Group8pt3 Freq Box

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GROUP WORK: Submit one group pdf file to the assignment addressing
the three questions below.
1. Using the total number of candies in each bag in our class sample,
compute the following measures for the variable Total candies in each bag:
(a) mean number of candies per bag 59.9 candies.
(b) standard deviation of the number of candies per bag 5.8.
(c) 5-number summary for the number of candies per bag

Min/bag 33

1st Quartile 58

Median 61

3rd Quartile 62

Max/bag 90

Report these summary statistics rounded to one decimal place, if needed.

2. Create a frequency histogram for the variable Total candies in each bag.
Group 8

3. Create a box plot for the variable Total candies in each bag.
Your graphics must have descriptive titles and be appropriately labeled.
Group 8

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