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Reacquisition of Citizenship exploitation of natural resources and national

May be reacquired by naturalization or by security.

repatriation or by a direct grant by law. It is international and can be insidious. Dual
For women who have lost their citizenship thru citizenship, however, is often an accident from
marriage to aliens, (2) and for natural-born marriage or birth on foreign soil.
Filipinos, including their minor children, (3) and
for persons who have lost their citizenship ARTICLE VIII: JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT
because of political or economic necessity, and
who are not disqualified, Judicial Power
o Repatriation is accomplished by taking Defined by Sec. 1 Art. VIII
the oath of allegiance and registering in The measure of allowable scope of judicial
the proper civil registry and in the action.
Bureau of Immigration. The right to determine actual controversies
o Processing of applications is done by arising between adverse litigants, duly instituted
the Special Committee on Naturalization in courts of proper jurisdiction.
(OSG) The authority to settle justiciable controversies
Under RA 965 and 2630, those who lost or disputes involving rights that are enforceable
citizenship by serving in the US Armed Forces and demandable before the courts of justice or
could repatriate by only taking the oath of the redress of wrongs for violation of such
allegiance and registering in the civil registry rights.
where they reside The Court can never attempt to assume nor be
However, under RA 8171, only the following compelled to perform non-judicial functions.
may be repatriated: (1) women who lost Not exercised to address moot questions.
citizenship by marriage and (2) those who lost
citizenship for political/economic reasons Declaratory Relief
One who is repatriated regains the level of his Declaratory Relief is an action by any person
former citizenship. interested under a deed, will, or contract, or
other written instrument, or whose rights are
Marriage to an Alien Spouse affected by a statute, ordinance, EO, or
Marriage to an alien cannot strip one of their construction or validity arising from these and
Filipino citizenship. Only acts and omissions for a determination of his rights or duties
may constitute explicit or implicit renunciation of thereunder.
citizenship. Requisites:
However, this provision is prospective and 1. Justiciable controversy
cannot restore citizenship already lost by 2. Controversy must be between persons
marriage under the old law (CA 63). whose interests are adverse
3. Legal standing
Dual Citizenship 4. Issue must be ripe for judicial determination
Dual Citizenship is the status of a person who is
a legal citizen of two or more countries. Judicial Review
It is clear that the Constitution allows for the Judicial Review is the power of the Supreme
possibility of dual citizenship (Sec. 1(2), Sec. 4). Court to test the validity of legislative acts.
It arises from the fact that PH law cannot control It is not political but judicial.
the laws of other countries on citizenship.
If PH citizenship is acquired thru naturalization, Requisites of Judicial Review
the law can require one to renounce the foreign Actual Case or Controversy
nationality. Under Sec. 3, the legislature can o The Court has no power to resolve
also make the acquisition of a foreign hypothetical or feigned constitutional
citizenship that is not thru marriage a cause of problems.
loss of PH citizenship. o There must be a genuine conflict of legal
Dual Allegiance (Sec. 5) refers to the situation rights and interests which can be
in which a person simultaneously owes, by resolved through judicial determination.
some positive act, loyalty to two or more states. o A case is deemed moot if it ceases to
Sec. 5 arose from the concern about the impact present a justiciable controversy by
of liberalized naturalization on the policy on virtue of supervening events, so that a
declaration thereon would be of no
practical use or value. Effects of Declaration of Unconstitutionality
Exceptions to mootness: When the courts declare a law to be
1. There is a grave violation of inconsistent with the Constitution, the
the Constitution; former shall be void and the latter shall
2. The exceptional character of govern.
the situation and the Doctrine of Operative Fact
paramount public interest is o Some of the effects of an
involved unconstitutional law can be
3. When the constitutional issue recognized.
raised requires formulation of o For practicality, not all effects of the
controlling principles to guide law can be reversed.
the bench, the bar, and the o Vested rights cannot be taken.
public; and o People can still incur criminal
4. The case is capable of liability.
repetition yet evading review.
o Ripeness refers to the readiness for Justiciable v. Political Questions
adjudication. A case is premature if it Justiciable questions are ones who call upon
rests upon contingent future events that the duty of the courts to settle actual
may or may not occur at all. controversies involving rights which are legally
demandable and enforceable.
Legal Standing / Proper Party Political questions refers to: (1) matters to be
o Legal standing or locus standi refers to exercised by the people in their primary political
the right of appearance in a court of capacity; or (2) those specifically delegated to
justice on a given question. some other department or particular office of
o A proper party is one who has sustained the government, with discretionary power to act.
or is in immediate danger of sustaining It is concerned with issues dependent upon the
an injury in result of the act complained wisdom, not legality, of a particular measure.
Earliest Opportunity The Government is defined as the institution or
o A constitutional question must be raised aggregate of institutions by which an
at the earliest possible opportunity, such independent society makes and carries out
that if it is not raised in the pleadings, it those rules of action which are necessary to
cannot be considered at the trial, and, if enable men to live in a social state.
not considered in trial, cannot be Imposed upon the people forming a society by
considered on appeal. those who possess the power or authority of
o Exceptions: prescribing them.
1. In criminal cases, the constitutional The Government of the Rep. of the PH
question can be raised at any time in o Refers to the corporate governmental
the discretion of the court. entity thru which the functions of
2. In civil cases, the constitutional government are exercised throughout
question can be raised at any stage the PH islands, including, save as the
if it is necessary to the determination contrary appears from the context, the
various arms thru which political
of the case itself.
authority is made effective in said
3. In every case, except where there is islands, whether pertaining to the central
estoppel, the constitutional question government or to the provincial or
may be raised at any stage if it municipal branches or other form of
involves jurisdiction of the court. local government.
Lis Mota Constituent Functions
o The motivation/cause of the suit has o The compulsory functions which
to be constitutionality. constitute the very bonds of society.
o The Court will not touch the issue of 1. keeping of order and providing protection
unconstitutionality unless it really is
unavoidable or is the very lis mota.
2. fixing of legal relations between man and State immunity from suit
wife, and children o The State cannot be sued without its
3. regulation of the holding, transmission and
o There can be no legal right as
interchange of property against the authority that makes the
4. define crime and punishment laws on which the right depends.
Also called the doctrine of Royal
5. regulates and determines contract between
Prerogative of Dishonesty.
individuals o If the State is amenable to suits, all
6. dealings of state with foreign powers its time would be spent defending
itself from suits and this would
prevent it from performing it other
Ministrant Functions
o The optional functions intended for
o A suit is against the State regardless
achieving a better life for the community.
of who is named the defendant if:
1. public works it produces adverse
2. public education consequences to the public
3. public charity treasury in terms of
disbursement of public funds
4. health and safety regulations and loss of government
5. trade and industry property.
o How to determine whether the cannot prosper unless the
government shall exercise an optional State has given its consent.
1. A government should do for the
o In the following instances, it was
public welfare those things which
held that the suit is not against the
private capital would not naturally
when the purpose of the suit
2. A government should do those
is to compel an officer
things which by its very nature it is
charged with the duty of
better equipped to administer for the
making payments pursuant to
public welfare than is any private
an appropriation made by
individual or group of individuals.
law in favor of the plaintiff to
De Jure Government make such payment, since
o The legal, legitimate government of the suit is intended to compel
a state and is so recognized by other performance of a ministerial
states and the people.
o One established by authority of the duty.
legitimate sovereign. when from the allegations in
De Facto Government the complaint,
o Exercises power or control but it is clear that the respondent
without legal title. is a public officer sued in a
o One established in defiance of the private capacity;
legitimate sovereign. when the action is not in
Parens Patriae personam with the
o Literally, parent of the people. One government as the named
of the important tasks of the defendant, but an action in
government is to act for the State as rem that does not name the
parens patriae, or guardian of the government in particular.
rights of the people.
o This prerogative of parens patriae is HOW THE STATES CONSENT TO BE
inherent in the supreme power of SUED IS GIVEN:
every state, whether that power is Express consent
lodged in a royal person or in the
o It is effected only by the will of the rights have been invaded or violated
legislature through the medium of a by such acts, for the protection of his
duly enacted statute. rights, is not a suit against the State.
o The doctrine of immunity from suit
o It may be embodied either in a:
will not apply and may not be
General Law - authorizes any
invoked where the public official is
person who meets the
being sued in his private and
conditions stated in the law
personal capacity as an ordinary
to sue the government in
citizen, for acts without authority or
accordance with the
in excess of the powers vested in
procedure in the law
Special Law - may come in
o When the Government creates a
the form of a private bill
corporation, it invariably provides
authorizing a named
this corporation a separate entity
individual to bring suit on a
and with the capacity to sue and be
special claim sued.
Implied consent o Consent to be sued includes actions
o When the State enters into a based on quasi-delict even though
business contract or itself committed by regular, and not
commences litigation. special, agents.
o State may only be liable for o Rule: a government entity can be
proprietary acts (jure gestionis) and sued for tort, but if it is, it can invoke
not for sovereign acts (jure imperii) the defense that it acted through its
regular employee, and not through a
o When state files complaint, suability special agent.
will result only where the o The principle of State immunity from
government is claiming affirmative suit does not apply when the relief
relief from the defendant. demanded requires no affirmative
o When it would be inequitable for the official action on the part of the State
State to invoke its immunity. or the affirmative discharge of any
obligation which belongs to the State
o In instances when the State takes in its political capacity, even though
private property for public use or the officers or agents who are made
purpose. defendants claim to hold or act only
When does Liability Attach? by virtue of a title of the State and as
o The Government is only liable for the its agents and servants.
acts of its agents, officers and
employees, when they act as special SOVEREIGNTY
agents within the meaning of Art. Supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a
2180 (6) CC. State by which the State is governed.
o Special Agent - one who receives a
An entity is not a State unless it has
definite and fixed order or
competence, within its own constitutional
commission, foreign to the exercise
system, to conduct international relations with
of the duties of his office if he is a
other states.
special official. This concept does
Sovereignty resides in the people and all
not apply to any executive agent
government authority emanates from them.
who is an employee of the active
administration and who on his own It is normally delegated by the people to the
responsibility performs the functions government.
which are inherent in and naturally Government officials only have the authority
pertain to his office and which are given to them by law, and such authority only
regulated by law and the regulations. continues with the consent of the people.
o Unauthorized acts of government The rule of law is a government of laws and not
officials or officers are not acts of the a government of men.
State, and an action against the Constitutive Theory
officials or officers by one whose
o Recognition constitutes a state and what maintenance of a proper economic and
makes a state a state and confers legal social equilibrium in the interrelations of the
personality on the entity. members of the community, constitutionally,
Declaratory Theory through the adoption of measures legally
o Recognition is merely declaratory of the justifiable, or extra-constitutionally, through
existence of the state and that its being a the exercise of powers underlying the
state depends upon its possession of the existence of all governments on the time-
required elements and not upon recognition. honored principle of salus populi est
suprema lex (the welfare of the people shall
INTERNATIONAL LAW Under Art. II Sec 10, The State shall
1. Renunciation of War promote social justice in all phases of
The power to wage a defensive war is the national development.)
essence of sovereignty. However, social justice does not tolerate
The Constitution makes defense of the state behavior that is contrary to law.
a duty of government and of the people and Social rights are different from the bill of
gives Congress the power to declare a state rights, the former are not rights in the strict
of war. sense that the latter are.
As a member of the UN, the PH shall refrain Satisfaction of social justice depends on the
from threat or the use of force against legislation. Congress is expected to
territorial integrity or political independence exercise powers needed to achieve radical
in their international relations. social reform of critical urgency.
2. Adoption of International Law
It is the acceptance of the dualist view of
legal systems, namely that domestic law is
distinct from international law.
International law is part of the law of the
Doctrine of Transformation an
international law can become part of
municipal law if it is transformed into
domestic law thru the appropriate
constitutional machinery
Doctrine of Incorporation international
law is held to be a part of the law of the land
and is adopted in its full extent by the
common law whenever any question arises
which is properly the object of its
The principle of incorporation applies only to
customary law and to treaties which have
become part of customary law.
The doctrine of immunity from suit of a
foreign state is likewise a principle of
international law accepted in our jurisdiction.
3. Adherence to Policy of Peace, Freedom, and
The guiding principle of PH foreign policy is
the national interest.

Social justice means the promotion of the
welfare of all the people, the adoption by the
Government of measures calculated to
insure economic stability of all the
competent elements of society, through the

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