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Teaching Professional Growth Plan:

Cardston High School Fall 2017-2018

Teacher: Aleisha Reimer Dates: September 5th-December 22nd
Teacher Mentor: Coralee Williams and School: Cardston High School
Michelle Murray
Address: 145 - 4th avenue W., Box 2790,
Administrator: Austin Nunn Cardston, AB, T0K 0K0
Teaching Quality Standard or School Leader Competency (Include reference number):
The two main TQS that I hope to meet during my semester teaching at Cardston High School
will focus on implementing formative feedback strategies that individualizes the learning of
high school students. The reference numbers are: TQS e) and TQS i). By the end of the semester
I also hope to reach outcome TQS p) as I reflect upon my new knowledge, learning, and

Goal #1 Strategies and Timeline:

My goal for this year is to focus on Strategies that I hope to try:
implementing formative feedback
strategies that focus on meeting the needs -Beginning the school year with an activity that will
of each individual student that will provide instill confidence in my students that they can
different paths for all of my students to reach achievement through hard work and
follow. dedication.
-Introducing formative feedback in the first week
TQS Focus and PPCSL:
of teaching so that there is ample time for me to
work with students on corrective measures that
i) there are many approaches to teaching and
learning. They know a broad range of will benefit their learning later on.
instructional strategies appropriate to their (Lessons>feedback>corrective
area of specialization and the subject measures>summative assessment)
discipline they teach, and know which -Formative feedback will be delivered with
strategies are appropriate to help different comments and individualized corrective measures
students achieve different outcomes. for compositions, essays, tests, etc.
-Spiralling will be used throughout the year to
e) all students can learn, albeit at different provide students with numerous opportunities to
rates and in different ways. They know how demonstrate learning of previous material on each
(including when and how to engage others) to upcoming summative assessment by building upon
identify students different learning styles and
skills and knowledge from previous lessons.
ways students learn. They understand the
need to respond to differences by creating - More time will be allotted for corrective
multiple paths to learning for individuals and measures in class, thus, encouraging students to
groups of students, including students with take their learning into their own hands and to
special learning needs. make their learning personal.

Resources: Indicators of Success/Expected Outcomes:

-Students will become adept at recognizing
-Anne Davies Making Classroom errors/areas for improvement and will be able to
Assessment Work implement corrective measures with less teacher
-The Alberta Governments Teaching -The time frame needed for corrective measures
Quality Standard Applicable to the will shorten, allowing the time allotment for
Provision of Basic Education in Alberta learning to lengthen.
-Students will show more confidence in their
-PD session with Dr. Thomas R. Guskey writing abilities and will become more attentive
during the lesson (learning) periods because the
harder they work during instructional periods, the
less work they will have during the corrective
Measures: How will the achievement of this goal be measured? How will you prove it has
been met?
I will measure the achievement of this goal through the evidence of increased performance on
student essays, compositions, and tests that I collect. I will pay extra close attention to students
answers on test questions that have spiralled from previous exams. I will keep records of areas
in writing that certain students need to improve in and will document all progress made.

Based on my professional practice and my observations of student learning . . .

Outcome at Year End Reflections Outcome at Year End Implications

-I have found that teaching my students how -I found that the time frame for corrective
to use the formative feedback that they measures on projects shortened a bit.
received became the most important lesson However, I realized that the skill of taking
that they could have learned. feedback and applying it to ones work is
-The students learned what good feedback time consuming.
looked and sounded like and I saw a drastic -I see now that this is a skill that my students
change in the way the students commented will be working on throughout their high
on the work their classmates completed. school careers because it takes time to
-Peer-feedback became a powerful tool that develop the skills necessary to identify
pushed the students to take the formative mistakes in writing.
feedback they received more seriously.

What should I do more of? What should I do less of?

-In the future, I will do even more peer- -Next time, I will do less formative feedback
teaching and peer-review on assignments. on tests. Instead, I will encourage students to
When this skill is properly demonstrated and uncover the appropriate corrections. This will
the students learn how to emulate it, they also allow for more peer-teaching to occur

begin to see the positive side of feedback while simultaneously fostering independence
because the changes they make based on the in my students.
comments improves their writing immensely.

In keeping with TQS p), I have begun to see the importance of guiding my actions with a
personal, overall vision of the purpose of teaching. I believe in the power of formative
assessment and have seen first-hand the success that students achieve when they practice the
corrective measures and learn to identify errors and areas for improvement in their own work.
After guiding and watching my students growth over the semester, I have gained new insight
into the power of peer-teaching. The students seem to appreciate what their peers say, and the
corrections become more personal when someone in the same position as you (a grade nine or
ten student searching for success) offers advice on how to improve your work. Students
seemed to be more confident that they could achieve a higher standard when someone their
age believed that they could as well.

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