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ED 345 Calvin College Teacher Intern R.

Posthumus, Supervisor
Teacher Intern:Rebeks Rutherford
Mentor Teacher: Mary Krueger
Grade Level: 3rd Subject/ Topic: Science/ Water Cycle


Main Focus: Introduce the Water Cycle
Brief Context: Students have been briefly introduced to ideas like saltwater and freshwater
Prerequisite Knowledge/Skills: Basic understanding of forms of water
Objectives: Describe evaporation and explain key components
Assessment: Students ability to participate in group discussion and final reflection

Universal Design for Learning Networks/Domains

Multiple Means of Multiple Means of Multiple Means of
Representation Expression Engagement
Options for Perception Options for Options for recruiting
action/interaction interest
Visuals on front board
Class experiment Class experiment
Options for Options for Expression Options for Sustaining Effort
Language/Symbols & Persistence
Peer sharing
Class discussion
Options for Comprehension Options for Executive Options for Self-Regulation
Peer sharing


COVENANT MANAGEMENT: Relationship & community building

I will be seeking to understand my students with questions and prompts. I will always encourage
students to work and share ideas with partners. Additionally asking them to take charge of their own

Identify at least 2 ways you will gain whole group attention: Counting backwards
Zero voices hand signal
Strategies you intend to use to redirect individual students: Physical proximity




Today we are going to begin thinking about a process called the water cycle!

Pass out booklets

We will be using these booklets all week as we learn about all the different steps included in
the Water Cycle. Water has lots of different uses and we see it in lots of different forms. What
are some different forms of water we have seen before? Turn and talk to a partner.

Students will share ideas while teacher listens to pair sharings

Great! I heard a lot of awesome ideas being shared. Some of the things that a few groups
talked about included water as a liquid, water as ice or a solid, water as snow! There are so
many more. Water can also be in a gas form called water vapor!


Show students evaporation visual

When water get heat or energy from the sun it starts to evaporate. Small particles in the
water get really warm and turn into what we call water vapor. In this picture we can see that
water vapor coming up off the water!

Taking a look at our booklets lets see if we can fill in the empty blanks we have!

Give students 30 seconds to look at their booklets and turn and talk to partners. Have students
share ideas.

The suns heat/energy turn liquid water into water vapor!


We are going to be starting our own experiment to further investigate evaporation! Well be
putting two cups on the window sill, right in the sunlight. One will be left open, the other will
have a tight lid on top. As we go through our week well be visiting our experiment and making
some observations.

Conduct experiment, have student fill two jars with water. One will have a lid on top. Both will
be in direct sunlight on window. Students fill in words as teacher says next statement.

Students will turn and talk to a partner about one thing they learned today. Teacher will share
two things students said.

Today we talked about a process called evaporation. In order for water to evaporate we need
the ________ from the sun. Then that water turns into water ___________

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