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The name of theory - Health Belief Model

Construct 1 Perceived Definition- Belief that youre vulnerable to a certain disease


Justification- A lot of older adults have pre-existing conditions that

can lead to mental health problems, by informing them of this it
will increase their perceived susceptibility

2 Perceived Definition- Belief that a certain action could improve your health

Justification- Motivation for older adults to participate in

activities/want to change behavior

3 Perceived Definition- Belief you are vulnerable to a health problem or the

threat sequelae of the illness/condition

Justification- informing the older adults that their other medical

conditions may put them at risk, increasing their perceived threat

4 Self-efficacy Definition- Peoples confidence in their ability to perform a certain

behavior or task

Justification- If the older adults begin to believe they can prevent

the disease, they will most likely seek ways in which they can
prevent it, making them gain confidence in performing the positive

The name of theory - Protection Motivation Theory

Constructs 1 Extrinsic Definition- Peer approval such as receiving attention

Justification- Older adults will make social connections and be role
models for others to change their behaviors. If the person
becomes happier, they will receive more positive attention

2 Intrinsic Definition- Physical and psychological pleasure such as feeling good


Justification- The older adults will feel more positive and healthier
after the program, making them want to participate more

3 Perceived Definition- If a disease/condition were contracted it could be

Severity serious

Justification- Us teaching older adults about the severity of mental

illness and all of the side effects would increase their perceived

4 Response Definition- Belief that the coping action will avert the threat

Justification- If the older adults believe they can prevent

themselves from contracting this disease, it will motivate them to
practice such behaviors

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