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iBT TOEFL Listening

Chapter 4: Categorizing Information & Multiple Choices (3)

12: Biology: Diabetes

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Part 1: (1)
(1) Hi, folks. Welcome. Today we are going to learn about diabetes. It's a disease which is
becoming more and more common in North America. However, it's not nearly so prevalent
in Asian countries. It's generally believed that the North American lifestyle is the contributing
factor. Now, let's just take a brief look at the lifestyle of the average North American person
if there is such a thing.
* Diabetes in North America lifestyle is the reason
Key Words & Expressions
* prevalent: common, widespread

(2) In general, people don't walk anywhere because they drive cars; people eat out a lot
and buy fast foods like hamburgers and fried chicken; portions in fast food restaurants are
getting bigger and bigger; and things like potato chips and buttered popcorn seem to be a
favorite snack.
* Not walk - eat out buy fast foods like h & f / ff restaurants bigger / pc & bp - snack
Key Words & Expressions
* in general: generally
!!! fried buttered /d/ .

(3) The thing is that diabetes can be avoided by eating healthy food and exercising
regularly. If everyone did this then we wouldn't have to think about love handles and diets
as we would all be slim and trim. It's the weight increase that has a lot to do with
developing diabetes.
* Healthy food exercise regularly / weight increase
Key Words & Expressions
* avoid: prevent
* slim: attractively thin
* trim: slim

iBT TOEFL Listening

* have to do with: be of relevance to

(4) There are two types of diabetes. The one known as type 1 is more severe. It can result
in the lack of blood circulation, blindness, kidney failure and heart disease. People with
type 1 diabetes catch other viruses from others like the flu and pneumonia easier than
people who do not have diabetes.
* Type 1 lack of blood circulation blindness - kidney failure heart disease viruses
like the flu & pneumonia
Key Words & Expressions
* severe: having serious consequences

Part 2: (2)
(5) You see, what happens is that with type 1 the pancreas can't make or doesn't make
enough insulin. Insulin is important to the body because it turns sugar into energy. If there
is not enough insulin or none at all, the body has to be given some.
* The pancreas - not enough insulin / insulin - sugar into energy
Key Words & Expressions
* insulin: a HORMONE secreted by the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS in the PANCREAS, which
controls the concentration of sugar in the blood. A lack of it causes DIABETES

(6) Well, what about type 2? Is it as bad or even worse? // No, it's not so bad at all. The
person may have no clue at all they have it. In fact, it would probably take a while to figure
it out.
* Type 2 no clue they have it
Key Words & Expressions
* clue: a fact or circumstance which helps towards the solution of something
* figure out: begin to understand
!!! bad at all .

(7) Are there any other signs? // There's a few. Being thirsty all the time, having to go to the
bathroom a lot, getting tingling sensations in hands and feet, losing weight for no reason,
having no get-up-and-go, fuzzy eyesight and acne boils that keep coming back.

iBT TOEFL Listening

* Thirsty- bathroom- tingling losing weight no get-up & go fuzzy eyesight acne
Key Words & Expressions
* tingling: feeling a prickling or slightly stinging sensation, as with cold or embarrassment
* fuzzy: blurred
* acne: a skin disorder
* boil: a reddened and often painful swelling in the skin (/)
!!! . .

Part 3:
Now get ready to answer the questions. You may use your notes to help you answer.
1. Click in the correct box for each statement.
Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes
It can make you blind. v
You may not know if you have it v
The pancreas doesnt make enough insulin. v
It is easier to get the flu than other people. v
(1) The one known as type 1 is more severe. It can result in the lack of blood circulation,
blindness, kidney failure and heart disease.
(2) Well, what about type 2? Is it as bad or even worse? // No, it's not so bad at all. The
person may have no clue at all they have it.
(3) You see, what happens is that with type 1 the pancreas can't make or doesn't make
enough insulin
(4) People with type 1 diabetes catch other viruses from others like the flu and pneumonia
easier than people who do not have diabetes.

2. According to the lecture, which of the following can be included in ?he North American
lifestyle'? (Click on 2 answers)
(A) North Americans like to walk.
(B) North Americans drive cars.
(C) North Americans love hamburgers and fried chicken.
(D) North Americans love to relax and smell roses.
In general, people don't walk anywhere because they drive cars; people eat out a lot and

iBT TOEFL Listening

buy fast foods like hamburgers and fried chicken.

1. .
(1) .
(2) .
(3) .
(4) .

[] , 1
2 .
(1) . (1 )
(2) . (2 )
(3) . (1 )
(4) . (1 )

2. ' ' ? (2)

(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) .

[] the North American lifestyle

[] (B), (C)

(( ))

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iBT TOEFL Listening

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. 1

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: 2 ? 1 ?

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: ?

iBT TOEFL Listening

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: ?

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: ?

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: ? ?

: . , , .

love handle / pancreas / go overboard ,
/ get-up-and-go / boil , / acne

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