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Chapter 2: Inserting Sentences (1)

3: Computer Generated Imagery

(Inserting Sentences) iBT TOEFL Reading

1 .
CGI Computer Generated Imagery , .
, Futureworld(1976), Terminator. Toy Story .

The advent of the computer has brought about a revolution in almost all areas of
our lives. 1. () One industry that has been revolutionized by computers is the motion
picture industry. Computers have forever changed the way movies are made. 2. () In just
a few short years, special effects that would have cost millions of dollars and taken years
to develop can now be made much more cheaply and quickly. 3. () The special effects
in movies such as Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Pixar films like Toy Story and The
Incredibles were created almost entirely by computers. 4.() Technology has come a
long way to help filmmakers reproduce onscreen the fantastic visions in their imagination.

-One industry that has been revolutionized by computers is the motion picture industry.
-has brought about: ~
-almost every[always]: []
-Computers would have changed the ways (that) movies are made.
-take + : ~
-come a long way:
help + + [to]: ~
-advent , (= arrival)
-reproduce (= to produce a counterpart, image, or copy of)


There was a time when directors were very limited in how to create things on
screen. 1. () But what if the subject of the movie was a gigantic reptile that destroyed a
major city? 2.() In the past, the director would have to film a guy in a rubber suit or a
miniature version and hope they didn't look too fake. But now with Computer Generated
Imagery (CGI), a director can create images which look almost as real as the real thing.
3.() CGI lets directors have a realistic-looking giant reptile destroy a realistic major
American city without having to find a life-size giant reptile or destroy a real American city.
Whether it is a giant reptile, soaring starships firing laser blasts, or hordes of rampaging
arachnid aliens, CGI lets directors bring their imaginations to the screen. 4.()

-There was a time when directors were very limited in how to create things on screen, but
CGI lets directors bring their imaginations to the screen.
-what if: ~
-as real as the real thing:
-let + + : CGI lets directors have ~
-have + + : ~ have a realistic-looking giant reptile destroy ~
-look + : looking giant
-hordes of:
-fake (= not real)
-miniature (= very small)

CGI does not just help the science fiction director, though. 1.() It also lets a
director create realistic backdrops and images of real-life things. 2.() Recreating them
would be too difficult or too expensive. 3.() For example, CGI lets a director create life-
like images of people falling from a sinking ocean liner without actually having to sink an
ocean liner, or filling a sports stadium with 30,000 screaming fans without having to
actually hire 30,000 people. 4.()

-CGI also lets a director create realistic backdrops and images of real-life things.

-let + +
-without + and
-backdrop (= the setting)
-hire (= employ)

1.() Now that it is possible to create almost anything visual with CGI, perhaps
directors will concentrate on the other aspects of film-making, like plot, dialogue, and
acting. 2.() As audiences get used to the visually spectacular scenes, they may decide
they want more as much from the people on screen as from the giant lizards. 3.()
Audiences always want something new which is better and flashier. 4.()

-CGI allows directors to focus on the other aspects of film-making for audiences.
-now that: ~ ()
(eg.) Now that Im seventeen, I can drive by myself.
-as much as: ~ ~
-concentrate on ~ (= direct ones thoughts or attention)
-spectacular (= sensational in appearance or thrilling in effect)
-flash (= showy)

any of various arthropods of the class Arachnida, such as spiders, scorpions, mites, and

Question 1:
Look at the four squares in paragraph 1 that indicate where the following sentence could
be added to the passage.

Even more traditional films like The Day After Tomorrow relied on computer-
generated effects.

Where would the sentence best fit?

Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

Question 2:
Look at the four squares in paragraph 2 that indicate where the following sentence could
be added to the passage.

They had to film the real thing, or a convincing life-size model.

Where would the sentence best fit?

Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

Question 3:
Look at the four squares in paragraph 3 that indicate where the following sentence could
be added to the passage.

That is definitely a bargain.

Where would the sentence best fit?

Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

Question 4:
Look at the four squares in paragraph 4 that indicate where the following sentence could
be added to the passage.

An unexpected benefit to CGI may be that it will improve the quality of movie

Where would the sentence best fit?

Click on a square to add the sentence to the passage.

Even more traditional films like The Day After Tomorrow relied on computer-
generated effects.

[] ~movies such as Spider-Man, the X-Men and the Pixar films like
Toy Story and The Incredibles~ . more
traditional films ,
[] (4)



[] There was a time when directors were very limited in how to create
things on screen
[] (1)



[] (4) filling a sports stadium with 30,000 screaming fans
without having to actually hire 30,000 people bargain
[] (4)



[] (1) Now that it is possible to create almost anything visual with

[] (1)


. .
. , , ,



. ,
, ,
. ,

3 3

, , .


advent , / revolutionize / motion picture / life-size
/ subject / gigantic / reptile / rubber suit / miniature
/ version / destroy / soaring / fire / blast /
horde of ~ , / rampaging / arachnid / backdrop /
real-life / sinking / ocean liner / hire /

unexpected / improve , / quality / now that ~
/ concentrate on ~ / audience / visually / spectacular
/ giant / lizard / flash

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