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Capstone Log

Instructional Technology Department

Candidate: Mentor/Title: School/District:

Christy Jacobs Dr. Lisa Stone/ Curriculum Fitzgerald High School/ Ben Hill
Director Ben Hill County County Schools
Capstone Title:
Bridging the Gap, 1:1 Devices for Fitzgerald High School Students

You are not required to reflect after each entry. Reflections can address one or more
entries in the log.
Just delete the reflection row if you do not use it.

Date Activity/Amount of Time PSC/ISTE Standards

(Please total the time after the last entry.)
2/7/2017 Meet with district technology team to determine the 1b,1c
capability of varying student owned devices, our network,
and successfully completing project based learning. 2 HRS.
Reflection: The high school had recently been awarded a state grant and was in the process of improving
the wireless system. This aspect was crucial to the success of my proposal for 1:1 devices for all students
as using student owned mobile devices would have to have the support of a faster wireless system, more
bandwidth, etc. After meeting with the district technology team, I was informed that the new wireless
system would be finished an in place before the school year began for 2017-2018. This meeting also
discussed how to monitor student devices while on our network, parental permission slips, etc. as the
school nor district currently have a plan in place for 1:1.

2/8/2017 Created online survey for determining student devices that 1d

would be compatible for project based learning and
working through Microsoft Office 365. 2 HRS.
Reflection: It took time to learn the branching aspect of Forms through Microsoft Office 365. Branching is
the aspect that takes one to a certain question based off the previous answer provided. I had made several
surveys before using Google, however as our school is now an Office 365 school I felt it was important to
use the survey tool offered within 365. Branching was necessary due to students having different devices
of varying ages, internet in the home, a device that would allow for project based learning, etc. It was also
necessary to set up the survey to have the student name included and not be anonymous. This would allow
for follow up with certain students regarding devices and make sure that no duplicate surveys were taken.

2/10/2017 Created a schedule to determine what computer labs were 1d

available, what courses would take their students, and how
long the window would be open to accept surveys. 1 HR.
Reflection: My original thought was to take advantage of all computer labs and complete the survey during
a single period, however I later decided to have the students complete the survey while in their English
Language Arts (ELA) course as all students are required to take an English class. Testing during a course
and not during a period would allow me the opportunity to visit the labs for assistance.

2/20/2017- Began administering surveys and staying with classes in 3d, 3g

3/1/ 2017 the lab in case students needed their passwords reset for
their Office 365 account. 7 HRS.
Reflection: I am extremely thankful that I decided to administer the survey during ELA courses as 90% of
the student body had not used their school created e-mail account and therefore had to have assistance
getting into their account for the link to the survey. By administering the survey through 365, teachers also
stated that they would start using student e-mails and the Office suite to turn in work now that students are
aware of how to get into their accounts. Therefore, not only did the survey allow for information regarding
student owned technology devices, it also opened the door for greater technology use and integration within
the ELA department at Fitzgerald High School (FHS).

3/2- Analyzed reports regarding how many additional devices 4a

3/3/2017 would be needed for all students to have compatible
devices for use in every classroom- 1:1. 2 HRS.
3/6- Began researching available grants to assist with our 1:1 1c, 1d
3/9/2017 initiative in a rural southern community that was Title 1.
4 HRS.
3/10- Upon finding the Sprint 1 Million Project, I met with 1c, 1d
3/14/2017 administration for approval to apply for the grant, the
technology team to determine wireless capability, and our
Title 1 director for specific information pertaining to our
school population regarding need. 4 HRS.
Reflection: The principal of FHS was 100% behind applying for the Sprint grant and provided devices for
all our students. After meeting with her, she felt that students could do more through their phones in terms
of project based learning, collaboration, etc. than with an iPad as a mobile device. She was excited about
the possibility of getting the grant and what it could mean for the students and direction of Fitzgerald High
School. The district Title 1 director was very complimentary of the effort in place to apply for the grant.
He provided all necessary documentation needed for our student population, their home lives, available
funding, etc.

3/23- After meeting with all designated personnel, I began 1b, 1d

3/24/2017 working on putting the grant together. 2 HRS.
3/30/2017 I led the first meeting regarding the Sprint grant to 1b, 1d
determine job responsibilities, call regarding Sprint
network, etc. 1 HR.
Reflection: This meeting had all the potential in the world. I had packets for everyone in attendance along
with the grant work completed thus far so that specifics could be discussed and determined to allow for the
completion of the grant. Upon talking with the technology members from the district in attendance, I
showed them a Sprint network map that stated we were in a district that was roaming. I had looked all
through the paperwork and grant specifics and it did not state anything specific regarding applications and
counties who would be roaming. To best determine where this put us in the process, I called the Sprint
network representative for the grant and she stated that counties in roaming areas would not be applicable
for the grant. It was devastating and halted the drive for 1:1 devices for all students.

8/7/2017 Met with the administration and the special education 1c

director for the board of education regarding additional
devices for students 2 HRS.
Reflection: With the immediate halt of the Sprint grant, it was necessary to try to find funding in additional
areas. To discuss the need for funding, it was vital to meet with the principal and special education director
at the district level to try to find a way to purchase additional devices for FHS students.

8/11/2017 Two additional carts of computers were purchased at the 1b

end of FY 2017. These carts were delivered and I prepared
the carts for student and teacher use and then distributed 1b
the carts to the classrooms. 7 HRS.
Reflection: To prepare a cart of computers for classroom deployment requires a lot of detailed paperwork.
The serial and asset numbers for each device and cart must be documented in a spreadsheet. New tags
must be created for each device with a barcode to follow in Destiny (the schools Library Management
System). All this paperwork, barcoding, labeling, charging, setting up, connection to the schools network
is time consuming, but upon completion it means more devices in the hands of students.

8/13/2017 Re-evaluated the number of devices needed with the 1b

addition of two carts to the original surveyed number.
3 HRS.
8/17/2017 Designed professional learning for September- determined 3f, 4c, 5a
what teachers needed to be successful. Created the
document regarding Microsoft Teams and distributed the
information to staff. 4 HRS.
Reflection: Microsoft Office 365 went from their classroom application last year to launching Microsoft
Teams. This application was completely new for teachers and was necessary for some to have options
regarding online classroom submissions, assignments, collaboration, etc. To help teachers with the new
application, I made training materials for Microsoft Teams and attended professional learning where I
discussed how Teams could benefit classrooms.

9/1/2017- Met with individual teachers to assist with technology 2a-h, 3b, 3e, 4a, 5a
9/30-2017 integration, tools and applications for the month of
September. (1 HR per day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks in a
month) 20 HRS.
Reflection: As the media specialist and support personnel in the building, I am the immediate go to for
all aspects technology. My depth and breadth of what I have been able to assist my peers with has greatly
increased during this past year and a half as a Kennesaw State University Student. This technology
assistance deals with all aspects of technology: integration, hardware, troubleshooting, applications,
implementation, co-teaching, creating documents, screenshots, etc. These daily meetings with teachers
made a large impact with my capstone drive and how I am viewed regarding technology and integration in
the school.

9/14/2017 Designed professional learning for October- determined 3f, 4c, 5a

what teachers needed to be successful. Created the
document regarding Destiny Use, Galileo, and EBooks and
distributed the information to staff. 10 HRS.
10/1- Met with individual teachers to assist with technology 2a-h, 3b, 3e, 4a, 5a
10/31/2017 integration, tools and applications for the month of
October. (1 HR per day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks in a
month) 20 HRS.
10/17/2017 Designed professional learning for November- determine 3f, 4c, 5a
what teachers needed to be successful. Worked on
implementing Kahoot, Skype for Business in the classroom
for homebound learners. 4 HRS
10/20/2017 Technology devices were donated from the athletic 1b
department after talking with the athletic director. These
devices were wiped clean and added to inventory to use for
checkout. 4 HRS.
10/24/2017 Researched and found a company that will take old Apple
devices and replace them with newer, refurbished devices. 1b
Inventoried all old carts of iPods, MacBooks, and iPads
with serial numbers and included a report to determine how
many devices could be rewarded. 5 HRS
Reflection: While the initial proposal for the device count per student has not been attained, continued
work is in place as two new additional carts are being added in January 2018. Professional learning and
technology integration and support still takes place on a daily and monthly basis to provide support for
teachers and students. While we are not 1:1 as a school, we are certainly making progress towards closing
the gap.

Total Hours: [104 hours ]:

(Place an X in the box representing the race/ethnicity and subgroups involved in this capstone.)
Ethnicity P-12 Faculty/Staff P-12 Students
P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12 P-2 3-5 6-8 9-12
Asian X
Black X X
Hispanic X
Native American/Alaskan Native
White X X
Multiracial X
Students with Disabilities X
Limited English Proficiency X
Eligible for Free/Reduced X

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