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Systems & Control Letters 14 (1990) 325-331 325


Robust stabilization of delay systems

by approximation of coprime factors
J o n a t h a n R. P A R T I N G T O N This robust stabilization result has in fact been
Department of Pure Mathematics, University of Leeds, Leeds used to generate an effective design scheme. The
LS2 9JT, U.K. derivation of this result in [12] involved state-space
manipulations and is not readily extended to in-
finite-dimensional systems. The derivation in [13]
Keith GLOVER is an i n p u t / o u t p u t argument and can be modified
Department of Engineering, University of Cambridge, Trumping- for a suitable class of infinite-dimensional sys-
ton St., Cambridge CB2 1PZ, U.K. tems; alternatively an operator theory derivation
is given in [8] together with a number of results on
Received 10 October 1989 the gap and graph metrics.
Revised 27 December 1989 It is the purpose of the present paper to show
how an effective approximation scheme can be
Abstract: Given a delay system with transfer function G(s)=
derived for delay systems. Optimal convergence
h2(s)/hl(S), where hl(S)='~glpi(s ) e -v,s, and h2(s ) =
Y"~2qi(s)e-~'S'withO=)'o<Va< "'" < ' & e 0~<flo< "'" <fl~2' rates will be established, based on recent ap-
the Pi being polynomials of degree 6i, and 8i < 8o for i ~ 0, proximation results given in [9,10,11]. These are
and the qi polynomials of degree d i < 80 for each i, the robust then applied to construct robust finite-dimen-
stabilization of a class of perturbed coprime factors of this sional controllers which approach optimality.
system is considered. Asymptotic estimates are obtained based
on recent results on the approximation and stabilization of
normalized coprime factors. An explicit formula is given for
the normalized coprime factor stability margin for the case of a 2. Retarded delay systems
multivariable transfer function of the form G(s)= e-~rR(s),
with R rational.
We shall consider the class of retarded delay
Keywords: Delay system; robust stabilization; coprime factors; systems with scalar transfer function given by
graph metric; gap metric; rational approximation.
G(s) = hE(s)/hl(s), (2.1)

1. Introduction
hl(s ) = ~'.pi(s) e -v's, (2.2)
Given a nominal system model with transfer 0
function G ( s ) = M - l ( s ) N ( s ) , where M, N ~
R H ~ are left coprime, it has been demonstrated and
in [18] that a suitable class of perturbed models is /12
given by h2(s ) = Eqi(s) e -a's, (2.3)
Ga = ( M + A , ) - I ( N + A 2 ) ,
with 0=~/0<3,1 < . . . <'t,,, 0 < / 3 0 < "'" <ft,2,
where A = [A1, A2] E R H ~ and I[ AII ~ < e. In the the Pi being polynomials of degree 8i and 8 t < 80
case when coprime factors are normalized, that is for i 4: 0, and the q, polynomials of degree di < 80
MM* = N N * =I, then [12,13] have shown that for each i. These systems were first analysed by
the largest family of A that is stabilizable by a Bellman and Cooke [1] and have the property that
single controller is given by the formula they possess only finitely many poles in any right
half plane. Asymptotic results on the Hankel sin-
Emax= ~1 - II[N, MIll 2 gular values and errors in the approximation of G

0167-6911/90/$3.50 1990 - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. (North-Holland)

326 J.R. Partington, K. Glover / Robust stabilization of coprime factors

were given in [10,11], where it was shown that sional systems, and rational approximations are
there exist constants A, B > 0 and an integer required. In Section 4 we show how this can be
r > 0 such that the Hankel singular values (o k) of done, and estimate the convergence rates of such
G decay as k -r and normalized coprime factors.

Ak - r ~ inf( [1Gstable-- G II~: deg G = k } < Bk -r.

3. Explicit analytic solutions
Further related results are given in [16].
In general we restrict our analysis to SISO For the special case G(s) = e-SrR(s), with T >
systems as above, except that in Section 3 we 0 and R(s) rational and matrix-valued, a normal-
consider the class of matrix-valued transfer func- ized coprime factorization R = M - 1 N gives a nor-
tions G(s)= e-SrR(s), where R is rational and malized coprime factorization of G:
T > 0: for these an explicit solution to the normal-
ized coprime factorization problem can be given. G(s) = M(s)-l(e-STN(s)),
We recall the following definition, due to Cal-
and the stability margin can be calculated ex-
lier and Desoer [2] of a class of functions admit-
ting coprime factorizations (see also [3,18]).
Let us suppose that G(oo) = 0 and write
The algebra ~ comprises all distributions on
(0, ~ ) of the form [N, M ] = [0, I ] + C ( s I - A ) - I [ B , H].

f ( t ) = L ( t ) + ~_,fiS(t- ti), (2.5) In order to calculate the singular values of the

o Hankel operator corresponding to [e-~rN, M] we
set up a two-point boundary-value problem as in
with f~ ~ LI(O, aa), (fi) ~ ll and t > 0 for each i.
We write aacc H~ for the algebra of Laplace
Note that for h(t) a function with Laplace
transforms of elements of ag. The ring aff_(a)
transform G(s), the Hankel operator with kernel
consists of all f(t) as in (2.5) with e-l~tfa(t ) ~ L 1
h is the operator F from L2(0, o) to L2(0, oo)
and (e ~'~) ~ 11 for some/3 < a. Then its ring of
given by
Laplace transform is denoted ~ _ ( a ) , and the
subset of functions bounded away from zero in
Re s >__a will be written ~_~(a). Finally 5~(a) is
the ring (a~_(a))(~_~(a)) -1.
f0 Ch (t + r ) u ( r ) d r ,

It is easily seen that transfer functions satisfy- or, taking Laplace transforms,
ing the conditions above are in the class ~ = ~ ( 0 )
and hence possess coprime factorizations G(s)= PU= P ( O ( s ) U ( - s ) ) ,
E(s)-lF(s). One such is given by
with P the orthogonal projection from L20R )
hi(s) h2(s) onto the Hardy space H2(C+) on the right half
E(s) and F(s) plane. In general h will be matrix-valued, and u
( s + l ) a ( s + l ) 8'
and Fu vector-valued.
since E(s) is certainly bounded away from zero The following result can be obtained as a spe-
near infinity. More details may be found in [18, cial case of Theorem 2.1 in [10] (after further
Chapter 8]. calculations), but is in fact more simply derived
A discussion of the existence of normalized directly.
coprime factorizations, which is sufficient for our
purposes, is given by Curtain [3], making use of Theorem 3.1. Consider the Hankel operator Fh with
the Pritchard-Salomon class [17] to construct nor- kernel
malized coprime factorizations from the solutions
of Riccati equations.
In general however, coprime factorizations can-
h(t) = { C eA'[0, /-/] ifO<t<T,
not be calculated explicitly for infinite-dimen- CeA/[e-aTB, H] if t > T.
J.R. Partington, K. Glover / Robust stabilization of coprimefactors 327

Then o is a singular value of Fh, or equivalently of Fh applied to v, is given by u constructed as

the Hankel operator with symbol [e-SrN(s), M(s)], follows:
if and only if .oo

z ( T ) .'= JT eA*(~-T)C*v('r) d~',

d(t)=-A*z(t)-C*v(t) for0_<t<T,
where ul(t ) = B * z ( T - t ) for0<t<T,

K:=[ A o-aBB ' ] (3.2) u2(t) = eA*'z() for t > O.

-o-aC'C -A'
and P and Q satisfy the Lyapounov equations Suppose that u and v are Schmidt pairs corre-
sponding to a singular value a; then there must be
AP + PA' + BB' + HH' = 0 a nonzero solution to the equations
and V=Fh(o-lu), u=r~(o-1)v.
A'Q+QA+C'C=O. The differential equation above becomes

Proof. Firstly we shall construct a differential

d x] __K[x],
equation that 'simulates' the Hankel operator.
Given u = [~'2] ~ L2 we claim that Fhu is given by and hence
v, where v is constructed as follows:

x(r) . Ix(0)
[ z(0)
x(O):=fo ea~( Bu'('r + T) + Huz('r)} d'r,
Furthermore, substituting for u(t) into the x(0)
Ac(t)=Ax(t)+Bu,(T-t) for0<t< T, equation gives x ( 0 ) = o-lPz(O), and substituting
for v(t) in the z(T) equation gives z ( T ) =
Cx(t) if 0 < t < T, o-IQx(T). Hence it is necessary that the given
v(t)= CeA(t_r)x(T) ift>T. determinant be zero for a nontrivial solution to
This is readily verified; for example, for 0 < t < T, Conversely, the condition is also sufficient, since
we have one may work backwards, starting with z ( 0 ) ~ 0,
defining x(O)=o-lPz(O), and computing x(t),
v( t ) = C eAtx(O) + C for eA(t-')Bu,( T - "r) d'r z(t) on [0, T]. Then z ( T ) = o - I Q x ( T ) . Finally
one may compute u(t) and v(t) and verify that
the remaining identities hold. []
= eA(t+"-T)Bul('r ') dr'
Hence the maximum normalized coprime factor
stability margin for G(s) as above is given by
+ foC eA(t+r)Hu2('r) dr Emax = ~'1- (I?, where o 1 is the largest solution to
+ C eA('+/-r)Bul('d) dr'

= 4. Convergenceof coprimefactors
Similarly for t > T. Let G(s)=h2(s)//hl(S), with hi and h 2 a s
Now suppose that some v ~ L 2 is given; then a given in (2.2) and (2.3), be the transfer function of
similar calculation shows that F~v, the adjoint of a retarded delay system, and suppose that G(s) =
328 J.R. Partington, K. Glover / Robust stabilization of coprime factory

E ( s ) - l F ( s ) is a coprime factorization. Then G mon zero in C + u { ~ } . Hence they are also

possesses a normalized coprime factorization coprime over the ring of rational H< functions, by
[18, Chapter 2].
G(s)=M(s) 1N(s) Now there exist a, f l > 0 such that 0 < a _ <
where JR(s) I -</3 for s on the imaginary axis, so that

M(s) = E(s)/R(s), N(s) = F(s)/R(s) II[N, M] - [ F k / R , E k / R ] I[

< ( 1 / a ) ll[F--Fk, E - Ek] [[
and R*R = E * E + F *F (see [18, Chapter 7]). This
= ~/k, say.
cannot in general be calculated explicitly, but we
can choose rational approximations Ek(S ) and It follows from [18, Lemma 7.3.2], that the dis-
Fk(s ) converging to E, F respectively in the H~ tance from IN, M] to [Nk, Mk] in the graph met-
norm and normalize these. The following result ric can be bounded, namely
guarantees that such a procedure converges.
2*/k O(k r).
d ( [ N , M ] , [Nk, Mk] ) < 1--_~ k
Theorem 4.1. Let G( s ) = E ( s )- ~F( s ) be a coprime
factorization of a system G( s ) ~ ~ , and suppose The existence of (Uk) as required follows from
that (Ek(S)) and (Fk(S)) are sequences of rational Section 7.3 of [18]. Similarly the gap metric esti-
H~ functions of degree at most k such that E k --* E mate follows from [7]. Moreover
and Fk ~ F in H~. Then E k and Fk are coprime for
k sufficiently large. Now let G ( s ) = M ( s ) - l N ( s ) Uk* Uk = ( NUk ) * ( NUk ) + ( MUk )* ( MUk )
be a normalized coprime factorization of G, and = N ~ N k + M ~ M k + O ( k -r)
Ek(S ) 1Fk(S ) = M k ( S ) - 1 N k ( s ) be normalized = 1 + O(k-r). []
coprime factorizations of the rational approximants.
I f r > 0 is such that II E - E k II ~ and II F - Fk II
are both O ( k - r), then the distance from [N, M ] to Thus a normalised approximant to the original
[Nk, Mk] in the graph and gap metrics is O ( k - r ) system is close to being a normalisation of the
and hence there exist invertible functions Uk such system. We now identify r as the optimal conver-
that gence index of any sequence of approximate
coprime factorizations of G.
II[N, M ] U k - - [ N k , Mk] I1~-----O ( k - r ) (4.1)

as k ~ ~z. Moreover Uk*Uk= l + O(k ~) a s k Theorem 4.2. Let G(s) be as in (2.1)-(2.3) and let
r be the index given in (2.4). Then for any coprime
factorization G= E - 1 F and functions Ek, Fk in
Proof. To show that E k and F k are eventually RH~ of degree at most k there exists C > 0 such
coprime, we observe that since E and F are that
coprime they satisfy a Bezout identity II[F, E ] - [ F k , Ek]l[>--Ck -r.
E(s)X(s) + F(s)Y(s) = 1 (4.2) Moreover there exists a coprime factorization G =
E - 1F and rational functions E k, Fk of degree k such
over H~. Hence
E k ( S ) X ( s ) Z ( s ) + F k ( S ) Y ( s ) Z ( s ) = 1,
II[F, E ] - [ F k, Ek]ll =O(k-r) .

Z ( s ) = (1 + ( e k - E ) X + ( F k - F ) Y ) -1, Proof. We can choose L > 0 such that G(s + L ) is

stable; if G = E - 1 F is any coprime factorization,
which exists in Ho~ provided that then there exist X and Y such that (4.2) holds,
and so we have
I I E k - E I I [ I X ] l + l l F k - F I I IIYll < 1 ,
1= I E ( s ) X ( s ) + F ( s ) r ( s ) l
which is true for sufficiently large k. Thus E k and
F k are coprime over H~ and thus have no com- ~< I E ( s ) I IX( s ) + r ( s ) F ( s ) / E ( s ) l ,
J.R. Partington, K. Glover / Robust stabilization of coprimefactors 329

implying that I E(s) I is bounded away from zero, Referring to Theorem 5.3 of [10], we see that
i.e. I E ( s ) I > 3, say, in Re s > L. Thus if 1 1 F - the dominant term which influences the ap-
fk II < ek and II E - E , II < E,, then proximation of IF, E] is
EO+L) Fk(s+Z) I l f l l e k + IIEII~,
lE ( s + L) + L) -<

in Re s > 0. But, by [10, Theorem 5.3],

6(6- (s + c) 2 [1, - d .

For a lower bound in degree-k H~ approximation

of [F, E] we may take its Hankel singular value
O k ( a ( s + L))/Ok(Gstable ) --'* 1 as k --~ o0,
Ok+1, which is given by
and hence there exists C > 0 such that ek > Ck -r
~/1 + c 2
for all k. O'k+l = ~2k2 + O(k-3),
Conversely, suppose that G = E - IF + astable,
where E, F are rational, coprime and stable. Then
and we have an upper H~ bound, using Pad6
G = E - I ( F + EGstable) is a coprime factorization approximation, of
of G. Choosing suitable rational approximants Gk
to G~table as in [11], we have ev/1 + c 2
+ O(k-3), (4.3)
2~-k 2
II ( F + Eastable ) -- ( F + EGk)II
~< II E II II Gstable -- G, II, by Theorem 3.4 of [11].
(For delay systems of the form e-SrR(s), as in
achieving the optimal convergence rate. [] Section 3, explicit formulae are available without
an error term.)
Remark 4.3. If a rational approximation INk, Mk] In this case the 'obvious' coprime factorization,
of degree k is found with

II[N, M ] - [ N k , Mk] I1~ < & s+l'

s+l '
then a controller of degree k stabilizing a ball
if unnormalized would lead to a suboptimal H~
around [Nk, Mk] will have maximum stability
convergence rate of O ( k - ~).
radius ek > emax- 3 and hence when applied to As in the proof of Theorem 4.1, we have that
[N, M] will have stability radius at least em~x - 26. the distance in the graph metric is bounded above
A similar argument in the case that (4.1) holds
by 2~k/(1 --~k) where ~k is ( l / a ) times the H~
shows that rational controllers can be derived for
error given in (4.3), and I E * E + F * F I >- a2 on
delay systems, whose performance approaches op-
the imaginary axis.
timality as k ~ oo.
Choosing c to be slightly greater than 1, and
calculating a directly, we obtain 1.5/k 2 + O(k -3)
Using the more explicit error bounds given in
as an upper bound for the error in the graph
[11], it is possible to give more precise upper
metric. Finally the gap metric is known to be less
bounds for the distances in the graph and gap
than or equal to the graph metric [7], so the same
metrics than those in Theorem 4.1. We illustrate
error bound is valid.
this by an example.
Note that this does not give a lower bound for
the convergence rate in the graph and gap metrics,
Example 4.4. We consider
only in the H~ norm.
G(s) s_e_~.
A suitable coprime factorization for this is given 5. Examples
Consider the delay system G(s) = e-sr/s. This
s - e -s 1
e(s) can be analysed using the techniques of Section 3,
S-- e-" + C ' F(s) s--e-S+c '
and a normalized coprime factorization is given by
for any c > 1. G(s) = M(s)-lN(s), with M(s) = s/(s + 1) and
330 J.R. Partington, K. Glover / Robust stabilization of coprimefactors

Table 1 tion given by L a m [14]. This gives

- 30.00 17.55
- 17.55 0 8.14
o oo] 0 0
e 0.573 0.486 0.374 0.220 0.130 A= 0 - 8.14 0 5.53 0 ,
0 0 - 5.53 0 3.90
0 0 0 -3.90 0
B ' = C = [7.75 0 0 0 0],

N ( s ) = e - S r / ( s + 1). The singular values of the and D = [ - 1 ] .

Hankel operator with symbol [N, M ] are given by This yields a seven-state approximation G ( s ) to
o k = 1 / ~ 1 + ?t2 , where (?t k) are the positive roots G(s).
of tan AT = (1 - ~2)/2)t, and a Schmidt vector in One m a y now construct normalized coprime
L2(0, oo) is given by factors for G ( s ) and derive a suboptimal con-
troller of degree 7 using the methods of [12]. The
= f 2 A cos At if t < T, Hankel singular values of the controller are
2Acos~Te T-t ift>T,
0.488, 0.173, 0.029, 0.008, 0.003, 0.001, 0.0002,
where A is a fixed constant. It follows that o k is and it is appropriate to perform model reduction
asymptotic to T/k~r. The robust stability margin on the controller (by truncating a balanced reali-
is given by e = ( 1 - o 2 ; this is asymptotic to zation) as in [15], with a slight loss of perfor-
v ~ - ( 1 - T) as T ~ 0 , and to I r / 2 T as T ~ oo. mance.
Some typical values are shown in Table 1. One thus obtains an order six controller
Approximation of the coprime factors m a y be robustly stabilizing G ( s ) and giving a stability
achieved by the technique used in [11], which margin of 0.212, over 95% of the optimal.
consists of replacing e - s t by its (k, k) Pad6 ap- Thus in general satisfactory low-order con-
proximant. This is guaranteed to converge at the trollers can be p r o d u c e d by combining the ap-
optimal rate (O(k-~)). In practice the stability proximation techniques of [11] and the methods of
margins (ek) converge m u c h faster than the [12,13,151.
coprime factors themselves. F o r the hardest case
to control above, T = 10, one finds that e~na=
0.130, even for a 5th order approximation. References
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verge with error O ( k - 2 ) ) ; for 1 / ( s - e - s ) (Exam- trollers: derivations and examples, Proc. MTNS-85,
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