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Mili Cardenas & Maria Carrillo


This is the United Farm Workers Associations official flag that was unveiled for the first

time on September 30, 1962. The flag was created by Cesar Chavez, and his brother Richard

Chavez. They wanted a flag that was easy for workers to recreate for picket signs, banners, and

flags. The black eagle on the flag represents pride, dignity, and hope to those farm workers.

The UFW flag represented the struggle of the Latino and Filipino farmworkers who fought for

their rights in California.

The flag represented and still represents the fight for workers rights. The farm workers

carried the flag at every meeting, march, and strike. The flag was the representation of their

union and struggle. The flag is a symbol of the United Farm Workers struggle for better

working conditions. The flag provides proof of those workers who struck and marched for their

basic human and workers rights. This flag has transcended unions and became a symbol of unity

and pride in the Mexican-American community. The flag is a crucial part of the UFWs identity.

The flag will be introduced to the class because its a symbol that is easily recognizable

and has a lot of meaning to the UFWs movement. The students will discuss the significance of
Mili Cardenas & Maria Carrillo

the United Farm Workers slogan "Si se Puede," which means, "Yes it can be done. Students

will research the United Farm Workers Association by using books and the computer lab. They

will focus on Cesar Chavez and his influence on the United Farm Workers Association. Students

will use their newly gathered information and create their version of "Si se Puede" flag posters,

and listing ten facts that they found through their research.

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