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(inding defects is not the main focus of acceptance testing:

8cceptance testing is not necessarily a %nal level of testing. 8 large scale system testing may come after
acceptance testing

8 45#S can be a subject for acceptance testing before it is installed, a component may be acceptance
tested during component testing, a new functionality can be acceptance tested.

n operational acceptance testing includes$ bitmabs 0

data loads andmigration task

8 test type is focused on a particular test objective, which could be$ functional testing, non functional
testing, structure or architecture testing, con%rmation and regression testing.

xample of di-erent type of testing$

structure testing$ control <ow model, menu structure model

non functional model$ performance model, usability model, security thread modeling

(unctional testing$ a process <ow model, a state transition modelor plain language speci%cation.

(unctions that a system performed may

be undocumented

(unctions that a system performed may be documented in functional speci%cation, re"uirements

speci%cation or use case.

(unctional test can be performed at all test le'els

nteroperability testing is also

functional testing

, evaluating the capability of software product to interact with one or more speci%ed

2on functional testing may be performed at all test le'els

Non functional tests can be referenced to a "uality model such as =

!oftware Engineering !oftware <roduct quality ) !" #$%&5

Non functional testing uses the blac& box design techni"ues. 8nd considers external behavior

Structure based techni"ue *white box+ are best used


speci%cation based techni"ue.

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