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Educational Philosophy
Lauren McMullan
Lake Michigan College

Students should love to learn, want to learn, accept others and themselves as equals, and

feel like they are smart important members of society. These beliefs will be practiced and

implemented every single day of school. Once these things become reality, society will move

toward a more positive way of life.

Education should focus on the student, not just the subject matter. As an educator, I am

responsible to take the interests, strengths, and needs of students into consideration to ensure that

each one of them goes to the next grade with the knowledge that they need. All my students

should be active learners, a should use their experiences and previous knowledge to solve

problems. The education that schools should provide should help students to develop personal

and social values so that they will become considerate, productive citizens. Because society is

constantly changing, new educating techniques are important to improve the future of our nation.

My educational purpose views are within those of a progressivisms educational philosophy.

I believe that by the time I have my own classroom, diversity in schools will be higher

than ever, and racial inequalities will be a thing of the past, if not, my classroom most certainly

will. No matter the race, culture, disability, or the socioeconomically status of my students,

everyone will be treated as an equal human being. I understand that I will most likely have

students who do not know the English language as well as other students or myself. I also

understand that I will most likely have a student in my class that has any type of disability. As

before no matter where my students come from, what they look like, or how they learn, they will

be treated as an equal. Prakash Nair, the author of The Language of School Design: Design

Patterns for 21st Century Schools, stated that the key to students feeling comfortable and ready

to learn is to Mind their emotions and make them feel accepted. If every student feels like they

belong, teaching them will be a smooth process.


Students learn at different rates, have different comprehension levels, and may or may

not have a learning disability. I believe that there always is a way to ensure that each student

learns what they need to. If a student comprehension skill is low, I would find a way so that that

student could work one on one with someone rather than be me or someone else, and so that they

could be assessed to monitor their growth. The management of the classroom should be

disciplined only to where there is respect of everyone in the classroom. Instructional strategies

should be I do, we do, and you do. Meaning that first I demonstrate or explain what they

will be learning. After the demonstration or explanation is done then I would ask questions, or

we would complete an activity together. Lastly, the students would engage in independent work

or group work, by this step they shouldve retained what I have taught them. Curriculum design

should, of course, follow any required curriculum, but also have my own touch of creativity and

fun for the students to learn. I strongly believe that assessments do not always have to be the

tradition test written by the teacher given to the students. I believe that assessments should be

given in different ways like presentations, projects, plays, raps & songs, papers, etc. Creativity

should be implemented. I have three main goals for students, one is that every student respects

and sees others as equals, second is that every student enjoys learning and wants to, and last is

that every student feels smart.

I believe that brings global awareness is very important and is something that teachers

need to strongly consider implanting into their school days daily for their students. I will show

and have a discussion with my students about an issue around the world daily. My relationship

with the community will solely be based on my students. I want the community to be aware and

acknowledge the great accomplishments that my students have made. The student, their parents

or guardians, and I will all be a team. Where if there is an issue that I am having with the student

or I am concerned for the student, I will have no problem contacting the parents to develop a

solution. I will not only contact the parents of the bad behavior of their child but also of good

behavior. I would also hope that if a parent has an issue with their child or with me, they would

know that they are welcome to come to me, knowing that I have an open mind. I will be very

susceptible to my teaching colleagues advice, on teaching strategies, students, parents, etc.

My relationship with the administration will be respectful and professional always so that if I

have a problem that cannot be solved by colleagues or myself, I could get help from them.

I believe that all children are equal and should be treated like they are. Education should

focus on the student, not just the subject matter. It is important that students not only learn the

curriculum but also be taught to become considerate, productive members of society. It is also

important to keep up with the changes in our society, to ensure that students are living in the

now, not the past. Students should love to learn, want to learn, accept others and themselves as

equals, and feel like they are smart important members of society. These beliefs will be practiced

and implemented every single day of school. Once these things become reality, society will

move toward a more positive way of life.


InTASC Standards
Standard #9: Professional Learning and Ethical Practice.

Through this project I am identifying my ethics and learning new things about the teaching profession.

Standard #1: Learner Development

I am understanding how learners grow and develop.

Standard #2: Learning Differences

I am understanding individual differences within the classroom.

Standard #3: Learning Environments

I am understanding what environments are affective to improve student learning.

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