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Dutch Trade & Investment Fund

DTIF is administered on behalf of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Do you want to do business abroad? And are you having trouble arranging the financing (in full)? The Dutch
Trade and Investment Fund (DTIF) is an investment fund for Dutch businesses seeking to invest in or export
to foreign markets. DTIF offers loans, guarantees, indirect equity investments and export financing. This
will quickly enable you to take the next step towards fulfilling your international ambitions.

DTIF: Investing and Exporting What is the difference between DTIF and DGGF?
DTIF comprises two parts: Investing and Exporting. DTIF is closely related to the Dutch Good Growth Fund (DGGF).
The three main differences are as follows:
The DTIF part Investing can provide support to you for foreign
investments in the form of loans, guarantees and (indirect) - DGGF focuses mainly on developing countries, whereas DTIF
equity investments with a repayment obligation. The focuses on the other foreign markets, except countries subject
Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( is the fund manager for to a sanctions regime of the Security Council and/or the
this part. European Union. These applications will be evaluated especially
carefully. The sanctions policy of the Security Council and/or the
Do you want to export capital goods to one or more of the DTIF European Union will be upheld in all cases.
countries? If so, the DTIF part Exporting offers an export credit - DTIF can prove maximum financing of 15 million for the
insurance and export financing. Atradius Dutch State Business is Investing part, while DGGF can provide up to 10 million.
the fund manager for this part. - DGGF focuses on Dutch SMEs and DTIF, in principle, serves all
Dutch businesses.
How can DTIF help me?
Banks are reluctant for various reasons to provide credit to Which scheme is applicable to me?
businesses seeking to invest abroad. These business loans can be DGGF and DTIF have a different country focus. Do you want to
comparatively risky for banks. On the one hand because they find out which financing scheme applies for the country you are
often involve small loans that are not very profitable for banks. dealing with? A list of countries is available for DGGF. You can
On the other hand the risk can be higher for investments in consult it via Is your country
certain countries. This reluctance is causing Dutch business to not listed? A single desk has been set up at that you can
miss out on opportunities. DTIF therefore offers financing contact with all your questions: tel. +31 (0)88 042 42 42.
options to businesses with a well-defined investment plan.
Am I eligible? What do I need to do to be eligible?
Does your bank qualify the financing risk of your investment as Do you meet the conditions? And do you believe that your
too high? But, project is eligible? If so, you can fill in a form via the website, which is called a quick scan, and send it at:
- You have a properly substantiated business plan and you offer
the prospect of repayment of the financing.
- Your business is established in the Netherlands and you have Follow-up
substantial activities here. This means that your Dutch An advisor from the Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( will
establishment achieves sufficient turnover and profit on then contact you by telephone as soon as possible and will
activities in the Netherlands, so that a co-financier also wants to discuss the completed quickscan.
provide financing. You will provide more information on your project plan. Our
- You preferably have a co-financier (for instance, a bank) and in advisor will evaluate whether it is feasible for DTIF and whether it
addition you will preferably contribute at least 20% yourself. is appropriate to initiate the application procedure for DTIF
- The market cannot, or only partly, facilitate your financing financing. The availability of other options may also be explored.
- Your activities are not on the FMO exclusion list.
- In your project execution, you adhere to the OECD guidelines
for multinational enterprises concerning corporate social

Netherlands Enterprise Agency (
2 Prinses Beatrixlaan
2595 AL The Hague
PO Box 93144
2509 AC l The Hague
T +31 (0)88 0424242

Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( | November 2016

Netherlands Enterprise Agency ( is an agency of the Dutch Ministry of

Economic Affairs. Netherlands Enterprise Agency implements policy for various
ministries in to the areas of sustainability, agricultural, innovation and
international business and cooperation. Netherlands Enterprise Agency is the
contact point for businesses, knowledge institutions and government bodies.
For information and advice, funding, networks and legislation and regulations.

This publication has been compiled with great care. Legal phrases have been
simplified for the sake of legibility. No rights may be derived from this brochure
or from the examples included in it. Netherlands Enterprise Agency is not liable
for the consequences resulting from the use of this brochure. Nothing from
this publication may be reproduced and / or published by means of printing,
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