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Numbers in Different Ways 2

Grade/Subject: Grade Two Math Unit: Representing Numbers in Different Ways Lesson Duration: 40


Overview of lesson: This lesson was designed with the understanding that although this is a new
unit, students have been practicing representing numbers in different ways all year and are familiar
with the ideas. The lesson uses simple thinking questions to help students connect todays material
with the work they have done in Number of the Day. The students will have a chance to
complete their worksheet from the previous class and begin working on representing numbers
using base ten blocks.

General Learning Outcomes:

2- Develop number sense.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

2.4- Represent and describe numbers to 100, concretely, pictorially and symbolically

Students will:
1. represent numbers up to 99 in expanded, standard, and pictorially through written/visual work.
2. understand that we can represent numbers in multiple ways through written/visual work and
class discussions

Class discussions
Thumbs up



Resource #1:
Resource #2:
Resource #3:


Dice for class (44 di)
Deck of cards divided for students (2 suits per students = 11 decks)
Worksheet x 2
Digital spinner

Introduction (10 min.):

1. Number of the Day

a. Give instructions
i. Send students to grab a whiteboard (each row can go, leadership style) and
set up their boards (4 quarters ask them to help me set up the large
ii. Fill in each quarter by representing the numbers in a different way (ensure
that base ten blocks are one way they are represented)
2. Today we are going to focus on just demonstrating the numbers in base ten block forms

Body (28 min.):

3. Spinner Practice
a. Students will receive a bag of base ten blocks (have students pick these up when
they put away whiteboards- remind them to wipe the boards off)
i. Using the big spinner have students take a turn coming up to board and
spinning wheel (two students can spin one for the tens spot the other for the
ones spot class of 22 means approximately 11)
ii. Each student will represent the number on their desk using the base ten
4. Base Ten sheet
a. Give directions for todays sheet
i. Name in top left
ii. Draw two cards write what number you see in the first box. One card
becomes your tens place and the other becomes your ones
iii. Have students colour in the base ten blocks in the second square to create
the number
5. Students can complete last classes worksheet
a. Explain instructions for worksheet
i. Name in top left
ii. Everyone will get two ten-sided dice
iii. Roll the dice and write what you see in the first box. One di becomes your
tens place and the other becomes your ones
iv. In the second box write the number in standard form
v. In the third box write the number using numbers and words and place value
all words
vi. In the last box write the number using math equations.
b. Have students work independently at desks
i. Explain if we cannot work nicely with the dice or cards, they should not be
going onto the floor or around classroom, I will pick them up and just give
everyone numbers
ii. Noise should be at a whisper and about math
iii. If you need help raise your hand
c. When done students will need to have it checked then can hand it in and work on
the sheet for today if completed everything begin working on

Closure (10 min.):

6. Have students hand in the worksheet and thumbs up
a. Thumbs up as a class if this was easy, middle if it was a little tough or thumbs
down if it was way too hard
b. When handing in worksheet be there and ask how it went and one thing they
Reflection (Student)
How did the lesson go? What was successful? What needs to change or be enhanced. Did
students achieve learning objectives?

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