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Each student will provide a written lecture reflection containing information from

the lecture. This must be typed and turned in for credit on the day it is due
(uploaded to blackboard) to receive full credit.

This paper will consist of a cover sheet (Title Page) that includes the lecture title,
the student's name, the course name and number, the section number, and the
professor's name.

All sections should use the associated headings.

Section One. Reflection

Each paper should be reflective of the substance of the lecture material. While
page length is indeterminable, the student should write enough to indicate a deep
understanding of the lecture points.

Section Two. Article Comparison

Article Comparison In addition to the lecture notes reflection, the student is

required to find a current article from a source such as a business journal that in
some way highlights, emphasizes, or

contrasts the points made in the lecture. The Article Comparison is secondary
research and must be presented using in text citations with a reference Section as
the last page. APA Style is required for all citations and references.

Section Three. Application Today

Application Today is devoted to what you learned from reading the article and
lecture and how it applies in todays business environment.

References The last required section is titled References. The student is

required to find a minimum of one article which must be presented using in text
citations with a reference Section as the last page. APA Style is required for all
citations and references. Minimum number of pages including cover sheet and
reference sheet is 6. Minimum performance = minimum grade (80%)

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