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TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative

Web 2.0 Tools to Support Collaborative learning

Read the directions in Blackboard on how to complete this sheet.

Name of the tool Twiddla
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions -Type in the search engine
of how to use the -Click on start a new whiteboard (green GO button on the screen)
tool -The header has different tabs for you to click on when you want to
create something on your blank canvas or whiteboard.
- Select any tool in the header to form the webpage.
- Some of the tools are:
drawing, making shapes (color, kind, size), type of text or text
preferences, erase, select
background (white or grid), images, web page, and document option.
-Bottom of the page, theres a header for mathematical formulas and
zoom in/out dialog
- To save your work, its on the far right hand corner of the header (have
to be a member to save).
- On the right of the screen is a pop up box to invite peers to your
webpage. The URL is displayed in the pop up box so anyone can join.
Just copy the URL and paste to whoevers email to let them see your
-To create a profile and/or join audio you have to create an account.

Ideas for how the 4.10. The student will:

tool can be used a) Identify and describe representations of points, lines,
in PK-12 line segments, rays, and angles, including endpoints and
-Twiddle can help these 4th graders with their geometry. The instructor
will give descriptions of these geometric words (point, line, line segment,
ray, angle, endpoint, and vertices) and the students would either get
into pair or groups and identify plus make the figures from the
description that was given; i.e. teacher: a collection of points along a
straight path with no end point is? students: will collaborate, start
drawing a figure using the pencil tool on the whiteboard in Twiddle, and
type or label the answer next to the figure.
SI.1. The student will exchange simple spoken and written
information in Spanish:
3) Ask and answer questions about familiar topics, such as
family members,
personal belongings, school, and leisure activities, time, and
-Using Twiddle to encourage students to get excited for Spanish by
making collages or bubble maps. Students can get into groups to try to
translate words from English to Spanish and vice versa. The teacher
assign groups with a Spanish word for example:
Group 1: Familia (family)
Group 2: Comida (food)
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
Group 3: Ropa (clothing)
Group 4: Colores (colors)
The students can add Spanish words and copy/paste pictures to their
group name in the Twiddle. This will show their creativity and they can all
work together and add pictures. Also they can form a bubble map using
the shapes thats provided on the WEB tool. This will help them
remember Spanish words that relates to the subject and if they cant
remember, their peers can help.
4.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of
fictional texts, narrative
nonfiction texts, and poetry.
a) Explain the authors purpose.
-Students will upload document that was already written on the Twiddla
page. Once its uploaded, the students will invite their selected peer to
their page to make suggestions, and mark them as if they were grading
the paper using the red pencil tool or highlighting. After grading each
others paper, they will explain why it should be corrected a certain way
in a positive manner.
Positives and Pros: This tool can be used for all subjects. Its very simple and
challenges of manageable. Unlimited students can be on Twiddla session at the same
using the tool time. Students can draw and be creative with this tool. Have meetings
with peers and invite them to the webpage. Snapshot (saving your work)
can be transferred as an image and also embedded on another
Cons: 30 day free trial. Limiting features until purchasing pro, team, or
business packages. No video chat. Doesnt edit documents.
Name of the tool Padlet
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions -Type in the search engine.
of how to use the - Sign up using your email address and create password.
tool - Click on the small box Im beautiful then click sign up in pink.
- Shows details on how to use the tool, share, and post.
- On the home dashboard select on make a padlet.
- Choose any type of background for your webpage.
- On the right under people & privacy click public.
- Select can write to collaborate with peers.
- Now start posting videos, pictures, quotes, or add an attachment.

Ideas for how the 1.14 The student will use available technology for reading and
tool can be used writing.
in PK-12 There will be a group project and the teacher will assign different short
stories on their Padlet group page. But, theres a twist. Some letters are
missing in the story! Build a story together by filling in the blanks with
nouns. When your groups story is finalized, the students will read their
story out loud for the class to hear.
5.12 The student will classify, a) angles as right, acute, obtuse
or straight.
The teacher will draw images of four types of quadrilaterals and four
types of triangles on her smartboard. The students will get into their
assigned shape group (of three) and go onto padlet to categorize if the
shape has a specific angle. Discuss with each other how many angles
the shape has. Explain why?
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe,
to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade, d) write a
clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea
The canvas tool for Padlet would be a great way to leave each other
notes on the webpage.
For a homework/at home group assignment, the teacher assigned them,
Why should we have recess? The can send an invite to their page and
constantly add ideas for the assignment. Once they have all came to an
agreement, they can come together and write an article about the
subject on the padlet tool with illustrations and videos of examples of
recess. This will inform the readers there explanation and maybe even
persuade them whether they should have recess or not.

Positives and Pros: Padlet gives students a chance to collaborate with each other by
challenges of sharing their colorful, bright ideas, and encourage their peers how great
using the tool of a job they are doing. This tool can be also used as a virtual scrapbook.
Its fun and simple to use. More than one student can contribute to the
Padlet wall. Its also a universal tool for almost every subject.
Cons: Cant copy and paste picture; which, might be difficult for children
under the 4th grade level to post an URL to find an image or video. Its
semi private until you make a purchase to this WEB 2.0 tool. Its a free
30 day trial. Theres no illustration tool for students to create lines and
Name of the tool PiratenPad
Where to access
this tool (web
Brief instructions - Go to the
of how to use the - Its in Dutch so click on translate on the pop up window (it should
tool translate to English immediately).
- Click on the orange new team
- Create a team site or webpage to keep track of assignments and
- Fill in first and last name and email address.
- Then make a group name in the fill in the blank URL portion
- Click on create team site now
- The student shouldve received an email confirmation stating that they
joined the team.
- Sign in by clicking the following link in your email
- Create a new password to start Piratenpad.
- Click on create a new pad in red bold font
- Click on pad access on the header to make the webpage public.
- In bold under the pad access theres the word set next to the bold
word password.
- Put in a password and click save.
-Click orange share this pad
-Copy and paste the first link to the rest of your group members.
- Once they have the URL, students can edit, comment, and upload files
from this tool.
Ideas for how the 11.7 The student will self- and peer-edit writing for correct
tool can be used grammar, capitalization, punctuation, spelling, sentence
in PK-12 structure, and paragraphing. f) Proofread and edit writing for
intended audience and purpose.
Before students turning in their assignments for the teacher to grade,
TLED 430 Module 3 Collaborative
the students will exchange their emails over the weekend to join the
Piratenpad. The students will leave comments/ or highlight on each
others work and join the chatroom explain why the document had
grammatical errors, if something was misspelled, or any fragment
sentences. This will give students a second chance to also review and
correct any changes before submitting to teacher with a final grade.
11.4 The student will read, comprehend, and analyze
relationships among American literature, history, and culture. i)
Read and analyze a variety of American dramatic selections.
Students will be in groups of three and break down sections for American
literature, history, and culture. Each student in the group will focus on
one of the subjects (i.e. Johnny will tackle culture, Susan will focus on
literature, and Bob has history). As they are individually writing their
sections, they will come together and use Piratenpad and upload their
document, share what they have learned, and correct each others work.
Now they will put the assignment together so it can flow nicely.
11.5 The student will read and analyze a variety of nonfiction
texts. g) Recognize and analyze use of ambiguity, contradiction,
paradox, irony, overstatement, and understatement in text.
The students will understand how to locate ambiguity, contradiction,
paradox, irony, overstatement in the nonfiction text using the Piratenpad
by highlighting and making examples from the text. Also reference from
the text by using MLA format into Piratenpad. Each member will find,
analyze and collaborate whether the citation relates to any of the uses of
the following.
Positives and Pros: This tool identifies whom is editing the work with a color for each
challenges of group member (i.e. Billy is yellow and Sally is pink). The pad has an
using the tool option to translate into nine languages. This Web tool can be used also
internationally. Theres also a chat group that the students can use to
collaborate ideas. Work can be saved. In the read only tab on the
header, it counts the words for the students.
Cons: Entering the website is a challenge. Its Dutch and you have to
translate the web tool. A lot of steps to get to in order to join Piratenpad.
No correct spelling features.

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