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Lesson 11

Come on! You must have thought something. : think, guess and suppose

Speak with Voca

If you think that something is the case, you have the opinion that it is the case.
It also means to use ones mind rationally and objectively; to analyze; to form in ones mind.

If you guess something, you give an answer or provide an opinion which may not be true
because you do not have definite knowledge about the matter concerned.

You usually then go on to consider the effects that this situation or action might have before
mentioning a possible situation or action.

Talk Talk
Craig: Im really enjoying my stay in Korea.
Hana: I can tell. You look a lot more relaxed now than earlier days.
. .
Craig: And I feel more relaxed too.
Hana: What did you think of Korea when you were first asked to do this assignment?
, ?
Craig: Frankly speaking, I didnt know what to think.
, .
Hana: Come on! You must have thought something!?
! ?
Craig: Well, I guess you are right. I guess my first thoughts were, like, me? Why me? Why
. ?, ?, ..?
Hana: Yea? Let it out.
? .
Craig: I suppose I was a bit apprehensive. I mean, it was my first time ever to leave the country.
I didnt know anything about the language not knowing any Koreans, except for Sue, one
of my college classmates. I didnt even know her last name. [With a big smile on his
. . .
Sue . Sue . []


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