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Poa Elementary Education Formal Observation Form Junior/Senior Intern Student Danielle Blinderman Obsener:Sharon Dave Grade: 2nd. Dae WYDE/I Time 1:00 am. Subject: Sacha SHAS 41. Classroom Climate/Culture - Student Behavior YES NO inter communicates and maintains standards for appropriate classroom behavior. [inter anticipates and acts on potential classroom disruptions. inter maintains positive classroom climate. Cintem responds to student behaviors appropriately. Comments: Mc. Biinderman manages student behavior effectively by using Verious strategies to keep the second graders engaged. 2. Instruction - Instructional Time (intern has materials, supplies, and equipment ready at the start of the lesson or activity, Lintem gets class started quickly. Cilntem uses available time for learning and keeps students on task. Commenis: Ms. Biinderman prepares lessons +hod engage Students and establishes appropriate time fer instructional activities 3. Instruction - Instructional Planning and Presentation, Ciintem establishes links with prior leamiing and experiences. (intern arranges learning activities to support standards. (Ciintern appropriately uses a variety of teaching styles. ‘ . arte Comments: ts, Biinderman helps students make connections Using a varie Ma. Blinderman, helps, students make Cian pracnted clearly ond address the Second grade standards. 4,_ Instruction - Instructional Monitoring Linter circulates to check performance and monitor progress. [intern varies level of questioning. Cintern ensures that all students have the opportunity to participate. nents: Ms. Blinderman earsistently monitors student progcess and uses a voricty of questions 46 Check their Understand ings 5. Impact on Student Learning - Facilitating Instruction Liintem establishes clear outcomes for learning. inter communicates learning outcomes to students. {Cintem adjusts lesson based on student responses/ongoing assessment. [1 ~—_ Cintem connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS. Comments: Ms. Biindecman connects learning outcomes to the NCSCOS and ghares her leacning cutcomes with students. 6. Evaluation/Assessment - Instructional Feedback Liintern provides feedback on the correctness or incorrectness of in-class work to encourage student growth. (inter affirms correct oral responses appropriately and moves on. inter provides sustaining feedback after an incorrect response by probing, repeating the question, giving a clue, cr allowing more time. Comments: Ms, Blinderman provides immediate feedback to students to encourage Xheir growth. ‘Strengths: ‘Areas on which to focus: Ms. Blinderman + Ms, Biindecmant works well with students and staff eubilizes behavierel management strategies # shows a high interest, enthusesm and commitment +0 teaching 71S CeFlective, receptive to feedback 3) ana makes necessory changes to Improve her performance LL Were the learning outcomes for the students met? [YES [JNO Did the intern’s/student teacher's classroom management support the leaming outcomes? Yes, Ms. Blinderman's classroom management supports her learning outcomes, Was the Teaching Behavior Focus goal achieved? y eS Z ‘Student Intern Signature:_ pate M/28/ [7 Mentor Teacher Signature: on Deore Date: Nor. 28, 2017 University Supervisor Signature: - Date:

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