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Editorial Engineering: Tips to Take the Pain out of Writing - ASME Page 1 of 4

Editorial Engineering: Tips to

Take the Pain out of Writing

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March 2011

There are shelves and shelves of published references designed to help the non-English major write
effectively in the business world. The only trouble is, only English majors can stomach the job of reading

As efficiency experts, engineers should be able to give the wordsmiths a run for their money when it comes
to good writing. Every fiber of our being is wired to convey information as effectively and economically as
possible. Yet many engineers still freeze up when faced with a writing task.

If that applies to you, try to approach writing as simply another engineering challenge. These teacher-tested
process-improvement tips will help you construct compelling prose that conveys maximum information with
no waste and (in theory) a minimum of errors.

Process Engineering 3/27/2014
Editorial Engineering: Tips to Take the Pain out of Writing - ASME Page 2 of 4

Begin with this simple question in mind: who is reading this, and how can I help them? Assess what your
audience already knows and what they want/need to know. Consider the reading level of your audience, and
their degree of familiarity with engineering terminology.

Next, create a rough outline; a blueprint for the piece of writing youre working on. A working list of major
headings will provide a framework that you can flesh out as you write you can erase them when your
supporting paragraphs are honed.

Build supporting paragraphs under each of these headings. Start your paragraphs with a strong topic
sentence summarizing your main point. Each sentence in the paragraph should relate back directly to that
topic sentence.

If you are struggling with a deadline, give yourself manageable time limits while writing. Force yourself to
write a paragraph in 10 minutes. Set a timer and go. Dont stop until the timer rings. If you arent finished,
dont worry. Just move on to the next section and set the timer again. After you build the framework of your
text, you can go back afterwards and add more to each section, rearrange things, or check for errors.

Structural Engineering

Word choice. Choose strong, simple words over academic or erudite language. Whenever possible, look for
a shorter or more familiar word that conveys the same meaning in fewer syllables. For example:

use not utilize

ask not inquire
finish or complete not finalize
require or force not necessitate

Transitions. Use transitions or other connectors to make writing cohesive it should be obvious to the
reader how one sentence relates to another. If its not clear, make it clear by using a transition word or other
connector. 3/27/2014
Editorial Engineering: Tips to Take the Pain out of Writing - ASME Page 3 of 4

Although transitions are useful and necessary, use phrases that actually make sense. Phrases such as "by
and large," "be that as it may," "in as much as," and "in so far as" appear in business writing all the time, but
contribute zero information content to your communication.

Active vs. Passive Voice. Editors generally consider active voice ("The engineer designed an HVAC
system") to be clearer, cleaner, and more efficient than passive voice ("An HVAC system was designed by
the engineer"). But beware of strict grammarians who say passive voice is always an automatic no-no. In
some types of writing, especially in describing scientific or engineering methodologies, the active voice can
seem awkward and obtrusive.

Quality Control

Read your draft out loud and listen for signs of bad flow or unnatural language. If youre self-conscious about
doing that, ask a trusted colleague to lend his or her fresh eyes to the document. Incorporate that input and
your own edits into a final, polished draft and proofread it carefully.

Love it, hate it, fear it, or tolerate it, writing is a part of the engineers job and always will be. So treat it
accordingly. Create systems for developing written communication that work for you and for your reader.

Michael MacRae is an independent writer.

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