Sociology 1010 Reviewjournal

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Kenia Bush

Sociology 1010
September 6, 2017
Homeless a Social Problem

State the topic of the article. (The title is not

sufficient; please state what the article is
This article is about homelessness, and how the
mentally ill are affected, the article states that all
these people need attention, they need housing.
they are involved in sickness and mental health issues. All this happens because of
deinstitutionalization it is about a large hospitals that moved the homelessness into
to small space and the people started being cast out (in 1960)
State the hypothesis of the paper. (What is the research question?)
The research question is that is a solution for homeless here in USA. They
have found some solutions, to help the 550.000 people, the solution is to educated
people, and bring awareness what happens around homeless.

Discuss the research design utilized. (For example, interviews, statistical

analysis, surveys etc.) i.e. How was the data collected?
The data was collected from veterans and none veteran homelessness. They
used interviews and surveys. Tsai & O Toole have a lot of references to support
their research evidence.
Give an overview of the results found (for quantitative papers, you do not
need to get too involved in the specifics of the numbers reported)
The overview is that mental illness, is associated with homelessness, mostly
if the individual is treated and not being ignored, they can be part of the Society.
This program needs to be funded by the government, because it is a medical issue
and a complicated one.
Discuss the findings. What did the researchers discover? Was the
hypothesis supported? What are the implications of this research?
Basically Tsai & O Toole said that president Bush and Obama helped with
programs that developed some kind of help to control the situation. The hypothesis
supports that continue to strive for advancing methods. They looked at the
implication with the new administration (Trump) is going to continue helping the
homeless with housing.

State your opinion on the journal article you reviewed. What would you
have done differently? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the
In my opinion the article was informative about the issue that homeless
people suffer, illness, like mental illness, diabetes type II, alcohol drug abuse,
infection, etc. This article focusses in mental health. To advocate for those that need
to be cared for, and the can be prevented with everyones help. I think they need to
be part of the community and not to be seem as the problem and be eliminated.
The strength of the paper was all the resources that being used to put all the
information together.
The weaknesses were this problem is real, and I do not see real solution,
nobody makes any plan to help, only depending on the government money, when
they can be asking for donation through organization and wealthy people around.
In short, we need to take concrete actions to eliminate homelessness.

Please include a link to your article or a copy of the article.

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