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Lesson 16

Youve already been so helpful. : teach, train and tutor

Speak with Voca

It means to give lessons to students or to instruct or to help someone develop skills in a
particular field, subject, etc.

If you train to do something, you learn the skills that you need in order to do it. It also means to
instruct so as to make proficient or to discipline.

It means to give individual instructions to; or to discipline.
It also means to give private individual lessons to friends and acquaintances.

Talk Talk
Librarian: Are you finding what you need?
Craig: Not quite. Im wondering if you have a larger English selection.
. .
Librarian: No, we dont. Sorry. What exactly are you looking for?
, . . ?
Craig: I want to tutor some of my coworkers in English so Im looking for a good book as a
main text.
Librarian: Did you check online? The internet is a good place to start. Our computer section is
this way. Follow me.
. . .
Craig: Thanks. Oh my coworker is here. She came here for the same purpose. Shell assist
. , . . .
Librarian: I see. Anyway, if you need further help, just call me anytime.
. .
Craig: Thanks. Youve already been so helpful. [Turning to Hana]. You know, Ive been
speaking English all my life, but teaching is quite another story. I have to train myself
before I can teach others.
. . [] ?
, .
Hana: I know what you mean. I have a difficult time teaching Korean to foreigners too.
[Turning toward the computer] Lets make a list of books then check them out at
. . [
] , .
Craig: That sounds like a plan.


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