Leisure Time, Sports and Hobbies

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bowls athletics bowling
squash gymnastics mountaineering
billiards aerobics rowing
basketball gymnastics skateboarding
tennis boxing fishing
volleyball rock climbing horse riding
hockey the high jump jogging
badminton the long jump camping
rugby weightlifting angling
table tennis the pole vault to aerobics, judo
ice hockey to your judo class
board games (chess, cards)
against somebody
for a team

o I really enjoy hiking.

o Jogging keeps me fit. (=keeps my body healthy)
o I only play for fun / purely / just for pleasure.
o I am thinking about taking up (start)/ giving up (stop) swimming
o To be hook on / mad about / fascinated by / fan of / keen on / into
o I was a bit nervous when I started fencing a few months ago but Im really into it now.
o He didnt seem too keen on the idea.
o Theyre keen on joining the club.
o European football: ball, boots, goal, scoreboard, beat, draw, win, defeat.
o The match ended in a draw. (2-2) / Two-nil (2-0)
o Spain won by two goals to nil. / Spain two, France nil. / Two-nil to Spain.
o Ice hockey: puck (disco), stick, elbow/knee/shoulder pads, boots, skates, helmet
o It is a good idea to wear elbow pads and knee pads when learning to rollerskate.
o Boxing gloves.
Golf club.
o Rowing: oar.
o Swimming: bathing suit, costume, swimsuit, goggles.
o Crawl / Butterflystroke / Backstroke / Breaststroke. Can you swim /do the butterfly?
o Tennis: racquet, net. Fifteen-love (15-0) / fifteen-all (15-15) Deuce (40-40) Nadal to serve)
Horse riding saddle
o Badminton: shuttlecock
o A ball: Throw it / head it / pass it / hit it / catch it / kick it / bounce it.

o skip rope When my mother was younger she used to skip rope.

o I get a kick out of skiing me encanta el esqu, just for kicks slo por placer

o He was one of four thousand spectators at the match.

o We defeated them by six games to one.

o Stretching estiramientos Weight-lifting My boyfriend is hooked on doing weight training, but

he says: I only dabble in it (as a hobby, pastime)

o I just like to stretch out on the sofa and relax in front of the TV after a hard day at the office

o To live o live a life of leisure. Now Im a lady of leisure. Read it at your leisure (= at any time
convenient for you)

o Leisure centre / time / wear Sportswear / woman

o She excels at most sports and for her good sportsmanship.

o In a singing competition (= contest). They are competing for first place.

o This competitor / contestant never plays the game. (= fair play (n)-play fair (v))

o We have a fair chance of winning. (=it's more than likely that we win)

o To be ahead of the game. (= llevar la delantera)

o Two of the best athletes competed in the race.

o I challenge you to prove it!

o This is a game of skill where you should beat him at his own game.

Sports idioms

o If you wear that dress to the beauty pageant you are going to blow the competition away. (=win easily)

o Angela is a front runner for the new supervisor position (=one of the people who is expected to win)

o Give it your best shot and you may just make it to the finals. (=try your hardest)

o The other team was missing half of its players. We won hands down. (=easy victory)


billiards checkers drawing

bowling computing embroidery
brainteasers crossword puzzle engraving
canoeing darts hang-gliding
card games dice hiking
carpentry dominoes horseback riding

jigsaw puzzle pool sculpting
knitting pot-holing sewing
marbles pottery stamp collecting
parachuting riddles

It's not the winning, it's the taking part. Lo importante es participar.
The result sparked a riot. Los resultados originaron descontrol.
It's time I got rid of some of this flab. Ya es hora de que me quite lo que me sobra. TO FIGHT
THE FLAB ponerse a la lnea
What's your handicap? Cal es tu handicap? (tu punto flojo / dbil / flaco)
It's mind-numbingly boring. Es horrorosamente aburrido.
It's been hailed as a great victory, but I'm not so sure. Se ha tomado como una gran victoria
We're not competing on a level playing field. No estamos compitiendo en igualdad de condiciones.
It's just banter. Slo es una broma.
They use so much foul language. lenguaje malsonante
They're role models. Son ejemplos a seguir.
It really is a cut-throat business. Es un asunto muy delicado.
It was a salutary lesson. Es una leccin saludable / beneficiosa.
He must be on something. Tiene que estar metindose algo.
He blew it big time. La fastidio de todas todas.
That's a nasty challenge. Es un reto desagradable.
What're the odds of that happening? Que posibilidades hay de que suceda?
Pretty slim, I would've thought. Bastante pocas
They didn't create any clear-cut chances. No dieron lugar a ninguna posibilidad clara.
He's past it. Se le ha ido.
She doesn't pull her punches, does she? No se anda con miramientos, verdad?
In all likelihood they'll win. De todas que / Con toda probabilidad ganarn.
They only just scraped through. Apenas pasaron por los pelos.

o To develop an interest in o To be hooked on

o To take up a hobby o To do something in your spare time
o To be mad about o To be time consuming
o To be fascinated by o To do something purely for pleasure
o To be a fan of o To make money out of an interest
o To be into o To be rewarding
o To be a keen (collector/gardener) o To dabble in lots of things

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