The Book of Joshua: Recapping

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YT Lesson 7

The Book of Joshua


This new generation of Israel is now under the new leadership of Joshua. Moses
was the deliverer, redeemer, and law giver of the nation ~ a pictorial of the Covenant

Likewise, Joshua ~ the warrior following the Captain with the drawn sword is a
pictorial of the Covenant Son who is the Warrior Captain, the more than Conquering
Victor over the enemies of the nation.

The thirty days of weeping and mourning for Moses has ended. The sorrow of
loss is now exchanged with the joy of the anticipation of entering into the Promised

Joshua has been commanded from the LORD to Only be thou strong and very
courageous meditate day and night to do all that is written for the LORD thy God is
with thee whithersoever thou goest.

Since the day of Gods command to Pharaoh, Let my people go, the expedition
demonstrated very visibly that this was no project of human design.

The directions came directly from God; the obstacles for deliverance were
overcome by miraculous help; the daily sustenance was supernatural and the discipline
was dealt with by Divine wisdom.

For forty years, the wilderness has been their home ~ with the Glory cloud their
Divine GPS (Global Positioning System).

When the cloud was taken up from over the Tabernacle, the children of Israel
went onward in all their journeys; but if the cloud was not taken up, then they journeyed
not till the day that it was taken up.

For the cloud of the LORD was upon the Tabernacle by day, and fire was on it by
night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys (see Exodus 36-

Ownership of the land is unconditional ~ the land is Israels inheritance; however,

Israels possession of the land is conditional. Obedience to the word of the LORD God
is necessary for possession.

YT Lesson 7

The Details for Passing over this Jordan

As was mentioned in the last lesson concerning the introduction to Joshua it is

taken for granted that the reader has some understanding of the persons, places and
the subject of the figurative pictorials first declared in the heavenly revelation and in the
ceremonial law of the offerings.

Joshua chapter 1:10 thru chapter 3:2 are not chronological as to the story line,
but are the details provided for the reader as to the instructions given to the sons of
Israel before they passed over this Jordan.

For example the word and is a connective word. And connects to something that
has gone before with something that is coming.

Thus, the two ands of chapters 2, 3, And Joshua takes place before the
crossing of Jordan. The two ands of chapters 4 and 5, And it came to pass take
place before the destruction of Jericho.

Hence chapter 2 informs the reader of the instructions given to the spies sent out
from Shittim ~ the valley of the acacia trees, and of the spies exchange with the harlot
Rahab before the sons of Israel removed from Shittim and came to Jordan recorded in
Joshua 3:1.

Once the two spies returned to the camp at Shittim and told Joshua the son of
Nun all that befell them, the camp moved from the valley and came to the Jordan and
lodged there before they passed over. Verse 10 of chapter 1 picks up where verse 2 of
chapter 3 left off.

Preparation to Pass Over

Joshua 1:10 -11

Picture if you will the scene of the multitudes of Israelites along with the mixed
multitude that came with them from Egypt encamped on the eastern side of the Jordan,
on the plains of Moab, just north of the Dead Sea.

In three days they will pass over this Jordan to go in to possess the land. They
must prepare for the move, which involved the breaking of camp; pulling up tent stakes,
making food provisions, herding cattle; basically whatever arrangements the Israelites
would need to do in order to cross over the Jordan in three days.

YT Lesson 7

The Ordinal Three

Considering the message of the figurative language of Scriptural numerology, the

ordinal three speaks of resurrection and stands for that which is solid, real, complete
and entire.

The ordinal three is seen twice ~ first in the instruction of Rahab to the two spies
Get you to the mountain, lest the pursuers meet you; and hide yourselves there three
days (Joshua 2:16). Secondly, after the camp moves to the Jordan from Shittim ~
for within three days you shall pass over (Joshua 1:11; 3:2).

No more would they wander aimlessly in the wilderness. Figuratively seen within
the death and resurrection of the second-generation of Israel going into the Land of
Promise is the figurative pictorial of the Covenant people of God in the possession of
their inheritance of Gods Kingdom as His Covenant people.

After Joshuas command to the officers to pass through the host with the
command to get ready, the second order of business is the mobilizing of the tribes of
Reuben, Gad and the half tribe of Manasseh.

Joshua 1:12-15:

These three tribes had earlier agreed that in return for being allotted the rich
pastureland east of the Jordan, they would help their brethren possess the land west of
the Jordan before settling down in their own territories. Thus, Joshua recalls this
promise to their remembrance.

The Promise Made

Numbers 32:1-23:

There has been much speculation among commentators concerning the specific
request of the tribes to be given possession of the land Jazar and the land Gilead east
of Jordan and not to bring them over Jordan to enter into the Promised Land as an act
of rebellion.

However, several things need to be considered concerning the request:

1. Moses did not rebuke the tribes for their request but reminded them not to
discourage the hearts of the children of Israel.
2. The three tribes willingly and enthusiastically responded to Moses exhortation
with a spirit of devotion and cooperation to bear their arms of warfare ~ we
ourselves will go ready armed before the children of Israel.
3. When Israel crosses the Jordan (chapter 4) ~ symbolic of death and
resurrection ~ twelve stones were taken out of the midst of Jordan. Each
YT Lesson 7

stone was carried by a son of Israel, whom Joshua had prepared, and the
stone was carried to the lodging place.
4. Figuratively the stones picture their arrival in the Promised Land ~
symbolizing the resurrection ~ of the nation as a Covenant People.

Hence the staying put in the land is a prophetic pictorial of present day Israel as
not crossing the Jordan until they look on Him whom they have pierced to be born in a
day at the establishment of Gods Kingdom. Thus, the staying put on the east of the
Jordan and the crossing over are dual pictures of one truth. Israel is Gods people then
and now.

Mighty men of Valor

Having recently taken a census of all the men of war twenty years old and
upward (Numbers 26) the total number being 601,730 (Num.26:51), 110,580 of that
sum are from the two and a half tribes.

Thus the 40,000 mighty men of valor, that are mobilized from the two tribes of
Reuben and Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh recorded in chapter four (4:13) is less
than half of their men of war.

It must be interpreted that Joshua was not asking for all of the 110,580, as there
would need to remain some of the men of valor for the protection of the women, children
and the cattle that demanded guarding. Besides, mere numbers of warriors do not
determine victory. Evidently Joshuas battle plan did not necessitate more than 40,000
of their men.

With the calling of his brethren to arms they responded enthusiastically with a
spirit of devotion and cooperation.

The Promise Kept

Joshua 1:16-18:

Four things are clearly revealed in their response:

1. Their obedience; we will do, we will go, we will hearken

2. Their faith and hope; only the LORD God be with thee
3. Their intolerance of sin; he that shall rebel shall be put to death
4. Their encouragement; only be strong and of a good courage

These men are willing, ready and able to follow Joshua knowing that there would be
no victory without God. Their expectation is that Joshua is the LORD Gods man of the
hour. Their hope is in the LORD God.

YT Lesson 7

The Valley Shittim

Joshua 2:1a:

In the valley Shittim are acacias ~ the name Shittim means acacias. Shittim was
a valley very familiar to Israel. You will remember as previously mentioned the valley
was the place of rest after Israels two victories over the Amorite kings Sihon, and Og
king of Bashan where Joshua and the second-generation Israel gained military
experience before crossing the Jordan (Numbers 21:23-35).

Unfortunately, it was also the place where that same generation of Israelites
committed whoredom with the daughters of Moab and sacrificed unto their gods.
Nonetheless those things are past and with the return of the two spies the camp moves
to the Jordan and the buildup of excitement begins.

The Sending of Spies

Joshua 2:1a:

Like his brethren, Joshua has complete confidence in the LORD God to lead Israel
to victory, but the plans of military strategy require the calculated risk of casualties. The
bloody clashes of battle needed to be part of the projected campaign of conquest.

Spying out the land before launching the attack was not to doubt the LORD God; it
was to fulfill the obligation of wise military strategy as to the manner and course of the
battle, and then commit the outcome to the LORD God ~ faith works.

Not that Joshua is not a competent leader, its just that he is very mindful that the
conquering of the Promised Land will be by the hand of the LORD God. Psalm 44:3 For
they got not the land in possession by their own sword, neither did their own arm save
them; but Thy right hand, and Thine arm, and the light of Thy countenance, because Thou
hadst a favour unto them.

The Secret Mission

The Hebrew word used for secretly describes doing something without giving it
public exposure. Jericho was a city of Israels inheritance, meaning this city was not
offered peace.

Bakers Encyclopedia puts the inhabitants of Jericho as a combo of Hittites,

Jebusites, and the Amorites, which dwell in the hill country with Canaanites by the sea
and along the Jordan.

You will remember from previous lessons in Genesis 15 that due to the iniquity
of the Canaanites being so great that God not only had to drive them out of the land

YT Lesson 7

allotted them with the dispersion at the Tower of Babel, but He had to order the
complete extermination of them, which would be accomplished when the iniquity of the
Amorites was full and Gods nation was sent in to take the land now to be theirs
(Levticus18; Deuteronomy18:9-12; 20:1).

Thus, all in this city of Israels inheritance ~ all that breathed ~ none was to be
saved alive (see Deuteronomy18:9-12; 20:1). Hence now we have the reason the
mission was a secret mission.

Rahab the Harlot

Joshua 2:1b:

Now the most intriguing feature of chapter two is not the two spies, but the woman
named Rahab. The place of distinction held by Rahab in Israels history is twofold.

First: from her conversation with the spies comes the revelation of her confession of
faith I know that the LORD hath given you the land.

And then the necessary information that the LORD had melted the hearts of the
inhabitants of Jericho ~ your terror is fallen upon us, and all the inhabitants of the land
faint because of you for the LORD your God, He is God in heaven above, and in earth
beneath (vs.10, 11).

Second: Rahab is cited in the genealogical record of Jesus ~ the Son of the
Covenant and heir of the Kingdom of God (Matthew 1:5). Rahabs inclusion in the
genealogy is interesting to consider as she is not a daughter of Israel, but of the
descendants of one of the ite nations.

In most societies today, a harlot would be considered the lowest of humanity.

However, because Rahab is a descendant of one of the ite nations where the enormity
of the iniquity of the morality was depraved, prostitution in connection to the worship of
the host of heaven was big business and a prostitute held a certain status of honor as

The fact that the spies entered Rahabs establishment can only mean one thing
~ apparently these two men had a Divine appointment with the proprietor of this lodging

Clearly and unmistakably the two spies did not blend in with the rest of the
clientele. If this is a secret mission, why would they go to a harlots place of business
except by Divine appointment?

YT Lesson 7

Because the spies are Israelites it is assumed that they must have had good
intentions and because Rahab is a harlot ~ well then, what can one expect from a
prostitute except deception and lying?

My point in bringing this to our attention is not to cast doubt on the intentions of
the two spies but to see how easily swayed we are in our perception of things.

Obviously Joshua had asked the LORD God whom to send and although he had
instructed the men to spy secretly, these two spies answer to One higher than Joshua.

The Kings Men

Joshua 2:2-6:

Evidently, not too long after entering the establishment, the king of Jericho sent
his men to collect the spies. And as so many point out because Rahab is a harlot ~ what
can one expect from a prostitute except deception and lying? She lied to the kings men.

However, lets think about Rahab as most others do not. Instead of focusing on
the lie, lets remember the two-edged sword of her status. On the one side she is most
likely honored as a priestess and on the other side she is an outcast. It is in this last
aspect that she stands before the kings men ~ the lowest of society ~ a harlot.

Rahabs name means arrogance. When we think of an arrogant person we think

of a self-reliant, rude, proud person, and haughty in heart. In figure, the harlot is a
pictorial of the heart of humanity that willingly prostitutes itself in the worship of itself for
personal gain.

Who are standing before her? The kings men ~ arrogant, self-reliant, rude, proud
and haughty in heart. They have boldly barged into Rahabs establishment and
demanded she hand over the spies.

YetRahab standing in the face of opposition ~ willingly laid down her life for the
protection of Gods people. Telling the kings men that while it is true that the spies had
come in, she does not know where they have gone.

At the time of the shutting of the gate, when it was dark, the men went out ~ but
perhaps if the kings men pursue them quickly; they can overtake them. No matter what
she did to try to improve herself or how much money she would make, she would
always be in the eyes of humanity, a harlot.

One does not know for certain but perhaps her family might have even cut all ties
with her. Regardless, Im pretty sure she was a lonely and unloved woman. But on that
day, the love of God shone in her heart.
YT Lesson 7

Thus, what might have appeared to be a haughty spirit of defiant arrogance was in
reality a quiet confidence. Obviously Rahabs explanation to the kings men sounded
practical; so much so, they pursued the spies.

Why the Pursuit?

Here is an interesting thought; why do you suppose the kings men pursued the
two spies? Perhaps to try to make a peace treaty with Israel should the two spies
become prisoners?

After the people cross the Jordan and before Jericho is taken, chapter 5 says
that all the kings of the Amorites and all the kings of the Canaanites hearts melted,
neither was there spirit in them anymore because of the children of Israel.


Joshua 2:7:

So, it was, that the kings men pursued after the spies of Israel the way to the
Jordan: and as soon as they pursued after them the gate was shut ~ again!

Twice shut ~ first, at the time of the shutting of the gate when it was dark; then
as they pursued after the spies the gate was shut once again, never to be opened
(Joshua 2:5, 7).

The text is full of figurative language providing the image that there is no fortress
capable of shutting out the power of God. He is the Almighty One ~ the Judge of all the
earth. The walls of Jericho will come tumbling down!

After the kings men leave to pursue the spies Rahab shares with the two men
her testimony of faith.

Rahab the Justified

Joshua 2:8-11:

Rahab knew that the LORD had given Jericho to Israel. She knew of the terror
fallen upon the inhabitants ~ they heard how the LORD had dried up the water of the
Red sea when Israel came out from Egypt and of Israels victory of the two Amorite

With strength under control ~ meekness of humility ~ Rahabs hiding of the spies,
and the answer to the kings men witnessed to her faith in the God in heaven above
and in earth beneath.

YT Lesson 7

Seen in her manifestation of faith ~ the hiding the two spies is the confession of
her faith of God. Faith works by love.

In a few short sentences is the pictorial of Rahabs life. Faith comes by hearing and
hearing by the word of God. Hearing the Word ~ we have heard Rahabs life ~ her
character changed ~ I know the LORD. Rahab uses the personal name of God ~
LORD. That is the testimony of her faith she shares with the spies.

When the heart hears ~"YAHWEH is salvation" and responds, mixing with faith
what is heard ~ that same heart can receive the grace of God to be born a son of God
and there is a change of character.

Thus, though those nations of the ites slated for destruction would get the fruit
of their doing ~ never to recover as a nation it didnt mean individuals from these
nations werent spared.

Individuals who sided with Israel and believed into the living and true God would
not be destroyed, as can be seen in their names being recorded in Israels Scriptures
with careful note of their lineage. Rahab is the most prominent figure in the book of
Joshua to believe into the living and true God (see Joshua 2:11b, 6:17).

The Business of Flax

Joshua 2:6:

The fact that Rahab has flax drying on her roof top is a testimonial to her
business savvy. Flax is the plant that linen is made from.

Linen was an expensive fabric to manufacture usually worn by kings and priests
and reserved for rich clientele. This is a testament to the wealth and possible status of
Rahab. Thus, the everyday common individual did not purchase such luxury items.

The entire plant (roots and all) is used in the production of linen. The process of
producing linen is long and hard. Linen requires a lot of water in its production and
manufacturing into yarn and fabric as well as in its care.

Because the flax stalk is hollow it is able to absorb moisture readily making it not
only one of the strongest fibers, but also one of the heavier fibers. It increases about
20% in strength when wet and has very good wicking properties.

Due to its durability, it can absorb sound and for this reason it makes a good wall
covering. As linen does not have the electrostatic properties of many fibers, it does not
tend to attract lint, hair or other foreign particles as many textiles do, this means it stays
clean. The fabric becomes softer, whiter and more luminous (shiny) with each washing.

This concludes the lesson.


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