Influence of Stress Ratio On Fatigue Crack Propagation Behavior of Stainless Steel Welds

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Influence of Stress Ratio on Fatigue

Crack Propagation Behavior of

Stainless Steel Welds
Crack initiation and growth rates in relation to residual stresses
were studied in gas metal arc welds of 316L

ABSTRACT. The fatigue crack propaga- behavior of welds can be characterized by larger than the minimum applied stress,
tion behavior of 316L stainless steel gas the well-known Paris equation, which re- then the crack may remain closed during a
metal arc welds has been investigated lates the fatigue crack growth rate, da/dN, portion of the load cycle. In this case, it is
using the K-increasing testing procedure. to the stress intensity range, AK (Ref. 3) useful to identify an opening stress inten-
A series of stress ratios from 0.10 to 0.80 sity value, Kop, where Kop represents the
was investigated in order to observe the in- d~ = C(AK)" minimum stress intensity required to keep
fluence of stress ratio and stress intensity dN (1) the crack fully open. In short, if the mini-
range on the fatigue crack growth rate. A where a is the crack length, N is the num- mum applied stress intensity, Kmin, is
stress ratio of 0.55 has been shown to over- ber of cycles, and C and n are material below Kop, then the crack will be closed
come closure for all the gas metal arc constants. The stress intensity range, zXK, whenever the applied stress intensity
welds tested. Crack closure measurements is given by the difference between the drops below Kop. Under this condition, the
obtained through the compliance offset maximum and minimum applied stress in- fully applied stress intensity range, AK,
method were utilized to exphiin the in- tensity of the load cycle, AK = Kmax Kmin. does not contribute to crack propagation,
crease in crack growth rate and decrease While the stress intensity range is the main and it is useful to define an effective stress
of crack closure as the stress ratio is in- factor that governs the crack growth rate, intensity range, kK~ff, where Mcff is given
creased. The increase in fatigue crack the stress ratio, R, (ratio of minimum to by Km~,x- K,,p. Under this condition, kK~ff
growth rate, which occurs as the stress maximum applied stress intensity) can represents the true driving force for crack
ratio is increased from 0.10 to 0.55, is gen- also influence the crack growth rate. The propagation. Lastly, it is important to note
erally attributed to an extrinsic crack resulting effect of an increase of R on that one cannot separate an intrinsic crack
opening effect in which higher stress ratios da/dN has been investigated for wrought growth rate dependence on R from a crack
promote a fully open crack and corre- stainless steels (Ref. 4), carbon steels closure effect unless the condition at
sponding higher growth rates. Continued (Ref. 5), alloy steels (Refs. 6-8), alu- which crack closure occurs is identified
increase in the crack growth rate that oc- minum (Refs. 9-12), and titanium alloys during testing.
curs as the stress ratio is increased further (Ref. 9). Generally, an increase in R re- Crack closure has been applied to ex-
from 0.55 to 0.70 is attributed to a true in- sults in an increase in da/dN for a given plain the influence of R over various
trinsic material response to increasing stress intensity range, AK. This influence regimes of da/dN (Refs. 9-11, 13-15).
stress ratio. of R can essentially come from two sources However, most previous research was con-
- - a true material dependence of crack ducted on wrought test specimens that a r e
Introduction growth rate on R (i.e., an intrinsic mater- not subject to the residual stresses preva-
ial effect) and/or a crack closure effect. lent in welded samples. An investigation
Conventional arc welds can represent Crack closure refers to the condition in of alloy steel arc welded joints for R ratios
stress concentrations in load-bearing which the crack is not fully open during of 0.00 and 0.50 showed no increase in
structures because of geometry changes the entire loading cycle. In this condition, da/dN as R increased (Ref. 16). That is, the
and defects associated with welding. Since only a portion of the applied stress serves da/dN-AK curves essentially overlapped
welding serves as a prominent joining to drive crack propagation. Crack closure for all decades of crack growth. Since the
process for many structural applications, is most often attributed to residual test samples were oriented such that crack
weld-related features can aid in the initia- stresses. For example, if the crack enters propagation occurred within the weld
tion of cracks. When considered in con- into a compressive stress field, the com- metal along the direction of welding, such
junction with welding residual stresses, pressive stress will counteract the applied behavior has been attributed to tensile
propagation of such cracks can become a tensile stress. If the compressive stress is residual stresses that were encountered
concern during service. Consequently, an within the weld metal. The presence of
understanding of the fatigue crack propa- these tensile residual stresses promotes a
gation behavior of welds is important. completely open fatigue crack at all stages
Maddox (Ref. 1) and Parry et al. (Ref. 2) of loading. That is, crack closure, or pre-
have shown that the fatigue crack growth mature closure of the crack tip during
Residual Stress
loading, would not be expected to influ-
Crack Initiation
ence the crack growth behavior.
C. S. KUSKO is Research Assistant; J. ?4. Crack Growth
DUPONT is Associate Professor and Director, To correctly evaluate the influence of
Stainless S t e e l
Joining and Laser Processing Laboratory; and A. crack closure, accurate assessment of t h e
Gas M e t a l Arc
R. MARDER is I'rqf~'ssor, Dqmrtment of Materi- crack opening load, Pop, during testing is
K-Increasing Test
als &'ience and Engineering, Lehigh Universily, crucial as it serves as the foundation for
Bethlehem. I{l.


n IE-04

@ 316[, GMAW-A- 1: A/t"e~- 1 % slope ol~et
d, 316L GMAW-A- I: t ~ r ~ - 2 % slope offset
U] 3161, GMAW-A- 1: AKdr - 4 % slope offset
O 316L GMAW-A-I: AKIn - S % slope ot~et
X 316L GMAW-A-I: A K ~ - offset

~ All; ~

i IE-08

IE-09 Bale Metal WeM Metal

m [-1.27-t 1E-10
cm 10 10(
I 6.. = I AK (MPaIml la)

Fig. 1 - - Schematic illustrations of C(T) specimens corresponding to gas metal Fig. 2 - - Slope offset data for 316L GMA W tested at an R ratio of O.10.
arc weM of AB orientation.

nificant residual stresses. The purpose of describing weld C(T) specimen orienta-
Table 1 - - Chemical Compositions (in wt-%)
this research is to investigate the fatigue tion was utilized by James and co-workers
of 316L Base Metal and Filler Metal
crack propagation behavior of stainless (Refs. 21, 22) and is based on the desig-
316L SS 316L Filler steel gas metal arc welds in order to ob- nations adopted for wrought specimens
Base Metal Metal serve how R influences such behavior. by ASTM in Standard E399 (Ref. 23). In
this system, the first letter represents the
Ni 10.16 12.17 Experimental Procedure direction of applied loading while the sec-
Cr 16.12 18.20 ond letter represents the direction of
Fe 68.85 64.43 The 316L base metal and filler metal crack extension. In addition, A, B, and C
Mo 2.05 2.53
Mn 1.71 1.66 compositions used to prepare the weld symbolize the direction of welding, nor-
Cu 0.44 0.10 samples are provided in Table 1. Weld mal to the direction of welding, and the
Si 0.41 0.86 samples were prepared by gas metal arc thickness direction, respectively. It has
C 0.017 0.016 welding on base metals (dimensions 1.905 been observed that orientation AB, for
P 0.027 0.017 x 15.24 x 60.96 cm) by deposition of mul- which crack propagation occurs normal to
S 0.0011 0.014 tiple passes on an automatic table using a the welding direction, would be most af-
90-deg torch angle to the plate. The con- fected by residual stresses (Ref. 22).
tact tip distance varied from 19.05 mm at All fatigue crack propagation testing
Table 2 - - Gas Metal Arc Welding Parameters
the root to 12.70 mm from mid-plate to was conducted in accordance with ASTM
cap because of the addition of subsequent E647. Compliance measurements were
Parameter Value
filler metal passes. Table 2 provides fur- recorded on both loading and unloading
Base metal 316L ther details on the processing parameters. portions of the load-displacement curve.
Backing bar 316L Compact tension (C(T)) test speci- For the C(T) specimen, the following
Welding wire 316L mens required for fatigue crack propaga- polynomial expression was utilized for de-
Welding wire 1.5875 tion testing were removed from the gas termination of the normalized crack
diameter, mm
Voltage, V 25-26 metal arc welds. Specimen dimensions length, a/W, as a function of compliance,
Current, A 280 conformed to those stated in American B E ~ / P (Ref. 24).
Wire speed, cm/min 469.9 Society for Testing and Materials
Carriage speed, cm/min 38.10 (ASTM) Standard E647 (Ref. 19). Figure - - = 1.00098 - 4.66951X
Welding position flat 1 shows a schematic illustration of final W
Shielding gas 98%Ar/2%O~ dimensions, along with specimen orienta-
Number of layers 6 + 18.4601X 2 - 236.825X 3
tion with respect to the fatigue crack
Number of passes 16 + 1214.88X 4 - 2143.57X 5
Preheat temp, C 24 starter notch and welding direction. The (2)
Interpass temp, C 149 crack starter notch was inserted within the
base metal normal to the direction of where (Ref. 24)
welding such that the distance from the
end of the notch to the start of the weld X= 1
gop and concomitant Ageff calculations. A metal on the front face was approximately
standardized compliance-based slope off- 1.016 cm. The fatigue crack starter notch
set method has been previously utilized of length 2.54 cm, diameter 0.1524 mm, (3)
for the investigation of both AK and AKeff and radius of curvature 0.0762 mm was in-
for homogeneous wrought aluminum test serted by wire electrical-discharge ma- In Equation 3, E is the modulus of elastic-
specimens (Ref. 17). However, this chining (EDM). The configuration illus- ity. The term B E ~ / P is referred to as the
method has yet to be systematically ap- trated in Fig. 1 is designated as normalized compliance and is measured
plied to welds that are susceptible to sig- orientation AB. This two-letter system for as a function of N. Once a / W h a s been cal-

I.'[,15,."t FEBRUARY 2004

1E-04 IE-04

316LGMAW-A-2:AK O 316LGMAW-A-2:AK~t - 1% slopeoffset
1E-05 ~. 316LGMAW-A-2:AKdr" 2 % slope offset
[] 316LGMAW-A-2:AKaf- 4 % slopeoffset
~1 3 GMAW-A-2:AK~ - 8 % slopeoffset
I E-06
316LGMAW-A-2:M( d-- 16%slopeoffset

~, IE-07 ~,~ 1E-07

I E-08 1E-08

Base Metal Weld Metal

IE-10 i
10 100
10 I0(
AK (MPalm]'a)
AK (MPalml la)

Fig,. 3 - - Comparison o f 316L G MA W fatigue data tested at an R ratio o f O.10. Fig. 4 - - Slope offs'et data for 316L G M A W tested at an R ratio o f O.lO.

culated from Equation 2, the following ex- 1 dKmax all slope offset curves are plotted, it is de-
pression developed for the C(T) specimen C- termined whether unique slope offset
was used to calculate K (Ref. 25) K max da (6) curves result for each slope offset level or
a single, overlapping curve is present for
The K-increasing tests were run with a C all slope offset levels. Unique d a / d N
value of 0.118 mm -I . On all samples, pre- curves for each slope offset level, as shown
cracking was conducted until the crack for most of the crack growth rates in Fig.
KBW 2 _ 2+ W propagated 1.27 mm, after which, all en- 2, indicate legitimate crack closure data,
suing d a / d N were measured. The compli- signifying true crack closure. However,
ance-based crack lengths, measured as a overlap of all slope offset level curves in-
1-E/5 function of N, were converted to d a / d N dicates that the software has "artificially"
k~ w)
using a modified version of the secant generated crack closure data, thus indi-
method (Ref. 28), which requires the cal- cating that the crack is fully open and the
'0.886 + 4.64(~) culation of the slope of a straight line con- effective stress intensity range is equal to
necting specified points on the a - N curve. the applied stress intensity range.
-13.32(-~) 2 In Fig. 2, unique d a / d N curves are evi-
Results and Discussion dent for each slope offset level up to
da/dN of ~10 -6 m/cycle. Thus, crack clo-
+14.72(~)3 - 5 . 6 ( ~ ) 4 Fatigue Crack Propagation Results sure is significantly influencing crack
growth behavior up to this level of crack
Fatigue crack propagation data ob- growth rate at an R ratio of 0.10. At da/dN
tained from testing at an R ratio of 0.10 greater than - 10-6 m/cycle, the slope off-
(4) are shown in Fig. 2. The dotted line in the set curves for the five offset levels begin to
figure denotes the location where the fa- converge to a single A K d f curve, indicating
Displacement was measured using an tigue crack crossed from the base metal that the crack is fully open beyond this
MTS clip gauge attached to knife-edges into the weld metal. The solid black growth rate. Under this condition, the
on the front edge of the C(T) specimen. squares represent applied d a / d N - A K data. Kmin has increased to a point where it ex-
All testing was conducted using con- The open symbols correspond to AKcft- ceeds Kop and the crack is fully open in the
stant amplitude loading and a sine wave- data generated for various slope offset lev- growth rate regime above - 1 0 -6 m/cycle.
form at a frequency of 25 Hz at room tem- els from 1% to 16% obtained from the A second specimen of 316L weld was
perature. Testing was performed under compliance-based slope offset method, as tested at an R ratio of 0.10 (over a wider
K-gradient control at constant R ratios of described in Ref. 17. In this figure, the crack growth rate) in order to assess the re-
various magnitudes to determine the in- zSXefl,curve for 1% slope offset level is far- producibility of the results. The applied
fluence on fatigue crack growth. Data thest from the applied AK curve, while the da/dN-M curves for the two tests are shown
were generated using K-increasing proce- &Keff curve for 16% slope offset data is in Fig. 3 and exhibit good agreement. In ad-
dures (Ref. 26), according to the equation closest to the applied AK data. As ex- dition, Fig. 4 shows compliance offset data.
(Ref. 24) plained in Ref. 17, the slope offset method These results are also in good agreement
may generate "artificial" crack closure in- with Fig. 2, verifying a significant influence
+-,,,,) formation even if closure is not actually in- of crack closure during testing at R = 0.10
Kmax = Kmax.0 e (5) fluencing crack growth. Such artificial up to growth rates of - 1 0 -6 m/cycle, at
measurements are easily identified which point the curves converge, and the
where C, the normalized K-gradient, rep- through analysis of d a / d N - A K and z~d~eff crack is fully open above a growth rate of
resents the fractional rate of change with curves for the various slope offset levels 10-6 m/cycle. Thus, only one specimen
increasing a, such that (Ref. 27) (Ref. 17) in the following manner. Once was tested at each of the remainingR ratios.


I E-04
316L GMAW-A-3: AK 1 E-04
316L GMAW-A-4: AK
O 316L GMAW-A-3: AKa~- 1% slope offset O 316L GMAW-A-4: AK af- 1% slope offset
I E-05 A 316L GMAW-A-3: AKdf- 2 % slope offset A 316L GMAW-A-4: AK~r- 2 % slope offset
[]316L GMAW-A-3: AK~r- 4 % slope offset [] 316L GMAW-A-4: AK~r- 4 % slope offset
316L GMAW-A-3: AK en" 8 % slope offset O 316L GMAW-A-4: AKdr - 8 % slope Offset
{ 1E-O6 X 316L GMAW-A-3: A K ~ - 16% slope offset X 316L GMAW-A-4: AK~r - 16% slope offset
J IE-06

~ 1E-07 ~1E-07


I E-09 I E-09
Base Metal W e l d Metal Base Metal Weld Metal

IE-10 IE-10
10 100
I0 I00
AK (MPalml in)
AK ( M P a l m ] ta)

Fig. 5 - - Slope offset data for 316L GMA W tested at an R ratio o f O.40. Fig. 6 - - Slope offset data for 316L GMA Wtested at an R ratio o f 0.55.

IE-04 316L GMAW-A-6: AK
316L GMAW-A-5:AK
O 316L GMAW-A-6: AKaf- 1% slope offset
O 316L GMAW-A-5:AK~- 1% slope offset
I E-05 a 316L GMAW-A-6: AK ar" 2 % slope offset
I E-05 A 316L GMAW-A-5:AKnr- 2 % slope offset
t21316L GMAW-A-5:AK~,- 4 % stope offset [3 316L GMAW-A-6; AKea- 4 % slope offset
O 316L GMAW-A-5:AK~- 8 % slope offset O 316L GMAW-A-6: AK~ - 8 % slope offset
X 316L GMAW-A-5:AK~-- 16% slope offset X 316L GMAW-A-6: AKe~- 16% slope offset
1E-06 IE-06

~ IE4)7 1E-07

I E-08 I E-08
~ A P A P l i e d
1E-09 1E-09
I m

Base Metal Weld Metal Base Metal

IE-10 1E-10 I
10 100
I0 I00
AK (MPalm] ha)
AK (MPa|m] v2)

Fig. 7 - - Slope offset data for 316L GMA W tested at an R ratio o f O. 70. Fig. 8 - - Slope offset data for 316L GMA W tested at an R ratio o f O.80.

Based on the results of Figs. 2 and 4, the R ratio increases, d a / d N also increases ever, relatively little research has been
the R ratio was increased to higher values for a given AK. For each respective R ratio conducted on stainless steel welded speci-
in an attempt to overcome closure. These test, this behavior occurs up to a specific mens. In addition, the condition at which
results are shown in Figs. 5-8. Figure 5 (R d a / d N at which the curves appear to coin- the crack is partially closed is not always
= 0.40) shows a true influence of crack cide. The samples tested at R ratios of 0.70 identified and, as a result, it is often not
closure below much lower d a / d N values and 0.80 exhibit crack growth rates that possible to separate an extrinsic effect of
( - 5 x 10 -8 m/cycle) than Figs. 2 and 4. are similar over a wide range of crack R (i.e., crack closure) from a true intrinsic,
Thus, because of the higher stress inten- growth rates. material behavior effect. In this work,
sity ratio, Kmin exceeds Kop at much lower identification of closure conditions per-
crack growth rates and forces the crack to Influence of R Ratio on mits separation of closure effects from
remain open at lower growth rates. Figure Crack Growth Behavior true material dependence of crack growth
6 (R = 0.55) exhibits a single AKeff curve rate on R. An influence of R has been ob-
for all slope offset levels (i.e., only one off- Figure 9 illustrates a general increase served for 304 austenitic stainless steel for
set curve is visible in the figure because all in d a / d N with R for a given AK up to the a series of R ratios ranging from 0.05 to
the offset curves lie on top of one an- point where R = 0.70. The curves corre- 0.75 at elevated temperatures (Ref. 4).
other), indicating the crack is always fully sponding to R ratios of 0.70 and 0.80 are That work was completed on wrought
o p e n and AK = AKeff over the entire essentially equivalent, while the curves for specimens rather than welds and did not
growth rate regime. As exhibited in Figs. 7 R ratios of 0.10, 0.40, and 0.55 show de- consider crack closure m e a s u r e m e n t s .
and 8, closure is also overcome for all pendence on R. The dependence of da/dN Thus, based on the limited available re-
d a / d N at R ratios corresponding to 0.70 on the R ratio at lower d a / d N , followed by search of austenitic stainless steel welds, it
and 0.80. Figure 9 shows the applied a convergence to a single curve at higher is useful to verify whether crack closure
d a / d N - A K data from Figs. 2, 3, and 5-8 on d a / d N , has been previously observed for can explain the influence of R ratio on
a single plot. This figure illustrates that as wrought aluminum alloys (Ref. 10). H o w - d a / d N for these welded specimens.

l[~.,~"l FEBRUARY 2004

I E-04 . . . . . . .
316LGMAW-A-I:AK(R=0,10) 1.00
+ 3161,GMAW-A-3:AK{R=0.40) 316LGMAW-A+1: 2%slopeoffsetdala
I E-05

I E-06
~ 316L GMAW-A-4:AK (R = 0.55)
316LGMAW-A-5:AK(R: 0.70)
316LGMAW-A-6:AK(R - [L801 j
! ,O


I E-07
/ - "
0.70 k
I E-08 0.60

I E-09 0.50 BaleMetal WeldMetal

0.40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... , "1 .... i,,

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
I0 I00
AK (MPalml la)
AK (MPalml v2)

lqg. 9 - - 316L G M A W d a t a tested at a series q f R ratios. kTt,,. 10 - - U vs'. AKjbr 2 % slope off~s'et data .[br 316L G M A W tested at R =

1.00 1.00 -

316L GMAW-A-3:2 % slope offset data 3161,GMAW-A-4:2% slopeoffsetdata

0.90 0.90
Base Metal Weld Metal


7 0.80


Base Metal Weld Metal

0.50 0.50

0.40 . . . . : .... ; .... : .... i .... : ..... I .... I .... : .... [ .... i .... : .... i 0.40
0 5 I0 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

AK ( M P a l m ] m) AK (MPalm[ In)

F~,'. l l - - U l'S. A K for 2 % slope q~:~et data .]br 316L G M A W tested at R = Fig. 12 - - U vs. A K for 2 % slope off;~et data .fbr 316L G M A W tested at R =
0.40. 0.55.

Crack closure behavior can be quantita- compliance offset software generates arti- crack closure level initially increases with
tively characterized by the effective stress ficial crack closure m e a s u r e m e n t s even AK at lower AK. This can most likely be at-
range ratio, U, which is defined as the ratio when crack closure is not actually being tributed to the crack entering a compres-
of AKcfr to AK (Ref. 31). As U increases to- detected, AKcfr will appear to have a value sive residual stress field in the base metal
ward a value of unity, the influence of crack that differs in magnitude from AK even from welding. However, as AK increases,
closure diminishes. In other words, a value when the crack is fully open. However, Kmin starts to approach Kop and the level
of U equal to one represents a completely these values are actually equal when there of crack closure decreases (U increases).
open crack and a condition in which the ap- is no influence from crack closure. Conse- This trend continues until U = 0.92, tit
plied stress intensity range, AK, is equal to quently, for the current analysis, U will which point Kmin exceeds Kop, closure is
the effective stress intensity range, AKcff. As never actually equal a value of one. How- overcome completely, and the crack is
U decreases, the crack is closed during a ever, closure-free conditions are easily fully open. Thus, the increase in U and cor-
larger portion of the loading cycle, and identified when U becomes constant and responding decreases in crack closure can
crack closure has a larger influence on the nearly equal to unity. For example, in Fig. be attributed to the increase in applied AK
growth rate. Such knowledge can be applied 10, a closure-free condition is identified as and/or the crack b e g i n n i n g to enter a
to the da/dN data shown in Fig. 9 to deter- the horizontal portion of the curve where residual tensile stress field.
mine if crack closure explains the d a / d N de- U is constant and equal to 0.92, which oc- As shown in Fig. 9, applied d a / d N - A K
pendence on R. Figure 10 illustrates the re- curs over limited AK above approximately increases for a given AK when R increases
lationship between U and AK for the 316L 50 MPaJ-m. This figure verifies the domi- from 0.10 to 0.40. Figure 11 shows U a s a
weld tested at an R ratio of 0.10. In this fig- n a n t influence of crack closure for the function of AK for 2% slope offset data for
ure, only 2% slope offset data are pre- weld samples tested at an R ratio of 0.10. an R ratio of 0.40. This plot exhibits the
sented, as this offset level has been recom- Over a significant range of AK (approxi- same behavioral trend as Fig. 10. U ini-
mended as the most accurate (Ref. 17). mately 14 MPa~-m to 26 MPa~-m), U de- tially decreases with increasing AK prior to
Since, as previously discussed, the creases with an increase in AK. That is, the reaching a AK at which U escalates with


IE-04 creases f r o m 0.55 4. James, L. A. 1972. Nuclear Technology 14:
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growth rate of ap- 5. Cooke, R. J., and Beevers, C. J. 1973. En-
1 E-05 + 316LGMAW-A-3:AK(R=0.40) gineering Fracture Mechanics 5: 1061-1071.
316LGMAW-A-4:M((R=0.55) ~ proximately 3 6. Ohta, A., and Sasaki, E. 1977. Engineering
- 316LGMAW-A-5:AK(R=0.70)
X 316LGMAW-A~:AK(R = 0.80) _.Crackfor
fully open
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the increase in
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E~!$,1 FEBRUARY 2004

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