Chapter 7: Selecting Summary Information (3) : 제19회차: Schizophrenia

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Chapter 7: Selecting Summary Information (3)

19: Schizophrenia

schizophrenia .
, psychiatry , psychopath , a
mental institution .

Schizophrenia is defined as a distortion of the mind and of thinking patterns. As a
result sufferers experience inappropriate emotions and often cant handle the
disturbances that plague their everyday lives. What most people are unaware of is the fact
that schizophrenia is actually the most common serious mental illness and it affects many
people contrary to what people usually think. The disease does not favor one gender over
another but women do tend to develop the symptoms a few years later than men. The
onset of schizophrenia usually occurs in the early teens or 20s. The above trends are the
same for all countries.

-The definition and general ideas about schizophrenia
-is defined as: ~
-What most people are un unaware of is the fact is .
- do: ~ women do tend to ~
-experience (= go through)
-hand (= deal with)

The disturbances schizophrenics experience would seem bizarre to a rational
person. A schizophrenic might believe that he or she is being contacted or singled out by
supernatural forces or by secret agents through ads in newspapers, thereby experiencing
hallucinations and delusions. The sufferer is unaware that there is anything at all odd

about this behavior and believes completely that they are unique from any other human
being. These symptoms clearly show that the sufferer has completely lost touch with

-The symptoms schizophrenics experience
-The disturbances (that) schizophrenics experience would~ that
-2 seem + seem bizarre .
-be unaware that , be unaware of .
-single out

The symptoms schizophrenics suffer generally fall into two groups. The first
group of symptoms is the most common; these are called positive or florid. The sufferer
will often hear voices that tell them to commit some kind of act. The sufferer can
sometimes be seen arguing with himself or herself but really they are arguing with the
voices inside their heads. The second group of symptoms is called negative and these
tend to develop slower. They will include the gradual withdrawal from society and an
inability to communicate with others.

-The symptoms schizophrenics suffer generally fall into two groups.
-The symptoms (that) schizophrenics suffer generally fall into~
that .
- himself or herself
-fall into ~

The good news is though that with the help of modern medication,

schizophrenics can recover from this debilitating illness within months of taking the right
kind of medicine. Once treatment has begun, the sufferer can begin to rejoin society to
return to a normal existence.

-Schizophrenics can recover from this illness.
-once ~ .
-recover from ~

hallucination: illusory perception; a common symptom of severe mental disorder

An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete
the summary by selecting the FOUR answer choices that express the most important
ideas in the passage. TWO sentences do not belong in the summary because they
express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage.

Schizophrenics may suffer from a variety of symptoms.

Answer Choices:
(1) There are two main groups of symptoms that categorize the disease, positive and
(2) In each country, about 1 percent of its population suffers from schizophrenia.
(3) They gradually withdraw from society and are unable to communicate with others.
(4) Schizophrenics often hear voices that others cant.
(5) The disease can be controlled and even cured by the use of medication.
(6) Suffers often believe they are special or unique, suffering many kinds of delusions.

: .

(1) .
(2) , 1 .
(3) .
(4) .
(5) .
(6) .


. (1),(3),(4),(6) . (2)
. (5)

(1) There are two main groups of symptoms that categorize the disease, positive and
(3) They gradually withdraw from society and are unable to communicate with others.
(4) Schizophrenics often hear voices that others cant.
(6) Suffers often believe they are special or unique, suffering many kinds of delusions.


. 10 20
. .

; (florid) .
. ,

schizophrenia / be defined as ~ / distortion / as a result
/ experience / inappropriate , / disturbance /
plague / be unaware of ~ / serious / mental illness
/ affect / gender / symptom / onset / trend ,
/ disturbance / schizophrenic / experience / bizarre /
rational / contact / single out / supernatural /
secret agent / ad / thereby / hallucination / delusion
/ be unaware / odd / completely / unique
/ lose touch / fall into ~ / positive / commit /
gradual / withdrawal , / communicate with ~ /
medication / recover from ~ / treatment / rejoin /

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