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Chapter 4: Identifying Facts & Negative Facts (3)

10: Panama Canal

1 2000, 3 1000
1914 8 15 8 1237

The 50.7 mile long Panama Canal was completed in 1914 and has three locks on
the Pacific and Atlantic sides. It was first conceived by the Spanish in 1524 when King
Charles V ordered a survey of the construction of a waterway across the isthmus. The
Panamanians ultimately gained their independence from Spain and it was not until 1880,
when Panama was under control of Columbia, that construction was actually attempted.
The Colombian government granted the construction concession to the French Canal
Company whose attempt at construction of a sea level canal ended in bankruptcy nine
years later.

-How Panama Canal could be constructed.
-it was not until 1880 that ~: 1880 ~
-conceive () , (= think)
-concession , (= the right granted under government license)

The rights and assets of the canal were subsequently purchased by the United
States for $40 million in 1903 when Panama, with US backing, declared its independence

from Columbia. The US paid Panama $10 million and $250,000 each year for use of the
canal. This yearly sum was upped in 1933 and 1955 and in exchange the US was given
control of the Canal Zone, a ten-mile strip across the isthmus, as well as substantial
influence in Panamanian affairs.

- How the United States got the rights of the canal.
-The US paid Panama $ 10 million ~ paid 4
-the Canal Zone, a ten-mile strip across the isthmus, as well as substantial influence in
Panamanian affairs. (,) () .
-in exchange

In 1977 two treaties were negotiated between the US and Panama to return
control of the Canal to Panama. One treaty governs the transfer of the Canal and the other
governs its neutrality following transfer. The Panamanian people approved the treaties by
referendum in 1977 and the following year the US Senate gave its approval. The treaties
turn control of the canal over to Panama on December 31, 1999. According to the treaties,
while the US will relinquish control the Panama Canal, it may intervene with military force
to keep the Canal open if it were to become obstructed.

-The treaties turn control of the canal over to Panama.
- One treaty governs the transfer of the Canal and the other governs~ one the
other two treaties .
-referendum ( )

isthmus: a narrow strip of land connecting two larger masses of land

Question 1:
According to the passage, all of the following countries are related to the construction
concession of Panama Canal EXCEPT:
(A) Spain
(B) Columbia
(C) France
(D) The US

Question 2:
According to the passage, what country eventually assumed control of the Canal?
(A) Panama
(B) The US
(C) The Canal Zone
(D) Columbia

Question 3:
According to paragraph 3, how was transfer of the Canal accomplished?
(A) militarily
(B) economically
(C) politically
(D) psychologically

Question 4:
According to the passage, what happened in 1999?
(A) The Panama Canal was built.
(B) The US turned over control of the Panama Canal to Panama.
(C) The Panamanian people approved of the transfer of control of the Panama
(D) The Panama Canal was completed.


[] The Colombian government granted the construction concession to

the French Canal Company , The rights and assets of the
canal were subsequently purchased by the United State .
[] (A)

2. ?

[] The treaties turn control of the canal over to Panama on

December 31, 1999. .
[] (A)

3. ?

[] The Panamanian people approved the treaties by referendum in 1977 and the
following year the US Senate gave its approval
[] (C)

4. , 1999 ?

(A) .
(B) .
(C) .
(D) .

[] , The treaties turn control of the canal over to Panama on December

31, 1999. .
[] (B)


50.7 1914
. 1524 5
, 1880
9 .
1903 4 ,
. 1
25 . 1933 1955

10 .
. 1977
. 1999 12 31 .

lock / conceive / survey / isthmus / ultimately /
independence / under control of ~ / actually / attempt ,
/ grant / concession , / sea level / bankruptcy /
asset / subsequently / back / declare / canal / in
exchange / strip / substantial / affairs / treaty
/ negotiate / govern ~ / transfer / neutrality /
referendum / approval / according to ~ / relinquish
/ intervene / obstruct

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