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Service Dogs: The Basics


What is a
service dog?

Service V O L U M E 1 , I S S U E 1 1 0 / 2 7 / 1 7

Animal vs.

What is a service dog?

support dog

ADA Laws
According to the Americans with Service Dogs train from the mo-
Disabilities Act (ADA) a service ment they can finally be away
Service Dog dog is a dog that is individually from their mom. It can take up to
Misconcep- trained to do work or preform two years just to learn the skills
tions tasks for a person with a disabil- needed for public access. Then
ity. they have advanced training and
regular refreshing to keep their
skills sharp. Training never ends
Service dogs have been trained to
for these heroes.
work with one specific type of per-
son and what they have been
trained to do depends on the type Service dogs save lives and have
of disability the individual has. become an integral part of their
handlers lives. They provide un-
ADA Laws 2
conditional support, love, and a
Many disabilities can use the aid of
Public Access
source of optimism for their han-
2 a service dog including physical
dlers. Often increasing their inde- are given public access. (Check
disabilities, visual or hearing impair-
Show me the 2 pendence and quality of life. out pg. 2 for more information)
ments, autism, medical conditions
paperwork They go everywhere with their
or not? like seizures or diabetes and diag-
handler and do what they do
nosed psychiatric disorders like Since these dogs play such an
best. To their handlers these
3 PTSD. important role in people living
Misconceptions dogs are irreplaceable.
with disabilities, all service dogs
about Service

Dont Distract,
Service Dogs are
Emotional support animal vs. A service dog
There are many differences be- are not granted public access; The difference between these two
What do service 3 tween a service dog and an emo- later in this newsletter we go distinct animals has caused many
dogs do? tional support animal, even into what this means. issues. Most people do not know
Sparkys Service though people use the term in- the difference and improperly
terchangeably. An individuals trained support animals can leave a
doctor can prescribe an emo- Emotional support animals do bad reputation on the service dog
tional support animal. Yet, these provide comfort and relief to community.
animals are not trained in specific owners with psychiatric disabili-
ties so this does not mitigate Overall, both animals have an
tasks for their handler. There- important job, just much different
fore, these animals are not pro- their importance in individuals
lives. from each other.
tected under the Americans with
Disabilities Act. This means they

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Laws

According to the ADA: In situations where it is not obvi- These laws helps those with disa-
privately owned businesses ous it is a service animal, staff bilities to not be discriminated
that serve the public, such as may ask only two specific ques- against. Those living with a disa-
restaurants, hotels, retail tions: bility just need extra support that
stores, taxicabs, theaters, 1. Is the dog a service animal their service animal provides.
concert halls, and sports facili- required because of a disabil- Their service animal is a necessity
ties, are prohibited from dis- ity? not a want.
criminating against individuals 2. What work or task has the
with disabilities. The ADA dog been trained to per- If you have any more questions
requires these businesses to form? about laws regarding service dogs
allow people with disabilities you can visit this ADA frequently
to bring their service animals Staff are not allowed to request
any documentation for the dog, asked question website.
onto business premises in
Service Dog holding whatever areas customers are require that the dog demonstrate
their leash generally allowed. its task, or inquire about the na- qasrvc.htm
ture of the person's disability.

Public access
There is no such Public Access is not as complicated Service dogs are trained to be polite
The only exception to this rule is
as it seems from first glance. It and in public. Service dogs must take a
thing as service simply is where the handler and
religious establishments, some gov-
test to confirm they can enter and
ernment buildings and places the
dog paperwork their service dog can go together. exit a building safely, will not wander
public is not normally allowed.
This is their access to the public. off, come when called and ignore
and to ask food, distractions and loud noises.
You also cannot charge a service dog
someone for it is A service dog is allowed to go
team more for a service or accom-
anywhere in public that their han- It can take up to two years of training
rude and modation. For example, a service dog
dler can go. This includes but not for service dogs to learn these skills.
team does not have to stay in a pet-
limited to restaurants, amusement After all they represent the entire
disrespectful friendly room in a hotel or pay extra
parks, movie theaters, malls, and service dog community and must mas-
for the service dog in an apartment.
grocery stores. It is ILLEGAL to ter these skills in order to serve their
deny access to a service dog team. handler properly.

Show me the paperwork...Or Not?

Contrary to popular belief, learned earlier you can ask a the years of training the service dog has
service dogs are not registered handler two questions end of acquired but to the handlers needs with
within any sort of database. story. Yet, businesses do re- their disability.
There is no such thing as ser- serve the right to say no to a
This is NOT a requirement. vice dog paperwork and to ask handler team ONLY if the dog is
These IDs are often FAKE! someone for it is rude and dis- disruptive or behaving poorly. Remember, handlers are allowed to
respectful. Denying a service have their dogs without paperwork un-
dog public access is ILLEGAL der ADA laws. Be polite and dont ask
under the ADA and there does Denying a service dog team for something that is not required. Edu-
not need to be any proof of a access because of the service cate yourself on ADA laws and ask the
disability or training. As you dog itself, is insulting not only to correct questions.



Common Misconceptions about Service Animals

All service dogs help the visually All service dogs must wear a Service dogs never have time
impaired. vest. to have fun and be a dog.
False. Most handlers have the ser- Many service dogs have lots of
False. Not all dogs are guide dogs. vice dog wear a vest to alleviate downtime and plenty of time to
Most are skilled in many fields like: problems. Such as unwanted petting play. Plus, they know they do an
or distractions, but it is not important job and get to go every-
Behavior Disruption Dogs can be required. where with the person the love.
trained to alert to scratching, hitting
ect. Behaviors that could harm That service dog is laying down Only certain dog breeds can be
someone with a disability. so it cant really be working. Service Dogs.
Service dogs may not always look Nope. Service dogs can come in all
Emergency Medical Response Some like theyre working but many are shapes and sizes. Golden Retriever
service dogs can detect seizures, trained in all sorts of different tasks. to Chihuahua, as long as they help
blood sugar drops, heart rate Just because it doesnt look like someone with a disability they can Remember a
increase, and more before a machine they are working doesnt mean they be a service animal. Most often
can. arent. Dont forget dogs need a bigger breeds are used, but that service dog is
rest every once and a while too, so does not dismiss the small ones in
This is just a small example, Service sitting down isnt frowned upon. the bunch. like a piece of
Dogs are trained to do many jobs!

Dont Distract, Service Dogs are life-saving


you wouldnt

take someones
A public service announcement: The #1 thing to remember is that a When you distract a service dog wheelchair
PLEASE DONT DISTRACT OUR service dog is NOT a pet but a life- you could be seriously harming the
DOGS! saving animal. Their job is to alert person living with the disability. away.
and save people from situations The best thing to do when you see
This includes: that could be deadly otherwise. a service dog is leave them alone.
Making kissy noises Such as a blood sugar drop, seizure,
or fainting spell. They have a very important job to
Trying to catch their attention do and getting in the way of that
job can really hurt someone else.
Offering them food A service dog is like a piece of
medical equipment you wouldnt Think of others first, dont distract.
Trying to pet them
take someones wheelchair away.

What do service dogs do?

Service dogs are amazing and will Heel Walk right next to their Open Service dogs can open
learn more than 100 commands handler, never pulling doors and hit ADA buttons
before they are done training. Most
Leash where they will pick up Go to the bathroom Most
service dogs will learn skills specific
and hand the leash to their service dogs will learn to go to
to their handler; but these are
handler the bathroom on command.
some basics.
This is so they will never have
Close Service dogs learn to
Sit an accident inside or at a time
close doors, cabinets and even
Down or place that is not appropri-
ate. This also stops them from
Stay marking their territory.
I wrote this newsletter because the public is truly not in- Tori Bate
formed of what a service animal is and what support they Email:

provide. I wanted something that helped people under-

stand the importance of a service animal.

I also wanted to break some of the common misconcep-

tions that people have about service animals. There is no
specific look or breed that a service dog must follow.
Hopefully you learned a little something and can help
spread the positive message about service dogs in general.

Tori Bate Publisher Application

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Sparkys Service Dog Logo
Portions of this newsletter are used under Fair Use Guidelines. Service Dog on Front Page
Further distribution or duplication is prohibited.
Service Dog Holding Leash
Service Dog ID

Sparkys Service Dogs

Did this newsletter spark your Activities you can participate in:
interest in the wonderful world of Puppy Petting Session
Service dogs? Would you like to
meet some Service Dogs and see Handler Training Class
what theyre learning? Sparkys Where you can learn how to
Service Dogs is a Club on the teach Service Dogs in Train-
Tempe Campus that is dedicated ing skills that they will need.
to training future service dogs. Tabling Raising awareness of
They meet the first Monday of Service Dogs and their job
every month. Puppy Birthday Parties
And so much more.
This club is really fantastic for any-
one interested in learning more
about Service dogs.

To learn about the next club meet-

ing visit them on Facebook at:
Sparkys Service Dogs at ASU

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