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What is exchange rate regime?

Main type of exchange rates
the way an authority manages its currency in
relation to other currencies and the foreign
exchange market
1956 Non Soapy Detergents were introduced
1962 were Lux and Rexona toilet soaps, Pears and Vinolia talcum
powders, SR and Pepsodent toothpaste, and Rinso.
years1957-72, the company grew, but austerity followed this period. Product formulations had be modified,
and Lux was initially made with coconut oil as this oil was subsidised.

1960 Lever Brothers first entered the baby care market in Ceylon. Pears Baby Powder was the first product to
be launched, and this was followed by Pears Baby Soap (1964) and Pears Baby Cologne (1979). These were all
manufactured locally.

3 July 1991, the name of the company was changed from Lever Brothers (Ceylon) Ltd to Unilever Ceylon Ltd.
This became Unilever Sri Lanka Ltd in around 2004.

1 pound equals to 204.93

1 SL equals 0.0049

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