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Department of Social Work
Bachelors of Social Work Program
Final Evaluation

Student Name: David Lowery STAR Program with the

Center for Student

Semester: Fall2O17 Field Supervisor Timothy Hunt

Task lnstructor: Jody Thomas

The purpose of the final evaluation is to assess each BSW student's performance before they
graduate. Students are evaluated using the competencies, generalist practice behaviors and
tasks that are specified on the learning contract.

Students must dernonstrate competency in each of these areas by performing the tasks outlined
on the learning contract and also listed below.

Steps to Complete Evaluation

Students: 1)fill in the information above and list tasks from learning contract below, 2)
complete self-assessment by filling in the first section of the rating column and writing any
comments, 3) email form to your field supervisor/task instructor.

Supervisors: 1) review student self-assessment, 2) complete second section of the rating

column using the rating criteria below, 3) review ratings and comments with student and sign.

Students: 4) review supervisor's ratings and comments, 5) be sure form has your and your
supervisor's signature, 6) make a copy for yourself and your supervisor, 7) submit to field

Ratins Criteria
5 The student is competent in this area for generalist social work practice.
The student is gaining competency in this area.
J The student is gaining experience and meetinq expectations in this area.
a The student has not as yet met the expectations in this area, but there is evidence that
the student will meet the exDectations in the near future.
1 The student has not met the expectations in this area, and there is not much evidence
that the student will meet the exoectations in this area in the near future.

Rev. 1/16 Page I of 9

1. Demonstrate Ethical and Profeeslonal Behavlor
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
1 .1 Make ethical decisions o Self-awareness of NASW Code
by applying the standards of ofEthics
the NASW Code of Ethics, o Practice and keep
relevant laws and
regulations, models for
ethical decision-making,
o Adhere to all policies &
ethical conduct of research, procedures of STAR Program
and additional codes of o Adhere to IRB guidelines and
ethics as appropriate to ethical considerations related to
context. research
1 .2 Use reflection and self- 4 4
regulation to manage r Self-awareness of my own
oersonal values and personal bias
maintain professionalism in r Identi& values & ethics ofself
oractice situations. o Cultural sensitivity
1 .3 Demonstrate Maintain professional 4
professional demeanor in boundaries
behavior; appearance; and
No social media
oral, written, and electronic
Maintain personal hygiene
Adhere to dress code
Maintain prompt
correspondence through e-mail
when necessary
Practice good note taking skills
Refiain flom inappropriate
Keep student(s) personal
information on a secured file

1 .4 Use technology ethically r Use work e-mail and work

and appropriately to phone when necessary to
facilitate oractice outcomes. communicate with students
outside scheduled coaching
o No communication through
social media

1 .5 Use supervision and o Maintain meetings w/supervrsor 5

consultation to guide to assess performance
professional iudgment and e Address concems
. Allow for teachable moments

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Ensase Diversity and Dafforence in Practice
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
2.'1 Apply and communicate
understanding of the r Awareness of student(s)
importance of diversity and background (upbringing,
difference in shaping life values, beliefs, interests, etc.)
exoeriences in oractice at o asking questions
the micro. mezzo. and
macro levels.
o addressing biases
o Use the knowledge and
understanding in order
to bctler servc clicnts in their
sociocultural environment.
. Being involved in community

2.2 Present themselves as 4 4

learners and engage clients . Meet client(s) rvhere they are at
and constituencies as
exoerts of their own
2.3 Apply self-awareness
and self-regulation to
manage the influence of Understand my own and
personal brases and values biases. leam how b control
in working with diverse those values and stereotypes,
clients and constituencies. and lirnit their intert-orence in
your praotice with all clients.

Advance Human Rishts and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justico
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
3.1 Apply understanding of
social, economic, and Identify agencies/organizations
environmental justice to that are available that can assist
advocate for human rights in students need
at the individual and system

3.2 Engage in practices that e Volunteering to help assist with

advance social. economic. cleanup after Hurricane
and environmental iustice. Matthew
e Social clubs, organizations that
are available in community
. Attend conferences, workshops,

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4. Engage ln Prac{lca.lnformcd Resarch and Resoarchinformed Practice
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
4.1 Use practice experience
and theory to inform Apply Critical Thinking Model
scientific inquiry and to practice, as well as other
research. theories based on the need of
the student(s)
Research and document
evidence-based practice models
that are relevant to the
population served by the

4.2 Apply critical thinking to 4

engage in analysis of o In supervision, discuss with
quantitative and qualitative fi eld supervisor research
research methods and findings and practice
research findings.
implications related to
evidence-based practice mode'ls,
. Plan and implanent an
evidenced-based practice
model, such as facilitating a
psycho-educational group

4.3 Use and translate Research and apply trends & 4

research evidence to inform practices to workload
and improve practice, Design and implement an
policy, and service delivery.
evaluative strategy for
determining intervention
effectiveness, and document

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5.Engage in Policy Prac-tice
Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
5.1 ldentify social policy at
the local, state, and federal o In supervision, identifu ways
level that imoacts well- clients experience oppression
being, service delivery, and
and discrimination when it
access to social services.
comes to accessing resources at
your agency or on a local, state,
or federal level; and discuss
your findings during

5.2 Assess how social o Conduct needs assessment of 4 4

welfare and economic student(s)
policies impact the delivery o Conduct SWOT Analysis of
of and access to social STAR

5.3 Apply critical thinking to

analyze, formulate, and o Become familiar with current
advocate for oolicies that political events by identifying
advance human rights and current policy issues. In
social. economic. and supervision, discuss the effects
environmental justice. ofthese issues on clients and
service delivery systems

6. Engage with Individuals, Families, Groupa, Organizations, e4C t9mEC4!9C

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
6.1 Apply knowledge of
human behavior and the Use of a genogram to gain an
social environment. oerson- in-depth understanding of past
in-environment, and other family history
multidisciplinary theoretical
frameworks to engage with
clients and constiluencies.
6.2 Use empathy, reflection, . Listening
and interoersonal skills to r Self-disclosure
effectively engage diverse o Sharing common interests
clients and constituencies.
o Select one interpersonal skill
and set a goal with measureable
strategies including evaluation
during the year to become more
effective in engaging clients.
o Keep a reflectivejoumal ofhow
I use my interpersonal skills to
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engage clients and share with
agency or faculty supervisor or
in the oracticum seminar

7. Individuals, Familles. Groups. Orqanizations. and Communities

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (l -5)
Student-Self Supervisor
7.1 Collect and organize r Assess clients for services / 4
data, and apply critical
thinking to inlerpret
information from clients and
7 .2 Apply knowledge of
human behavior and the r Assess previous instances &
social environment, person- apply lessons leamed to new
in-environment, and other clientele
m u ltid isciplina ry theoretical . Approaches that have worked
frameworks in interventions
with previous students
with clients and
7.3 Develop mutually Open discussion with students
agreed-on intervention of eoals and needs to be met
goals and objectives based
on the critical assessment
of strengths, needs, and
challenges within clients
and constituencies:
7.4 Select appropriate o Identify previous best practices
intervention strategies and incorporate
based on the assessment, . Be cognizant to new approaches
research knowledge, and
values and Dreferences of
clients and constituencies.

8. Intervene with Individuals, Families, Groups, Organizations. and Conrmuniffea

Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
8.1 Critically choose and
imolement interventions to . I will evaluate various
achieve practice goals and interventions across all levels of
enhance caoacities of practice (micro, mezzo, and
clients and constrtuencies. macro) in considering the best
response to meet client needs
and share my findings during
staff meetings and/or in
practicum seminar

8.2 Apply knowledge of J

human behavior and the . I will discuss client progress on
social environment, person- treatment goals and agency
in-environment, and other termination protocols during my
multidisciolinarv theoretical
Page 6 of 9
frameworks in interventions ongoing supervision in the
with clients and agency
8.3 Use inter-professional . open communication 4
collaboration as appropriate . autonomy
to achieve beneficial o mutual trust and respect
oractice outcomes.
o sharing skills and knowledge
8.4 Negotiate, mediate, and . Help student resolve any
advocate with and on behalf disputes he may have with other
of diverse clients and systems, such as family or
constituencies. school
8.5 Facilitate effective . Help student set timeline to
transitions and endings that reach attainable goal(s)
advance mutually agreed-
on ooals.

9. Evaluate Practice with lndividuals. Families. Groups. Omanizatione. and Communities

Practice Behaviors Tasks from Learning Contract Final Evaluation (1-5)
Student-Self Supervisor
9.1 Select and use o I will discuss with my J 4
appropriate melhods for supervisor how client
evaluation of outcomes. interventions can change as
client's situations shift.

9.2 Apply knowledge of

human behavior and the I will interview
a staff member
social environment, person- regarding agency history, how it
in-environment, and other has changed over the years, and
multidisciplinary theoretical why changes were made.
frameworks in the
evaluation of outcomes.

9.3 Critically analyze, o I will discuss the demographics

monitor, and evaluate of who seeks services at our
intervention and program agency with my supervisor
Drocesses and outcomes.
9.4 Apply evaluation . I will offer suggestions to my 4
findings to improve practice supervisor as to how the agency
effectiveness at the micro, could better reach populations
mezzo, and macro levels. or develop more sustainable

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Areas of Strength: David's greatest strength in this setting has been his ability to jump in and
help regardless of the task. Davrd shows great passion. He has a "carpe diem" allitude toward
his work experience. He is always able to find the positive. David has an excellent work ethic.
He is on time and always ready to contribute to whatever task is needed. David is devoted to
the helping professional and his eagerness shows in his conceptualization of what would work
best for students. David is warm and caring. David isn't afraid to ask questions and is willing to
listen to feedback thal is offered. David uses his experiences in a way that helps guide his
professional identity.

Areas for Growth: David will benefit from attending psychotherapy sessions to continue rn his
personal groMh in order to be effective working with future clients. David's issues with
boundaries will continue to be an issue until he is able to address them in a therapeutic setting.
David at times has attempted to manipulate in our setting to get his needs met. David's
continued groMh will be in the area of asking directly for what he needs and learning to accept
the word, no. David would benefit from continuing to work on his communication skills with his

Foundation I Semester Overall Evaluation

Student has excelled by performing above expectations of a BSW student.
Student has met expectations of a BSW student.
Student has not met expectations but there is evidence lhat improvements can be made
in order for student to meet expectations- A plan of correction has been discussed.
Student has not met expectations and has demonstrated serious problems in

Recommend Grade ?
Pass=P or Fail=F
Number of Cfock Hours Gomptet.a *DO (t+u s)v

Student Acknowledgment
I agree with the evaluation.
4, I disagree with the evaluation. (please explain below)

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Additional Student Comments:

Additional Field Supervisor/Task Insfuctor Comments:

Student Slgnature: Date:

Field Supervisor Date:
Signature (BSW): I l-3s - r-
Task Instruc'tor Signature
(if applicable):
Field Direc'tor Signature:
d4 Date:


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