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Discourse In College

How to be an Excellent
August 27, 2017

Product Overview
To be an excellent student one must acquire a Discourse, a way of being in the world,
Discourses are forms of life which integrate words, acts, values, beliefs, gestures, body
positions, and clothes. Discourses are identity kits which is ones costume and instructions on
how to act, talk, and often write. Each person has a different discourse, the type of person you
are determines your Discourse. What you do, your job, or even your social class can determine
the Discourse you have because those things determines the type of person you are.

Primary and Secondary

Primary Discourse is the first Discourse learned, it is learned to make sense of the world and
everyone has a Primary Discourse, it's our original home-based sense of identity. Secondary
Discourse can be either dominant or nondominant. Dominant Discourse is more related toward
the goods which includes money, status, and prestige. Non Dominant Discourse brings
solidarity toward a social network.

Mushfaking is what students do when they want to just make do. The students learn
strategies as well as using the knowledge they have already stored meta-knowledge and
couple those two things together to make-do with what they have going on at school.

How they differ from Disciplines.

Discourses are what give someone an identity, its how one would act, how they talk, or even
what they believe in. Discourses are determined on what you do like your job, social class, or the
peers you associate yourself with. Although Discourses have some similarities to disciplines.
Disciplines is how you learned right from wrong,

How to be an excellent student

To become a great student one needs to discover their many Discourses they have. Each
student has their primary Discourse which is discovered from their home-life and the identity
they gain from their home-life. Discourse doesnt stop there and when becoming a great student
one needs to also achieve some secondary Discourses. To gain more Discourses one needs to
gather more knowledge to add to who they are. By becoming an excellent student that person
needs to not only to use your knowledge within the class but also in other situations, the only
way to get better at something is practice.

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