Chapter 3: Making Inferences (1) : 제 5회차: The Supreme Court

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Chapter 3: Making Inferences (1)

5: The Supreme Court

(Inferences) evidence clue

Which of the following can be inferred about? / The author of
the passage implies that . / Which of the following can be inferred from ?
Supreme Court
. 8 1 , 9 .

The Supreme Court of the United States was established by Article III of the US
Constitution and held its first session on February 2, 1790. The court sits in Washington
and handles matters appropriate to the highest court in the land, including the
interpretation of federal statutes. The primary function of the court, however, is principally
as a court of appeal. The Supreme Court reviews the decisions of lower federal courts
and the highest state courts and may resolve private law suits if lower courts have
disagreed. The Supreme Court has complete authority over all US courts and has original
jurisdiction in cases which a public minister, ambassador, or consul is a party.

-When and how the Supreme Court was established and its role.
-The court sits in Washington ~ = The court is located in Washington ~
-~handles matters = deals with matters
-constitution (= the fundamental law of the United States, framed in 1787, ratified in
1789, and variously amended since then)
-jurisdiction (= the right and power to interpret and apply the law)

The court is composed of eight associate justices and the chief justice, all of
whom are appointed by the president with consent of the senate. Appointment is for life
and justices can only be removed by resignation or impeachment. The court is in session
from October until May or June and issues decisions by majority vote, although any justice
may issue a dissenting opinion.

-The members of the Court and session
-be composed of: ~
-~eight associate justices and the chief justice, all of whom~ whom eight
associate justices and the chief justice .
-be appointed by: ~
-with consent = with agreement
-be removed by: ~
-senate (= the upper house of the United States Congress)
-impeachment (= the legal process of removing an undesirable person from office)

The Court plays a key role in the functioning of US democracy as it interprets the
US Constitution. The Constitution specifies three branches of government: the executive,
the legislature and the judiciary of which the Supreme Court is the highest organ. Because
of its role in interpreting the Constitution, and the large amount of power it wields, the
Court has an important de facto policy making role. Decisions on matters such as racial
segregation, abortion, and states rights have been rendered by the court and have
changed the American political and social landscape.

- The court role in the Constitution
-play a role in: ~
-the executive, the legislature, and the judiciary: , ,
-because of +
-have been rendered = have been given

-de facto (= existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not)
-segregation , (= systematic isolation of one group, especially a racial or ethnic
minority, from the rest of society)

de facto: existing in fact whether with lawful authority or not

Question 1:
What can be inferred from paragraph 1 about the Supreme Court?
(A) It is under the jurisdiction of other federal and state courts.
(B) It hears mostly cases dealing with inconsequential matters.
(C) It is higher in rank than other federal and state courts.
(D) It does not have very defined functions.

Question 2:
What can be inferred from paragraph 2?
(A) Supreme Court judges change frequently.
(B) The president and the senate often disagree over appointments.
(C) Supreme Court decisions require a unanimous vote.
(D) Supreme Court judges don't change frequently.

Question 3:
What can be inferred from the last paragraph 3 about the Supreme Court?
(A) It rules on matters chiefly of interest to legal scholars.
(B) It rules on matters that concern large numbers of Americans.
(C) It establishes the constitution of the United States.
(D) It is part of the executive branch of government.

Question 4:
What can be inferred from this passage about the role of the Supreme Court?
(A) The Supreme Court deals mostly with Criminal matters.
(B) The Supreme Court deals mostly with constitutional and public policy matters.
(C) The Supreme Court deals mostly with presidential matters.
(D) The Supreme Court deals only with racial segregation, abortion and states

1. ?
(A) .
(B) .
(C) , .
(D) .

[] The Supreme Court reviews the decisions of lower federal courts and
the highest state courts
[] (C)

2. ?
(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) .

[] Appointment is for life

[] (D)

3. ?
(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) .

[] Decisions on matters such as racial segregation, abortion, and

states rights .
[] (B)

4. ?
(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) , , .

[] its role in interpreting the Constitution Decisions on matters
such as racial segregation, abortion, and states rights
. (D) only .
[] (B)


3 1790 2 2
. .

. , ,
. 10 5 6

. ; , ,
. ,
. , ,

establish / session / appropriate / statute / primary /
function / appeal , / resolve / authority / jurisdiction
/ minister / ambassador / consul / be composed of ~ /
associate / chief ~ / appoint / consent / senate / resignation
/ impeachment / in session / majority / vote /
dissenting / play a role in ~ ~ / democracy /
interpret / Constitution / specify / executive / legislature
/ judiciary / organ / wield / de facto
segregation / abortion / render

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