memberships fee made ona ye bad he ple ‘remedy involved Assembly Bil Number 762, cid. ANACT foumcod threrenent and soi scala chapter $1 of the laws of 965 mening he eet ed oil seer ne ‘aon oa redaced eee ag fore iborough dae ted tia sthory employees" TOTHE SENATE am tung here Seat Bil Naber 370 eid ANACT tose the rezemen a soil scat lin lao to gry forretrement benef for coun members oe ‘iid cout system Sent il Naber 3671 etd SANACT tose the reisomen an soi scat lw in elation to ‘che dsailey resumen fo ufered cou oie and ce oes employe inthe unified coat syste ‘Seat Bi Number 4324, ce TANACT. fsmeod th ger munky, etion poi atic ‘tea inane costal fr rotre fests cploess and ‘esr tae" Sent Bi Number 510 cite SANACT tonmend the rarenent an soci scary I intl © ‘lst ratroment eel forse dep shes laden anderen fy in Nasa ony” Seat ill Naber 504, cied ANACT tosiend te reizoment and soi sci fw in elation roving perfrmanse of dy deb eter be fo {bulge medial cincan sper ambulae mecl ‘einicin corintrs an arbance ei cai ns Ness eouny™ Seat Bi Nur 5705, ces *ANACT tamed threat an soil esl nelson o Providing use sbi etic ees bret tsa estat het Eze male dvs ip iife ras uprising fie masta freon fe tart tines ia Nsw county ‘Sete But Number 8, eid "ANACT giving ewacve meri with er LV st inthe Newt Yoo ste ands employee rein! steno Jose Senne Bl ane 6449, eet AN ACT grating reoucve Tie IV membership inthe New Yee it nd {eel empioyees reement jt to Bran ets” OT APPROVED ‘These bil would provide Ste wel pb employes with rey febanced ‘etemen tenes wit eign fandng snes io cover te cost a he saver eal ‘esr orin ius yeu "ave vet sini ce dein hil in cach ofthe pt seer ets beets th 25 igo werent atcoued fri th S's nc an, nord to pve of be "eet sca wih te la, he State of loses woul te eqn osayn, embined itd tol of $5 millon nese cts Aste gla sd > "pyar ny fends py fr thse bent, ean spo paage oils hat ld ‘esa impose nes nd upload buon on ee Yor Seas woe provide ital service fo tht eins, Fao costs saneinod ith estoy ebancenerts deri bly ofa goverment fneton within sure open takers ‘mpl nat he Se oom competes, As sccm mst be essed in the conten oft tl get epaiion, ah thereon contd vt these bls ‘Tet bills ae disapprove Executive Cawaen vero # /7% Novenber 29, 2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: am ctuing herewith, witout my apo the fllovgl Assembly Bl Nur 10, enti "AN ACT to amet the New Yorks wan develop omarion act ia ‘lation o reing the NewYork fe nvaie ety ad fnvioneat tetslgy Poges™ NOT APPROVED ‘This would equi the opie Sa Development Comontion ESD to id spa rns io Sl osteese of up $100,000 per nme sry ans vesamen cholo develope al cet ‘New Vo Ste ale proves avy of ici rence teal ‘usin in alesing hse portant goa Eo example toe New York Sat ery ‘Reser om DeveopneatAutorty QWYSERDA) administers he St’ Clean Ener Fd, ‘hich supp la energy technology investment to elas he pw fnew sions ‘tegen. Silay, NYSERDAspenserd incubator have ise st $30 lio a bivaeinvetmets, which hs provided Sug for 16 compari el ened ov 000 em ener jobs toughau the Stell NYSERDA ané ESD tea pte nd armani vane ew and emerging ce technologies saga rope cho ‘Nom. New York Votes end he Mapai insenson Pun. ost ry, ‘enovooal he wines ofthe 76Wet Compete, with feee on sporting al roving {ier-ougy basis and economic Seven ith Souther Ter, eather emcee Nev Vor naton ening Cle Energy tnd. ema ily emt otc tha pasa ne a he oiling 8 team neg economy. Hwee, his bl Would cee nega prop Ya 2) ‘stusbedfwoding source. Asis propre! wold be ete aber ug fea Ste ‘dat pegataons am connie’ fo veto ths il Lani ametng ESD fo {pene st fring guldtnes wh pect ois Manag norton Fd the New York Venues nesta ads ahha petyon finding cary th route ecology commerce pes ‘The tlisdagproved Executive Cusuues VETO #179 Noverber 29, 2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: a euing here, without my apr the lowing il Assen Bl Naber 66, ut "AN ACT to amend these technology lav iain ste agecy webstes" NOT APER! ‘Now Yotuer esesopy ely on tei obi deve infomation nce assess toamytad of wate Ste serves a stress. Ax mc, sexe ar Sa agen offer tes mobile atorms at provide infometon uly seca, ‘The Oe of fomationTekanogy Servos relaing ll Exetivagey vebsics tcasr ny willbe alban wal uate vce, A pet of his Ingle euessubtalinvescs of tne amnesic wg ere erste New Yorkers cit acs the savin they neo, sted sous eval ibeted soup he bugs procs, th Office of lft Testaloey Seis Will ee hua gens wel ve mobi end" wees 2023 ‘Tas woul significant eer tb completion dateof thie rojo y tee ys, bt ‘here iso idetife firdiag source ors cesning losin of cures aoe ‘tess compation by td nos hr an plan er propor fo bowel poy be ‘chive inh time fie witha’ congromssng te ei lai, Almeh srly| ‘por swift implecttion ft nv, sth ng ta nding detemintonsae se ‘promtely arse inthe conte fh alse uit regutstons Others ne suid hve advanced net at eazat be esvelympnents. Acsonig am The bil is dsappoved ver [3O) Novenber29,2017 ‘TOTHE ASSEMBLY: 1am tring beet withot my appa the fling Hl Assembly BillNuber S196, eld: ANACT grating retreactv er V membesi inthe New Yok ste and [cel employes rzeman yate oSat Gaon Assembly Bil Suber 5927, nie "AN ACT ating reactive menbshin inthe New Yok stat an aa ‘npopes rele sem 0 Ady Mike™ Assembly Bt Number 1133-6 cats RRS eT ESE ted sd ey in ane roiding fete soma ezlier: or empiyses whe ht ‘emembership as ben na opel by ea oe pe relienent sytem nla Asembly Bil Number 751, eed ANACT" tosmead th rvement and soi scuy Iw and ehapte Sof fie vs of 198 ancane he reset Sd oil early ‘lange reduces in eens ape fo cecia mem, ‘ton odovere fr cera Trbreugh midge Sd tunes eagles TOTHE SENATE: Seat Bill Number 3670 eid SANACT tospeg te retzemen a soi ssa lia elation to shy foreetrement beet for satan members he ‘ied co ste ‘Sent Bi Naber 367, cies "ANACTfoape th setzemen and soil sity a; a eaton ‘cde dat eee fo wrerned cour ff ond Pace offices erpaye inthe unified cu syste ‘Senne Bl uber 424 cote: 'ANACT toate he nec! manila in elaon poviing nice health insane coma fr etc ocr employes and elses" Sense ill Nur 530 cfd: 'ANACT toad the rrementa soil seal i elation © Styrene beef feria copy shen behead coneion afer in ha uy” ‘Scat Bl Numer 576 cites: SANACT tanend th rrennt an ssi scary alton roving pvfrmance of ay dsb ecmen Fee fo {blancs mel econ priors ambulne waie \ectnien coninorsapd ambulance rei teas in Nassau coaty™ Senate Bil Naber S05 emis TANACT toaoend Derren a soci seu ln lation to proving setlist reenter oct fre ‘als sin chi ie ur vison uprising fe maria apes fie mal, fe mals essa ‘ees in Neate" ‘Sea Bi Nunber 648 cold "ANACT rng revue mesership wih er V asin te New otk site cal employee rene! sy ese Sie ‘Sent i Number 6449 efia "ANACTgriing reoscive Tlee1V member inthe New Yak set ad Ina eployesreiemen ste o Brin Sin NOTappRoveD These ls would prove ita ll public employes with vty of cance ‘seen eels without ofeing any nding uso cover isin cet ce have vetoed sini oF desea ils a ach ofthe put cer yes ees the 2 mpos wee ot accounted fer inte Stu's nancial la. nore prvi al of ‘eves asbeisted with hse ills de Sat an leas wld te ee of prow any fan pay Tr hse ene Lean sport pacage ois atl seca impor soba nd uapaaed ude New York Se wep, Moraove. tees il lave a de a peso el goers ove wel services ttc resident ind cst nosed wit onsen eaeccnet Norte sy of al goverment a fnton wit ae pope) oer evel imput be Sates coos conpeiivenes, ‘As suc ot mst be aresnin the cnn ofthe an budget rgotitos, am hereto conse 9 et tel “Ts bls ee daprove veror [8] November 29,2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: {an euing herewith, tou my spate lowing bi: ‘Asebly Bill Note 519, eile: ANACT"gring weroacve er IV members in the New Yok ste td Tccl employee rezemse ste to St Geodon Asem Bil Mb 592, ened "AN ACT" tating reactive membership ia he New York st and oat ployee etenent syste Adan Mare Asset Bil Number 793-C ei "ANACT tamed he rere an soil esi elton [roving fete autora elit or employes wha right {Crmembeshp hasten mae opin by he end of a ‘eireneat sem aed” Assen Bit Number 766 ene INACT To amen he etree an scl eur aval chap $1 of ‘below of 988 unending the eomen at wil say a ‘Siting tou eduon rset ager sei mens ‘tonto neice retiement go etanTcborauah ge ‘dope ahr enplgee ‘TOME SENATE ‘ar ing hae tout apr the ll ils Seon Bil Number 367i: lily for reement banc fr ert stents othe lated cour ste Senate Bil Nuer 3671 emis |ANACT tame thre sd soi suit in eltion 9 ‘cca iii etement essere Cut fer aod Feat leer employed inte wed cour sem Seat Bill Naber 4224 ented “ANACTtoamend be general manip! lay, inreaiooo poviing otise fea insane ott fr ated offen clays, od ‘ter ns Seat ill Naber 530 cd TANACT toate te rtzemen a soil sci ly neato to Asad tetrement tenet or seit dept hel ‘desi ed eons oie Nines cust Seat Bill Number 504 ended TAN ACT tosinend te reremes an soil sayfa ination to roving perfermanc of 4 db etree beet fo ‘Enhance eden saprvisor amulet {ccna corns and aminine edie tects ‘Nass coun ‘Seat Bil Naber 5705 ete ANACT™ toad the rivet an soil scary lw a en 12 roving ase Ss sree oni oct Te rsa assistant he se marly se ip fre ‘nas spring fee matals fie malt fie sha ‘Seo Bll Naber 648 ee "AN ACT gating retoactve membership wih ie IV sts the Now ‘Yorks ad cl emplyeee rete syaum a Jee Sra ‘Sent Bill Number 68 etd "AN ACT ring eouctve Tier membership in be New York stad Iicl employee eet tro Beas Sebi” NoTapprovep ‘These bls would provide Ste ad sl pblic empanes with vst feaanced ‘seme ees thou oteing ay ading cso covar ht ease ces ea esr ein fe ye. have veto sini or del il in ach ofthe pat eer years eet the ‘$28 pond wre not ecu fern Ss nancial pan. nent vic sot ‘neti asnited wi hee ils Sa andi laa woud be me oy ohne, estinated foal of 83 lon inaeartern ces the Logie se to peop any funds ory for dhe bene camo spon pacage ails a le ‘secs impose asubsl a waplanedWrdes om So Vor Sate tpjon rovie val services oer maiden Fed onl nocied wit penlon sakes inde sity of loa ovement fncon within ana pe mesa eel impact he Sue's coon compeienes ‘As seh os mabe tess in te cones f the anal gt eston, ak heer costane ove ths bil These bile ae depraved, Executive Cnammen veto # /8Q Novenber 29, 2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: am etuing herewith, witout my approval te loving Nil Assembly Bll Naber 85, ee AN ACT ‘oamend te worker compenitin lw in eltin tinting nomtioalmguage rating oth reso xpos fom ste insursace ind y teste computer” NOT areRoven “This would aed he Workers Compensation Law to efetey linint th New ‘ork Sate nsrance Fuss (VYSI) longstfingeaspion fom en reo rejuients, However fs ares the cnet aed Wo oat age ete & subst similar (Veto, No 240 of 013, Fa reclihing prea requirenent Would npossgifcac cot om he ‘Sie fr which no ds ere jpop Seu wold pone signifi ely oe yen of Denes ine wore, bere wou estes ys ew pte, fyment Thin would be apicave of NYSP esting evi ad compan er [YSIF ns welsh, gpresve trl cons sults genders et ones, also works clisoravely wis the Wake’ Compensation Bod inte cl peso secure pyaetof ousanding cnn. For hse eae, consid tc hl The bls approved vero # [8S November 29, 2017 ‘To THE SENATE 1am reusing beth, witht my appro. the flowing bil ‘Seam Bil Nar 122, cit "AN ACT toumeod te scsi lin ation requ sid overage ofboth led enng ad hin rk stg sre NOT APPROVED he bil woul ad now etn tte Soil Serves Law rec the State Matic roscoe bea sghospcie gE tes (bod aes ean pecutaoos kin lr ess kn pike) a eile cotmar tet n temo the Servi and cera, Theil wold alo rege sic ret od aly sss ‘neal oss for ndvday wih bir of cain yes of endorses ioaeat or foals. ly supper te inet of bl of ns at Meta seen hae cts oh aly ting they rege to popedy gnaw spe ellogens Teen Siete il ass a marcos anny does ot soon he ok Firs Metis ately wets ood ery tats kn pick ets oui ofan ests, Seco on une 1, 2916, Mec expended medi aeconny sverse foc bled alegy ttt sale iets Wisin onditan lneaces th sa oe, ‘ae inividasls sb wo dsonine medion sh ay antisumines. Toy esse ee tteuse of Hood llr tess, teil youl sve he tended onmgueee of rluco unr f pte obtaining arcu diapnocs yslegy cll ine basa pet and "ood lle tests uve lw level of acerca rity ce prove may at ee perience nor exes make ecu dns nage ales corer entng cep pian inet es ct ry ep rps is tbe gci alsa th shoul be caked arcu pen ges nce keane ook ‘roving forthe stoma enalnert fr eons whan igh teienbeahip as ben mae opin by thea of pal ‘Assembly Bt Nes 760, ene "AN ACT" toantad th ecen an oil seit law and chapter $1 of {he avs of 198 mening he etzemen and sei secant en ‘slong oa redaction n erent age cen mere ‘slaton oa ocd etzement ag fr eran Tibogh de And time asda employees ‘TO THE SENATE ‘Seu Bil Nem 3670 ees “AN ACT Toten? erent an soi scat alton to ‘ligliy fr etree beets fr atin nena he tae cot on™ Senne Bi Number 3571 eis 'ANACT Tamed th rere a soci eit alton to ‘eclcal stlity eiement eso Cat er ad Fess offices employed inte ualed cour sem ‘Sent Bil Nae 4325 ei SANACTtoamen the ger muncig! awison opoviding tice ‘thea nse oat fr tied fees ongloecs ol ‘ber file" Bill Nupber 5136 ets: TANACT tmendthereizonent and soi sci lw in eltion o ‘iat reitorent teete fv sey dep hil Uden nd eoneston ofr in Scan county” Sent Bil Number 504 ets “AN ACT toamend terest an soi ssa lv a eatin to ovidingpsfrmance of dy dab reer beet for mule mel econ superiors malo ea {ein cnrinss an anus medi einen ‘Set Bll Number 570 ets "ANACT tw amnd he reircrmet ad soi sci fa in elation to oviding scien reenter chit fre ‘acta sist che ine marl son upersstg o ‘ra sgervsing earl, els an fe marta {es Nas cunt ‘Sen Bl Naver 648 cis: “ANACT ganting rtoacvememersi wit er IV sats inthe New York ste an local empleyeed rene! yee wo Jesen Seer Seat il Nomber 6449, ci AN ACT grating ruc Ter TV meer inthe Newt Yor sae nd Teel employes eiement ptr Been Sets MOT APPROVED Ths ills woud prove St an oa pus eplyees wi varie ofenbanced {eitemen ents wou fring any finding source to coer hl cnn Cet Sa searerin fue yen. "have eo sii or esicl il ncah of hp seve year ste ss mpl were ot aco or inthe Stina ln, neces core Senefts sited with hee ills the Sa ne las woud te euler combined esinaied wl of $53 lan in nets ons Ae Lapebtes eto opt ny fds ay forte benef sant supp = patege te ad cesar impose stl wd unplased bard oa Now Vor Se tpaen Scotti a ne erp oo ems provide vel sve tr residents Fue enn asad wih osm cnhanees Foe bili of oa goverment a fgton vith canent niaay ak ci evel input he Sats econ compativene ‘Ass ots mas eared nthe cnet f te aol budget negitons, am hereto cons 0 vette bl ‘These lls ae disproved vews /9Q een. 2017 TOTHE ASSEMBLY: am tung herewith, witout my sprova te wing bil Assembly Bl Numer 5196, ene ANACT™gzmingreroactv tet V members in he New Yok tt and cel enpayees remot ste o Sah Grow” Asset il Nunber5927, nit “ANACT™ grin retoactve members inthe New York ste snd cal ployee eenent sytem At: Mae Assembly Bil Nunes 7199-6 ents “ANACT. toamend ie etemest and ssl scusy ow inion to ovis the auton enamen for mloyecs whose igh ‘© manera been ade opal tye head fie pie Assembly Bil Number 761, nite "ANACT toamend th rere and si sity Iw and chapter Hof 1 avs of 198 mending heme cel sean Lew ‘slang con io reement ap for estan mrs in ‘lon oa rdacd retremen ag fs can rurouss ge ‘Sod wnnel ay employes” TOTHESENATE artigo tout aro te Dg ie ‘Senne Bi] Number 3670, ees "ANACT toate he recnet a soil seit pelaton to lly fr eireent beset for cert eters a vee cour yt Sent Bl Nuber 371 cis SAN ACT. Toned te retmen a soll suit lw a eon ‘cen Sly reemen freee cour ofr ad eceoies ensoyed inthe ad co syste ‘Soute Bil Numer 4524, cote "ANACT toned th ger muspl sation oping oe ‘thea insure comet te oer employees ond thts fie Seat Bl Nuner 5130, ede "ANACT ois te eet and ssilseery aw nln to sty semen esti fost deputy sels ‘ete, sd een ees o Nasa oun Seo Bi] Nuber 506, ei *ANACT.tsmentieeemen! and ssi sec ay in elion Providing prernance a tyes irene Yetels ft “lane medial ecniian sper enue mes ‘ecniin coors and antance mec tects ‘astern Scat Bil Nb 5705, eid SAN ACT fosmend the rvenet and soil satin ein 2 roving aside dsb seen! ens oct re Ira, sistent che fe mass vison supeising fe tos, prising fe mali nls fie sha tenes in Neu eat" ‘Sete Bl Number 38, cds “ANACT ganting eosctve members with er IV stip the New ‘York ste und local emploveeerene sem to Jose Snell Nember 6445, ete AN ACT” grating reouctve Tie IV membership ia he New Yoo si nd ‘cel employee eiemen sytem to Been Sits ‘Theil would rovide Site and loc pbi employees wth vere of ebancd ‘etemen benef wit lerng ny ting source sor th css inte cet Ea sewn fare ears. "ave vetoed in or iil il in cach pst sec years be te os ingoed wet ot aeouta fer nthe Sn’ final plan, der w ye ao he ees std wih ae ila, th Sate nf aes woud ena tocar {orbind sims sal of $53 millon a nearer con A te Lagat a led sero ny fds py fortes enti casper pues oe a oad ess impos ssi and urlnne burden on Sew Yo Ste pao, Moreover. the ot wil aio pase awe Hs jee es gene ove vial eves tothe resides. Fed cote sce wih pesoncnaonesens ‘under the ability of lea goverment fncon win ae proper ts eel oa ‘sepnvely impact he Sites sop compen ‘As such ost mast be eed in conten hereon esto esl the anal bade nets, Tan) These bile ae disprove, veto # 193 Novenber 29, 2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY, "am euming herewith tout my apa te allowing bi Assembly Bill Numer 164, ted ANACT to amend he ste nae lan ination compesition and medical expres of cern te stat cnployes ‘TO THE SENATE am ctuing tet, witout my sprva the lowing its ‘Sent Bil Nunbr2516, cits ‘AN ACT. amend he nel musi aw inition opto! bly ‘nieree freon potion occ” Sent Bill Number 4077s AN ACT amend te revement nd sal sci la eatin to sth roti for certain eters ab proving oe eel of ‘ach povbion upon expan et Seon Nur 560, ee “AN ACT tn mend te ivi sence tit elton to inp heag ‘fcr fr ean diy Resin NOT ApPRoN: ‘ese bils would equ enpoyment righ nl Neer Ste andl employes ly upp se valle combs tht Si daa workers vie to Nee others ining tose wrkrs tha pert ipo puesto Homeve iti welsablced hat hs pe of bt realy tena! pst oe Taser L(A 14 of ihe Ci Service La) and mt aay ped toga eee Consent with a pace. te bene povided by tse ils sould herere be ‘egos though ie chosen erste oft employer ad eploses Ths ec these pes of bane eels pt fe ne package of eel and cooper rove State and cl erpoyes ater tan nape hon ha peas col eos eve tee ‘Seco itis esmsed ha hese ils, en combine, meld inpooe nly $38 ion {co unecotd fr inthe Stes ae an T wong on vere ond ‘alone tren on ihe Stes tmpaye. For ex featns at csi to eo hte wile These bill ae disprove, vee 194 vent 2.209 ‘OTHE ASsEMLY ao retesing herewith, with my spa the falling ils: Assembly Bi Names 5194, ene AN ACT ming reoscive er IV merbeship inthe New Yoke and Incl eloyes eezet tem Sen Gout ‘Ase Bit Number 5927, ene: ANACT" grrtg retroactive memtershipin th New York sate ac mplayer cement ys Adis Mace Assembly Bil Nuaer7193-C ef "ANACT foamed th retremest ad soi ity ln i elton 0 [roving tr testi eral: or emploecs he ight "Pinebeshp hs ben rk optional by thea of pa ‘eenent stem voi Asebly Bill Namba 70, ented ANACT" tosmend th reroment an soil cut lw ad ehgter Sof {Se vs of 988 umendng he eee on soil secant a ‘lang oa edacon nent age cenin eres ‘loon oa raced reteemen ap orca Trboougs dsc ed near emplyees™ TOTHE SENATE: Set Bil Nur 367, cat TAN ACT toamend the rzanent an sci sai atti 0 ‘ligity fr vezement eet for cata Nombre ‘ies cut te Seon Bil Nur 3671, ei "ANACT Wane he retrenet and oil sect Inyo selation © ‘chen ny esement fo weed cour firs and Pate offices empoyd inte eid cou eet Sete Bi Naps 4224 ees SEBSERACE Sect pel mui lon ito ts vdng rte ofeah insurance ott rete fice ployee nd, thefemites Sete Naber 30 eis TANACT toate the reizemen an soil scary lia ean 0 Asti etiemen ened for shes deputy shes eset and eoneston ofr in Nae cust" ‘Senate Bill Naber 508 eid “AN ACT toamand te rerement and soil scaly in clan to _oviingperfrmance of dy dsb een bene fo ‘mining ec! ehasan siperiry aula meal ‘een cowie and anbuanee mieten inn ‘Sete Bi Nur 505, ee *ANACTtamendthe een! an svi sec av a elation > roving ase abit etiement ti orc ie rls uso he ie marl vn sees fre Iara spe Se mrss marl ade al ‘een Resa couny™ ‘Sent Bil Nur 648, ct AN ACT. grating retouctve membership wth ie IV sats inthe New ‘ork st and eal eaplyees eine! sytem Jesea Sun Sete Bil Nun 649 ee "ANACT gating eosstve Tie 1V ments in ibe New York ste and Ice eployesreizemen steno Bin Stn NoT approve, ‘Thesis would provide Ste ad cl pb employes with varity of eshanced ‘sre bees without sing any ung sores to Gv te cote sate eel ve vetoed sin or etic ils a ah of he past seer ets beste 2 npoed wre ot aecovued fer int She's ancl lan. note o prvie ao he ‘fis hated wi ee ils, he Site an oes woul be eg oy ermine, timated tl of 85 millon inner one Ast Lasse tas edo "Sppopi any fends apy fr hese tents poo paclags oss ar sod bees impor subst nd upland burden on Ren Yo Seas ina Memos thee evs ila les di ul jest ofl goverment to rove vl snes ohio Find castes wit een cantons ur he ity ofloelgovermens snc win ue pope tak ens ok git inpe th Sites coon cnmpetiean ‘As sch coms must be dese in the conte of than ag! egition, am ‘hersorecontind eso es il ‘Theta disproved executive Cuannen veos (97 Novener29 2017 To THE SENATE ih without my appro elon i ‘Senate Bi Nunber 4630, cite ‘AN ACT to amend he mena yee lin elton to poibiing the tolls efceain is NOT ABEROvED "his ll wuld roi he Oe of Mental Hela (OME) fom alc or mere the Wes Nes York Children’s Pyeiatie Cente (WNYCPC), laste a Wet Soe Re, Yes, wih any eer fly. YNYCPC has provided hi qual, compres behavioral eth ee sence fo hile wd aden formany Jers. WAIYCRC as Snigned to prove ane eee ‘amily centred eaves or necesry pte soap coves len ae ‘Allg, Catarugys, Chusaqan, Evie, Genet, Lipson, Mone: Nagas ee od ‘Wyoming ours However te WNYCPC fly sin need fabs epi. As suc, he Ste sought gndseceived pubic ips ands igen westo with sahaldes ove te pa ur an evel a iesplemen a racion pan tt enhance semmuniyased seme eee inpatient expats, und mot porta bees he en and tanenaf Wonca Ne ee Specitealy, NH anounced in 2013 sat he WNYCPC would tlste fom West Sens, Now You, anew sn of he tity tht woul te Sonal onthe eps oe the Buffalo Psychic Caner in Bul, New Yor Contin has aensy tee ee Stach lei inveed pron $1 miliondatac inc aw tly Teen melee ‘serve to purposes Fa elaeton fly modern carpus ees an op [vie the cleaved by WAYCPC nits ly pene he Wes ree mee Stcond, it il ble OMH wo spend ealtearefnding'mae efcmly wal ceioe, ‘npoving menial eth ences ttushow Wes New Yi ‘The WNYCPC rehston enhances mental hah eves fr chide in Westen New Yorkin once nd ante wap + Ailapaticn ween eden and eration fs willbe spec designe or ‘You ptt om thu seceronthe Bo campes Tae New WTCPC [Hove a yi of barter to peer ny tration, eren sgt icy, etn ‘ead nd lle Toe cllocaon ofthe New WAY'CRC sceitet nos he stoped vices wre provied. Fo eam ve hospisileny hie oe ‘se cafigaraon tat wl ben place when the sonrstion ose New WNYCPC isoumplate. + No hte carey served a he Wet Sense fility wil be moved to ke New \WNYCPC: Ones the New WNYCRC is compe tary tw yous en ik ilecey new mssons. Al eien ing sed aoe Wes Sense wl Conve ceive ees fats whey ae edges + The New WOYCRC wil be aecesible to a take minder and demographic of shlden and amie in Wester New Yosk Thi is be een sated WNYCRC predomi come tom the City of Bulle sad Nigar Cou, up} ese chlo wil be abl tori loser ties a suport sytem be ‘eeivng tenon. The eleton wl maketh est fr erage ‘Geof Bo witout en strobe parla oe nce fis eh ‘New WNYCPC fr tentnent brass he New WNYCPC wil be win the Ci ot ‘Dufalo and aceuble by pub tent For fae lonted ewe te Cry ot ‘Bufo mt Niagre County. he New WNYCPC nest oly 17 le ey ost the Wes Sens son, ‘+ TheNew WNYCPC is teiag corsa ins ling tat was omsletly odized few sears ogo, and wl conn evs, energy sen hen, wenon at Condting. deci, nd plumbing ons ‘+ Tema lina aff wil tanto he New WITYCPC enaing coins of cue nda rope theapesti enionnent Ther wl be nolo sta chaos ‘treat WNYCPC employees, + The roca wil allow $5.2 milion t be reinvest it ld and fay eel eat servces in Western New Yee. Apron S17 milo has edy Sace [eines ino Stes dy oper ces a eases a Wesers New York Once relocations compited, OMI will les te sesaning 6k ‘tin in ested savings ino ean! family service propa smsaon ‘hoa sakebolrs teh emling OMI opvice seni ota an 1900 ‘Mona ees ial nea ssa fe loan, ponents of te pan hve advanced «nae of aguness 0 oppose the eosin of WNYCFG none of wah ne mei Opponents hve suc hat ren il Be cosangg thal ithe ne faci, ht chile il nt ei pope empes cas, len wil nest move fom te cure fast the new one tn at ehide's ea als servis willbe edued tsa esl af the pan. As nd ove thane cise ae Se ‘esc, The al and clea sce onthe Bal cpu al tecomeete eee {he now ste of te at ty Wl estan ermeue eno ch wil ey sen hea Saciy wo the new oe the pln wil sul in Spica vestments aac shies meal bel eves Despite these substan angle Benes, he Legis anced i ill, which sffoney Fos nce ose Cat in Waste Nen Tone eae muna bse eevee, and is incense ih reel pemets natin le ‘eginace ting he nmi bust custom. Tear supper abil ha doe ee ‘gave parton clr and famles in ned of tae heal serves ta dieat moses fu yes of wrk tat wil enon guvie bee and more aces oa ‘rch. Accor am conse ove tis a ‘Theil is agpovs verow 196 Noverber29,2017 ‘TO THE ASSEMBLY: ‘am retming herewith, without my approval the flowing ils Assembiy ill uber S14, ete ANACT™ graingretouctve tr V membership inthe New York sae and "sel enlayes rire system Sent Gaeion”™ Assembly BAL Names S927, nie "ANACT" rig eoscvemembrsip in the New Yok satan os Employes retrerent system Adan Me™ Assembly Bl Namber 7193-C ete “ANACT" toamend theresa soi say ln elation 0 ovig fr the suomi noise for oye wos ah ‘omanbesip has tren aude tna ty een of be pale redremen sem isting” Asem Bil Number 7682 ett: "ANACT ”toamend he rsirament an soi scsi ad chap St of i avs of 198 andi the reenter Sear ‘slang to reduction etement ag face ers ‘ao to uc tenement ge fr can Triboroues ge {nd tunel uy epopes™ TO THE SENATE "hm tuning herewith, tout my appova Sewing ‘Seat Bi Nun 367 ci "AN ACT tamed he erect nd sail seu so elton o gly freemen tenets fr casa mendes te {aid coe on Scot Bt Number 3671 ete "ANACTW nend ne retement ad soi yl jalan to ‘cid sahiy reve a amare court off od Fess fers employed inte ued cour ‘Sete Bl Number 424 et TANACT. mend he gee aici la aon to roving aie otheah insure contac for aie fcr estoy ‘ter tie ‘Sez unr 3 SANACT foand th rvemet an soi sect wn elation 0 “iu sremont beat rte dept Sei, lndenteits atdconcton ofc in San coun ‘Set Bil Naber 5704 ended “ANACT ten he riemen an sci seu lineation o ovisig performance of dary sbi eet ee fo ‘clas medial techni specs aun edi ‘ecniiacortns und mtance media cass ns Ness coy ‘Seat Bi Nur 5705 ce *ANACT Wamendthe resemert and sil scarily elon t9 oiling aesenal sbi eement ti cite ‘tsa sis he Ue anal dvs sper fe oust ipering Hie ash, eral fe hash {ice inst comty™ Sat Bll Number 6448, etd AN ACT grating rttoacve memtrship wt ier IV status in the New ‘York stead local employees ronal sytem Jen ‘Seo Bil Number 49 "AN ACT" gringreoactve TierV membership in tbe New Yok st and Tosa epoyeessazamen system oan Sin Novareroven hss woul vise Ste aol pb employes wth vary of etuned ‘een beneiswiho fring sy funn nurs to eover the onthe aren el "nye vetoed sii or isi ils in ach ofthe pst seve yer Bese te cos ingoed wer ot accom orn the S's inal pam, nanan eee athe tenets itd wih hese ils, the Sate andi eater wl te eee combined stnted atl of 553 milion neem srs Ase Lege aed "prota ry fds oy for thse bereft sat supp patente aed nessa imposes aru and upland bern oe ew York Ste apes, ove vel servic te ides Fed cots asowiad wid pasioncaker Diode sbily of loa goverment faction vin cure pgacy ok enc eae impact he Sate coos competent, ‘Asch ott ees in the conten of the aul budget nego, am heretie const 0 vet te il ‘The bills ae dsprovd Execurive name vero # /97 hoverber 29, 2017 TOTHE ASSEMBLY: ex eng herewith without my sprain i Assembly Bl Naber 16, cited “AN ACT toumend te sate fans iy inition compensation and Pedal expenses of ena jared ate eles” To THE SENATE 1 etaming tee, without my appro ie flowin ils: Sensei Nuber 2516 cite "AN ACT to amend the geal manic li aseaton opin diy ‘songs for cum potion offers” ‘Seat Bil Nomber 477, efi AN ACT ‘oamend te eement nd sca sity laf eae ‘eth ene for eran emer a povng ep of buch ovsion upon expan tet ‘Sea Number 560 "ANACT toamend te civil sence an slaton independent erg ‘tins for ean digits bexinge™ Nor azpRovep ‘Thesis weld expan employment gh nd ees fr Stat and lel employes ty spot vale ceauituos tat Sie aaa makes provide Net ‘orks. ining tose wrest frm importa pac aey tones, Homere it welsaaed tt the pes of bese ply brganed parte Taylor Law (Ast ofthe Civ Serce Lay, nd ot wie taped vag esos Conia wth ast cic, he beefs provided by he il sou reo be "egos tngph he onsen eaesavs of he eplye nl enpljece Ths wil alow hee tapes ents beeen spat ofthe linger cage of tne an pein [evil Sut nd oa emplojrs, er his pme fashion nas oe Eset vere Seong. isesmaed at thse ils, when combo would pote ely $38 ion Inco uccouned fr inthe State's Basel plan This wold imposes mse=ay ond ‘npaned tren on the See's agar For threes, am cone ese “Tes bills oe disproved Execurive Cnamoen veroe 9 Novente 29,207 TOTHE ASSEMBLY: am etaning herewith, witout my spr the ilowing bil: Assembly Bi Nan 5196, ne "AN ACT rutingretoacv er IV nrbersipin the New York tte and Ioclenployes erent sytem t eo Geveteon™ Assembly BL Namer 5927 ene AN ACT" grming reoacvemertertipin th New York stat oa) employe’ reremest yet Adu Marke” Assembly Bil Nbr 7193-C es *ANACT to amendthereenet and sci secu, elation 9 roiling fer tesa crlnes or employees hse eight {@ memenhipas ees mote optional tye bead of te pase ‘etrene stem nol Assembly BL Naber 762, cae AN ACT" tosmend the rizament a soil suit wa chit Sof ‘he lnvs of 1988 amending the rican and wr ce telat oa tetaton nee age cern embry Islason oa rdaced ezesex ap eran Tiborouth edge $c til sath emplyee ‘To THE SevATE: Tan etuing hws thou my apa the lwing is ‘Senne Bl Number 36, cate: SAN ACT toaend the reament an soi scat va elton 0 eligi fr eteent bevels fr earn meas te ‘nied cou sen Seni Bi Nate 3671, *ANACT tomes the eens dsc secre inline ‘cial dst rtzema fo area cou ols od ese offers employed inte ul fed cou Sent Bill Nbr 224 eid “ANACT tome the general muni! len eaton wo proving atic ofa nse coat fr tied tices employees ed ‘tert ‘Senate Bit Number 510, cle: "ANACT ane the zener and sill eat low, laeaton Sat veeemen feel sey dept shes cers rd core ois in Sconce ‘Seat Bil Nebr S76, cies. ANACT toacd i riroment nd soci secu fw a elton 0 ovis perfrnance of dy dsb een bene fo Seelnee medical ecacan prions smbulince matical ‘ecniin cornatas a nance mei elon Nesmeoong| ‘Seat Bi Number 505 ees ANACT to smen the retemen a sai security lin ean 2 roving sie dhliyreenent berate fo chit re ‘mss sit ci re tainly von apering fe ‘asa supervising fie marly fie ald ie ral ‘been Rr cx" ‘Seat Bi Numer 648, ce "ANACT ging rence membership wither V sis nts New {York stew local employee etree smo Jeska sue Sent Bil Naber 644, ei SANACT grtingreoucve Tier IV meetin he New Yoe sat nd ‘cel employee etemers ptr Bean Sib Notappgove Toop would provide Se anol pbc employees wt vr of ean ‘ereret Benes wtb fring ay Tuan sores ta ever te cos ne ane fea sro te years "have eto im or ei il in acho pst sec years bee te 0 impo were ot acount Sines sal ln, nude wpa he ‘eefi asoited with thee il, th Sate od ains woud eu tosay ombined estimated tl of $8 ullon nner ents A ti Lage nto ‘orev any feo py fr tse ete, enn support a pctap ols ta sold secs impose subs uod unplanned bord oa ew Yok St epson, Moroes ote wills plage a ade es prose ca goverment vie val sists tir riders. Fated cot asad wid pion cna dere ality of oa governess fmcton wi ure nénoy Sk en ‘mpuvely inact Sts cone compete ‘As such ts mae asad in te cme f the snl budget negations, Taek ‘tere constaed over thee Thesis a dsaproved vers 199 November 25,2017 ‘TOTHE ASSEMDLY: Tam reusing beret, thot my prove aang bills Assembly Bil Number 519 nti ANACT ring retoacve er IV mbes inthe New Yok stand "eel employes remaster fo Set Goelow Assembly i Nab 5927, nia "AN ACT gating retoactve mebersip inthe New York sas a sl ‘enpayer remem 9 Ades Marke” Assembly Bi Nubet 7193-6 ened "ANACT tamed ihe rez a oi security lw in elation to ‘proviig forthe staat niente mays whos ih {© mererp as beer made opto tye bad oe pile ‘met Syste ola Assembly Bl Number 750, ied “AN ACT toieod th rirament an soci suit a chapter St of Ui avs of 198 amen he reine soc sett ‘lating rucon a etree age for ceva mercy ‘slaon oa reed erent se for cera Trough dae ‘snd tuoel uot employes” To THE SENATE ‘Sct Bl Numer 350 tie TANACT (andthe rezone an i satya eatin 0 tligiityforveteement Reet fr cara rena Be Seo Bl Nur 3671, ct 'ANACT tae herrea soi eit, elaton to ‘ect isi eiemen wife Court oft ad Feats offices employed isthe wil cue sen Naber 4325, emis "ANACT toured the gene mung! aw, elon o providing ote ‘ofheah insurance ona fretted ofc clon sek. ‘he fies" Seat Naber 530i TANACT lose the reremes a soil sci lineation to dsb etremen benef or sess dee he ‘undes edeoneton oie Ns cont

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