* Essay Writing 은 사회적으로 일반화된 이슈가 많이 등장 (돈, 성공 등) ! * 단어는 Quality-Based "NO"! Variety-Based "YES"!

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Agree or Disagree (5)

* Essay Writing (, )!
* Quality-Based NO! Variety-Based YES!

---Part 1---


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Only people who earn a lot of
money are successful. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Pros Cons
- Capitalism money means success. - Success has been accomplished in
- Earn money spend money for the good of diverse fields such as science, music,
society respect, satisfaction success. literature - without money being involved
success, respect.
- People, who have earned millions of
dollars by using inappropriate methods,
cannot be considered as successful. other
valuable aspects respect, ethic.
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[Model Essay]

: ( )
There has been an argument regarding the issue that having a huge amount of
money ensures people's success. // Some people maintain that ones accumulated
wealth is the most essential element in judging ones success. // However, from my
perspective, money cannot be used as the standard of determining ones success. In this
essay, I will present two reasons for my idea. //

---Part 2---

1: Topic (fact progress - outcome) Topic

First of all, there are myriads of people that succeeded in the world without
earning much money. // In general, success has been accomplished in diverse fields
such as science, music, literature and so on without the help of money. // For example,
think of the eminent Thomas Alva Edison. As we all know, he is well known as a prominent
inventor. He contributed to our life by inventing beneficial instruments such as the electric
bulb and the phonograph. // The electric bulb for one case enabled people to carry out
numerous tasks during the nighttime. // That is, it contributed in extending peoples

operating hours. Therefore, he obviously achieved success in his life, not because of the
money he earned but because of his talent. // Thus, success is determined by other
important components rather than just by money. //

2: Topic () Topic
Moreover, people, who have earned millions of dollars by using inappropriate
methods, cannot be considered as successful. // Generally speaking, the criterion of
success is of course different for each person. However, success obtained through
unethical ways cannot possibly be regarded as success in the true sense of the word. //
To illustrate, let us assume that there are some skillful gamblers or speculators. Gamblers
can win an illegal game and become a millionaire at once. Speculators also can earn a
great amount of money through inappropriate means such as speculating for a rise or fall.
Then, in this situation, do you think they are successful people to whom we should look up
to? Of course, the answer is no. // As we can see, success should eventually be judged
on a moral basis. //

---Part 3---

: Recommendation
In conclusion, I strongly disagree with the opinion that only people who earn a lot
of money are successful. // This is because there are indeed successful people such as
scientists, educators, clergymen and so forth in our society, who have not accumulated a
great amount of wealth. Also, the rich who have made money unlawfully cannot be
regarded as successful. // Hence, money cannot be used as the one and only standard
of determining ones success. //


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accumulated <ad>
myriads of <adj. phrase>
diverse <ad> ,
eminent <ad> ,
criterion <n> , ,
unethical <ad> ,
unlawfully <ad> ,
one and only

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