Interdisciplinary Lesson - Art English

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Interdisciplinary Lesson - Art & English

Grade: 10th Unit: Perspective Anticipated Time: 45 mins

Art Standards English Standards

Standards 1-4 Reading: Literature 4, 6, 7
Speaking & Listening 1, 5
Language 1, 4, 5

Understanding: Interpretation and perspective go hand-in-hand.

Essential Question: What effect does interpretation have on perspective and vice versa?

Art Content Objective(s)

Students will
1) Create expressive works using color to interpret poetry.
2) Express subject matter (poetry) through the application of acrylics.
3) Evaluate and analyze works of art created from poetry.

English Content Objective(s)

Students will
1) Analyze diction to infer deeper meaning of a text.
2) Construct a visual representation of a text.
3) Support their reasoning for artistic choices with textual evidence.

Language Objective(s)
Students will
1) Read written texts after listening to them being performed.
2) Write simple annotations for a text individually and in small groups.
3) Listen to inflection and intonation in spoken word to deduce meaning.
4) Participate in oral discussion in small groups and/or as a class.

Art Content Vocab English Content Vocab Tier II Vocab

- Monochromatic - Annotation - Perception
- Warm colors - Connotation - Interpretation
- Cool colors - Intonation - Depiction
- Composition - Inflection - Symbolism

Supplementary Materials
- acrylic paint
- paint pallets
- paint brushes
- water cups
- paper towels
- large paper roll
- cardstock
- headphones
- iPads
- Slideshow with instructions
- color mixing handout (3rd slide of slideshow)
- Close Reading: Questions to Ask handout (attached)
- Okay ladybug poem (attached)
- performed poem videos (attached)

I. Building Background (10 minutes)

A. Anticipated Prior Knowledge
1. Students will have had an introduction to reading poetry in prior ELA classes.
2. The poem used in the activity is written by a modern writer.
3. The activity will have an aspect to appeal to auditory, visual, and kinesthetic
learning styles.
4. Students will be able to create a work that is based is on their individual thought
5. Students will have had an introduction to art in prior art classes.
B. Intro to Colors
1. Students will receive handout of a colorwheel
a) Monochromatic - a color palette consisting of only one color.
b) Warm colors - red, orange, yellow, can be overwhelming and jump
c) Cool colors - blue, green, purple, are soothing.
d) Primary colors - red, yellow, and blue. These colors cannot be made
using any other colors.
e) Secondary colors - orange, green, purple. These colors are made by
mixing two primary colors. Red and yellow to make orange, blue and
yellow to make green, and red and blue to make purple.
C. Close Readings Instructions
1. Students will receive instructions on how to markup their text
a) (on slide)
2. Students will be asked to watch their videos and form ideas independently, then
to collaborate with their small groups to discussion these close reading questions:
First Impressions
Vocabulary and Diction
Point of View and Characterization
- Students will be provided handouts of all materials presented in this section.
- Handouts will be organized with bolded/underlined words, colors, and pictures.

II. Learning Activity (20 minutes)

A. Students will be divided in three small groups.
1. Analyzing a Poem
a) Each group will watch a provided video of a poem being recited along
with a written handout of the poem.
Each video will be of the same poem performed by different
Videos are attached at the bottom.
b) Students will annotate their poems with colored pens/markers/pencils.
Explained in background building section
2. Creating a Visual Depiction
a) In the same groups, they will be given cardstock to create a visual
depiction of their groups understanding of the poem
Each student is responsible for working on a section of their
groups painting by themselves (ie. divided into quarters, thirds,
- Students will be provided their own iPad/headphones so they may review the
video/audio as many times as they need to throughout the activity.
- Students will be working in small groups to assist each other in textual interpretations and
paint use. (Grouping will be heterogeneous.)
- Students will be responsible for their own section of the whole work so they may hold
their own agency.

III. Meaningful Assessments (20 minutes total)

A. Final Annotations (5 minutes)
1. While still in small groups, students will take a previously unmarked print of the
poem and annotate it together in direct justification for their visual depiction.
B. Reflective Discussion (15 minutes)
1. Students will come together as a class and share their drawings and their
2. The class will watch all three videos
3. Guiding Open-Ended Questions
a) What role does color play in perception?
b) What made you choose the colors in your piece? How do they reflect the
poem you listened to?
c) What results came from different tones and inflections being used by
different speakers, and why?
d) What did you find as evidence of your interpretation?
- For the final annotation, all students will be required to contribute to small group
discussion, but each group will have a scribe to produce the writing.
- Students will be encouraged to (but not required to) ask the class their own open-ended
questions for discussion.

Sweet, little lady bug

tip-toes onto my fat fingers.

Okay she says, she always says.

She falls. Dont catch her.

Keep an eye on where she lands. Put my finger down

again in front of her lame antenna, watch it twitch in telegraph thoughts, and again she places her

feet neat between the crevices of my fingerprints

carefully flick her away. Do not let her study them.














Close Reading - Questions to Ask

First Impressions
- Do you think you have an initial understanding of the meaning of the poem?
- What parts of the poem complement each other? Or contradict each other?
- What mood does the passage create in you?

Vocabulary and Diction

- Do any words seem oddly used?
- Can you find any double meanings?

- Is there any repetitiveness in words, tone, or rhyme?
- What is the sentence rhythm like? Short and choppy? Long and flowing?
Does it build on itself or stay at an even pace?
- What is left out or kept silent? What would you expect the author to talk
about that the author avoided?

Point of View and Characterization

- Are there colors, sounds, physical description that appeals to the senses?
- Who speaks in the passage? To whom does he or she speak?

- Is there a metaphor? What could it be?
- Could any objects or characters represent a person or an emotion?
- Do any of the objects, colors, animals, or plants appearing in the passage
have traditional connotations or meaning?


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