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N479 Professional Activity Evaluation Form

Your Name: Danielle Schulz Date of Activity: 11/16/2017 Faculty name: Mary OConnell

Describe the community service/professional activity/s you attended or participated with (be

specific about the purpose and your role):

The professional activity that I attended was an ACLS training and certification class with

Eclipse Training. This class is put in place to give hands-on, active participation with different

learning stations and clinical simulations to teach and reinforce concepts of basic life support,

early and late management of cardiac arrest conditions, treating and managing ischemic chest

pain, and management of stokes. After the education portion, we then took a 50 question test, as

well as demonstrated our learned clinical skills on mannequins, in order to test our competencies

to get our certificate. The instructor tested our knowledge of CPR training, as well as recognizing

different ECG rhythms, and what treatments/medications to provide based on our recognition of

those rhythms.

Where was this held and what was was program/activity length?

This class was a total of 8 hours including the pretest knowledge level, the educational portion,

the skills demonstrations, and the posttest. The class was held on Speedway Blvd. in one of

Eclipses in-class buildings. There were 9 of us participating in the class, with one instructor who

was able to give us one-on-one instruction.

Discuss the value of this experience to you (be specific).

This activity was extremely beneficial as a soon-to-be RN. As a nurse you never know when you

will be faced with a life-saving opportunity, and it is so extremely important to be educated and
prepared enough to jump into action to best care for the patient. I feel so much more comfortable

and confident with dealing with cardiac arrest and stoke patients after this class. I want to be

prepared to take action if I am placed in a situation where life support is needed and I do not

want to regret not being able to save a life because I am not educated enough.

Would you recommend this specific communnity/professional experience in the future; why or

why not? (Describe)

I would definitely recommend this professional experience in the future. Many RNs have to take

this class to work in certain units, but I think it is important for every health care worker to take

to prepare for any situation in which a life can be saved. You never know when you might be put

in a situation where a patient is in cardiac arrest, as it is so important to be confident and

knowledgeable enough to perform the management and treatment techniques to give the patient

the best chances for survival.

Brochure or proof of attendance obtained? Yes Signature on validation of clinical hours

form obtained? Yes

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