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Sydney McCalvin

Dr. Angela Mitchell

UWRT 1104

September 20, 2017

Annotated Bibliography

Twigg, N. M. (2017), Comprehensive Care Model for Sex Trafficking Survivors. Journal of

Nursing Scholarship, 49: 259266. doi:10.1111/jnu.12285

This article is medical issued and presents the treatment and aftercare for human trafficking

victims. The focus of the article is domestic minor sex trafficking (DMST) and how it is

prevalent in the US. The article includes several studies of US treatment centers that provide

aftercare for DMST survivors, and comparing their tactics.

I can use this journal to dissect the argument that the US does not have enough awareness

programs to help protect and rescue victims of human trafficking. This article proves that there

are programs being implemented in the system, educating people on signs to identify human

trafficking. Furthermore, it shows that steps care for the victims and provide them with therapy

for trauma. I like that the study features different treatment studies so that the reader can see the

variety in treatment and perhaps, even a need for reformation of the treatment.

DeStefano, A. M. The War on Human Trafficking: U.S. Policy Assessed. New Brunswick:

Rutgers University Press, 2007. Project MUSE,

This book is quite hefty, but provides firsthand accounts of human trafficking and shows all the

events leading up the Trafficking Protection Act of 2000. This is quite useful as the author gets

quite personal in his writing, conducting interviews with government officials, victims and those

close to him. The author writes about the effects of the law he sees in his daily life.

This source is a personal narrative and a secondary source that has an unbiased view on the

governments involvement. I can use this source to further my argument that the government is

actively involved with Human Trafficking. As the book shows the events that led up to the

Trafficking Protection Act of 2000, this will give me further insight on the individuals that have

been effected by trafficking.

Polaris. Polaris,

This website is centered around promoting awareness of Human Trafficking. It features

resources such as information on human trafficking, help centers, and initiatives that promotes

various ways for the government to get involved. The information provided gives facts on the

victims and the traffickers. It also provides information on recognizing the signs of human

trafficking and educating the public on how they can help to rescue victims and even prevent

further trafficking. The website also provides itself as a safe place for victims and provides them

help and hotlines that will help them get free from their traffickers. The website also promotes

the governments involvement and advocates the implementation of new laws.

With this source having a variety of information, it will be very useful in my research. This has

help to shape my argument as Ive been able to read over how the governments involvement has

improved and has helped save many lives. The site has a bias that trafficking protection and

detection still has room to improve.

Newman, Joe. America's Shame: The U.S. Government's Human Trafficking Dilemma. The

Huffington Post,, 8 May 2012,


This Huffington post article criticizes the US governments involvement with human trafficking,

seeing that the US could do more to help the victims and prevent further trafficking. This article

brings light to the fact that many victims of human trafficking in Iraq and Afghanistan war zones

provided assistance to U.S. troops. This contradicts the U.S. governments outlook on human

trafficking and questions the true motives of the government. These acts mightve gone unknown

due to the secrecy of labor brokers and subcontractors; however, the author rules this

unacceptable as American taxpayers are funding this, paying into human trafficking.

This source is very biased against the governments involvement with human trafficking. The

author believes that the government is contradictory in its actions and should do more to help

international trafficking and unaffiliate themselves with known traffickers. This article is useful

to my argument as it brings in a view that the governments involvement is faulty, which is

something my other sources dont show.

U.S. Congress. Senate, Human Trafficking Detection Act of 2015. Report 114-46

This source is a government issued report of the Human Trafficking Detection Act of 2015. This

was made to bring more training to the department of homeland security on how to detect and

prevent human trafficking. This will require periodically training to help keep the department

informed. This will work mutually with the Blue Campaign, which was used to train and inform

private and public American workers of the trafficking that takes place on the U.S. borders. Due

to the complexity of Human Trafficking, there is a significant need for more awareness and
coordination. This act will provide the Department of Homeland Security with better reports of

trafficking cases. This act will also require the need for studies that research the impact of this

act on the DHS and if there is any improvement.

This source will be helpful in my exploration of seeing the governments involvement with

human trafficking. As the source is government issued, it stands to be a reliable primary source

of the human trafficking act. This will help shape my argument as it shows that the government

is actively working to better the research and prevention programs, giving me proof that

detecting and disrupting trafficking is a priority of the government.

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