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Name Morgan Martucci Date 7/22/17

School Williams Middle School Lesson # 11

Grade 7 Class size 16 Class/Time 8:30 - 9:21

Unit/Theme Nutrition Lesson Focus 6 Food Groups

Objectives (must be measurable, use action verbs and include elements of success)
Cite appropriate standards from MA Comprehensive Health Curriculum Frameworks
By the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

Identify the 6 food groups by answering questions on a quiz at the end of the nearpod
presentation (National Standard 1, MCHCF 1.7).

Explain why it is important to consume these nutrients by answering questions on a quiz at the
end of the nearpod presentation (National Standard 1, MCHCF 1.7).

Materials/Supplies/Lesson Preparation
Nearpod Presentation
16 Chromebooks

Special Accommodations (How will the special needs of individual students be met?)

Students are able to work at their own pace through the presentation/quiz

I will be walking around the classroom answering questions as they come up

References/Resources (include books, articles, websites, etc.)

Opening (activator/instant activity)

Tell the students that they are going to be learning about the food groups today and what
nutrients you get from eating from the different types of food.

Have students get their chromebooks and log in to their account as soon as they walk into the
Procedures Step by step description of teaching strategies/methods/pedagogy to be used.
(Include time frame for each activity, transitions, extensions/adaptations, cooperative learning
techniques jig saw, pair/share, etc.)
1. Instant Activity 5 minutes - Have two volunteers come up to the board and write down
the 6 essential nutrients and the 6 food groups. They can ask their classmates for help if
they get stuck.
2. Student paced Nearpod presentation 20 minutes - Students will complete the assigned
nearpod presentation at their own pace. They will go through the slides and answer the
questions/quiz on the application.
a. When the students finish they can work on the nutrition word scramble worksheet
on their own
3. Food Journal 15 minutes - Students will use what they have learned from the presentation
to make a food journal from 1 day last week. They will take out a piece of paper and
write down everything that they can remember that they ate in one day and put the food
into their food groups.
4. Class discussion 5 minutes - Ask for volunteers to say which food groups they ate the
most and which ones that they need to eat more of.

List Assessment(s) informal or formal how do you know they have learned the desired
content and you have achieved your objectives?

Informal - Walking around while the students are working on their nearpod activities and answer
questions that may arise.

Formal - Nearpod quiz

Formal - Food journal

Class discussion will serve as a closure for this lesson

Notes/Reflection (to be completed right after you finish teaching a particular lesson)
What did you accomplish? How much did the students learn? What would you leave the same
and what might you change in the future to improve this lesson?

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